Esempio n. 1
def legendre_wafp(lambdas, M=1e3, sampler=None):
    Generate M (= lambdas.shape[0]) weighted approximate Fekete points
    using randomized sampling.

    from scipy.linalg import qr
    from legendre_induced import induced_distribution_mixture_sampling

    if lambdas.ndim == 1:
        lambdas = np.reshape(lambdas, [lambdas.size, 1])

    N, d = lambdas.shape

    ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max() + 1, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True)

    if sampler is None:
        sampler = lambda MM: induced_distribution_mixture_sampling(lambdas, MM)

    # Choose at least 2*N samples
    M = max(M, 2*N)

    x = sampler(M)
    V = opolynd_eval(x, lambdas, ab)
    _, _, p = qr(V.T/np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2,axis=1)), pivoting=True, mode='economic')

    return x[p[:N], :]
Esempio n. 2
def legendre_wafp(lambdas, M=1e3, sampler=None):
    Generate M (= lambdas.shape[0]) weighted approximate Fekete points
    using randomized sampling.

    from scipy.linalg import qr
    from legendre_induced import induced_distribution_mixture_sampling

    if lambdas.ndim == 1:
        lambdas = np.reshape(lambdas, [lambdas.size, 1])

    N, d = lambdas.shape

    ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max() + 1,

    if sampler is None:
        sampler = lambda MM: induced_distribution_mixture_sampling(lambdas, MM)

    # Choose at least 2*N samples
    M = max(M, 2 * N)

    x = sampler(M)
    V = opolynd_eval(x, lambdas, ab)
    _, _, p = qr(V.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2, axis=1)),

    return x[p[:N], :]
Esempio n. 3
def legendre_wafp_enrichment(x, lambdas, M_enrich, sampler=None):
    Adds M_enrich points to the existing point set x by (approximate)
    determinant maximization.

    from legendre_induced import induced_distribution_mixture_sampling

    if lambdas.ndim == 1:
        lambdas = np.reshape(lambdas, [lambdas.size, 1])

    if sampler is None:
        sampler = lambda MM: induced_distribution_mixture_sampling(lambdas, MM)

    M0 = x.shape[0]
    N, d = lambdas.shape
    ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max() + 1, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True)

    M = max(M0, 2*N)

    while x.shape[0] < M0 + M_enrich:
        V = opolynd_eval(x, lambdas, ab)
        W = (V.T/np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2,axis=1))).T * np.sqrt(float(N)/float(x.shape[0]))
        G =, W)
        iG = np.linalg.inv(G)

        xs = sampler(M)
        Vs = opolynd_eval(xs, lambdas, ab)
        Ws = (Vs.T/np.sqrt(np.sum(Vs**2,axis=1))).T
        dets = np.sum((Ws*, iG))**2, axis=1)
        ind = np.argmax(dets)

        x = np.vstack([x, xs[ind,:]])

    return x
Esempio n. 4
def induced_distribution_quadrule(n):
    Returns a Gaussian quadrature rule that would be used by

    from recurrence import jacobi_recurrence
    from quadrature import gauss_quadrature

    n = np.atleast_1d(n)
    N = n.max()
    ab = jacobi_recurrence(N + 2, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True)
    return gauss_quadrature(ab, N + 1)
def induced_distribution_quadrule(n):
    Returns a Gaussian quadrature rule that would be used by

    from recurrence import jacobi_recurrence
    from quadrature import gauss_quadrature

    n = np.atleast_1d(n)
    N = n.max()
    ab = jacobi_recurrence(N+2, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True)
    return gauss_quadrature(ab, N+1)
Esempio n. 6
def fidistinv_driver_helper(u, data):

    tol = 1e-12 # machine eps guarding

    # Construct Vandermonde-like matrix
    M = data.shape[0] - 6
    ab = recurrence.jacobi_recurrence(M+1, alpha=-1/2., beta=-1/2.)

    edges = np.concatenate([[-np.inf], data[0,:], [data[1,-1]], [np.inf]])
    bins = np.digitize(u, edges)
    B = edges.size-1;

    x = np.zeros(u.size)
    x[bins==1] = data[2,0]
    x[bins==B] = data[3,-1]

    for qb in range(2, B):
        mask = (bins==qb)
        if not(np.any(mask)):

        q = qb -2
        vgrid = (u[mask] - data[0,q])/(data[1,q] - data[0,q])*2. - 1.

        V = opoly1d.opoly1d_eval(vgrid, list(range(M)), ab)
        temp =, data[6:,q])
        temp /= ( (1. + vgrid)**(data[4,q]) * (1. - vgrid)**(data[5,q]) )

        if data[4,q] != 0.:
            # Set LHS to be 0
            flags = np.abs(u[mask] - data[0,q]) < tol
            temp[flags] = 0.
            temp *= (data[3,q] - data[2,q])
            temp += data[2,q]
            # Set RHS to be 0
            flags = np.abs(u[mask] - data[1,q]) < tol
            temp[flags] = 0.
            temp *= (data[3,q] - data[2,q])
            temp += data[3,q]

        x[mask] = temp

    return x
Esempio n. 7
def legendre_wafp_enrichment(x, lambdas, M_enrich, sampler=None):
    Adds M_enrich points to the existing point set x by (approximate)
    determinant maximization.

    from legendre_induced import induced_distribution_mixture_sampling

    if lambdas.ndim == 1:
        lambdas = np.reshape(lambdas, [lambdas.size, 1])

    if sampler is None:
        sampler = lambda MM: induced_distribution_mixture_sampling(lambdas, MM)

    M0 = x.shape[0]
    N, d = lambdas.shape
    ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max() + 1,

    M = max(M0, 2 * N)

    while x.shape[0] < M0 + M_enrich:
        V = opolynd_eval(x, lambdas, ab)
        W = (V.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2, axis=1))).T * np.sqrt(
            float(N) / float(x.shape[0]))
        G =, W)
        iG = np.linalg.inv(G)

        xs = sampler(M)
        Vs = opolynd_eval(xs, lambdas, ab)
        Ws = (Vs.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(Vs**2, axis=1))).T
        dets = np.sum((Ws *, iG))**2, axis=1)
        ind = np.argmax(dets)

        x = np.vstack([x, xs[ind, :]])

    return x
Esempio n. 8
def induced_distribution(x, n, quadrule=None):
    Computes the induced distribution function, which is

    F_n(x) = 1/2 * \int_{-1}^x p_n^2(s) ds,

    where p_n is the degree-n orthonormal Legendre polynomial. With this
    normalization, the endpoint values are F_n(-1) = 0, and F_n(1) = 1
    for all n.

    This function is vectorized in both x and n, and supports the
    calling syntaxes

        induced_distribution(array, array)
        induced_distribution(array, scalar)

    In the first syntax, both arrays must have the same number of

    If specified, the optional input quadrule is a list, [x,w],
    containing a quadrature rule that is assumed accurate for all
    polynomials up to degree 2*np.max(n.flatten()). If not given, this
    quadrature rule is generated as an appropriate-sized Gaussian
    quadrature rule.

    from recurrence import jacobi_recurrence
    from opoly1d import opoly1d_eval

    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    n = np.atleast_1d(n)
    if np.size(x) != np.size(n):
        if n.size != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "If n is the not the same size as x, then n must be a scalar.")

    assert (n >= 0).all(), "Degrees n must be non-negative"

    N = n.max()

    if quadrule is not None:
        xg, wg = quadrule[0], quadrule[1]
        xg, wg = induced_distribution_quadrule(n)

    # Output array
    u = np.zeros(x.shape)

    ab = jacobi_recurrence(N + 2, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True)

    # Unfortunately, I don't see an efficient way to avoid a for loop here
    if n.size > 1:
        for ind, xv in np.ndenumerate(np.asarray(x)):
            if xv <= -1:
                u[ind] = 0.
            elif xv >= 1:
                u[ind] = 1.
                vg = (xg + 1.) / 2. * (xv + 1) - 1.
                u[ind] = (xv + 1.) / 2 *
                    (opoly1d_eval(vg, n[ind], ab)**2).T, wg)
        for ind, xv in np.ndenumerate(np.asarray(x)):
            if xv <= -1:
                u[ind] = 0.
            elif xv >= 1:
                u[ind] = 1.
                vg = (xg + 1.) / 2. * (xv + 1) - 1.
                u[ind] = (xv + 1.) / 2 *
                    (opoly1d_eval(vg, n, ab)**2).T, wg)

    return u
Esempio n. 9
######## Step 2: run "expensive" model

u = np.zeros([Nx, M])

print("Evaluating model on mesh...")
for ind, zval in enumerate(z):
    u[:, ind] = expensive_model(zval, x)


# Each column of u is a model run for a fixed parameter value

######## Step 3: compute PCE coefficients
print("Assembling PCE coefficients...")
ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max() + 1, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True)
V = opolynd_eval(z, lambdas, ab)
weights = np.sqrt(float(N) / float(M)) / np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2, axis=1))

# The PCE coefficients are computed as a weighted discrete least-squares
# estimator with the weights above.
coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq((V.T * weights).T, (u * weights).T)[0].T

# Each row of coeffs contains PCE coefficients for a single x gridpoint.
# Each column of coeffs contains a particular PCE coefficient for all
# values of x.

######## Step 4: whatever postprocessing you want
print("Processing PCE coefficients...")
# Compute total sensitivities
total_sensitivities = sensitivity.pce_total_sensitivity(
def induced_distribution(x, n, quadrule=None):
    Computes the induced distribution function, which is

    F_n(x) = 1/2 * \int_{-1}^x p_n^2(s) ds,

    where p_n is the degree-n orthonormal Legendre polynomial. With this
    normalization, the endpoint values are F_n(-1) = 0, and F_n(1) = 1
    for all n.

    This function is vectorized in both x and n, and supports the
    calling syntaxes

        induced_distribution(array, array)
        induced_distribution(array, scalar)

    In the first syntax, both arrays must have the same number of

    If specified, the optional input quadrule is a list, [x,w],
    containing a quadrature rule that is assumed accurate for all
    polynomials up to degree 2*np.max(n.flatten()). If not given, this
    quadrature rule is generated as an appropriate-sized Gaussian
    quadrature rule.

    from recurrence import jacobi_recurrence
    from opoly1d import opoly1d_eval

    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    n = np.atleast_1d(n)
    if np.size(x) != np.size(n):
        if n.size != 1:
            raise ValueError("If n is the not the same size as x, then n must be a scalar.")

    assert (n >= 0).all(), "Degrees n must be non-negative"

    N = n.max()

    if quadrule is not None:
        xg, wg = quadrule[0], quadrule[1]
        xg, wg = induced_distribution_quadrule(n)

    # Output array
    u = np.zeros(x.shape)

    ab = jacobi_recurrence(N+2, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True)

    # Unfortunately, I don't see an efficient way to avoid a for loop here
    if n.size > 1:
        for ind,xv in np.ndenumerate(np.asarray(x)):
            if xv <= -1:
                u[ind] = 0.
            elif xv >= 1:
                u[ind] = 1.
                vg = (xg+1.)/2.*(xv+1) - 1.
                u[ind] = (xv+1.)/2*, n[ind], ab)**2).T, wg)
        for ind,xv in np.ndenumerate(np.asarray(x)):
            if xv <= -1:
                u[ind] = 0.
            elif xv >= 1:
                u[ind] = 1.
                vg = (xg+1.)/2.*(xv+1) - 1.
                u[ind] = (xv+1.)/2*, n, ab)**2).T, wg)

    return u
Esempio n. 11
######## Step 2: run "expensive" model

u = np.zeros([Nx, M])

print("Evaluating model on mesh...")
for ind,zval in enumerate(z):
    u[:,ind] = expensive_model(zval, x)


# Each column of u is a model run for a fixed parameter value

######## Step 3: compute PCE coefficients
print("Assembling PCE coefficients...")
ab = jacobi_recurrence(lambdas.max()+1, alpha=0., beta=0., probability=True)
V = opolynd_eval(z, lambdas, ab)
weights = np.sqrt(float(N)/float(M)) / np.sqrt(np.sum(V**2,axis=1))

# The PCE coefficients are computed as a weighted discrete least-squares
# estimator with the weights above.
coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq( (V.T*weights).T, (u*weights).T)[0].T

# Each row of coeffs contains PCE coefficients for a single x gridpoint.
# Each column of coeffs contains a particular PCE coefficient for all
# values of x.

######## Step 4: whatever postprocessing you want
print("Processing PCE coefficients...")
# Compute total sensitivities
total_sensitivities = sensitivity.pce_total_sensitivity(coeffs.T, lambdas, list(range(d)))
Esempio n. 12
    for qd in range(1, max(jac)+1):

    return qreturn

if __name__ == "__main__":

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from recurrence import jacobi_recurrence

    alpha = 0.
    beta = np.pi
    nmax = 35
    probability_measure = True

    ab = jacobi_recurrence(nmax+1,alpha=alpha,beta=beta,probability=probability_measure)
    x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 300)

    p = opoly1d_eval(x, np.arange(nmax), ab)
    plt.plot(x, p[:,:10])

    q = qpoly1d_eval(x, nmax, ab)
    plt.plot(x, q[:,:10])
    plt.title('Q polynomials')

    err = np.linalg.norm( q - p / np.sqrt( np.cumsum( p**2, axis=1 ) ) )
Esempio n. 13

    from numpy.linalg import eigh

    n = ab.shape[0]
    if n+1 < N:
        raise IndexError('Require N+1 recurrence coefficients for an N-point rule.')

    J = np.diag(ab[1:N,1], k=1) + np.diag(ab[:N,0],k=0) + np.diag(ab[1:N,1], k=-1)
    lamb,v = eigh(J)

    return lamb, v[0,:]**2

if __name__ == "__main__":

    from recurrence import jacobi_recurrence
    from opoly1d import opoly1d_eval

    alpha = 0
    beta = 0

    N = 12
    ab = jacobi_recurrence(N+1, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, probability=True)

    x,w = gauss_quadrature(ab,N)

    V = opoly1d_eval(x, list(range(N)), ab)

    G =, np.diag(w)), V)
    err = np.linalg.norm(G - np.eye(G.shape[0]))
Esempio n. 14
    n = ab.shape[0]
    if n + 1 < N:
        raise IndexError(
            'Require N+1 recurrence coefficients for an N-point rule.')

    J = np.diag(ab[1:N, 1], k=1) + np.diag(ab[:N, 0], k=0) + np.diag(
        ab[1:N, 1], k=-1)
    lamb, v = eigh(J)

    return lamb, v[0, :]**2

if __name__ == "__main__":

    from recurrence import jacobi_recurrence
    from opoly1d import opoly1d_eval

    alpha = 0
    beta = 0

    N = 12
    ab = jacobi_recurrence(N + 1, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, probability=True)

    x, w = gauss_quadrature(ab, N)

    V = opoly1d_eval(x, list(range(N)), ab)

    G =, np.diag(w)), V)
    err = np.linalg.norm(G - np.eye(G.shape[0]))
Esempio n. 15
    return qreturn

if __name__ == "__main__":

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from recurrence import jacobi_recurrence

    alpha = 0.
    beta = np.pi
    nmax = 35
    probability_measure = True

    ab = jacobi_recurrence(nmax + 1,
    x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 300)

    p = opoly1d_eval(x, np.arange(nmax), ab)
    plt.plot(x, p[:, :10])

    q = qpoly1d_eval(x, nmax, ab)
    plt.plot(x, q[:, :10])
    plt.title('Q polynomials')

    err = np.linalg.norm(q - p / np.sqrt(np.cumsum(p**2, axis=1)))