Esempio n. 1
def test_composite_module_topology():

    mgr = BDD()

    x = DynamicCover(0, 10)

    m1 = Interface(mgr, {'a': x}, {'b': x, 'i': x})
    m2 = Interface(mgr, {'i': x, 'j': x}, {'k': x})

    m12 = CompositeInterface((m1, m2))
    assert m12.sorted_mods() == ((m1, ), (m2, ))
    assert set(m12.outputs) == {'k', 'b', 'i'}
    assert set(m12.inputs) == {'a', 'j'}
    assert set(m12.latent) == {'i'}

    m3 = Interface(mgr, {'k': x, 'b': x}, {})

    m123 = CompositeInterface([m1, m2, m3])
    assert m123.sorted_mods() == ((m1, ), (m2, ), (m3, ))
    assert set(m123.outputs) == {'b', 'i', 'k'}
    assert set(m123.inputs) == {'a', 'j'}
    assert set(m123.vars) == {'a', 'j', 'b', 'i', 'k'}

    # Renaming
    m123renamed = m123.renamed(b='r', a='q')
    assert set(m123renamed.outputs) == {'r', 'i', 'k'}
    assert set(m123renamed.inputs) == {'q', 'j'}
Esempio n. 2
def setup():
    Initialize binary circuit manager
    mgr = BDD()
    Declare spaces and types
    # Declare continuous state spaces
    pspace = DynamicCover(-2, 2)
    anglespace = DynamicCover(-np.pi, np.pi, periodic=True)
    # Declare discrete control spaces
    vspace = EmbeddedGrid(2, vmax / 2, vmax)
    angaccspace = EmbeddedGrid(3, -1.5, 1.5)
    Declare interfaces
    dubins_x = Interface(mgr, {
        'x': pspace,
        'theta': anglespace,
        'v': vspace
    }, {'xnext': pspace})
    dubins_y = Interface(mgr, {
        'y': pspace,
        'theta': anglespace,
        'v': vspace
    }, {'ynext': pspace})
    dubins_theta = Interface(mgr, {
        'theta': anglespace,
        'v': vspace,
        'omega': angaccspace
    }, {'thetanext': anglespace})

    return mgr, dubins_x, dubins_y, dubins_theta
Esempio n. 3
def test_series_comp():

    mgr = BDD()

    inputs = {
        'x': DynamicCover(0, 4),
        'y': DynamicCover(0, 4),
    output = {'z': DynamicCover(0, 4)}

    h = Interface(mgr, inputs, output)
    g = ('j', 'y') >> h >> ('z', 'r')
    precision = {'j': 4, 'x': 3, 'r': 3}
    g = g.io_refined({
        'j': (.75, 2.5),
        'x': (2.5, 3.8),
        'r': (2.1, 3.1)

    h = ('r', 'x') >> h
    h = h.io_refined({
        'r': (1.3, 3.8),
        'y': (1.0, 2.0),
        'z': (.9, 3.1)
                         'r': 3,
                         'y': 3,
                         'z': 4
    assert (g >> h) == g.composed_with(h)
    assert (g >> h) == h.composed_with(g)
    assert (g >> h).nonblock() != mgr.false
    assert (g >> h).count_nb(bits=10) == approx(28)  # 7 * 2 * 2
Esempio n. 4
    def run(self,
            steps: Optional[int] = None,
            winning: Optional[Interface] = None,
            verbose: bool = False):
        Run a reachability game until reaching a fixed point or a maximum number of steps.

        steps: int
            Maximum number of game steps to run
        winning: int
            Currently winning region
        verbose: bool
            If True (not default), then print out intermediate statistics.

            Backward reachable set
            Number of game steps run
                Controller for the reach game

        if steps:
            assert steps >= 0

        state_control = self.cpre.prestate.copy()
        C = Interface(self.cpre.mgr, state_control, {})

        z = if winning is None else winning
        zz = Interface(self.cpre.mgr, {}, {})  # Defaults to false interface.

        i = 0
        while (z != zz):
            if steps and i == steps:

            zz = z
            step_start = time.time()
            z = self.cpre(zz, verbose=verbose)  # state-input pairs
            # TODO: Change this to shared refinement?
            C._assum = C.assum | (z.assum & ~self.cpre.elimcontrol(C.assum)
                                  )  # Add new state-input pairs to controller
            if verbose:
                print("Eliminating control")
            z = ihide(z, self.cpre.control)
            z = z +

            i += 1
            if verbose:
                print("Step #: ", i, "Step Time (s): ",
                      time.time() - step_start, "Size: ",
                      self.cpre.mgr.count(z.assum, len(,
                      "Winning nodes:", len(z.assum))

        return z, i, MemorylessController(self.cpre, C)
Esempio n. 5
def test_reachavoid():
    composite = CompositeInterface((pcomp, vcomp))
    dcpre = DecompCPre(composite, (('p', 'pnext'), ('v', 'vnext')), ('a'))

    target = pspace.conc2pred(mgr, 'p', [-3, 3], 6, innerapprox=True)
    target &= vspace.conc2pred(mgr, 'v', [0, 2], 6, innerapprox=True)
    targetint = Interface(mgr, {
        'p': pspace,
        'v': vspace
    }, {},

    safe = pspace.conc2pred(mgr, 'p', [-8, 8], 6, innerapprox=True)
    safe &= ~pspace.conc2pred(mgr, 'p', [-.4, .4], 6, innerapprox=True)
    safe &= vspace.conc2pred(mgr, 'v', [-4, 4], 6, innerapprox=True)
    safeint = Interface(mgr, {
        'p': pspace,
        'v': vspace
    }, {},

    game = ReachAvoidGame(dcpre, safeint, targetint)
    basin, _, _ =

#     scatter2D(mgr, ('p', pspace), ('v', vspace),
#                  basin.pred,
#                  fname = "reachavoid_doubleint.png"
#                  )
Esempio n. 6
def coarse_abstract(f: Interface,
        How many bits along each input dimension
        Bits to record in the underlying grid
        Shift boxes along each dimension by this fraction. Useful for the offset grid iterator.
    default_boxes = {
        'x': (-.01, .01),
        'y': (.49, .51),
        'vx': (-.01, .01),
        'vy': (-.01, .01),
        'theta': (-.01, .01),
        'omega': (-.01, .01),
        't': -.01,
        's': .25
    iter = f.input_iter(precision=iter_coarseness)
    for iobox in iter:
        # Lift missing arguments to a full dimension with default_boxes.
        for arg in default_boxes:
            if arg not in iobox:
                iobox[arg] = default_boxes[arg]

        # Bloat inputs for numerical precision, just in case.
        for k, v in iobox.items():
            if isinstance(v, tuple):
                iobox[k] = bloatbox(shiftbox(v, shift_frac), .001)

        # Simulate and overapproximate outputs
        stateboxes = {k: v for k, v in iobox.items() if k not in ['s', 't']}
        s = lander_box_dynamics(steps=T,
                                a=(iobox['t'], iobox['s']),
        out = {i: bloatbox(j, factor=-0.01)
               for i, j in zip(nextstates, s)
               }  # Shrink output box ever so slightly.

        # Refine
        iobox = {k: v
                 for k, v in iobox.items()
                 if k in f.vars}  # Filter unnecessary input/output slices.
        f = f.io_refined(iobox, nbits=save_precision)

    print("Done coarse abs: ", f.outputs)

    return f
Esempio n. 7
        def heuristic(iface: Interface) -> Interface:
            Coarsens sink interface along the dimension that shrinks the set the
            least until a certain size met.

            assert iface.is_sink()

            while (len(iface.pred) > maxnodes):
                granularity = {
                    k: len(v)
                    for k, v in iface.pred_bitvars.items()
                    if k in ['x', 'y', 'theta', 'xnext', 'ynext', 'thetanext']
                statebits = len(

                # List of (varname, # of coarsened interface nonblock input assignments)
                coarsened_ifaces = [(k, coarsen(iface, bits={
                    k: v - 1
                }).count_nb(statebits)) for k, v in granularity.items()]
                coarsened_ifaces.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
                best_var = coarsened_ifaces[0][0]
                # print(coarsened_ifaces)
                # print("Coarsening along dimension {}".format(best_var))
                iface = coarsen(iface,
                                bits={best_var: granularity[best_var] - 1})

            return iface
Esempio n. 8
def test_embeddedgrid_module():

    mgr = BDD()
    inputs = {'x': EmbeddedGrid(4, 0, 3)}
    outputs = {'y': EmbeddedGrid(8, 4, 11)}

    m = Interface(mgr, inputs, outputs)

    mgr.declare("x_0", "x_1", "y_0", "y_1", "y_2")
    x0 = mgr.var("x_0")
    x1 = mgr.var("x_1")
    y0 = mgr.var("y_0")
    y1 = mgr.var("y_1")
    y2 = mgr.var("y_2")
    assert m.io_refined({
        'x': 2,
        'y': 4
    }).pred == (x0 & ~x1) & (~(x0 & ~x1) | (~y0 & ~y1 & ~y2))

    assert len(mgr.vars) > 0
Esempio n. 9
def make_target(mgr, composite: CompositeInterface):
    Controller Synthesis with a reach objective

    pspace = composite['x']
    anglespace = composite['theta']
    # Declare reach set as [0.8] x [-.8, 0] box in the x-y space.
    target = pspace.conc2pred(mgr, 'x', [1.0, 1.5], 5, innerapprox=False)
    target &= pspace.conc2pred(mgr, 'y', [1.0, 1.5], 5, innerapprox=False)
    targetmod = Interface(mgr, {
        'x': pspace,
        'y': pspace,
        'theta': anglespace
    }, {},

    return targetmod
Esempio n. 10
def test_sinks():

    mgr = BDD()
    x = DynamicCover(0, 10)

    x1 = x.conc2pred(mgr, 'x', [1, 4], 5, innerapprox=True)
    x2 = x.conc2pred(mgr, 'x', [5, 8], 5, innerapprox=True)
    x3 = x.conc2pred(mgr, 'x', [0.0001, 5.001], 5, innerapprox=False)
    x4 = x.conc2pred(mgr, 'x', [4.9999, 9.999], 5, innerapprox=False)

    m1 = Interface(mgr, {'x': x}, {}, assum=x1)
    m2 = Interface(mgr, {'x': x}, {}, assum=x2)
    m3 = Interface(mgr, {'x': x}, {}, assum=x3)
    m4 = Interface(mgr, {'x': x}, {}, assum=x4)

    assert (m1 * m2).assum == mgr.false
    assert (m1 + m2).assum != mgr.false
    assert (m3 + m4).assum == mgr.true

    assert (m3 + m1) == m3
    assert (m3 * m1) == m1

    assert (m4 * m1) <= m4
Esempio n. 11
def test_module_composition():
    mgr = BDD()

    x = DynamicCover(0, 10)

    m1 = Interface(mgr, {'a': x}, {'b': x, 'c': x})
    m2 = Interface(mgr, {'i': x, 'j': x}, {'k': x})

    m12 = (m1 >> m2.renamed(i='c'))
    assert set(m12.inputs) == set(['a', 'j'])
    assert set(m12.outputs) == set(['c', 'b', 'k'])
    assert m12 == m2.renamed(i='c').composed_with(m1)
    assert m12 == (('c', 'i') >> m2).composed_with(m1)

    # Renaming is left associative
    assert m12 == m1 >> (('c', 'i') >> m2)
    assert m12 != (m1 >> ('c', 'i')) >> m2
    assert m12 == ((m1.renamed(c='i') >> m2)).renamed(i='c')
    assert m12 == ((m1 >> ('c', 'i') >> m2)).renamed(i='c')
    assert m12 == m1.renamed(c='i').composed_with(m2).renamed(i='c')
    assert m12 == m1.renamed(c='i').composed_with(m2) >> ('i', 'c')
Esempio n. 12
    def __call__(self,
                 Z: Interface,
                 verbose=False) -> Interface:
        One step decomposed control predecessor
        Coarsens Z interface whenever its complexity grows too large.
        assert Z.is_sink()

        Z = rename(Z, self.pre_to_post)

        # See if the user has provided a pre-determined order to compose interfaces.
        if self.elimorder is not None:
            to_elim_post = list(self.elimorder)
            to_elim_post = list(self.poststate)

        if self.condition(Z):
            Z = self.heuristic(Z)

        # Eliminate each interface output
        # FIXME: This code assumes that each module only has a single output.
        # Should instead iterate over modules. Find a better way to specify the
        # module to be outputted. Can't hash them unfortunately.
        # Also doesn't take into account arbitrary DAG topologies and control inputs.
        while (len(to_elim_post) > 0):
            var = to_elim_post.pop()

            # Partition into modules that do/don't depend on var
            dep_mods = tuple(mod for mod in self.sys.children
                             if var in mod.outputs)

            if len(dep_mods) == 0:

            # Find Z bit precision.
            Z_var_bits = len(
                [b for b in if bv_var_name(b) == var])
            assert Z_var_bits == len(Z.pred_bitvars[var])

            for mod in dep_mods:
                Z = sinkprepend(coarsen(mod, **{var: Z_var_bits}), Z)

        if no_inputs:
            return ihide(Z, self.control)
            return Z
Esempio n. 13
    def __call__(self,
                 Z: Interface,
                 no_inputs: bool = False,
                 verbose=False) -> Interface:
        """One step control predecessor"""
        assert Z.is_sink()

        if len(Z.outputs) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Only accept sink modules as inputs.")

        # Rename inputs from pre variables to post.
        Z = rename(Z, self.pre_to_post)

        # Compute robust state-input pairs
        xu = sinkprepend(self.sys, Z)

        # Return state-input pairs or only states
        if no_inputs:
            return ihide(xu, self.control)
            return xu
Esempio n. 14
def test_reach_control():
    composite = CompositeInterface((pcomp, vcomp))
    dcpre = DecompCPre(composite, (('p', 'pnext'), ('v', 'vnext')), ('a'))

    target = pspace.conc2pred(mgr, 'p', [-2, 2], 6, innerapprox=True)
    targetint = Interface(mgr, {
        'p': pspace,
        'v': vspace
    }, {},

    # Solve game and plot 2D invariant region
    game = ReachGame(dcpre, targetint)
    dbasin, _, _ =

    system = pcomp * vcomp
    cpre = ControlPre(system, (('p', 'pnext'), ('v', 'vnext')), ('a'))
    game = ReachGame(cpre, targetint)
    basin, _, _ =

    assert dbasin == basin
Esempio n. 15
def test_safe_control():
    composite = CompositeInterface((pcomp, vcomp))
    dcpre = DecompCPre(composite, (('p', 'pnext'), ('v', 'vnext')), ('a'))

    safe = pspace.conc2pred(mgr, 'p', [-8, 8], 6, innerapprox=True)
    safesink = Interface(mgr, {
        'p': pspace,
        'v': vspace
    }, {},

    # Solve game and plot 2D invariant region
    game = SafetyGame(dcpre, safesink)
    dinv, _, controller =

    system = pcomp * vcomp
    cpre = ControlPre(system, (('p', 'pnext'), ('v', 'vnext')), ('a'))
    game = SafetyGame(cpre, safesink)
    inv, _, _ =

    assert dinv == inv

    #     assert dinv.count_nb(p_precision + v_precision) == approx(5988)

    # Simulate for initial states
    state_box = fn.first(controller.winning_states())
    assert state_box is not None
    state = {k: .5 * (v[0] + v[1]) for k, v in state_box.items()}
    for step in range(30):
        u = fn.first(controller.allows(state))
        assert u is not None
        picked_u = {
            'a': u['a'][0]
        }  # Pick lower bound of first allowed control voxel

        nextstate = dynamics(**state)
        state = {'p': nextstate[0], 'v': nextstate[1]}
Esempio n. 16
def test_refinement_and_coarsening():

    mgr = BDD()

    def conc(x):
        return -3 * x

    x = DynamicCover(-10, 10)
    y = DynamicCover(20, 20)

    linmod = Interface(mgr, {'x': x}, {'y': y})

    width = 15

    for _ in range(50):
        # Generate random input windows
        f_width = {'x': np.random.rand() * width}
        f_left = {'x': -10 + np.random.rand() * (20 - f_width['x'])}
        f_right = {k: f_width[k] + f_left[k] for k in f_width}
        iobox = {k: (f_left[k], f_right[k]) for k in f_width}

        # Generate output overapproximation
        ur = conc(**f_left)
        ll = conc(**f_right)
        iobox['y'] = (ll, ur)

        # Refine and check abstract relation
        newmod = linmod.io_refined(iobox, nbits={'x': 8, 'y': 8})
        assert linmod <= newmod
        linmod = newmod

        # Check abstract relation relative to coarsened module
        assert linmod.coarsened(x=5, y=5) <= linmod
        assert linmod.coarsened(x=5) <= linmod
        assert linmod.coarsened(y=5) <= linmod
        # Coarsen should do nothing because it keeps many bits
        assert linmod.coarsened({'x': 10}, y=10) == linmod
Esempio n. 17
def test_mixed_module():

    from redax.module import Interface
    from redax.spaces import DynamicCover, FixedCover

    mgr = BDD()
    inputs = {
        'x': DynamicCover(0, 16),
        'y': FixedCover(-10, 10, 10),
        'theta': DynamicCover(-np.pi, np.pi, periodic=True),
        'v': FixedCover(0, 5, 5),
        'omega': FixedCover(-2, 2, 4)
    outputs = {
        'xnext': DynamicCover(0, 4),
        'ynext': FixedCover(-10, 10, 10),
        'thetanext': DynamicCover(-np.pi, np.pi, periodic=True)

    dubins = Interface(mgr, inputs, outputs)

    # Underspecified input-output
    with raises(AssertionError):
                'v': (3.6, 3.7),
                'theta': (6, -6),
                'y': (2, 3),
                'ynext': (2.1, 3.1)
            nbits={'theta': 3})

    # Test that fixed covers yield correct space cardinality
    assert mgr.count(dubins.inspace(),
                     4 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 2) == 16 * 10 * 16 * 5 * 4
    assert mgr.count(dubins.outspace(), 2 + 4 + 4) == 4 * 10 * 16
Esempio n. 18
ts = .2
k = .1
g = 9.8

def dynamics(p, v, a):
    vsign = 1 if v > 0 else -1
    return p + v * ts, v + a * ts - vsign * k * (v**2) * ts - g * ts

pspace = DynamicCover(-10, 10)
vspace = DynamicCover(-16, 16)
aspace = DynamicCover(0, 20)

# Smaller component modules
pcomp = Interface(mgr, {'p': pspace, 'v': vspace}, {'pnext': pspace})
vcomp = Interface(mgr, {'v': vspace, 'a': aspace}, {'vnext': vspace})

# Declare grid precision
p_precision = 7
v_precision = 7
precision = {
    'p': p_precision,
    'v': v_precision,
    'a': 7,
    'pnext': p_precision,
    'vnext': v_precision
bittotal = sum(precision.values())
outorder = {0: 'pnext', 1: 'vnext'}
possible_transitions = (pcomp * vcomp).count_io_space(bittotal)
Esempio n. 19
    def run(self,
            steps: Optional[int] = None,
            winning: Optional[Interface] = None,
            verbose: bool = False):
        Run a reach-avoid game until reaching a fixed point or a maximum number of steps.

        Solves for the temporal logic formula "safe UNTIL target"

        steps: int
            Maximum number of game steps to run

            Safe backward reachable set
            Number of game steps run
            Controller for the reach-avoid game


        if steps:
            assert steps >= 0

        state_control_vars = self.cpre.prestate.copy()
        C = Interface(self.cpre.mgr, state_control_vars, {})

        z = if winning is None else winning
        zz = Interface(self.cpre.mgr, {}, {})  # Defaults to false interface.

        i = 0
        while (z != zz):
            if steps and i == steps:
                print("Reached step limit")

            zz = z
            step_start = time.time()
            z = self.cpre(zz, verbose=verbose)  # state-input pairs
            # z = (self.cpre(zz, verbose=verbose) * +  # state-input pairs
            # C = C | (z.assum & ~self.cpre.elimcontrol(C))  # Add new state-input pairs to controller
            C._assum = C.assum | (z.assum & ~self.cpre.elimcontrol(C.assum)
                                  )  # Add new state-input pairs to controller
            C._assum &=

            if verbose:
                print("Eliminating control")
            z = ihide(z, self.cpre.control)

            z = (z * +

            i += 1
            if verbose:
                print("Step #: ", i, "Step Time (s): ",
                      time.time() - step_start, "Size: ",
                      self.cpre.mgr.count(z.assum, len(,
                      "Winning nodes:", len(z.assum))

        return z, i, MemorylessController(self.cpre, C)
Esempio n. 20
    # Reach Game
    if True:
        f = CompositeInterface(tuple(subsys[i] for i in states))
        controller = None
        target = f['x'].conc2pred(mgr, 'x', (-.1, .1), 7, innerapprox=True)
        target &= f['y'].conc2pred(mgr, 'y', (.05, .15), 7, innerapprox=False)
        target &= f['theta'].conc2pred(mgr,
                                       'theta', (-.15, .15),
        target &= f['vy'].conc2pred(mgr, 'vy', (-.2, .3), 6, innerapprox=True)
        print("Target Size:", mgr.count(target, statebits))
        target = Interface(mgr,
                           {k: v
                            for k, v in f.inputs.items() if k in states}, {},

        w = target
        c = mgr.false

        iterreach_start = time.time()
        for gameiter in range(5):

            print("\nStep:", gameiter)

            # Monitoring the set of states in the lunar lander reach basin
            elimvars = [
                v for v in if _name(v) not in ['x', 'y']
Esempio n. 21
g = 9.8

init_time = time.time()

def dynamics(p, v, a):
    vsign = 1 if v > 0 else -1
    return p + v * ts, v + a * ts - vsign * k * (v**2) * ts - g * ts

pspace = DynamicCover(-10, 10)
vspace = DynamicCover(-16, 16)
aspace = DynamicCover(0, 20)

# Smaller component modules
pcomp = Interface(mgr, {'p': pspace, 'v': vspace}, {'pnext': pspace})
vcomp = Interface(mgr, {'v': vspace, 'a': aspace}, {'vnext': vspace})

bounds = {'p': [-10, 10], 'v': [-16, 16]}

# Monolithic system
system = pcomp * vcomp

# Composite system
composite = CompositeInterface((pcomp, vcomp))

# Declare grid precision
p_precision = 7
v_precision = 7
precision = {
    'p': p_precision,
Esempio n. 22
def setup(init=False):

    mgr = BDD()
    )  # Reordering causes too much time overhead for minimal gain.
    subsys = {}
    subsys['x'] = Interface(mgr, {
        'x': xspace,
        'vx': vxspace,
        'theta': thetaspace,
        't': thrust
    }, {'xnext': xspace})
    subsys['y'] = Interface(mgr, {
        'y': yspace,
        'vy': vyspace,
        'theta': thetaspace,
        't': thrust
    }, {'ynext': yspace})
    subsys['vx'] = Interface(
        mgr, {
            'vx': vxspace,
            'theta': thetaspace,
            'omega': omegaspace,
            't': thrust,
            's': side
        }, {'vxnext': vxspace})
    subsys['vy'] = Interface(
        mgr, {
            'vy': vyspace,
            'theta': thetaspace,
            'omega': omegaspace,
            't': thrust,
            's': side
        }, {'vynext': vyspace})
    subsys['theta'] = Interface(mgr, {
        'theta': thetaspace,
        'omega': omegaspace,
        's': side
    }, {'thetanext': thetaspace})
    subsys['omega'] = Interface(mgr, {
        'omega': omegaspace,
        's': side
    }, {'omeganext': omegaspace})

    # Coarse, but exhaustive abstraction of submodules.
    if init:
        iter_coarseness = {
            'x': {
                'x': 7,
                'vx': 5,
                'theta': 2
            'y': {
                'y': 7,
                'vy': 5,
                'theta': 2
            'vx': {
                'vx': 5,
                'theta': 4,
                'omega': 3
            'vy': {
                'vy': 5,
                'theta': 4,
                'omega': 3
            'theta': {
                'theta': 5,
                'omega': 4
            'omega': {
                'omega': 4
        # iter_coarseness = {k: {k_: v_ + 1 for k_, v_ in v.items()} for k, v in iter_coarseness.items()}
        # iter_coarseness = sysview
        initabs_start = time.time()
        for i in states:
            print("Refining", i, "module")
            print("Iter Coarseness:", iter_coarseness[i])
            print("Recording Coarseness:",
                  {k: v
                   for k, v in sysview[i].items() if k in subsys[i].vars})
            subsys[i] = coarse_abstract(subsys[i], iter_coarseness[i],
            print(len(mgr), "manager nodes after first pass")
            print("Subsys", i, "ND ratio:", nd_ratio(subsys[i]))

            subsys[i] = coarse_abstract(subsys[i],
            print(len(mgr), "manager nodes after second pass")
            print("Subsys", i, "ND ratio:", nd_ratio(subsys[i]), "\n")

                order_heuristic(mgr, [
                    'x', 'y', 'vx', 'vy', 'theta', 'omega', 't', 's', 'xnext',
                    'ynext', 'vxnext', 'vynext', 'thetanext', 'omeganext'

        print("Coarse Initial Abstraction Time (s): ",
              time.time() - initabs_start)

    return mgr, subsys
Esempio n. 23
def test_dynamic_module():
    mgr = BDD()

    inputs = {
        'x': DynamicCover(0, 16),
        'y': DynamicCover(0, 4),
    output = {'z': DynamicCover(0, 4)}

    h = Interface(mgr, inputs, output)

    # Rename inputs
    assert set(h.inputs) == {'x', 'y'}
    assert set(h.outputs) == {'z'}
    g = ('j', 'x') >> h >> ('z', 'r')
    assert set(g.inputs) == {'j', 'y'}
    assert set(g.outputs) == {'r'}
    assert g == h.renamed(x='j', z='r')

    precision = {'j': 4, 'y': 3, 'r': 3}
    bittotal = sum(precision.values())

    assert g.count_io_space(bittotal) == approx(1024)
    assert g.count_io(bittotal) == approx(0)
    g = g.io_refined({
        'j': (2.9, 10.1),
        'y': (2.4, 3.8),
        'r': (2.1, 3.1)
    assert g.count_io(bittotal) == approx(42)  # = 7 * 2 * 3

    # Adding approximately the same transitions twice does nothing due to quantization
    oldpred = g.pred
    g = g.io_refined({
        'j': (3., 10.),
        'y': (2.5, 3.8),
        'r': (2.1, 3.1)
    assert g.pred == oldpred

    assert (g) == {
        'j_0', 'j_1', 'j_2', 'j_3', 'y_0', 'y_1', 'y_2', 'r_0', 'r_1', 'r_2'
    assert (g >> ('r', 'z')) == {
        'j_0', 'j_1', 'j_2', 'j_3', 'y_0', 'y_1', 'y_2', 'z_0', 'z_1', 'z_2'

    assert g.nonblock() == g.input_to_abs({
        'j': (3., 10.),
        'y': (2.5, 3.8)
                                          nbits=precision)  # No inputs block
    assert g.nonblock() == (g.ohidden(g.outputs).pred)

    # Identity test for input and output renaming
    assert ((g >> ('r', 'z')) >> ('z', 'r')) == g
    assert (('j', 'w') >> (('w', 'j') >> g)) == g

    # Parallel composition
    assert set((g * h).outputs) == {'z', 'r'}
    assert set((g * h).inputs) == {'x', 'y', 'j'}

    # Series composition with disjoint I/O yields parallel composition
    assert (g >> h) == (g * h)
    assert (g >> h) == g.composed_with(h)
    assert (g >> h) == h.composed_with(g)
    assert (g * h) == h.composed_with(g)

    # Out of bounds errors
    with raises(OutOfDomainError):
        g = g.io_refined({
            'j': (3., 10.),
            'y': (2.5, 3.8),
            'r': (2.1, 4.6)
Esempio n. 24
    def run(self,
            steps: Optional[int] = None,
            winning: Optional[Interface] = None,
        Run a safety game until reaching a fixed point or a maximum number of steps.

        steps: int
            Maximum number of game steps to run
        winning: Interface or None
            Currently winning region
        verbose: bool, False
            If True (not default), then print out intermediate statistics.
        winningonly: bool, False
            If true, output safety controller that only stores the invariant region.

            Safe invariant region
            Actualy number of game steps run.
            Controller that maps state dictionary to safe input dictionary

        if steps is not None:
            assert steps >= 0

        z = if winning is None else winning
        zz = Interface(self.cpre.mgr, {}, {})  # Defaults to false interface.

        # C = self.cpre.mgr.false
        state_control = self.cpre.prestate.copy()
        # C = Interface(self.cpre.mgr, state_control, {})

        i = 0
        while (z != zz):
            if steps and i == steps:
            step_start = time.time()
            zz = z

            z = self.cpre(zz, verbose=verbose)

            C = z
            if verbose:
                print("Eliminating control")

            z = ihide(z, self.cpre.control)
            z = z *

            i = i + 1

            if verbose:
                    "Step #: ", i,
                    "Step Time (s): {0:.3f}".format(time.time() - step_start),
                    "Winning Size:",
                    self.cpre.mgr.count(z.assum, len(,
                    "Winning nodes:", len(z.assum))

        return z, i, MemorylessController(self.cpre, C)
Esempio n. 25
Declare modules

mgr = aigerwrapper()

# Declare continuous state spaces
pspace = DynamicCover(-2, 2)
anglespace = DynamicCover(-np.pi, np.pi, periodic=True)
# Declare discrete control spaces
vspace = EmbeddedGrid(2, vmax / 2, vmax)
angaccspace = EmbeddedGrid(3, -1.5, 1.5)

# Declare modules
dubins_x = Interface(mgr, {
    'x': pspace,
    'theta': anglespace,
    'v': vspace
}, {'xnext': pspace})
dubins_y = Interface(mgr, {
    'y': pspace,
    'theta': anglespace,
    'v': vspace
}, {'ynext': pspace})
dubins_theta = Interface(mgr, {
    'theta': anglespace,
    'v': vspace,
    'omega': angaccspace
}, {'thetanext': anglespace})

bits = 7
precision = {
Esempio n. 26
def test_sin_sqrt_comp():
    def containszero(left, right):
        """Determine if 0 is contained in a periodic interval [left,right]. Possible that right < left."""
        # Map to interval [-pi,pi]
        left = ((left + np.pi) % (np.pi * 2)) - np.pi
        left = left - 2 * np.pi if left > np.pi else left
        right = ((right + np.pi) % (np.pi * 2)) - np.pi
        right = right - 2 * np.pi if right > np.pi else right

        if right < left:
            if left <= 0:
                return True
            if left <= 0 and right >= 0:
                return True

        return False

    def maxmincos(left, right):
        """Compute the maximum and minimum values of cos in an interval."""
        if containszero(left, right) is True:
            maxval = 1
            maxval = max([np.cos(left), np.cos(right)])

        if containszero(left + np.pi, right + np.pi) is True:
            minval = -1
            minval = min([np.cos(left), np.cos(right)])

        return (minval, maxval)

    def maxminsin(left, right):
        """Compute the maximum and minimum values of sin in an interval."""
        return maxmincos(left - np.pi / 2, right - np.pi / 2)

    mgr = BDD()

    sinout = DynamicCover(-1.2, 1.2)
    sinin = DynamicCover(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, periodic=True)

    # Sin module
    sinmod = Interface(mgr, {'sin': sinin}, {'sout': sinout})

    # Sqrt module
    sqrtout = DynamicCover(0, 1.2)
    sqrtmod = Interface(mgr, {'sout': sinout}, {'sqrt': sqrtout})

    comp = CompositeInterface([sinmod, sqrtmod])

    def random_input_gen(module: Interface, scale: float) -> dict:
        iobox = dict()
        for invar, space in module.inputs.items():
            if isinstance(space, ContinuousCover):
                width = scale * space.width()
                if space.periodic:
                    left = + np.random.rand() * space.width()
                    left = + np.random.rand() * (space.width() -
                right = left + width
                iobox.update({invar: (left, right)})
        return iobox

    precision = {'sin': 9, 'sout': 9, 'sqrt': 9}

    # Learn sin module
    from redax.visualizer import scatter2D
    for i in range(200):
        iobox = random_input_gen(sinmod, scale=.01)
        out = maxminsin(iobox['sin'][0], iobox['sin'][1])
        iobox.update({'sout': (out[0], out[1])})

        # No errors should be raised
        sinmod = sinmod.io_refined(iobox, silent=False, nbits=precision)
        comp = comp.io_refined(iobox, nbits=precision)
        assert sinmod == comp.children[0]

    # Learn sqrt module
    for i in range(200):
        iobox = random_input_gen(sqrtmod, scale=.1)
        if iobox['sout'][0] < 0 or iobox['sout'][1] < 0:
        out = (math.sqrt(iobox['sout'][0]), math.sqrt(iobox['sout'][1]))
        iobox.update({'sqrt': out})
        sqrtmod = sqrtmod.io_refined(iobox, silent=True, nbits=precision)
        comp = comp.io_refined(iobox, nbits=precision)
        assert sqrtmod == comp.children[1]

    # sinroot = (sinmod >> sqrtmod).ohidden(['sout'])
    sinroot = (comp.children[0] >> comp.children[1]).ohidden(['sout'])
    assert set(sinroot.vars) == {'sin', 'sqrt'}
    assert sinroot.pred != mgr.false