Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: ktbs/ktbs
def mint_uri_from_label(label, target, uri=None, suffix=""):
    Mint a URI for a resource posted to `target` based on `label`.

    :param label:  the label for the resource to create
    :param target: the resource "containing" the resource to create
    :param uri:    if provided, will be used instead (must be fresh)
    :param suffix: if provided, will be added to the end of the URI

    :return: a URI not present in `target.state`
    :rtype: rdflib.URIRef
    :raise: InvalidDataError if `uri` is provided and not acceptable
    if uri is not None:
        uri = coerce_to_uri(uri, target.uri)
        if not check_new(target.state, uri):
            raise InvalidDataError("URI already in use <%s>" % uri)
        if not uri.startswith(target.uri):
            raise InvalidDataError(
                "URI is wrong <%s> (did you forget a leading '#'?)" % uri)
        label = label.lower()
        prefix = target.uri
        if prefix[-1] != "/":
            prefix = "%s#" % prefix
        prefix = "%s%s" % (prefix, _NON_ALPHA.sub("-", label))
        uri = URIRef("%s%s" % (prefix, suffix))
        if not check_new(target.state, uri):
            prefix = "%s-" % prefix
            uri = make_fresh_uri(target.state, prefix, suffix)
    return uri
Esempio n. 2
def mint_uri_from_label(label, target, uri=None, suffix=""):
    Mint a URI for a resource posted to `target` based on `label`.

    :param label:  the label for the resource to create
    :param target: the resource "containing" the resource to create
    :param uri:    if provided, will be used instead (must be fresh)
    :param suffix: if provided, will be added to the end of the URI

    :return: a URI not present in `target.state`
    :rtype: rdflib.URIRef
    :raise: InvalidDataError if `uri` is provided and not acceptable
    if uri is not None:
        uri = coerce_to_uri(uri, target.uri)
        if not check_new(target.state, uri):
            raise InvalidDataError("URI already in use <%s>" % uri)
        if not uri.startswith(target.uri):
            raise InvalidDataError(
                "URI is wrong <%s> (did you forget a leading '#'?)" % uri)
        label = label.lower()
        prefix = target.uri
        if prefix[-1] != "/":
            prefix = "%s#" % prefix
        prefix = "%s%s" % (prefix, _NON_ALPHA.sub("-", label))
        uri = URIRef("%s%s" % (prefix, suffix))
        if not check_new(target.state, uri):
            prefix = "%s-" % prefix
            uri = make_fresh_uri(target.state, prefix, suffix)
    return uri
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: ktbs/ktbs
 def check_new_obs(uri):
     return check_new(_target_obsels, uri)
Esempio n. 4
    def do_compute_obsels(self, computed_trace, cstate, monotonicity, diag):
        """I implement :meth:`.abstract.AbstractMonosourceMethod.do_compute_obsels
        if cstate['passed_maxtime']  and  monotonicity is STRICT_MON:

        source = computed_trace.source_traces[0]
        source_obsels = source.obsel_collection
        target_obsels = computed_trace.obsel_collection
        mintime = cstate["mintime"]
        maxtime = cstate["maxtime"]
        otypes = cstate["otypes"]
        bgp = cstate["bgp"]
        passed_maxtime = cstate["passed_maxtime"]
        last_seen = cstate["last_seen"]
        if otypes:
            otypes = set( URIRef(i) for i in otypes )

        begin = mintime
        if monotonicity is NOT_MON:
            LOG.debug("non-monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            passed_maxtime = False
            last_seen = None
            target_obsels._empty() # friend #pylint: disable=W0212
        elif monotonicity is STRICT_MON:
            LOG.debug("strictly temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            if last_seen:
                begin = last_seen
        elif monotonicity is PSEUDO_MON:
            LOG.debug("pseudo temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            if last_seen:
                begin = last_seen - source.get_pseudomon_range()
            LOG.debug("non-temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)

        source_uri = source.uri
        target_uri = computed_trace.uri
        source_state = source_obsels.state
        source_triples = source_state.triples
        target_contains = target_obsels.state.__contains__
        target_add_graph = target_obsels.add_obsel_graph
        check_new_obs = lambda uri, g=target_obsels.state: check_new(g, uri)

        with target_obsels.edit({"add_obsels_only":1}, _trust=True):
            for obs in source.iter_obsels(begin=begin, bgp=bgp, refresh="no"):
                last_seen = obs.begin
                if maxtime:
                    if obs.end > maxtime:
                        LOG.debug("--- passing maxtime on %s", obs)
                        passed_maxtime = True
                if otypes:
                    obs_uri = obs.uri
                    obs_state = obs.state
                    for otype in otypes:
                        if (obs_uri, RDF.type, otype) in obs_state:
                    else: # goes with the for (NOT the if)
                        LOG.debug("--- dropping %s", obs)

                new_obs_uri = translate_node(obs.uri, computed_trace,
                                             source_uri, False)
                if target_contains((new_obs_uri, KTBS.hasTrace, target_uri)):
                    LOG.debug("--- skipping %s", new_obs_uri)
                    continue # already added

                LOG.debug("--- keeping %s", obs)
                new_obs_graph = Graph()
                new_obs_add = new_obs_graph.add

                new_obs_add((new_obs_uri, KTBS.hasTrace, target_uri))
                new_obs_add((new_obs_uri, KTBS.hasSourceObsel, obs.uri))

                for _, pred, obj in source_triples((obs.uri, None, None)):
                    if pred == KTBS.hasTrace  or  pred == KTBS.hasSourceObsel:
                    new_obj = translate_node(obj, computed_trace, source_uri,
                                             False, check_new_obs)
                    if new_obj is None:
                        continue # skip relations to nodes that are filtered out or not created yet
                    new_obs_add((new_obs_uri, pred, new_obj))

                for subj, pred, _ in source_triples((None, None, obs.uri)):
                    if pred == KTBS.hasTrace  or  pred == KTBS.hasSourceObsel:
                    new_subj = translate_node(subj, computed_trace, source_uri,
                                              False, check_new_obs)
                    if new_subj is None:
                        continue # skip relations from nodes that are filtered out or not created yet
                    new_obs_add((new_subj, pred, new_obs_uri))


        cstate["passed_maxtime"] = passed_maxtime
        cstate["last_seen"] = last_seen
Esempio n. 5
    def do_compute_obsels(self, computed_trace, cstate, monotonicity, diag):
        """I implement :meth:`.abstract.AbstractMonosourceMethod.do_compute_obsels
        if cstate['passed_maxtime'] and monotonicity is STRICT_MON:

        source = computed_trace.source_traces[0]
        source_obsels = source.obsel_collection
        target_obsels = computed_trace.obsel_collection
        mintime = cstate["mintime"]
        maxtime = cstate["maxtime"]
        otypes = cstate["otypes"]
        if otypes:
            otypes = set(URIRef(i) for i in otypes)
        bgp = cstate["bgp"]
        passed_maxtime = cstate["passed_maxtime"]
            last_seen_u = cstate["last_seen_u"]
            if last_seen_u:
                last_seen_u = URIRef(last_seen_u)
            last_seen_b = cstate["last_seen_b"]
        except KeyError:
            # might be the cstate of an older version of 'filter'
            last_seen_b = cstate.pop("last_seen", None)
            last_seen_u = None
            if monotonicity is STRICT_MON:
                monotonicity = PSEUDO_MON  # ensures a save recovery

        begin = mintime
        after = None
        if monotonicity is NOT_MON:
            LOG.debug("non-monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            passed_maxtime = False
            last_seen_u = last_seen_b = None
            target_obsels._empty()  # friend #pylint: disable=W0212
        elif monotonicity is STRICT_MON:
            LOG.debug("strictly temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            if last_seen_u:
                after = last_seen_u
        elif monotonicity is PSEUDO_MON:
            LOG.debug("pseudo temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            if last_seen_b is not None:
                begin = last_seen_b - source.get_pseudomon_range()
            LOG.debug("non-temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)

        if otypes:
            filter_otypes = ', '.join(otype.n3() for otype in otypes)
            bgp = (bgp or '') + '''?obs a ?_filter_otype_.
            FILTER(?_filter_otype_ in (%s))''' % filter_otypes

        source_uri = source.uri
        target_uri = computed_trace.uri
        source_state = source_obsels.state
        target_contains = target_obsels.state.__contains__
        target_add_graph = target_obsels.add_obsel_graph
        check_new_obs = lambda uri, g=target_obsels.state: check_new(g, uri)
        source_obsels = source.iter_obsels(after=after,

        with target_obsels.edit({"add_obsels_only": 1}, _trust=True):
            for obs in source_obsels:
                new_obs_uri = translate_node(obs.uri, computed_trace,
                                             source_uri, False)
                if monotonicity is not STRICT_MON\
                and target_contains((new_obs_uri, KTBS.hasTrace, target_uri)):
                    LOG.debug("--- already seen %s", new_obs_uri)
                    continue  # already added

                LOG.debug("--- keeping %s", obs)
                new_obs_graph = copy_obsel(

        for obs in source.iter_obsels(begin=begin, reverse=True, limit=1):
            # iter only once on the last obsel, if any
            last_seen_u = obs.uri
            last_seen_b = obs.begin
            passed_maxtime = (maxtime is not None and obs.end > maxtime)

        cstate["passed_maxtime"] = passed_maxtime
        if last_seen_u is not None:
            last_seen_u = unicode(last_seen_u)
        cstate["last_seen_u"] = last_seen_u
        cstate["last_seen_b"] = last_seen_b
Esempio n. 6
    def do_compute_obsels(self, computed_trace, cstate, monotonicity, diag):
        """I implement :meth:`.abstract.AbstractMonosourceMethod.do_compute_obsels
        if cstate['passed_maxtime'] and monotonicity is STRICT_MON:

        source = computed_trace.source_traces[0]
        source_obsels = source.obsel_collection
        target_obsels = computed_trace.obsel_collection
        mintime = cstate["mintime"]
        maxtime = cstate["maxtime"]
        otypes = cstate["otypes"]
        bgp = cstate["bgp"]
        passed_maxtime = cstate["passed_maxtime"]
        last_seen = cstate["last_seen"]
        if otypes:
            otypes = set(URIRef(i) for i in otypes)

        begin = mintime
        if monotonicity is NOT_MON:
            LOG.debug("non-monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            passed_maxtime = False
            last_seen = None
            target_obsels._empty()  # friend #pylint: disable=W0212
        elif monotonicity is STRICT_MON:
            LOG.debug("strictly temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            if last_seen:
                begin = last_seen
        elif monotonicity is PSEUDO_MON:
            LOG.debug("pseudo temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            if last_seen:
                begin = last_seen - source.get_pseudomon_range()
            LOG.debug("non-temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)

        source_uri = source.uri
        target_uri = computed_trace.uri
        source_state = source_obsels.state
        source_triples = source_state.triples
        target_contains = target_obsels.state.__contains__
        target_add_graph = target_obsels.add_obsel_graph
        check_new_obs = lambda uri, g=target_obsels.state: check_new(g, uri)

        with target_obsels.edit({"add_obsels_only": 1}, _trust=True):
            for obs in source.iter_obsels(begin=begin, bgp=bgp, refresh="no"):
                last_seen = obs.begin
                if maxtime:
                    if obs.end > maxtime:
                        LOG.debug("--- passing maxtime on %s", obs)
                        passed_maxtime = True
                if otypes:
                    obs_uri = obs.uri
                    obs_state = obs.state
                    for otype in otypes:
                        if (obs_uri, RDF.type, otype) in obs_state:
                    else:  # goes with the for (NOT the if)
                        LOG.debug("--- dropping %s", obs)

                new_obs_uri = translate_node(obs.uri, computed_trace,
                                             source_uri, False)
                if target_contains((new_obs_uri, KTBS.hasTrace, target_uri)):
                    LOG.debug("--- skipping %s", new_obs_uri)
                    continue  # already added

                LOG.debug("--- keeping %s", obs)
                new_obs_graph = Graph()
                new_obs_add = new_obs_graph.add

                new_obs_add((new_obs_uri, KTBS.hasTrace, target_uri))
                new_obs_add((new_obs_uri, KTBS.hasSourceObsel, obs.uri))

                for _, pred, obj in source_triples((obs.uri, None, None)):
                    if pred == KTBS.hasTrace or pred == KTBS.hasSourceObsel:
                    new_obj = translate_node(obj, computed_trace, source_uri,
                                             False, check_new_obs)
                    if new_obj is None:
                        continue  # skip relations to nodes that are filtered out or not created yet
                    new_obs_add((new_obs_uri, pred, new_obj))

                for subj, pred, _ in source_triples((None, None, obs.uri)):
                    if pred == KTBS.hasTrace or pred == KTBS.hasSourceObsel:
                    new_subj = translate_node(subj, computed_trace, source_uri,
                                              False, check_new_obs)
                    if new_subj is None:
                        continue  # skip relations from nodes that are filtered out or not created yet
                    new_obs_add((new_subj, pred, new_obs_uri))


        cstate["passed_maxtime"] = passed_maxtime
        cstate["last_seen"] = last_seen
Esempio n. 7
File: Progetto: ktbs/ktbs
    def do_compute_obsels(self, computed_trace, cstate, monotonicity, diag):
        """I implement :meth:`.abstract.AbstractMonosourceMethod.do_compute_obsels
        if cstate['passed_maxtime']  and  monotonicity is STRICT_MON:

        source = computed_trace.source_traces[0]
        source_obsels = source.obsel_collection
        target_obsels = computed_trace.obsel_collection
        mintime = cstate["mintime"]
        maxtime = cstate["maxtime"]
        otypes = cstate["otypes"]
        if otypes:
            otypes = set( URIRef(i) for i in otypes )
        bgp = cstate["bgp"]
        passed_maxtime = cstate["passed_maxtime"]
            last_seen_u = cstate["last_seen_u"]
            if last_seen_u:
                last_seen_u = URIRef(last_seen_u)
            last_seen_b = cstate["last_seen_b"]
        except KeyError:
            # might be the cstate of an older version of 'filter'
            last_seen_b = cstate.pop("last_seen", None)
            last_seen_u = None
            if monotonicity is STRICT_MON:
                monotonicity = PSEUDO_MON # ensures a save recovery

        begin = mintime
        after = None
        if monotonicity is NOT_MON:
            LOG.debug("non-monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            passed_maxtime = False
            last_seen_u = last_seen_b = None
            target_obsels._empty() # friend #pylint: disable=W0212
        elif monotonicity is STRICT_MON:
            LOG.debug("strictly temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            if last_seen_u:
                after = last_seen_u
        elif monotonicity is PSEUDO_MON:
            LOG.debug("pseudo temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            if last_seen_b is not None:
                begin = last_seen_b - source.get_pseudomon_range()
            LOG.debug("non-temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)

        if otypes:
            filter_otypes = ', '.join( otype.n3() for otype in otypes )
            bgp = (bgp or '') + '''?obs a ?_filter_otype_.
            FILTER(?_filter_otype_ in (%s))''' % filter_otypes

        source_uri = source.uri
        target_uri = computed_trace.uri
        source_state = source_obsels.state
        target_contains = target_obsels.state.__contains__
        target_add_graph = target_obsels.add_obsel_graph
        check_new_obs = lambda uri, g=target_obsels.state: check_new(g, uri)
        source_obsels = source.iter_obsels(after=after, begin=begin,
                                           end=maxtime, bgp=bgp, refresh="no")

        with target_obsels.edit({"add_obsels_only":1}, _trust=True):
            for obs in source_obsels:
                new_obs_uri = translate_node(obs.uri, computed_trace,
                                             source_uri, False)
                if monotonicity is not STRICT_MON\
                and target_contains((new_obs_uri, KTBS.hasTrace, target_uri)):
                    LOG.debug("--- already seen %s", new_obs_uri)
                    continue # already added

                LOG.debug("--- keeping %s", obs)
                new_obs_graph = copy_obsel(obs.uri, computed_trace, source,

        for obs in source.iter_obsels(begin=begin, reverse=True, limit=1):
            # iter only once on the last obsel, if any
            last_seen_u = obs.uri
            last_seen_b = obs.begin
            passed_maxtime = (maxtime is not None  and  obs.end > maxtime)

        cstate["passed_maxtime"] = passed_maxtime
        if last_seen_u is not None:
            last_seen_u = unicode(last_seen_u)
        cstate["last_seen_u"] = last_seen_u
        cstate["last_seen_b"] = last_seen_b
Esempio n. 8
 def check_new_obs(uri):
     return check_new(_target_obsels, uri)
Esempio n. 9
    def do_compute_obsels(self, computed_trace, cstate, monotonicity, diag):
        """I implement :meth:`.abstract.AbstractMonosourceMethod.do_compute_obsels
        source = computed_trace.source_traces[0]
        source_obsels = source.obsel_collection
        target_obsels = computed_trace.obsel_collection
        bgps = cstate["bgps"]
        last_seen_u = cstate["last_seen_u"]
        if last_seen_u:
            last_seen_u = URIRef(last_seen_u)
        last_seen_b = cstate["last_seen_b"]

        begin = None
        after = None
        if monotonicity is NOT_MON:
            LOG.debug("non-monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            last_seen_u = last_seen_b = None
            target_obsels._empty()  # friend #pylint: disable=W0212
        elif monotonicity is STRICT_MON:
            LOG.debug("strictly temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            if last_seen_u:
                after = last_seen_u
        elif monotonicity is PSEUDO_MON:
            LOG.debug("pseudo temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)
            if last_seen_b is not None:
                begin = last_seen_b - source.get_pseudomon_range()
            LOG.debug("non-temporally monotonic %s", computed_trace)

        source_uri = source.uri
        target_uri = computed_trace.uri
        source_state = source_obsels.state
        target_contains = target_obsels.state.__contains__
        target_add_graph = target_obsels.add_obsel_graph
        check_new_obs = lambda uri, g=target_obsels.state: check_new(g, uri)

        inserted = set()
        with target_obsels.edit({"add_obsels_only": 1}, _trust=True):
            for _rank, new_type, bgp in bgps:
                new_type = URIRef(new_type)
                select = source_obsels.build_select(after=after, bgp=bgp)
                query_str = "PREFIX ktbs: <%s#> %s" % (KTBS_NS_URI, select)
                tuples = list(source_obsels.state.query(query_str))

                for obs_uri, in tuples:
                    new_obs_uri = translate_node(obs_uri, computed_trace,
                                                 source_uri, False)
                    if monotonicity is PSEUDO_MON\
                    and target_contains((new_obs_uri, KTBS.hasTrace, target_uri))\
                    or new_obs_uri in inserted:
                        # could be either because of pseudo-monotony,
                        # or because a BGP with higher priority already matched
                        LOG.debug("--- already seen %s", new_obs_uri)
                        continue  # already added

                    new_obs_graph = copy_obsel(
                    new_obs_graph.set((new_obs_uri, RDF.type, new_type))

        for obs in source.iter_obsels(begin=begin, reverse=True, limit=1):
            # iter only once on the last obsel, if any
            last_seen_u = obs.uri
            last_seen_b = obs.begin

        if last_seen_u is not None:
            last_seen_u = unicode(last_seen_u)
        cstate["last_seen_u"] = last_seen_u
        cstate["last_seen_b"] = last_seen_b