Esempio n. 1
    def __call__(self, args, data=None, **kwargs):
        if len(args) >= 2:
            if args[1] == '2' and len(args) == 2:
                return "8! Whoa, that's 2Cubed!"

            numbers = findall(
                r"( [0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)",
                ' ' + ' '.join(args[1:]) + ' '

            if len(numbers) == 0:
                return "{w[0]}{response}{w[1]}Β³".format(
                    response=' '.join(args[1:]),
                    w='  ' if findall(r":\w+$", ' '.join(args[1:])) else '()'
            elif len(numbers) > 8:
                return "Whoa! That's 2 many cubes!"

            return sub(
                r"( [0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)",
                lambda match: " {:g} ".format(float(match.groups()[0]) ** 3),
                ' ' + ' '.join(args[1:]) + ' '
            return "Usage: !cube [number]"
Esempio n. 2
def get_binary():
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    regex = compile(r'gpg \(GnuPG\) ([1-2])\..*')

    gpg_subprocess = Popen(['gpg', '--version'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=None)
    stdout, _ = gpg_subprocess.communicate()
    version = stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines()[0]

    match = regex.match(version)
    if match:
        group = match.groups()[0]
        logger.debug('get_binary: gpg, version: "%s"', group)
        if group == "2":
            return 'gpg'
        if group == "1":
            gpg2_subprocess = Popen(['gpg2', '--version'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=None)
            stdout_2, _ = gpg2_subprocess.communicate()
            version_2 = stdout_2.decode('utf-8').splitlines()[0]

            m_2 = regex.match(version_2)
            if m_2:
                g_2 = m_2.groups()[0]
                logger.debug('get_binary: gpg2, version: "%s"', g_2)
                if g_2 == "2":
                    return 'gpg2'
    logging.getLogger().error('get_binary: unkown gpg version')
Esempio n. 3
 def _get_label(self):
     with self.losetup_context_manager() as device:
         out = file("-s", device, **SH_OPTS).stdout.decode("utf8").strip()
         # "label:" is for fat partitions,
         # "volume name" is for ext partitions
         # "BTRFS Filesystem label" is for btrfs partitions
         match = search(
             '(BTRFS Filesystem label|label:|volume name) "(.*)"',
         if match is not None:
             return match.groups()[1].strip()
Esempio n. 4
def parse_session_mode_and_map(log_data):
    Get the mode and map from the log data.
    Returning a tuple of mode and map of the session.
    @param log_data: The data from the log file
        match = search(
            r"<\d{2}:\d{2}> [^d]* Loading level \w+\/(\w+), \w+ (\w+)",
        line_map, line_mode = match.groups()
        return (line_mode, line_map)
    except Exception:
        print("Something is wrong with the log file!")
Esempio n. 5
    def __call__(self, args, data=None, **kwargs):
        if args[1] == '2' and len(args) == 2:
            return "8! Whoa, that's 2Cubed!"

        numbers = findall("( [0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)",
                          ' ' + ' '.join(args[1:]) + ' ')

        if len(numbers) == 0:
            return "{w[0]}{response}{w[1]}Β³".format(
                response=' '.join(args[1:]),
                w='  ' if findall(":\w+$", ' '.join(args[1:])) else '()')
        elif len(numbers) > 8:
            return "Whoa! That's 2 many cubes!"

        return sub("( [0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)",
                   lambda match: " {:g} ".format(float(match.groups()[0])**3),
                   ' ' + ' '.join(args[1:]) + ' ')
Esempio n. 6
# This is the base url.  To form a url with data, we need to append
# a number to it.
baseurl = ''

# The regular expression that will get the numbers out of the
# appropriate text.
target = compile('.+ the next nothing is ([0-9]{1,5})')

# The initial url appendage
nothing = 12345

# Loop forever.  We will break out when we reach the end of the linked
# steps.
while True:
# Compose the target url and strip out newline characters that will
# confuse our regex engine.
  urldata = urlopen(baseurl + str(nothing)).read().decode().replace('\n','')
  match = target.match(urldata)
# If there is a regex match, use the new number as nothing and proceed.
  if match:
    nothing = match.groups(0)[0]
# Avoids a wrench in the works.
  if 'Divide by two' in urldata:
    nothing = int(nothing)/2
# If there's not a match to the regular expression, print what the URL
# says and break out of the forever loop.
  elif not match:
Esempio n. 7
pattern = r"(?P<first>abc)def(ghi)j" 
m1 = match(pattern, "abcdefghij") 
if m1: 

# Example as name: 
import re 
pattern = r"(?P<first>gol)(?:dys)(ran)" 
match = re.match(pattern, "goldysran") 
if match: print("first")) 
    print(match.groups()) # gol ('gol', 'ran')
# in simple words ?:.... skips the word but numbring remains same as you can see in the the given example(dys) skipped.... 

# What would be the result of len(match.groups()) of a match of (a)(b(?:c)(d)(?:e))? ---> 3
# Group 1 - (a)
# Group 2 - (bd)
# Group 3 - (d) 
# Length of Groups = 3

# The full code would be: 
import re 
pattern = r"(a)(b(?:c)(d)(?:e))" 
match = re.match(pattern, "abcde")
Esempio n. 8
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# Every program needs a version. It uses the common version convention
global __version__;
__version__ = '.'.join(list(map(str, [528, 0])) + ['491']);
# Python has very strict version names so we need to validate it
from re import match
match = match(r'([0123456790]{1,5})\.([0123456790]{1,5})\.([0123456790]{1,5})',
if match is None:
    # Our version is very wrong so we need to report it
    __version__ = "The version is very wrong";
    import warnings; warnings.warn(__version__);
        __version__ = '{}.{}'.format(int(match.groups()[0], int(match.groups()\
        __version__ = __version__ + str(int(match.groups()[3]));
        __version__ = 'Error';
__all__ = tuple(['__version__']);
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