Excercise 3
import recommendations

similar_critics = recommendations.calculate_similar_items(recommendations.movies)

def get_precomputed_recommendedations(prefs, similar, user):
	similar_prefs = {}
	for other in similar:
		similar_prefs[other] = prefs[other]
	similar_prefs[user] = prefs[user]
	return recommendations.get_recommendations(similar_prefs, user)

# The precompute recommendations tend to match up extremely well with the more 
# laboriously computed recommendations. Probably because they are generated the
# same way. Larger datasets would probably make this match less exact, but 
# would give huge speed improvements, since all algorithms tend to be fast for 
# small n.

Esempio n. 2
def main():
    prefs = loadMovieLens()
    itemsim = recommendations.calculate_similar_items(prefs, n=50)
    print (itemsim)
    print(recommendations.get_recommended_items(prefs, itemsim, '87')[0:30])
Esempio n. 3
Excercise 3
import recommendations

similar_critics = recommendations.calculate_similar_items(

def get_precomputed_recommendedations(prefs, similar, user):
    similar_prefs = {}
    for other in similar:
        similar_prefs[other] = prefs[other]
    similar_prefs[user] = prefs[user]
    return recommendations.get_recommendations(similar_prefs, user)

# The precompute recommendations tend to match up extremely well with the more
# laboriously computed recommendations. Probably because they are generated the
# same way. Larger datasets would probably make this match less exact, but
# would give huge speed improvements, since all algorithms tend to be fast for
# small n.
Esempio n. 4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import recommendations


info = recommendations.calculate_similar_items(recommendations.critics)

# print info

print recommendations.get_recommended_items(recommendations.critics, info, 'Jack Matthews')
Esempio n. 5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import recommendations


# from deliciousrec import *
# delusers = initialize_user_dict('programing')
# fill_items(delusers)
# print delusers

data = recommendations.load_movie_lens()

print '==================== 사용자 ===================='
print data['87']

print '==================== 추천 ===================='
print recommendations.getRecommendations(data, '87')[0:30]

print '==================== 항목 기반 ===================='
item_sim = recommendations.calculate_similar_items(data, rank=50)
print recommendations.get_recommended_items(data, item_sim, '87')[0:30]
Esempio n. 6
# Lib imports
import recommendations, time

# Function's execution
t1 = time.time()
t2 = time.time()
print "Recomendations: {}".format(recommendations.get_recommendations(prefs,'87')[0:30])
t3 = time.time()
t4 = time.time()
print "Recommended items: {}".format(recommendations.get_recommended_items(prefs,itemsim,'87')[0:30])
t5 = time.time()
print "\nExecution times"
print "-----------------"
print "Load dataset: {} seconds".format(t2-t1)
print "User based filtering: {} seconds".format(t3-t2)
print "Calculate similar item: {} seconds".format(t4-t3)
print "Item based filtering: {} seconds".format(t5-t4)