def on_loadSegy_clicked(widget): ''' This button callback function loads the SEGY file. AJ ''' global Imagehbox, Section, Record, Nrecord, Fold,nt,ns,dt, Offset, dt_s, tmax_ms, hboxDisplay, coords global FileIn, SectionTauPi, SectionFilt, p0, nume FileIn = entryFileIn.get_text() #SEGY file name Nrecord = 1901 #Number of CDP-Gathers Record = int(entryRecord.get_text()) Fold = int(entryFold.get_text()) #Fold of the CDP-Record nt=read_segy.ntraces(FileIn) #Number of traces in SEGY file ns=read_segy.nsamp_segy(FileIn) #Number of samples per trace dt=int(read_segy.dt_segy(FileIn))/1000 #Sample rate (ms) dt_s = dt/1000.0 #Sample rate (s) heavily used Section=read_segy.read_segy_record(FileIn,Record,Fold) Section=Section.T # Section es la Matriz que contiene las trazas del CDP Offset=read_segy.read_segy_offset(FileIn,Record,Fold) #List containing the coords = [] # Reseting the picked coords if youre loading a new gather :). AJ # Destroying seismic panels if youre loading a new gather :). AJ hboxDisplay.destroy() hboxDisplay = gtk.HBox(False, 0) hbox.pack_start(hboxDisplay) # Displaying embeded seismic section. AJ seisDisplay(Section,'Input CDP' ,'Offset [m]' ,'Time [ms]' , Offset[0],Offset[Fold-1],0,int((ns-1)*dt),
def on_loadSegy_clicked(widget): ''' This button callback function loads the SEGY file. AJ ''' global Imagehbox, Section, Record, Nrecord, Fold, nt, ns, dt, Offset, dt_s, tmax_ms, hboxDisplay, coords global FileIn, SectionTauPi, SectionFilt, p0, nume FileIn = entryFileIn.get_text() #SEGY file name Nrecord = 1901 #Number of CDP-Gathers Record = int(entryRecord.get_text()) Fold = int(entryFold.get_text()) #Fold of the CDP-Record nt = read_segy.ntraces(FileIn) #Number of traces in SEGY file ns = read_segy.nsamp_segy(FileIn) #Number of samples per trace dt = int(read_segy.dt_segy(FileIn)) / 1000 #Sample rate (ms) dt_s = dt / 1000.0 #Sample rate (s) heavily used Section = read_segy.read_segy_record(FileIn, Record, Fold) Section = Section.T # Section es la Matriz que contiene las trazas del CDP Offset = read_segy.read_segy_offset(FileIn, Record, Fold) #List containing the coords = [ ] # Reseting the picked coords if youre loading a new gather :). AJ # Destroying seismic panels if youre loading a new gather :). AJ hboxDisplay.destroy() hboxDisplay = gtk.HBox(False, 0) hbox.pack_start(hboxDisplay) # Displaying embeded seismic section. AJ seisDisplay(Section, 'Input CDP', 'Offset [m]', 'Time [ms]', Offset[0], Offset[Fold - 1], 0, int((ns - 1) * dt),
def on_buttonUpdate_clicked(self, widget): FileIn = self.entryFileIn.get_text() self.nt=read_segy.ntraces(FileIn) self.ns=read_segy.nsamp_segy(FileIn) self.dt=int(read_segy.dt_segy(FileIn))/1000 self.entryFromTrc.set_text(str(1)) self.entryToTrc.set_text(str(int(self.nt))) self.entryFromTime.set_text(str(0)) self.entryToTime.set_text(str(int(self.ns-1)*self.dt))
def on_loadSegy_clicked(widget): global Imagehbox, Section, Record, Nrecord, Fold, nt, ns, dt, Offset, dt_s, tmax_ms global FileIn, SectionTauPi, SectionFilt variables.xpick = [0] variables.ypick = [0] FileIn = main.entryFileIn.get_text() #SEGY file name Nrecord = 1901 #Number of CDP-Gathers Record = int(main.entryRecord.get_text()) Fold = int(main.entryFold.get_text()) #Fold of the CDP-Record nt = read_segy.ntraces(FileIn) #Number of traces in SEGY file ns = read_segy.nsamp_segy(FileIn) #Number of samples per trace dt = int(read_segy.dt_segy(FileIn)) / 1000 #Sample rate (ms) dt_s = dt / 1000.0 #Sample rate (s) heavily used Section = read_segy.read_segy_record(FileIn, Record, Fold) Section = Section.T # Section es la Matriz que contiene las trazas del CDP Offset = read_segy.read_segy_offset(FileIn, Record, Fold) #List containing the #buttonFilter.clicked() SectionTauPi = Section SectionFilt = Section on_redisplay(widget)
def on_button1_clicked(self, widget): FileIn = self.entryFileIn.get_text() #nt=read_segy.ntraces(FileIn) #ns=read_segy.nsamp_segy(FileIn) self.dt=int(read_segy.dt_segy(FileIn))/1000 print self.dt self.fs = 1000*float(1/(2*float(self.dt))) nto = int(self.entryFromTrc.get_text()) ntf = int(self.entryToTrc.get_text()) nso = float(self.entryFromTime.get_text()) nsf = float(self.entryToTime.get_text()) # Section=read_segy.read_segy(nt,ns,FileIn) Section=read_segy.read_segy_trunc(FileIn,nto-1,ntf,int(nso/self.dt),1+int(nsf/self.dt)) Section=Section.T print 'Section dim :', Section.shape plt.imshow(Section,extent=[nto,ntf,nsf,nso],cmap='gray') plt.colorbar() plt.title('Input Section') plt.savefig('SeisInput.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() # if imageIn != None: # imageIn.remove() self.table.destroy() self.table = Gtk.Table(2,2,False) self.box2.pack_start(self.table) pix = Gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("SeisInput.png") pix = pix.scale_simple(300, 400, Gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) imageIn = Gtk.Image() imageIn.set_from_pixbuf(pix) # self.box2.pack_start(imageIn, True, True, 0) self.table.attach(imageIn, 0, 1, 0, 1) # # imageIn.destroy() #pdb.set_trace() t = scipy.linspace(0,(nsf-nso)/1000.0,int((nsf-nso)/self.dt)+1) #t = scipy.linspace(0,float(751-1)/1000,750) freqs = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(len(Section[:,0]), t[1]-t[0]) Sectionfft = np.apply_along_axis(scipy.fft,0,Section) Sectionfft = abs(Sectionfft) AmpSpq = np.apply_along_axis(np.sum,1,Sectionfft) AmpSpq = 20*scipy.log10(AmpSpq) plt.plot(freqs, AmpSpq) plt.title('Input Section Amplitude Spectrum') plt.savefig('SeisInputSpq.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() pix = Gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("SeisInputSpq.png") pix = pix.scale_simple(300, 150, Gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) SpqimageIn = Gtk.Image() SpqimageIn.set_from_pixbuf(pix) # self.box2.pack_start(imageIn, True, True, 0) self.table.attach(SpqimageIn, 0, 1, 1, 2) EntryF1 = float(self.entryf1.get_text()) EntryF2 = float(self.entryf2.get_text()) EntryF3 = float(self.entryf3.get_text()) EntryF4 = float(self.entryf4.get_text()) print EntryF3 param = [EntryF2,EntryF3,500] OutSection = np.apply_along_axis(butter.butter_bandpass_filter,0, Section,*param) #pdb.set_trace() ''' kparam = {"lowcut":EntryF2, "highcut":EntryF3, "fs":500} OutSection = np.apply_along_axis(butter.butter_bandpass_filter,0, Section,**kparam) ''' ''' pool = mp.Pool(processes=2) results = [pool.apply_async(butter.butter_bandpass_filter, args=(Section[:,u],EntryF2,EntryF3,500,)) for u in range(0,len(Section[0,:]))] output = [p.get() for p in results] SectionFilt = np.array(output) OutSection = SectionFilt.T ''' plt.imshow(OutSection,extent=[nto,ntf,nsf,nso],cmap='gray') plt.colorbar() plt.title('Output Section') plt.savefig('SeisOut.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() pix = Gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("SeisOut.png") pix = pix.scale_simple(300, 400, Gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) imageOut = Gtk.Image() imageOut.set_from_pixbuf(pix) #self.box2.pack_start(imageOut, True, True, 0) self.table.attach(imageOut, 1, 2, 0, 1) t = scipy.linspace(0,(nsf-1)/1000,nsf) #freqs = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(len(OutSection[:,0]), t[1]-t[0]) OutSectionfft = np.apply_along_axis(scipy.fft,0,OutSection) OutSectionfft = abs(OutSectionfft) OutAmpSpq = np.apply_along_axis(np.sum,1,OutSectionfft) OutAmpSpq = 20*scipy.log10(OutAmpSpq) plt.plot(freqs, OutAmpSpq) plt.title('Output Section Amplitude Spectrum') plt.savefig('OutSeisInputSpq.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() pix = Gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("OutSeisInputSpq.png") pix = pix.scale_simple(300, 150, Gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) SpqimageOut = Gtk.Image() SpqimageOut.set_from_pixbuf(pix) # self.box2.pack_start(imageIn, True, True, 0) self.table.attach(SpqimageOut, 1, 2, 1, 2)