Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.whites: Set[int] = helper.get_white_color_codes()
     self.d = readFile.read_file()
Esempio n. 2
import readFile
def lcs(S,T):
	m = len(S)
	n = len(T)
	counter = [[0]*(n+1) for x in range(m+1)]
	longest = 0
	for i in range(m):
		for j in range(n):
			if S[i] == T[j]:
				c = counter[i][j] + 1
				counter[i+1][j+1] = c
				if c > longest:
					longest = c
				elif c == longest:
	return int((2*(length-1)/(len(S)+len(T)))*100)
#Comparing all the lists of files.
for i in range(0,(len(files)-1)):
	for j in range((i+1),len(files)):
			print("Plagiarism between ",files[i],"and ",files[j]," is: ",str(lcs(directory[files[i]],directory[files[j]])),"%",)
			print(files[i]," and ",files[j]," are empty.")
Esempio n. 3
from Model import train_using_default_dict
from Model import test
from readFile import read_file

if __name__ == "__main__":


    print("Enter sample text to be searched--")
    user_input = str(input())
Esempio n. 4
from visualize import animate
from connector import turns_connector, k_regret_connector
import numpy as np

def calculate_path_dist(history_cycles, distance_matrix):
    distance1 = calculate_dist_of_given_cycle(history_cycles[0],
    distance2 = calculate_dist_of_given_cycle(history_cycles[1],
    return distance1, distance2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data_set = 'kroB'
    overview, coordinates = read_file('data/' + data_set + '100.tsp')
    distance_matrix = count_dist(coordinates)
    # resc, histc = greedy_cycle(distance_matrix, start_with=10)
    # resp, histp = greedy_nearest_neighbour(distance_matrix, start_with=10)

    results = []
    for x in range(100):
        history_gc, picked_nodes = turns_connector(
            [greedy_cycle_propose, greedy_cycle_propose], distance_matrix)

        gc_dist_1, gc_dist_2 = calculate_path_dist(history_gc[-1],
        results.append([gc_dist_1 + gc_dist_2, picked_nodes])
        # animate(history_gc, coordinates, cycle=[True, True])
Esempio n. 5
# Author: Antonio Cruz
# Creation date: June,19,2018
# This code is divided mainly in 2 parts:
# I.) A K-shortest path function based on the Dijkstra algorithm
# II.) Graph Network modeling and analysis
# I. A KSP algorithm determines the amount(K) of shortest paths given from a source node to a destination node
#    Most KSPs are based in the Dijkstra algorithm
#    For this project, the KSP algorithm has been altered so it can also be applied to areas inside the links,
#    This means that the KSP can determine the distance from either Node to Node, or from Node to a specified Point
#    in the link.
# II.

from NodeClass import Node
from readFile import read_file
# from EdgeClass import Edge

b_list = Node(2, 3, 5.2, 2.1, 1.2)
listing = read_file("Distance.txt")

def classify_email(filename):
    x = email_features(process_email(read_file(filename), 'vocab.txt')).reshape(1, -1)
    pred = model.predict(x)
    print('\nProcessed {}\n\nSpam Classification: {}\n'.format(filename, pred))
    print('(1 indicates spam, 0 indicates not spam)\n\n')
def pause():

"""## Part 1: Email Pre-processing
  To use an SVM to classify emails into Spam v.s. Non-Spam, you first need
  to convert each email into a vector of features. In this part, you will
  implement the pre-processing steps for each email. You should
  complete the code in to produce a word indices vector
  for a given email."""

print('\nPre-processing sample email (emailSample1.txt)\n')

# Extract Features
file_contents = read_file('emailSample1.txt')
word_indices = process_email(file_contents, 'vocab.txt')

# Print Stats
print('Word Indices: \n')

print('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n')
## Part 2: Feature Extraction
  Convert each email into a vector of features in R^n.

print('\nExtracting features from sample email (emailSample1.txt)\n')
Esempio n. 8
def getWordFrequency(filename):
	text = read_file(filename)
	words = getWordsFromText(text)
	frequencyMap = countFrequency(words)
	return frequencyMap
Esempio n. 9
def solve(file_name):
    This function takes in the lazor file name, calculates the block positions
    to solve the lazor file, and saves a file with the solution
            file_name: name of the board file to be read
    # Load lazor file variables
    Grid, fixed_Blocks, Blocks, Lazor_Path, Lazor_Dir, m, b, not_allowed, t, P = read_file(file_name)

    # Specify how many of each block type there are
    num_reflect = Blocks[0]
    num_opaque = Blocks[1]
    num_refract = Blocks[2]
    num_blocks = sum(Blocks)

    # for each block define it as an object and store in blocks variable
    blocks = []
    block_type = []
    for i in range(1, num_reflect+1):

    for i in range(1, num_opaque+1):

    for i in range(1, num_refract+1):

    fixed_blocks_type = []
    fixed_blocks_pos = []

    # for loop that organizes the fixed blocks positions and types
    for i in range(len(fixed_Blocks)):
        fixed_blocks_pos[i] = [fixed_blocks_pos[i][1]+1, fixed_blocks_pos[i][0]+1]

    # not allowed are positions with a fixed block or no space
    not_allowed = [[not_allowed[i][1]+1, not_allowed[i][0]+1] for i in range(len(not_allowed))]

    # create blocks allowed variable, all spots a block is allowed
    blocks_allowed = [[i+1, j+1] for i in range(len(Grid)) for j in range(len(Grid[0])) if [i+1, j+1] not in not_allowed]

    # orientating the block positions in x, y format
    xyblocks = []
    for i in range(len(blocks_allowed)):
        xyblocks.append([blocks_allowed[i][1], blocks_allowed[i][0]])

    # converts the allowed coordinates into single numbers correlating to the
    # coordinate position
    num_allowed = []
    for i in range(len(xyblocks)):
        num_allowed.append(functions.coord_to_num(Grid, xyblocks[i]))

    # determines the number of type of blocks we have
    num_types = sum([1 for i in range(len(Blocks)) if Blocks[i] != 0])

    # determines the blocks behind and infront of the lazor
    behind, forward = functions.block_behind_lazor(Lazor_Path, Lazor_Dir, Grid)

    # checks if we only have one block type and if so cuts down on the
    # number of valid combinations for the blocks
    if num_types == 1:
        combos = []
        combo = list(combinations(num_allowed, len(block_type)))
        common_blocks_num = functions.valid_positions(Lazor_Path, xyblocks, Grid)
        i = 0
        totalBlocks = len(Grid[0])*len(Grid)
        allblocks = [i for i in range(1, totalBlocks+1)]
        avg = sum(allblocks)/len(allblocks)

        for i in range(len(combo)):
            if any(x in common_blocks_num for x in combo[i]):
                summ = 0
                k = 0
                c = list(combo[i])
                for k in range(len(block_type)):
                    summ = summ + combo[i][k]
                bavg = summ/k
                absvalue = abs(avg - bavg)

        combos = list(set(combos))

        common_blocks_num = functions.valid_positions(Lazor_Path, blocks_allowed, Grid)
        combos = functions.get_combos(block_type, num_allowed, common_blocks_num, Grid, behind, forward)

    # fix things that need to be reinitialized at beginning of each while loop
    fixed_LP = copy.deepcopy(Lazor_Path)
    fixed_LD = copy.deepcopy(Lazor_Dir)
    fixed_m = copy.deepcopy(m)
    fixed_b = copy.deepcopy(b)

    # set all of the branches for the refract block
    branch = False
    branch_1 = None
    branch_2 = None
    branch_1_dir = None
    branch_2_dir = None

    total_laze = len(m)  # total number of lazors
    num = 0
    used_contact_pos = []

    target_check = np.multiply(sum(m), t)

    # loop that will run while the correct combo is not chosen
    while not np.array_equal(target_check, 2*t):

        num = num+1
        blocks = []
        chosen_combo = combos[0]

        # place each block
        for j in range(len(block_type)):

            # if the num type is 1, we need to adjust the combo sequence
            if num_types == 1:
                b_type = block_type[0]
                b_pos = chosen_combo[j]
                b_pos = functions.num_to_coord(Grid, b_pos)

                b_type = chosen_combo[j]
                b_pos = chosen_combo[j+num_blocks]

                b_pos = functions.num_to_coord(Grid, b_pos)
            # create the blocks as objects
            blocks.append(Block(b_type, tuple(b_pos)))

        # loop through each of the lazors
        for i in range(len(m)):
            lazor_num = i
            used_contact_pos = []

            # check for blocks behind the lazor
            behind_coord = None
            if behind[i] is not None:
                behind_coord = functions.num_to_coord(Grid, behind[i])

            # determining the contact position characteristics
            contact_position, x_dir, y_dir, contact_index, contact_side, contact_list, used_contact_pos, all_contact_pos = functions.lazor_contact_tuple(m[lazor_num], b, Lazor_Path, Lazor_Dir, lazor_num, used_contact_pos, total_laze)

            # while there are still contact positions, continue to adjust the
            # lazor
            while contact_position is not None:

                # get the block and block type of the contact position
                block, b_type = functions.find_block_type(blocks, b, contact_position)
                b_pos_now = block.pos()

                # check if the block is refract, and if so update the branches
                if b_type == "refract":

                # check special checks if the block is at the position behind
                # where the lazor starts
                if functions.check_special(list(b_pos_now), behind_coord) is False:
                    special = False
                    new_x_dir, new_y_dir, delete_after_contact = block.block_prop(x_dir, y_dir, contact_side)
                    Lazor_Path, Lazor_Dir, m[lazor_num] = functions.add_to_lazor_path(block, contact_position, m[lazor_num], Lazor_Path, Lazor_Dir, lazor_num, new_x_dir, new_y_dir, contact_index, contact_side, delete_after_contact, total_laze, used_contact_pos, special)

                    # if a branch exists, adjust the branches accordingly
                    if branch is True:
                        refract_branch, refract_branch_dir = functions.change_refract_branches(branch_1, branch_2, branch_1_dir, branch_2_dir, contact_position)
                        if refract_branch is None:
                            for j in range(len(refract_branch)):
                                m[lazor_num][refract_branch[j][1]][refract_branch[j][0]] = 2

                    # if the block is refract, then create new branches
                    if b_type == "refract":
                        parent, branch_1, branch_2, branch_1_dir, branch_2_dir, branch = functions.refract_branches(Lazor_Path, Lazor_Dir, lazor_num)
                    contact_position, x_dir, y_dir, contact_index, contact_side, contact_list, used_contact_pos, all_contact_pos = functions.lazor_contact_tuple(m[lazor_num], b, Lazor_Path, Lazor_Dir, lazor_num, used_contact_pos, total_laze)

                    # if special is true, do not update the lazor path
                    special = True
                    new_x_dir, new_y_dir, delete_after_contact = block.block_prop(x_dir, y_dir, contact_side)
                    new_x_dir = x_dir
                    new_y_dir = y_dir
                    Lazor_Path, Lazor_Dir, m[lazor_num] = functions.add_to_lazor_path(block, contact_position, m[lazor_num], Lazor_Path, Lazor_Dir, lazor_num, new_x_dir, new_y_dir, contact_index, contact_side, delete_after_contact, total_laze, used_contact_pos, special)
                    if branch is True:
                        refract_branch, refract_branch_dir = functions.change_refract_branches(branch_1, branch_2, branch_1_dir, branch_2_dir, contact_position)
                        if refract_branch is None:
                            for j in range(len(refract_branch)):
                                m[lazor_num][refract_branch[j][1]][refract_branch[j][0]] = 2

                    if b_type == "refract":
                        parent, branch_1, branch_2, branch_1_dir, branch_2_dir, branch = functions.refract_branches(Lazor_Path, Lazor_Dir, lazor_num)

                    contact_position, x_dir, y_dir, contact_index, contact_side, contact_list, used_contact_pos, all_contact_pos = functions.lazor_contact_tuple(m[lazor_num], b, Lazor_Path, Lazor_Dir, lazor_num, used_contact_pos, total_laze)

        # reset the target check, m, b, lazor path, lazor path,
        # and remove the previously tested combo
        target_check = np.multiply(sum(m), t)
        Lazor_Path_sol = Lazor_Path
        m = copy.deepcopy(fixed_m)
        b = copy.deepcopy(fixed_b)
        branch = False
        Lazor_Path = copy.deepcopy(fixed_LP)
        Lazor_Dir = copy.deepcopy(fixed_LD)

    # save the output as a png file
    save_file.save_file(file_name, Grid, blocks, Lazor_Path_sol, P)
def classify_email(filename):
    x = email_features(process_email(read_file(filename),
                                     'vocab.txt')).reshape(1, -1)
    pred = model.predict(x)
    print('\nProcessed {}\n\nSpam Classification: {}\n'.format(filename, pred))
    print('(1 indicates spam, 0 indicates not spam)\n\n')
def pause():

"""## Part 1: Email Pre-processing
  To use an SVM to classify emails into Spam v.s. Non-Spam, you first need
  to convert each email into a vector of features. In this part, you will
  implement the pre-processing steps for each email. You should
  complete the code in to produce a word indices vector
  for a given email."""

print('\nPre-processing sample email (emailSample1.txt)\n')

# Extract Features
file_contents = read_file('emailSample1.txt')
word_indices = process_email(file_contents, 'vocab.txt')

# Print Stats
print('Word Indices: \n')

print('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n')
## Part 2: Feature Extraction
  Convert each email into a vector of features in R^n.

print('\nExtracting features from sample email (emailSample1.txt)\n')