Esempio n. 1
def AttentionSeq2Seq(output_dim, output_length, hidden_dim=None, depth=1, bidirectional=True, dropout=0., **kwargs):
	This is an attention Seq2seq model based on [3].
	Here, there is a soft allignment between the input and output sequence elements.
	A bidirection encoder is used by default. There is no hidden state transfer in this

	The  math:

		X = Input Sequence of length m.
		H = Bidirection_LSTM(X); Note that here the LSTM has return_sequences = True, 
		so H is a sequence of vectors of length m.

        y(i) = LSTM(s(i-1), y(i-1), v(i)); Where s is the hidden state of the LSTM (h and c)
        and v (called the context vector) is a weighted sum over H:

        v(i) =  sigma(j = 0 to m-1)  alpha(i, j) * H(j)

        The weight alpha[i, j] for each hj is computed as follows:
        energy = a(s(i-1), H(j))        
        alhpa = softmax(energy)
        Where a is a feed forward network.

	if type(depth) == int:
		depth = [depth, depth]
	if 'batch_input_shape' in kwargs:
		shape = kwargs['batch_input_shape']
		del kwargs['batch_input_shape']
	elif 'input_shape' in kwargs:
		shape = (None,) + tuple(kwargs['input_shape'])
		del kwargs['input_shape']
	elif 'input_dim' in kwargs:
		if 'input_length' in kwargs:
			shape = (None, kwargs['input_length'], kwargs['input_dim'])
			del kwargs['input_length']
			shape = (None, None, kwargs['input_dim'])
		del kwargs['input_dim']
	if 'unroll' in kwargs:
		unroll = kwargs['unroll']
		del kwargs['unroll']
		unroll = False
	if 'stateful' in kwargs:
		stateful = kwargs['stateful']
		del kwargs['stateful']
		stateful = False
	if not hidden_dim:
		hidden_dim = output_dim
	encoder = RecurrentContainer(unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, return_sequences=True, input_length=shape[1])
	encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], shape[2]), **kwargs))
	for _ in range(1, depth[0]):
		encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, **kwargs))
	input = Input(batch_shape=shape)
	input._keras_history[0].supports_masking = True
	if bidirectional:
		encoder = Bidirectional(encoder, merge_mode='sum')
	encoded = encoder(input)

	decoder = RecurrentContainer(decode=True, output_length=output_length, unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, input_length=shape[1])
	decoder.add(Dropout(dropout, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], shape[1], hidden_dim)))
	if depth[1] == 1:
		decoder.add(AttentionDecoderCell(output_dim=output_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim))
		decoder.add(AttentionDecoderCell(output_dim=hidden_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim))
		for _ in range(depth[1] - 2):
			decoder.add(LSTMDecoderCell(output_dim=hidden_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim))
		decoder.add(LSTMDecoderCell(output_dim=output_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim))
	inputs = [input]
	if teacher_force:
		truth_tensor = Input(batch_shape=(shape[0], output_length, output_dim))
		inputs += [truth_tensor]
	decoded = decoder(encoded)
	model = Model(inputs, decoded)
	return model
Esempio n. 2
    def __build_seq2seq_decoder__(self):
        # Using recurrentshop's decoder container
        container = RecurrentContainer(
            input_shape=(self.enc_layer_output[-1], ),
        if len(self.dec_layer_output) > 1:
            for dl in self.dec_layer_output[1:-1]:

        if self.enc_layer_output[-1] != self.dec_layer_output[-1]:
                'WARNING: Overriding final decoder output to %s for readout compatibility'
                % self.enc_layer_output[-1])
Esempio n. 3
    def __build_readout_decoder__(self):
                             )))  # Repeat the final vector for answer input
        # Using recurrentshop's container with readout
        container = RecurrentContainer(readout=True,
        if len(self.dec_layer_output) > 1:
            for dl in self.dec_layer_output[1:-1]:

        if self.enc_layer_output[-1] != self.dec_layer_output[-1]:
                'WARNING: Overriding final decoder output to %s for readout compatibility'
                % self.enc_layer_output[-1])
Esempio n. 4
def SimpleED(input_length, output_length, hidden_dim, input_dim, batch_size,

    :param input_length:
    :param output_length:
    :param hidden_dim:
    :param input_dim:
    :param batch_size:
    :param dropout:

    encoder = RecurrentContainer(input_length=input_length)
    encoder.add(GRUCell(hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(batch_size, input_dim)))
    # encoder.add(Dropout(dropout))
    # encoder.add(GRUCell(hidden_dim))

    decoder = RecurrentContainer(decode=True,
    decoder.add(Dropout(dropout, batch_input_shape=(batch_size, hidden_dim)))
    # decoder.add(Dropout(dropout))
    # decoder.add(GRUCell(hidden_dim))

    model = Sequential()

    return model
Esempio n. 5
def Seq2Seq(output_dim, output_length, hidden_dim=None, depth=1, broadcast_state=True, inner_broadcast_state=True, peek=False, dropout=0., **kwargs):
	Seq2seq model based on [1] and [2].
	This model has the ability to transfer the encoder hidden state to the decoder's
	hidden state(specified by the broadcast_state argument). Also, in deep models 
	(depth > 1), the hidden state is propogated throughout the LSTM stack(specified by 
	the inner_broadcast_state argument. You can switch between [1] based model and [2] 
	based model using the peek argument.(peek = True for [2], peek = False for [1]).
	When peek = True, the decoder gets a 'peek' at the context vector at every timestep.

	[1] based model:

		X = Input sequence
		C = LSTM(X); The context vector

        y(t) = LSTM(s(t-1), y(t-1)); Where s is the hidden state of the LSTM (h and c)
        y(0) = LSTM(s0, C); C is the context vector from the encoder.

    [2] based model:

		X = Input sequence
		C = LSTM(X); The context vector

        y(t) = LSTM(s(t-1), y(t-1), C)
        y(0) = LSTM(s0, C, C)
        Where s is the hidden state of the LSTM (h and c), and C is the context vector 
        from the encoder.


	output_dim : Required output dimension.
	hidden_dim : The dimension of the internal representations of the model.
	output_length : Length of the required output sequence.
	depth : Used to create a deep Seq2seq model. For example, if depth = 3, 
			there will be 3 LSTMs on the enoding side and 3 LSTMs on the 
			decoding side. You can also specify depth as a tuple. For example,
			if depth = (4, 5), 4 LSTMs will be added to the encoding side and
			5 LSTMs will be added to the decoding side.
	broadcast_state : Specifies whether the hidden state from encoder should be 
					  transfered to the deocder.
	inner_broadcast_state : Specifies whether hidden states should be propogated 
							throughout the LSTM stack in deep models.
	peek : Specifies if the decoder should be able to peek at the context vector
		   at every timestep.
	dropout : Dropout probability in between layers.

	if type(depth) == int:
		depth = [depth, depth]
	if 'batch_input_shape' in kwargs:
		shape = kwargs['batch_input_shape']
		del kwargs['batch_input_shape']
	elif 'input_shape' in kwargs:
		shape = (None,) + tuple(kwargs['input_shape'])
		del kwargs['input_shape']
	elif 'input_dim' in kwargs:
		if 'input_length' in kwargs:
			shape = (None, kwargs['input_length'], kwargs['input_dim'])
			del kwargs['input_length']
			shape = (None, None, kwargs['input_dim'])
		del kwargs['input_dim']
	if 'unroll' in kwargs:
		unroll = kwargs['unroll']
		del kwargs['unroll']
		unroll = False
	if 'stateful' in kwargs:
		stateful = kwargs['stateful']
		del kwargs['stateful']
		stateful = False
	if not hidden_dim:
		hidden_dim = output_dim
	encoder = RecurrentContainer(readout=True, state_sync=inner_broadcast_state, input_length=shape[1], unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful)
	for i in range(depth[0]):
		encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], hidden_dim), **kwargs))
	dense1 = TimeDistributed(Dense(hidden_dim))
	dense2 = Dense(output_dim)
	decoder = RecurrentContainer(readout='add' if peek else 'readout_only', state_sync=inner_broadcast_state, output_length=output_length, unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, decode=True)
	for i in range(depth[1]):
		decoder.add(Dropout(dropout, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], output_dim)))
		decoder.add(LSTMDecoderCell(output_dim=output_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], output_dim), **kwargs))
	input = Input(batch_shape=shape)
	encoded_seq = dense1(input)
	encoded_seq = encoder(encoded_seq)
	if broadcast_state:
		decoder.model.layers[1].states[:2] = encoder.state_outputs[-3:-1]
	encoded_seq = dense2(encoded_seq)
	decoder.initial_readout = encoded_seq
	decoded_seq = decoder(encoded_seq)
	model = Model(input, decoded_seq)
	model.encoder = encoder
	model.decoder = decoder
	return model
Esempio n. 6
def AttentionSeq2Seq(output_dim, output_length, hidden_dim=None, depth=1, bidirectional=True, dropout=0., **kwargs):
	This is an attention Seq2seq model based on [3].
	Here, there is a soft allignment between the input and output sequence elements.
	A bidirection encoder is used by default. There is no hidden state transfer in this

	The  math:

		X = Input Sequence of length m.
		H = Bidirection_LSTM(X); Note that here the LSTM has return_sequences = True, 
		so H is a sequence of vectors of length m.

        y(i) = LSTM(s(i-1), y(i-1), v(i)); Where s is the hidden state of the LSTM (h and c)
        and v (called the context vector) is a weighted sum over H:

        v(i) =  sigma(j = 0 to m-1)  alpha(i, j) * H(j)

        The weight alpha[i, j] for each hj is computed as follows:
        energy = a(s(i-1), H(j))        
        alhpa = softmax(energy)
        Where a is a feed forward network.

	if type(depth) == int:
		depth = [depth, depth]
	if 'batch_input_shape' in kwargs:
		shape = kwargs['batch_input_shape']
		del kwargs['batch_input_shape']
	elif 'input_shape' in kwargs:
		shape = (None,) + tuple(kwargs['input_shape'])
		del kwargs['input_shape']
	elif 'input_dim' in kwargs:
		if 'input_length' in kwargs:
			shape = (None, kwargs['input_length'], kwargs['input_dim'])
			del kwargs['input_length']
			shape = (None, None, kwargs['input_dim'])
		del kwargs['input_dim']
	if 'unroll' in kwargs:
		unroll = kwargs['unroll']
		del kwargs['unroll']
		unroll = False
	if 'stateful' in kwargs:
		stateful = kwargs['stateful']
		del kwargs['stateful']
		stateful = False
	if not hidden_dim:
		hidden_dim = output_dim
	encoder = RecurrentContainer(unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, return_sequences=True, input_length=shape[1])
	encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], shape[2]), **kwargs))
	for _ in range(1, depth[0]):
		encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, **kwargs))
	input = Input(batch_shape=shape)
	if bidirectional:
		encoder = Bidirectional(encoder, merge_mode='sum')
	encoded = encoder(input)
	decoded = encoded
	for _ in range(1, depth[1]):
		decoder = AttentionDecoderCell(output_dim=hidden_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], shape[1], hidden_dim)).get_layer(decode=True, output_length=output_length, unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful)
		decoded = Dropout(dropout)(decoded)
		decoded = decoder(decoded)
	decoder = AttentionDecoderCell(output_dim=output_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], output_length if depth[1] > 1 else shape[1], hidden_dim)).get_layer(decode=True, output_length=output_length, unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful)
	decoded = Dropout(dropout)(decoded)
	decoded = decoder(decoded)
	model = Model(input, decoded)
	return model
Esempio n. 7
def SimpleSeq2Seq(output_dim, output_length, hidden_dim=None, depth=1, dropout=0., **kwargs):
	Simple model for sequence to sequence learning.
	The encoder encodes the input sequence to vector (called context vector)
	The decoder decodes the context vector in to a sequence of vectors.
	There is no one on one relation between the input and output sequence elements.
	The input sequence and output sequence may differ in length.


	output_dim : Required output dimension.
	hidden_dim : The dimension of the internal representations of the model.
	output_length : Length of the required output sequence.
	depth : Used to create a deep Seq2seq model. For example, if depth = 3, 
			there will be 3 LSTMs on the enoding side and 3 LSTMs on the 
			decoding side. You can also specify depth as a tuple. For example,
			if depth = (4, 5), 4 LSTMs will be added to the encoding side and
			5 LSTMs will be added to the decoding side.
	dropout : Dropout probability in between layers.

	if type(depth) == int:
		depth = [depth, depth]
	if 'batch_input_shape' in kwargs:
		shape = kwargs['batch_input_shape']
		del kwargs['batch_input_shape']
	elif 'input_shape' in kwargs:
		shape = (None,) + tuple(kwargs['input_shape'])
		del kwargs['input_shape']
	elif 'input_dim' in kwargs:
		if 'input_length' in kwargs:
			shape = (None, kwargs['input_length'], kwargs['input_dim'])
			del kwargs['input_length']
			shape = (None, None, kwargs['input_dim'])
		del kwargs['input_dim']
	if 'unroll' in kwargs:
		unroll = kwargs['unroll']
		del kwargs['unroll']
		unroll = False
	if 'stateful' in kwargs:
		stateful = kwargs['stateful']
		del kwargs['stateful']
		stateful = False
	if not hidden_dim:
		hidden_dim = output_dim
	encoder = RecurrentContainer(unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, input_length=shape[1])
	encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], shape[2]), **kwargs))
	for _ in range(1, depth[0]):
		encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, **kwargs))
	decoder = RecurrentContainer(unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, decode=True, output_length=output_length)
	decoder.add(Dropout(dropout, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], hidden_dim)))
	decoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, **kwargs))
	for _ in range(1, depth[1]):
		decoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, **kwargs))
	model = Sequential()
	return model
Esempio n. 8
def Seq2Seq(output_dim, output_length, hidden_dim=None, depth=1, broadcast_state=True, inner_broadcast_state=True, teacher_force=False, peek=False, dropout=0., **kwargs):
	Seq2seq model based on [1] and [2].
	This model has the ability to transfer the encoder hidden state to the decoder's
	hidden state(specified by the broadcast_state argument). Also, in deep models 
	(depth > 1), the hidden state is propogated throughout the LSTM stack(specified by 
	the inner_broadcast_state argument. You can switch between [1] based model and [2] 
	based model using the peek argument.(peek = True for [2], peek = False for [1]).
	When peek = True, the decoder gets a 'peek' at the context vector at every timestep.

	[1] based model:

		X = Input sequence
		C = LSTM(X); The context vector

        y(t) = LSTM(s(t-1), y(t-1)); Where s is the hidden state of the LSTM (h and c)
        y(0) = LSTM(s0, C); C is the context vector from the encoder.

    [2] based model:

		X = Input sequence
		C = LSTM(X); The context vector

        y(t) = LSTM(s(t-1), y(t-1), C)
        y(0) = LSTM(s0, C, C)
        Where s is the hidden state of the LSTM (h and c), and C is the context vector 
        from the encoder.


	output_dim : Required output dimension.
	hidden_dim : The dimension of the internal representations of the model.
	output_length : Length of the required output sequence.
	depth : Used to create a deep Seq2seq model. For example, if depth = 3, 
			there will be 3 LSTMs on the enoding side and 3 LSTMs on the 
			decoding side. You can also specify depth as a tuple. For example,
			if depth = (4, 5), 4 LSTMs will be added to the encoding side and
			5 LSTMs will be added to the decoding side.
	broadcast_state : Specifies whether the hidden state from encoder should be 
					  transfered to the deocder.
	inner_broadcast_state : Specifies whether hidden states should be propogated 
							throughout the LSTM stack in deep models.
	peek : Specifies if the decoder should be able to peek at the context vector
		   at every timestep.
	dropout : Dropout probability in between layers.

	if type(depth) == int:
		depth = [depth, depth]
	if 'batch_input_shape' in kwargs:
		shape = kwargs['batch_input_shape']
		del kwargs['batch_input_shape']
	elif 'input_shape' in kwargs:
		shape = (None,) + tuple(kwargs['input_shape'])
		del kwargs['input_shape']
	elif 'input_dim' in kwargs:
		if 'input_length' in kwargs:
			shape = (None, kwargs['input_length'], kwargs['input_dim'])
			del kwargs['input_length']
			shape = (None, None, kwargs['input_dim'])
		del kwargs['input_dim']
	if 'unroll' in kwargs:
		unroll = kwargs['unroll']
		del kwargs['unroll']
		unroll = False
	if 'stateful' in kwargs:
		stateful = kwargs['stateful']
		del kwargs['stateful']
		stateful = False
	if not hidden_dim:
		hidden_dim = output_dim
	encoder = RecurrentContainer(readout=True, state_sync=inner_broadcast_state, input_length=shape[1], unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, return_states=broadcast_state)
	for i in range(depth[0]):
		encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], hidden_dim), **kwargs))
	dense1 = TimeDistributed(Dense(hidden_dim))
	dense1.supports_masking = True
	dense2 = Dense(output_dim)
	decoder = RecurrentContainer(readout='add' if peek else 'readout_only', state_sync=inner_broadcast_state, output_length=output_length, unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, decode=True, input_length=shape[1])
	for i in range(depth[1]):
		decoder.add(Dropout(dropout, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], output_dim)))
		decoder.add(LSTMDecoderCell(output_dim=output_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], output_dim), **kwargs))
	input = Input(batch_shape=shape)
	input._keras_history[0].supports_masking = True
	encoded_seq = dense1(input)
	encoded_seq = encoder(encoded_seq)
	if broadcast_state:
		states = encoded_seq[-2:]
		encoded_seq = encoded_seq[0]
		states = [None] * 2
	encoded_seq = dense2(encoded_seq)
	inputs = [input]
	if teacher_force:
		truth_tensor = Input(batch_shape=(shape[0], output_length, output_dim))
		truth_tensor._keras_history[0].supports_masking = True
		inputs += [truth_tensor]
	decoded_seq = decoder({'input': encoded_seq, 'ground_truth': inputs[1] if teacher_force else None, 'initial_readout': encoded_seq, 'states': states})
	model = Model(inputs, decoded_seq)
	model.encoder = encoder
	model.decoder = decoder
	return model
Esempio n. 9
def SimpleSeq2Seq(output_dim, output_length, hidden_dim=None, depth=1, dropout=0., **kwargs):
	Simple model for sequence to sequence learning.
	The encoder encodes the input sequence to vector (called context vector)
	The decoder decodes the context vector in to a sequence of vectors.
	There is no one on one relation between the input and output sequence elements.
	The input sequence and output sequence may differ in length.


	output_dim : Required output dimension.
	hidden_dim : The dimension of the internal representations of the model.
	output_length : Length of the required output sequence.
	depth : Used to create a deep Seq2seq model. For example, if depth = 3, 
			there will be 3 LSTMs on the enoding side and 3 LSTMs on the 
			decoding side. You can also specify depth as a tuple. For example,
			if depth = (4, 5), 4 LSTMs will be added to the encoding side and
			5 LSTMs will be added to the decoding side.
	dropout : Dropout probability in between layers.

	if type(depth) == int:
		depth = [depth, depth]
	if 'batch_input_shape' in kwargs:
		shape = kwargs['batch_input_shape']
		del kwargs['batch_input_shape']
	elif 'input_shape' in kwargs:
		shape = (None,) + tuple(kwargs['input_shape'])
		del kwargs['input_shape']
	elif 'input_dim' in kwargs:
		if 'input_length' in kwargs:
			shape = (None, kwargs['input_length'], kwargs['input_dim'])
			del kwargs['input_length']
			shape = (None, None, kwargs['input_dim'])
		del kwargs['input_dim']
	if 'unroll' in kwargs:
		unroll = kwargs['unroll']
		del kwargs['unroll']
		unroll = False
	if 'stateful' in kwargs:
		stateful = kwargs['stateful']
		del kwargs['stateful']
		stateful = False
	if not hidden_dim:
		hidden_dim = output_dim
	encoder = RecurrentContainer(unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, input_length=shape[1])
	encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], shape[2]), **kwargs))
	for _ in range(1, depth[0]):
		encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, **kwargs))
	decoder = RecurrentContainer(unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, decode=True, output_length=output_length, input_length=shape[1])
	decoder.add(Dropout(dropout, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], hidden_dim)))

	if depth[1] == 1:
		decoder.add(LSTMCell(output_dim, **kwargs))
		decoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, **kwargs))
		for _ in range(depth[1] - 2):
			decoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, **kwargs))

		decoder.add(LSTMCell(output_dim, **kwargs))

	model = Sequential()
	return model
Esempio n. 10
def create_model(cate_num=10, local_num=10, id_num=20, \
                 hidden_dim=128, seq_len=20, word_num = 10000, inner_broadcast_state=True, broadcast_state=True, \
                 encoder_dim=64, dropout=0.5,depth=1, output_length=20, peek=False, teacher_force=True, batch_size = 20,\
                 ** kwargs):

    if type(depth) == int:
        depth = [depth, depth]
    if 'batch_input_shape' in kwargs:
        shape = kwargs['batch_input_shape']
        del kwargs['batch_input_shape']
    elif 'input_shape' in kwargs:
        shape = (None, ) + tuple(kwargs['input_shape'])
        del kwargs['input_shape']
    elif 'input_dim' in kwargs:
        if 'input_length' in kwargs:
            shape = (None, kwargs['input_length'], kwargs['input_dim'])
            del kwargs['input_length']
            shape = (None, None, kwargs['input_dim'])
    if 'unroll' in kwargs:
        unroll = kwargs['unroll']
        del kwargs['unroll']
        unroll = False
    if 'stateful' in kwargs:
        stateful = kwargs['stateful']
        del kwargs['stateful']
        stateful = False

    hid_rep_dim = 64
    output_dim = word_num

    def withMask(layer):
        layer._keras_history[0].supports_masking = True

    cate_input = Input(batch_shape=(shape[0], 1), name="cate")
    local_input = Input(batch_shape=(shape[0], 1), name='local')
    id_input = Input(batch_shape=(shape[0], 1), name='id')

    def flatEmb(input, input_dim, output_dim, input_lenghth=1):
        emb = Embedding(input_dim=input_dim,
        return Flatten()(emb)

    cate_rep = flatEmb(input=cate_input,
    local_rep = flatEmb(local_input, local_num, hid_rep_dim)
    id_rep = flatEmb(id_input, id_num, hid_rep_dim)

    fc1 = LeakyReLU()(Dense(64)(cate_rep))
    fc2 = LeakyReLU()(Dense(64)(local_rep))
    fc3 = LeakyReLU()(Dense(64)(id_rep))

    params = merge([fc1, fc2, fc3], mode='concat', concat_axis=1)
    params = Dense(output_dim)(params)
    decoder_input = LeakyReLU()(params)
    decoder_input = BatchNormalization()(decoder_input)
    decoder_input = Dropout(dropout)(decoder_input)


    decoder = RecurrentContainer(readout='readout_only', state_sync=inner_broadcast_state, \
                                 output_length=output_length, unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, decode=True, \
    for _ in range(1, depth[1]):
                            batch_input_shape=(shape[0], output_dim),

    out_lstm = LSTMDecoderCell(output_dim=output_dim,
                               batch_input_shape=(shape[0], output_dim),
    out_lstm.activation = activations.get('softmax')
    states = [decoder_input, None]
    inputs = [id_input, local_input, cate_input]

    # if teacher_force:
    #     truth_tensor = Input(batch_shape=(shape[0], output_length, output_dim))
    #     truth_tensor._keras_history[0].supports_masking = True
    #     inputs += [truth_tensor]
    decoded_seq = decoder({
        'input': decoder_input,
        'states': states,
        'initial_readout': decoder_input

    model = Model(inputs, decoded_seq)

    return model
Esempio n. 11
def SimpleSeq2Seq(output_dim, output_length, latent_dim, batch_size, epsilon_std, 
	                    lookup_matrix=None, hidden_dim=None, depth=1, dropout=0., **kwargs):
    Simple model for sequence to sequence learning.
    The encoder encodes the input sequence to vector (called context vector)
    The decoder decodes the context vector in to a sequence of vectors.
    There is no one on one relation between the input and output sequence elements.
    The input sequence and output sequence may differ in length.


    output_dim : Required output dimension.
    hidden_dim : The dimension of the internal representations of the model.
    output_length : Length of the required output sequence.
    depth : Used to create a deep Seq2seq model. For example, if depth = 3, 
            there will be 3 LSTMs on the enoding side and 3 LSTMs on the 
            decoding side. You can also specify depth as a tuple. For example,
            if depth = (4, 5), 4 LSTMs will be added to the encoding side and
            5 LSTMs will be added to the decoding side.
    dropout : Dropout probability in between layers.

    if type(depth) == int:
        depth = [depth, depth]
    if 'batch_input_shape' in kwargs:
        shape = kwargs['batch_input_shape']
        del kwargs['batch_input_shape']
    elif 'input_shape' in kwargs:
        shape = (None,) + tuple(kwargs['input_shape'])
        del kwargs['input_shape']
    elif 'input_dim' in kwargs:
        if 'input_length' in kwargs:
            shape = (None, kwargs['input_length'], kwargs['input_dim'])
            del kwargs['input_length']
            shape = (None, None, kwargs['input_dim'])
        del kwargs['input_dim']
    if 'unroll' in kwargs:
        unroll = kwargs['unroll']
        del kwargs['unroll']
        unroll = False
    if 'stateful' in kwargs:
        stateful = kwargs['stateful']
        del kwargs['stateful']
        stateful = False
    if not hidden_dim:
        hidden_dim = output_dim

    embedder = Embedding(input_dim=lookup_matrix.shape[0], output_dim=lookup_matrix.shape[1], \
    	input_length=output_length, weights=[lookup_matrix])
    encoder = RecurrentContainer(unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, input_length=shape[1])
    encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], shape[2]), **kwargs))
    for _ in range(1, depth[0]):
        encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, **kwargs))

    decoder = RecurrentContainer(unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, decode=True, output_length=output_length, input_length=shape[1])
    decoder.add(Dropout(dropout, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], hidden_dim)))

    if depth[1] == 1:
        decoder.add(LSTMCell(output_dim, **kwargs))
        decoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, **kwargs))
        for _ in range(depth[1] - 2):
            decoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, **kwargs))

        decoder.add(LSTMCell(output_dim, **kwargs))

    x = Input(batch_shape=(None,output_length))
    embedded_x = embedder(x)

    h_encoded = encoder(embedded_x)

    def sampling(args):
        z_mean, z_log_var = args         
        epsilon = K.random_normal(shape=(batch_size, latent_dim), mean=0., std=epsilon_std)
        return z_mean + K.exp(z_log_var / 2) * epsilon

    z_mean = Dense(latent_dim)(h_encoded)
    z_log_var = Dense(latent_dim)(h_encoded)
    z = Lambda(sampling, output_shape=(latent_dim,))([z_mean, z_log_var])
    print z

    h_0 = Dense(hidden_dim, activation='relu')(z)
    print h_0
    model_out = decoder(h_0)
    print model_out

    # model_out = decoder(h_encoded)

    y = Input(batch_shape=(None,output_length))
    embedded_y = embedder(y)
    print embedded_y

    loss = tf.reduce_sum(mean_squared_error(model_out, embedded_y))

    adam = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
    optimizer = adam.minimize(loss)

    return optimizer, loss, x, y
Esempio n. 12
def Seq2Seq(output_dim, output_length, lookup_matrix, hidden_dim=None, depth=1, broadcast_state=True, inner_broadcast_state=True, teacher_force=False, peek=False, dropout=0., **kwargs):
    Seq2seq model based on [1] and [2].
    This model has the ability to transfer the encoder hidden state to the decoder's
    hidden state(specified by the broadcast_state argument). Also, in deep models 
    (depth > 1), the hidden state is propogated throughout the LSTM stack(specified by 
    the inner_broadcast_state argument. You can switch between [1] based model and [2] 
    based model using the peek argument.(peek = True for [2], peek = False for [1]).
    When peek = True, the decoder gets a 'peek' at the context vector at every timestep.

    [1] based model:

        X = Input sequence
        C = LSTM(X); The context vector

        y(t) = LSTM(s(t-1), y(t-1)); Where s is the hidden state of the LSTM (h and c)
        y(0) = LSTM(s0, C); C is the context vector from the encoder.

    [2] based model:

        X = Input sequence
        C = LSTM(X); The context vector

        y(t) = LSTM(s(t-1), y(t-1), C)
        y(0) = LSTM(s0, C, C)
        Where s is the hidden state of the LSTM (h and c), and C is the context vector 
        from the encoder.


    output_dim : Required output dimension.
    hidden_dim : The dimension of the internal representations of the model.
    output_length : Length of the required output sequence.
    depth : Used to create a deep Seq2seq model. For example, if depth = 3, 
            there will be 3 LSTMs on the enoding side and 3 LSTMs on the 
            decoding side. You can also specify depth as a tuple. For example,
            if depth = (4, 5), 4 LSTMs will be added to the encoding side and
            5 LSTMs will be added to the decoding side.
    broadcast_state : Specifies whether the hidden state from encoder should be 
                      transfered to the deocder.
    inner_broadcast_state : Specifies whether hidden states should be propogated 
                            throughout the LSTM stack in deep models.
    peek : Specifies if the decoder should be able to peek at the context vector
           at every timestep.
    dropout : Dropout probability in between layers.

    if type(depth) == int:
        depth = [depth, depth]
    if 'batch_input_shape' in kwargs:
        shape = kwargs['batch_input_shape']
        del kwargs['batch_input_shape']
    elif 'input_shape' in kwargs:
        shape = (None,) + tuple(kwargs['input_shape'])
        del kwargs['input_shape']
    elif 'input_dim' in kwargs:
        if 'input_length' in kwargs:
            shape = (None, kwargs['input_length'], kwargs['input_dim'])
            del kwargs['input_length']
            shape = (None, None, kwargs['input_dim'])
        del kwargs['input_dim']
    if 'unroll' in kwargs:
        unroll = kwargs['unroll']
        del kwargs['unroll']
        unroll = False
    if 'stateful' in kwargs:
        stateful = kwargs['stateful']
        del kwargs['stateful']
        stateful = False
    if not hidden_dim:
        hidden_dim = output_dim

    encoder = RecurrentContainer(readout=True, state_sync=inner_broadcast_state, input_length=shape[1], unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, return_states=broadcast_state)
    for i in range(depth[0]):
        encoder.add(LSTMCell(hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], hidden_dim), **kwargs))
    dense1 = TimeDistributed(Dense(hidden_dim))
    dense1.supports_masking = True
    dense2 = Dense(output_dim)

    decoder = RecurrentContainer(readout='add' if peek else 'readout_only', state_sync=inner_broadcast_state, output_length=output_length, unroll=unroll, stateful=stateful, decode=True, input_length=shape[1])
    for i in range(depth[1]):
        decoder.add(Dropout(dropout, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], output_dim)))
        decoder.add(LSTMDecoderCell(output_dim=output_dim, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, batch_input_shape=(shape[0], output_dim), **kwargs))

    input = Input(batch_shape=(shape[0],shape[1]))
    print input.shape
    embedded_input = Embedding(input_dim=lookup_matrix.shape[0], output_dim=lookup_matrix.shape[1], weights=[lookup_matrix])(input)
    print embedded_input.shape
    input._keras_history[0].supports_masking = True

    encoded_seq = dense1(embedded_input)
    # print encoded_seq.shape
    encoded_seq = encoder(encoded_seq)
    print encoded_seq

    if broadcast_state:
        states = encoded_seq[-2:]
        encoded_seq = encoded_seq[0]
        states = [None] * 2
    encoded_seq = dense2(encoded_seq)
    inputs = [input]
    if teacher_force:
        truth_tensor = Input(batch_shape=(shape[0], output_length, output_dim))
        truth_tensor._keras_history[0].supports_masking = True
        inputs += [truth_tensor]
    decoded_seq = decoder({'input': encoded_seq, 'ground_truth': inputs[1] if teacher_force else None, 'initial_readout': encoded_seq, 'states': states})

    model = Model(inputs, decoded_seq)
    model.encoder = encoder
    model.decoder = decoder

    print "==========Input========="
    print model.input
    print "==========Input========="
    print model.output

    return model
print('Embedding matrix completed.')

# -------------- DNN goes after here ---------------------
cinput = Input(shape=(context_maxlen,), dtype='int32')
cembed = embedding_layer(cinput)
clstm1 = Bidirectional(LSTM(100, return_sequences=True))(cembed)

qinput = Input(shape=(question_maxlen,), dtype='int32')
qembed = embedding_layer(qinput)
qlstm1 = Bidirectional(LSTM(100, return_sequences=True))(qembed)

cdecoder = RecurrentContainer(decode=True, output_length=context_maxlen, input_length=context_maxlen)
cdecoder.add(AttentionDecoderCell(output_dim=100, hidden_dim=100))
clstm2 = cdecoder(clstm1)
ch1 = Attention(qlstm1)(clstm1)
clstm2 = Bidirectional(LSTM(100, return_sequences=True))(ch1)

qh1 = Attention(clstm2)(qlstm1)
qlstm2 = Bidirectional(LSTM(100, return_sequences=True))(qh1)

ch2 = Attention(qlstm2)(clstm2)
qh2 = Attention(ch2)(qlstm2)

h = Merge([ch2, qh2], mode='concat')
hlstm = Bidirectional(LSTM(100))(h)
output1 = Dense(context_maxlen, activation='softmax')(hlstm)
hmerge = Merge([hlstm, output1], mode='concat')
output2 = Dense(context_maxlen, activation='softmax')(hmerge)