def queryClaimSize(self, claimType, query):
        Queries claim's size

        Queries the data according the the given query and returns the number of records retrieved from the query.

            claimType: the claimType
            query: the query string

            The number of records retrieved from the query

            PersistenceException: There is DB error
            claimType = ClaimTypeFactory.load(claimType)

            query_parser = RedisQueryParser(claimType)
            parse_tree = query_parser.parse(query)

            query_executor = RedisQueryExecutor(self.connection, claimType)
            object_ids = query_executor.visit(parse_tree)

            cnt = len(object_ids)
            return cnt
        except RedisQueryParserError as e:
            raise PersistenceException(*e.args)
        except RedisError as e:
            raise PersistenceException(*e.args)
    def queryClaims(self, claimType, query, pageNumber, pageSize):
        Queries claims

        Queries the data according the the given filtering options from the given claim type, and returns the list of
        records (as lists) of data for the given claim type

            claimType: the claimType
            query: the query string
            pageNumber: the page number
            pageSize: the page size

            The list of records of data for the given claim type

            PersistenceException: There is DB error
            claimType = ClaimTypeFactory.load(claimType)

            query_parser = RedisQueryParser(claimType)
            parse_tree = query_parser.parse(query)

            query_executor = RedisQueryExecutor(self.connection, claimType)
            object_ids = query_executor.visit(parse_tree)
            if pageNumber:
                start = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize
                end = start + pageSize
                object_ids = object_ids[start:end]

            for id in object_ids:
                self.cursor.hgetall(claimType.tablename + ":" + id.decode())
            claims = self.cursor.execute()

            for i in range(len(claims)):
                claims[i] = self._convert_to_tuple(claimType, claims[i])
            return claims
        except RedisQueryParserError as e:
            raise PersistenceException(*e.args)
        except RedisError as e:
            raise PersistenceException(*e.args)