Esempio n. 1
	def __init__(self, filename):
		self.__dict__["table"] = {	# The host file
						"host"    	: "",
						# The name of the environment (what are
						# we doing here)
						"name"	        : "",
						# Mail address of the responsible person
						"responsible" 	: "",
						# The input directory
						"input"   	: "",
						# The output directory
						"output"  	: "",
						# The path to the executable
						"exe"     	: "",
						# The configuration of the executable
						"conf"    	: [],
						# List of modules to load before
						# the executable can run 
						"modules" 	: [],
						# Maximal time for testing (not for the
						# individual tests)
						"max_walltime"  : 0,
						# The MPI infos. Note that these
						# are not part of the host data because
						# different executables might be
						# compiled with different MPI versions
						"mpi" : {       # The implementation
								"type" : "",
								# The execution command (you know, mpiexec is not standard)
								"cmd"  : "" } }

		t =

		for k, v in
			if "type" == k:
				assert "env" == v
			self.table[k] = v

                for k, v in t["mpi"].items():
			self.table["mpi"][k] = v

		now =
		for v in [ "%a", "%b", "%y", "%H", "%M" ]:
			self.output = re.sub(v, now.strftime(v), self.output)

		# Save the current time
		self.__dict__["now"] = now.strftime("%a-%b-%y-%H-%M")
Esempio n. 2
	def __init__(self, filename):
		self.__dict__["table"] = {	# The name of the host. Typically the hostname
						"host"  : "anonymous",
						# The batch system description
						"batch" : {     # The type (PBS, SGE, LoadLeveler, ...)
								"type" : "",
								# The executables used to submit, delete and check
								# jobs
								"sub"  : "",
								"del"  : "",
								"stat" : "" },
						# Template for mailing
						"sendmail" : "" }

		t =

		for k, v in t.items():
			if "type" == k:
				assert "host" == v
			self.table[k] = v

		for k, v in t["batch"].items():
			self.table["batch"][k] = v
Esempio n. 3
	def __init__(self, filename):
		pwd = os.path.dirname(filename)
		[ self.append(Test(pwd, v)) for v in self.split(read_JSON(filename)) ]