Esempio n. 1
def test_DiffKnownFunctions(reset_NodeDict):
    x = Var('x')
    fx = VSF('sin', x)
    dfx = fx.diff(x)
    #dfx is used in dgfx again. Forgetting to cache fx may casue subtle errors.
    assert (dfx.expression() == 'cos(x)')
    gfx = VSF('exp', Mul(Val(3), fx))
    dgfx = gfx.diff(x)
    assert (dgfx.expression() == u'exp(3*sin(x))⨯3⨯cos(x)')
    #Caching top expressions only is enough
    for v in [1.0, 2.0, 14.2, 5.1, 5.72341]:
        x.val = v
        assert (dfx.val == np.cos(v))
        assert (gfx.val == np.exp(3 * np.sin(v)))
        #Allow slight difference for complex numpy expressions.
                                   np.exp(3 * np.sin(v)) * 3 * np.cos(v),

    hfx = VSF('log', fx)
    dhfx = hfx.diff(x)
    assert (dhfx.expression() == u'1/(sin(x))⨯cos(x)')
    hx = VSF('log', Add(fx, VSF('exp', x)))
    dhx = hx.diff(x)
    assert (dhx.expression() == u'1/(sin(x)+exp(x))⨯{cos(x)+exp(x)}')
Esempio n. 2
def InitialRNN():
    ran = lambda x: np.random.random(x) - 0.5
    n = 200
    h0, w0, b0, u0 = Var('h0'), Var('w0'), Var('b0'), Var('u0')
    vh0, vw0, vb0, vu0 = ran((n, 1)), ran((n, 2 * n)), ran((n, 1)), ran((n, 1))
    h0.val, w0.val, b0.val, u0.val = vh0, vw0, vb0, vu0
    u0.val /= np.abs(u0.val).sum()  #L1 normalization.
    return RecursiveNN(w0, b0, u0)
Esempio n. 3
def test_ReuseExistingExpressions(reset_NodeDict):
    ran = lambda x: np.random.random(x) - 0.5
    x, y, a, b = Var('x'), Var('y'), Var('a'), Var('b')
    D, C, B, A = Var('D'), Var('C'), Var('B'), Var('A')
    x.val, y.val, a.val, b.val = ran((1, 4)), ran((4, 1)), ran((5, 1)), ran(
        (6, 1))
    D.val, C.val, B.val, A.val = ran((4, 4)), ran((4, 6)), ran((6, 5)), ran(
        (5, 4))

    xDy = Dot(x, Dot(D, y))
    assert Var('x') is xDy.x
    assert Dot(D, y).y is Var('y')
    assert Dot(D, y) is xDy.y
    xDy2 = Dot(Dot(x, D), y)
    tmp = Differentiation(xDy2, x)
    tmp2 = Differentiation(xDy2, x)
    assert tmp2 is not tmp
    tmp2 = Differentiation(xDy2, x)
    assert tmp2 is tmp
    tmp3 = Differentiation(xDy, x)
    assert tmp3 is tmp

    f = Dot(Dot(x, C), Dot(B, VSF('sin', Add(Dot(A, y), a))))
    dfdy = Differentiation(f, y)
    dfdy2 = Differentiation(f, y)
    assert dfdy2 is not dfdy
    dfdy2 = Differentiation(f, y)
    assert dfdy2 is dfdy
    dfda = Differentiation(f, a)
    assert dfda.var is dfdy.var.x

    g = Dot(Dot(x, C), VSF('sin', Add(Dot(B, VSF('sin', Add(Dot(A, y), a))),
    assert g.y.var.x is f.y
    dgdA = Differentiation(g, A)
    dgdB = Differentiation(g, B)
    print unicode(dgdB)
    assert dgdB.y.var is f.y.y
    assert dgdA.x.var.x.x is dgdB.x.var
Esempio n. 4
def test_GradientNumericalChecks(reset_NodeDict):
    ran = lambda x: np.random.random(x) - 0.5
    x, y, a, b = Var('x'), Var('y'), Var('a'), Var('b')
    D, C, B, A = Var('D'), Var('C'), Var('B'), Var('A')
    #g:= x⋅C⋅sin(B⋅sin(A⋅y+a)+b)
    g = Dot(Dot(x, C), VSF('sin', Add(Dot(B, VSF('sin', Add(Dot(A, y), a))),

    #0.01 is may not small enough for g=x⋅C⋅sin(B⋅sin(A⋅y+a)+b).
    scale = 0.001
    for var in [B, A, y, a]:
        p = []
        p_ran = []
        for i in range(3):
            x.val, y.val, a.val, b.val = ran((1, 4)), ran((4, 1)), ran(
                (5, 1)), ran((6, 1))
            #D,C,B,A = Var('D', ran((4,4))), Var('C', ran((4,6))), Var('B', ran((6,5))), Var('A', ran((5,4)))
            D.val, C.val, B.val, A.val = ran((4, 4)), ran((4, 6)), ran(
                (6, 5)), ran((5, 4))
            gradient = Differentiation(g, var)
            var0 = var.val
            delta = NormalizedMatrix(ran(var.val.shape), scale)
            rand_grad = gradient.val.copy()
            rand_grad = NormalizedMatrix(ran(gradient.val.shape),
            dg_ran = np.sum(delta * rand_grad)
            dg_grad = np.sum(delta * gradient.val)
            g0 = g.val
            var.val = var0 + delta
            g1 = g.val
            dg = g1 - g0
            p.append(dg / dg_grad)
            p_ran.append(dg / dg_ran)
        p = np.array(p)
        p_ran = np.array(p_ran)

        precision = np.abs(np.mean(p) - 1)
        precision_ran = np.abs(np.mean(p_ran) - 1)
        assert precision < 10 * scale
        assert precision < precision_ran
Esempio n. 5
def test_ExpressionMutations(reset_NodeDict):
    x = Var('x')
    fx = VSF('sin', x, np.sin)
    gx = VSF('exp', x, np.exp)
    #Mutable expression need to be cached.
    v = 1.0
    for v in [1.0, 0.5, 0.1]:
        x.val = v
        assert (fx.val == np.sin(v))
        assert (gx.val == np.exp(v))
Esempio n. 6
def test_CacheKnownValues(reset_NodeDict):
    x = Var('x')
    fx = VSF('cos', x, np.cos)
    gfx = VSF('exp', fx, np.exp)
    exp_cos = lambda x: np.exp(np.cos(x))
    for v in np.random.random(10):
        x.val = v
        assert (gfx.val == exp_cos(v))
    for i in range(100):
        assert (gfx.val == exp_cos(v))

    y = Var('y')
    hy = VSF('tanh', y, np.tanh)
    for v in np.random.random(10):
        y.val = v
        assert (hy.val == np.tanh(v))
    gfx_hy = CTimes(gfx, hy)
    exp_cos_x_times_tanh_y = lambda x, y: exp_cos(x) * np.tanh(y)
    vx = 5.7
    vy = np.array([1.1, 2.1, 0.5])
    x.val = vx
    y.val = vy
    print gfx_hy.val / exp_cos_x_times_tanh_y(vx, vy)
    assert_all(gfx_hy.val == exp_cos_x_times_tanh_y(vx, vy))
    print "Change x only:"
    #TODO: verify hy will not be evaluated, but use cache, instead.
    vx = 1.0
    x.val = vx
    assert_all(gfx_hy.val == exp_cos_x_times_tanh_y(vx, vy))
    print "Change y only:"
    #TODO: verify gfx will not be evaluated, but use cache, instead.
    vy = 1.0
    y.val = vy
    assert_all(gfx_hy.val == exp_cos_x_times_tanh_y(vx, vy))

    #Instance of Var must be single-assigned,
    #but it is not yet enforced by code.
    a = Var('a')
    b = Var('b')
    ab = Mul(a, b)
    assert (np.isnan(ab.val))
    a.val = 1.0
    assert (np.isnan(ab.val))
    b.val = 2.0
    assert (ab.val == 2.0)
Esempio n. 7
def test_IterativeParsing(reset_NodeDict):
    ran = lambda x: np.random.random(x) - 0.5
    n = 5
    h0, w0, b0, u0 = Var('h0'), Var('w0'), Var('b0'), Var('u0')
    vh0, vw0, vb0, vu0 = ran((n, 1)), ran((n, 2 * n)), ran((n, 1)), ran((n, 1))
    h0.val, w0.val, b0.val, u0.val = vh0, vw0, vb0, vu0

    rnn = RecursiveNN(w0, b0, u0)
    the, cat, on, hat = Word('the'), Word('cat'), Word('on'), Word('hat')

    nodes = [the, cat, on, the, hat]
    assert nodes[0] is nodes[3]

    sentence, score = rnn.combineToSentence(nodes)
    print unicode(sentence), score.val
    print sentence
    print '%s' % sentence
Esempio n. 8
def test_Transpose(reset_NodeDict):
    vx = np.matrix([5, 1, 2])
    vy = np.matrix([1, 3, 2]).T
    x = Var('x', vx)
    y = Var('y', vy)

    fy = VSF('f', y)
    gx = VSF('g', x)
    fygx = Mul(fy, gx)
    assert (unicode(Transpose(fygx).simplify()) == u'[f(y)*g(x)]ᵀ')
    assert (unicode(Transpose(Var('z', 2)).simplify()) == 'z')
    assert (Transpose(Var('z', 2)).val == 2)
    assert_all(Transpose(x).val == vx.T)
    assert_all(Transpose(Transpose(x)).val == x.val)
    y.val = vy.T
    xyt = Mul(x, Transpose(y))
    assert (unicode(Transpose(xyt)) == u'[x*yᵀ]ᵀ')
    assert (xyt.val == 12)
Esempio n. 9
def test_GradientNumericalChecks(reset_NodeDict):
    ran = lambda x: np.random.random(x) - 0.5
    n = 5
    h0, w0, b0, u0 = Var('h0'), Var('W0'), Var('b0'), Var('u0')
    vh0, vw0, vb0, vu0 = ran((n, 1)), ran((n, 2 * n)), ran((n, 1)), ran((n, 1))
    h0.val, w0.val, b0.val, u0.val = vh0, vw0, vb0, vu0

    rnn = RecursiveNN(w0, b0, u0)
    the, cat, on, a, hat = Word('the'), Word('cat'), Word('on'), Word(
        'a'), Word('hat')
    the_cat = rnn.combineTwoNodes(the, cat)
    a_hat = rnn.combineTwoNodes(a, hat)
    the_cat_on = rnn.combineTwoNodes(the_cat, on)
    the_cat_on_a_hat = rnn.combineTwoNodes(the_cat_on, a_hat)
    assert unicode(the_cat_on_a_hat) == u'(((the,cat),on),(a,hat))'
    #assert unicode(rnn.score(the_cat))==u'u0ᵀ⋅tanh(W0⋅{the⊕cat}+b0)'
    #assert unicode(rnn.score(the_cat_on))==u'u0ᵀ⋅tanh(W0⋅{tanh(W0⋅{the⊕cat}+b0)⊕on}+b0)'

    score = rnn.score(the_cat_on_a_hat)
    s0 = score.val
    gradient = Differentiation(score, w0)
    #TODO:Check parents management and makes the for-loop works.
    #for i in range(10):
    diff = 0.001 * ran(w0.val.shape)
    ds_grad = np.sum(diff * gradient.val)
    tmp = gradient.val
    ds_ran = np.sum(diff * tmp)
    w0.val += diff
    s1 = score.val
    ds = s1 - s0
    print ds_grad / ds, ds_ran / ds
    assert (abs(ds - ds_grad) < abs(ds - ds_ran))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(ds, ds_grad, rtol=1e-2, atol=0)

    assert score.isContain(w0)
    assert not score.isContain(Var('xx'))
Esempio n. 10
def test_Evaluation(reset_NodeDict):
    vx = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]).reshape(1, 3)
    vy = np.array([2.0, 3.0, 4.0]).reshape(3, 1)
    vz = np.array([3.0, 5.0, 7.0]).reshape(1, 3)
    x = Var('x')
    x.val = vx
    y = Var('y', vy)
    z = Var('z', vz)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Dot(x, Var('t', vy.T)).val
    xy = Mul(x, y)
    assert (unicode(xy) == 'x*y')
    assert_all(xy.val ==
    x_plus_z = Add(x, z)
    assert (unicode(x_plus_z) == 'x+z')
    assert_all(x_plus_z.val == vx + vz)
    assert_all(CTimes(xy, z).val == CTimes(z, xy).val)
    assert_all(CTimes(xy, z).val == * vz)
    s0 = 1.57
    s = Var('s', s0)
    fs = VSF('cos', s, np.cos)
    assert (unicode(fs) == 'cos(s)')
    assert (fs.val == np.cos(s0))