def surv_data_2_ref(surv_data):
    # instantiate an empty reference
    ref = Reference()
    # add meta data to reference
    # at present just a timestamp
    from time import gmtime, strftime
    ref.set_meta({'timestamp':strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())})
    for channel_code in objectives_channel_codes:
        # add reference objective corresponding to each model objective
        if channel_code == 'prevalence':
            #debug_p('surv_data ' + str(surv_data['prevalence']))
            d_points = prevalence_surv_data_2_d_points(surv_data['prevalence'])
            msg = "Channel " + channel_code + " not implemeneted yet!\nSetting reference data to None."
            d_points = None
        #debug_p('adding objective ' + channel_code)
        #debug_p('num d_points ' + str(len(d_points)))
        ref.add_objective(channel_code, d_points)
    return ref