Esempio n. 1
    async def buy_gem_skin(self, ctx: Context, user: discord.User,
                           config: Config, item_data: dict):
        brawler = item_data["brawler"]
        cost = item_data["cost"]
        skin = item_data["skin"]

        gems = await config.user(user).gems()

        if gems < cost:
            await ctx.send(f"You do not have enough gems! ({gems}/{cost})")
            return False

        msg = await ctx.send(
            f"{user.mention} Buying **{skin} {brawler}**"
            f" skin will cost {emojis['gem']} {cost}. Continue?")
        start_adding_reactions(msg, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS)

        pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(msg, user)
        await"reaction_add", check=pred)
        if pred.result:
            # User responded with tick
            # User responded with cross
            await ctx.send("Purchase cancelled.")
            return False

        async with config.user(user).brawlers() as brawlers:

        await config.user(user).gems.set(gems - cost)

        await ctx.send(f"Bought {skin} {brawler} skin!")

        return True
Esempio n. 2
async def user_cooldown_msg(ctx: Context, config: Config):
    """Return cooldown message with time remaining."""

    async with config.user( as cooldown:
        command = ctx.command.qualified_name

        per = cooldown[command]["per"]
        last = cooldown[command]["last"] + per
        now = utc_timestamp(datetime.utcnow())

        return ("This command is on cooldown. Try again in {}.".format(
            humanize_timedelta(seconds=last - now) or "1 second"))
Esempio n. 3
async def user_cooldown(rate: int, per: int, config: Config, ctx: Context):
    """Handle user cooldown"""

    async with config.user( as cooldown:
        if ctx.command.qualified_name not in cooldown:
            cooldown[ctx.command.qualified_name] = {
                "last": utc_timestamp(datetime.utcnow()),
                "rate": rate,
                "per": per,
                "uses": 1
            return True
            if await check_user_cooldown(ctx, config, cooldown):
                return True
    return False
Esempio n. 4
    async def buy_brawlbox(self, ctx: Context, user: discord.User,
                           config: Config, brawlers: dict):
        brawler_data = await config.user(user).brawlers()

        box = Box(brawlers, brawler_data)
            embed = await box.brawlbox(config.user(user), user)
        except Exception as exc:
            return await ctx.send(
                f"Error \"{exc}\" while opening a Brawl Box."
                " Please notify bot creator using `-report` command.")

            await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        except discord.Forbidden:
            await ctx.send(
                "I do not have the permission to embed a link."
                " Please give/ask someone to give me that permission.")
Esempio n. 5
    async def buy_starpower(self, ctx: Context, user: discord.User,
                            config: Config, item_data: dict):
        brawler = item_data["brawler"]
        cost = item_data["cost"]
        sp = item_data["sp"]
        sp_name = item_data["sp_name"]

        gold = await config.user(user).gold()

        if gold < cost:
            await ctx.send(f"You do not have enough gold! ({gold}/{cost})")
            return False

        msg = await ctx.send(
            f"{user.mention} Buying {brawler}'s Star Power **{sp_name}**"
            f" will cost {emojis['gold']} {cost}. Continue?")
        start_adding_reactions(msg, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS)

        pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(msg, user)
        await"reaction_add", check=pred)
        if pred.result:
            # User responded with tick
            # User responded with cross
            await ctx.send("Purchase cancelled.")
            return False

        async with config.user(user).brawlers() as brawlers:
            brawlers[brawler]["level"] = 10
            brawlers[brawler][sp] = True

        await config.user(user).gold.set(gold - cost)

        await ctx.send(f"Bought {sp_name} Star Power!")

        return True
Esempio n. 6
    async def buy_powerpoint(self, ctx: Context, user: discord.User,
                             config: Config, item_data: dict):
        brawler = item_data["brawler"]
        quantity = item_data["quantity"]
        cost = item_data["cost"]

        gold = await config.user(user).gold()

        if gold < cost:
            await ctx.send(f"You do not have enough gold! ({gold}/{cost})")

        msg = await ctx.send(
            f"{user.mention} Buying {quantity} {brawler} power points"
            f" will cost {emojis['gold']} {cost}. Continue?")
        start_adding_reactions(msg, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS)

        pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(msg, user)
        await"reaction_add", check=pred)
        if pred.result:
            # User responded with tick
            # User responded with cross
            await ctx.send("Purchase cancelled.")
            return False

        async with config.user(user).brawlers() as brawlers:
            brawlers[brawler]['powerpoints'] += quantity
            brawlers[brawler]['total_powerpoints'] += quantity

        await config.user(user).gold.set(gold - cost)

        await ctx.send(f"Bought {quantity} {brawler} power points!")

        return True