def generate_PCR_6_default_config(self, filename):
        """Generate the WinnForum configuration for PCR 6."""
        # File path where SAS UUT claimed ppa boundary generated in PCR.1 test
        pcr_1_test_config_file_path = os.path.join('testcases', 'configs',
        sas_uut_claimed_ppa_boundary_file_path = getSasUutClaimedPpaBoundaryFilePath(

        # Load SAS UUT claimed ppa boundary and check if any error while retrieving
        # SAS UUT claimed ppa boundary generated in PCR.1 test.
            with open(sas_uut_claimed_ppa_boundary_file_path,
                      'r') as claimed_ppa_file:
                user_claimed_ppa_contour = json.load(claimed_ppa_file)
        except IOError:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'ConfigError:There is an error in reading path:%s \n\n' %

        # Expand the user claimed ppa boundary by approximately 1 kilometer.
        user_claimed_ppa_contour_feature_collection = utils.InsureFeatureCollection(
                user_claimed_ppa_contour['features'][0]['geometry'], -1e-2),
        # Create the actual config.
        config = {
            'configPCR_1': pcr_1_test_config_file_path,

        writeConfig(filename, config)
 def test_shrinks_polygon(self):
     with open(os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'test_shrink.json'), 'r') as fd:
         ppa = json.load(fd)
     geometry = ppa['features'][0]['geometry']
     self.assertTrue(geometry['type'], 'Polygon')
     spoly = utils.ToShapely(geometry)
     mpoly = sgeo.MultiPolygon(
         [sgeo.Point(0, 0).buffer(1),
          sgeo.Point(2, 0).buffer(0.1)])
     poly1 = utils.ShrinkAndCleanPolygon(geometry, 1e-2)
     poly2 = utils.ShrinkAndCleanPolygon(spoly, 1e-2)
     self.assertTrue(poly2.area < spoly.area)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         poly = utils.ShrinkAndCleanPolygon(mpoly, 1e-2)
     self.assertEqual(poly1['type'], 'Polygon')
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(poly2, sgeo.Polygon))
     spoly1 = utils.ToShapely(poly1)
     self.assertEqual(poly2.difference(spoly1).area, 0)
     self.assertEqual(spoly1.difference(poly2).area, 0)
    def generate_PCR_7_default_config(self, filename):
        """Generate the WinnForum configuration for PCR 7."""
        # File path where SAS UUT claimed ppa boundary generated in PCR.1 test
        pcr_1_test_config_file_path = os.path.join('testcases', 'configs',
        sas_uut_claimed_ppa_boundary_file_path = getSasUutClaimedPpaBoundaryFilePath(

        # Load SAS UUT claimed ppa boundary and check if any error while retrieving
        # SAS UUT claimed ppa boundary generated in PCR.1 test.
            with open(sas_uut_claimed_ppa_boundary_file_path,
                      'r') as overlapped_ppa_file:
                overlapping_ppa_contour = json.load(overlapped_ppa_file)
        except IOError:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'ConfigError:There is an error in reading path:%s \n\n' %

        # Shrink the user claimed ppa boundary by approximately 1 kilometer.
        overlapping_ppa_contour_geometry = utils.ShrinkAndCleanPolygon(
            overlapping_ppa_contour['features'][0]['geometry'], 1e-2)

        # Create ppa_record where user claimed PPA contour will be replaced.
        overlapping_ppa_record = json.load(
            open(os.path.join('testcases', 'testdata', 'ppa_record_0.json')))

        # Update the user_claimed ppa contour geometry required for overlaps ppa.
        overlapping_ppa_record['zone'] = {
            'features': [{
                'type': 'Feature',
                'properties': {},
                'geometry': overlapping_ppa_contour_geometry

        # Load PCR.1 configuration.
        pcr_1_test_config = loadConfig(pcr_1_test_config_file_path)

        # Set the pal_record used in PCR.1 tests.
        pcr_1_pal_records = pcr_1_test_config['palRecords']

        #updating the PPA record based on the PAL records
        overlapping_ppa_record['ppaInfo']['palId'] = [
            pal['palId'] for pal in pcr_1_pal_records
        overlapping_ppa_record['id'] = 'zone/ppa/%s/%s/%s' % (
            overlapping_ppa_record['ppaInfo']['palId'][0], uuid.uuid4().hex)

        overlapping_ppa_record['ppaInfo']['ppaBeginDate'] = pcr_1_pal_records[
            'ppaExpirationDate'] = pcr_1_pal_records[0]['license'][

        # Create the actual config.
        config = {
            'configPCR_1': pcr_1_test_config_file_path,
            'overlapPpaRecord': overlapping_ppa_record
        writeConfig(filename, config)