Esempio n. 1
def pyScorePair(at1, at2, dist, atomCodes=None):
    """ Returns a score for an individual atom pair.

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CCCCC')
  >>> c1 = Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0))
  >>> c2 = Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(1))
  >>> c3 = Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(2))
  >>> t = 1 | min(c1,c2)<<numPathBits | max(c1,c2)<<(rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize+numPathBits)
  >>> pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0),m.GetAtomWithIdx(1),1)==t
  >>> pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(1),m.GetAtomWithIdx(0),1)==t
  >>> t = 2 | min(c1,c3)<<numPathBits | max(c1,c3)<<(rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize+numPathBits)
  >>> pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0),m.GetAtomWithIdx(2),2)==t
  >>> pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0),m.GetAtomWithIdx(2),2,
  ...  atomCodes=(Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0)),Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(2))))==t

    if not atomCodes:
        code1 = Utils.GetAtomCode(at1)
        code2 = Utils.GetAtomCode(at2)
        code1, code2 = atomCodes
    accum = int(dist) % _maxPathLen
    accum |= min(code1, code2) << numPathBits
    accum |= max(code1, code2) << (
        rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize + numPathBits)
    return accum
Esempio n. 2
def ExplainPairScore(score):
  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C=CC')
  >>> score = pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0),m.GetAtomWithIdx(1),1)
  >>> ExplainPairScore(score)
  (('C', 1, 1), 1, ('C', 2, 1))
  >>> score = pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0),m.GetAtomWithIdx(2),2)
  >>> ExplainPairScore(score)
  (('C', 1, 0), 2, ('C', 1, 1))
  >>> score = pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(1),m.GetAtomWithIdx(2),1)
  >>> ExplainPairScore(score)
  (('C', 1, 0), 1, ('C', 2, 1))
  >>> score = pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(2),m.GetAtomWithIdx(1),1)
  >>> ExplainPairScore(score)
  (('C', 1, 0), 1, ('C', 2, 1))

    codeMask = (1 << rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize) - 1
    pathMask = (1 << numPathBits) - 1
    dist = score & pathMask

    score = score >> numPathBits
    code1 = score & codeMask
    score = score >> rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize
    code2 = score & codeMask

    res = Utils.ExplainAtomCode(code1), dist, Utils.ExplainAtomCode(code2)
    return res
Esempio n. 3
    def testGithub334(self):
        m1 = Chem.MolFromSmiles('N#C')
        self.assertEqual(Utils.NumPiElectrons(m1.GetAtomWithIdx(0)), 2)
        self.assertEqual(Utils.NumPiElectrons(m1.GetAtomWithIdx(1)), 2)

        m1 = Chem.MolFromSmiles('N#[CH]')
        self.assertEqual(Utils.NumPiElectrons(m1.GetAtomWithIdx(0)), 2)
        self.assertEqual(Utils.NumPiElectrons(m1.GetAtomWithIdx(1)), 2)
Esempio n. 4
def ExplainPairScore(score, includeChirality=False):
  >>> from rdkit import Chem
  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C=CC')
  >>> score = pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0), m.GetAtomWithIdx(1), 1)
  >>> ExplainPairScore(score)
  (('C', 1, 1), 1, ('C', 2, 1))
  >>> score = pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0), m.GetAtomWithIdx(2), 2)
  >>> ExplainPairScore(score)
  (('C', 1, 0), 2, ('C', 1, 1))
  >>> score = pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(1), m.GetAtomWithIdx(2), 1)
  >>> ExplainPairScore(score)
  (('C', 1, 0), 1, ('C', 2, 1))
  >>> score = pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(2), m.GetAtomWithIdx(1), 1)
  >>> ExplainPairScore(score)
  (('C', 1, 0), 1, ('C', 2, 1))

  We can optionally deal with chirality too
  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C[C@H](F)Cl')
  >>> score = pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0), m.GetAtomWithIdx(1), 1)
  >>> ExplainPairScore(score)
  (('C', 1, 0), 1, ('C', 3, 0))
  >>> score = pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0), m.GetAtomWithIdx(1), 1, includeChirality=True)
  >>> ExplainPairScore(score, includeChirality=True)
  (('C', 1, 0, ''), 1, ('C', 3, 0, 'R'))
  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('F[C@@H](Cl)[C@H](F)Cl')
  >>> score = pyScorePair(m.GetAtomWithIdx(1), m.GetAtomWithIdx(3), 1, includeChirality=True)
  >>> ExplainPairScore(score, includeChirality=True)
  (('C', 3, 0, 'R'), 1, ('C', 3, 0, 'S'))

    codeSize = rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize
    if includeChirality:
        codeSize += rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.numChiralBits

    codeMask = (1 << codeSize) - 1
    pathMask = (1 << numPathBits) - 1
    dist = score & pathMask

    score = score >> numPathBits
    code1 = score & codeMask
    score = score >> codeSize
    code2 = score & codeMask

    return (Utils.ExplainAtomCode(code1,
                                  includeChirality=includeChirality), dist,
            Utils.ExplainAtomCode(code2, includeChirality=includeChirality))
Esempio n. 5
def pyScorePath(mol, path, size, atomCodes=None):
    """ Returns a score for an individual path.

  >>> from rdkit import Chem
  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CCCCC')
  >>> c1 = Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0),1)
  >>> c2 = Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(1),2)
  >>> c3 = Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(2),2)
  >>> c4 = Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(3),1)
  >>> t = c1 | (c2 << rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize) | (c3 << (rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize*2)) | (c4 << (rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize*3))
  >>> pyScorePath(m,(0,1,2,3),4)==t

  The scores are path direction independent:

  >>> pyScorePath(m,(3,2,1,0),4)==t

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C=CC(=O)O')
  >>> c1 = Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(0),1)
  >>> c2 = Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(1),2)
  >>> c3 = Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(2),2)
  >>> c4 = Utils.GetAtomCode(m.GetAtomWithIdx(4),1)
  >>> t = c1 | (c2 << rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize) | (c3 << (rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize*2)) | (c4 << (rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize*3))
  >>> pyScorePath(m,(0,1,2,4),4)==t

    codes = [None] * size
    for i in range(size):
        if i == 0 or i == (size - 1):
            sub = 1
            sub = 2
        if not atomCodes:
            codes[i] = Utils.GetAtomCode(mol.GetAtomWithIdx(path[i]), sub)
            base = atomCodes[path[i]]
            codes[i] = base - sub

    # "canonicalize" the code vector:
    beg = 0
    end = len(codes) - 1
    while (beg < end):
        if codes[beg] > codes[end]:
        elif codes[beg] == codes[end]:
            beg += 1
            end -= 1
    accum = 0
    for i in range(size):
        accum |= codes[i] << (rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize *
    return accum
Esempio n. 6
def ExplainPathScore(score, size=4):

  >>> from rdkit import Chem
  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C=CC')
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m, (0, 1, 2), 3)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score, 3)
  (('C', 1, 0), ('C', 2, 1), ('C', 1, 1))

  Again, it's order independent:

  >>> score = pyScorePath(m, (2, 1, 0), 3)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score, 3)
  (('C', 1, 0), ('C', 2, 1), ('C', 1, 1))

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C=CO')
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m, (0, 1, 2), 3)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score, 3)
  (('C', 1, 1), ('C', 2, 1), ('O', 1, 0))

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('OC=CO')
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m, (0, 1, 2, 3), 4)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score, 4)
  (('O', 1, 0), ('C', 2, 1), ('C', 2, 1), ('O', 1, 0))

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CC=CO')
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m, (0, 1, 2, 3), 4)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score, 4)
  (('C', 1, 0), ('C', 2, 1), ('C', 2, 1), ('O', 1, 0))

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C=CC(=O)O')
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m, (0, 1, 2, 3), 4)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score, 4)
  (('C', 1, 1), ('C', 2, 1), ('C', 3, 1), ('O', 1, 1))
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m, (0, 1, 2, 4), 4)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score, 4)
  (('C', 1, 1), ('C', 2, 1), ('C', 3, 1), ('O', 1, 0))

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('OOOO')
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m, (0, 1, 2), 3)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score, 3)
  (('O', 1, 0), ('O', 2, 0), ('O', 2, 0))
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m, (0, 1, 2, 3), 4)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score, 4)
  (('O', 1, 0), ('O', 2, 0), ('O', 2, 0), ('O', 1, 0))

    codeSize: int = rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize
    codeMask = (1 << codeSize) - 1
    res = [None] * size
    for i in range(size):
        if i == 0 or i == size - 1:
            sub = 1
            sub = 2
        code = score & codeMask
        score = score >> codeSize
        symb, nBranch, nPi = Utils.ExplainAtomCode(code)
        res[i] = (symb, nBranch + sub, nPi)
    return tuple(res)
Esempio n. 7
def ExplainPathScore(score, size=4):

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C=CC')
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m,(0,1,2),3)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score,3)
  (('C', 1, 0), ('C', 2, 1), ('C', 1, 1))

  Again, it's order independent:
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m,(2,1,0),3)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score,3)
  (('C', 1, 0), ('C', 2, 1), ('C', 1, 1))

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C=CO')
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m,(0,1,2),3)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score,3)
  (('C', 1, 1), ('C', 2, 1), ('O', 1, 0))

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('OC=CO')
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m,(0,1,2,3),4)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score,4)
  (('O', 1, 0), ('C', 2, 1), ('C', 2, 1), ('O', 1, 0))

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CC=CO')
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m,(0,1,2,3),4)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score,4)
  (('C', 1, 0), ('C', 2, 1), ('C', 2, 1), ('O', 1, 0))

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C=CC(=O)O')
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m,(0,1,2,3),4)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score,4)
  (('C', 1, 1), ('C', 2, 1), ('C', 3, 1), ('O', 1, 1))
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m,(0,1,2,4),4)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score,4)
  (('C', 1, 1), ('C', 2, 1), ('C', 3, 1), ('O', 1, 0))

  >>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('OOOO')
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m,(0,1,2),3)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score,3)
  (('O', 1, 0), ('O', 2, 0), ('O', 2, 0))
  >>> score=pyScorePath(m,(0,1,2,3),4)
  >>> ExplainPathScore(score,4)
  (('O', 1, 0), ('O', 2, 0), ('O', 2, 0), ('O', 1, 0))

    codeMask = (1 << rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize) - 1
    res = [None] * size
    #print '>>>>>>>>>>>',score,size,codeMask
    for i in range(size):
        if i == 0 or i == (size - 1):
            sub = 1
            sub = 2
        code = score & codeMask
        #print i,code,score
        score = score >> rdMolDescriptors.AtomPairsParameters.codeSize
        symb, nBranch, nPi = Utils.ExplainAtomCode(code)
        expl = symb, nBranch + sub, nPi
        res[i] = expl
    return tuple(res)