Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, config, options):
     logging.debug( 'MCP: Master Control Program Created' )
     # If we have monitoring enabled for elasic resizing
     if config['Monitor']['enabled']:
         #TODO: Make this more generic. Just import whatever the user puts here dynamically.
         #TODO: Replace 'alice' with 'monitor' or something throughout. 
         if config['Monitor']['module'] == 'Rabbit':
             from rejected.monitors import Rabbit
             self.alice = Rabbit()
             from rejected.monitors import Alice
             self.alice = Alice()
         self.alice = None
     self.bindings = []
     self.config = config
     self.last_poll = None
     self.shutdown_pending = False
     self.thread_stats = {}
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, config, options):
     logging.debug( 'MCP: Master Control Program Created' )
     # If we have monitoring enabled for elasic resizing
     if config['Monitor']['enabled']:
         from rejected.monitors import Alice
         self.alice = Alice()
         self.alice = None
     self.bindings = []
     self.config = config
     self.last_poll = None
     self.shutdown_pending = False
     self.thread_stats = {}
Esempio n. 3
class MasterControlProgram:
    """ Master Control Program keeps track of threads and threading needs """

    def __init__(self, config, options):
        logging.debug( 'MCP: Master Control Program Created' )
        # If we have monitoring enabled for elasic resizing
        if config['Monitor']['enabled']:
            #TODO: Make this more generic. Just import whatever the user puts here dynamically.
            #TODO: Replace 'alice' with 'monitor' or something throughout. 
            if config['Monitor']['module'] == 'Rabbit':
                from rejected.monitors import Rabbit
                self.alice = Rabbit()
                from rejected.monitors import Alice
                self.alice = Alice()
            self.alice = None
        self.bindings = []
        self.config = config
        self.last_poll = None
        self.shutdown_pending = False
        self.thread_stats = {}

    def get_information(self):
        """ Return the stats data collected from Poll """
    def poll(self):
        """ Check the Alice daemon for queue depths for each binding """
        global mcp_poll_delay
        logging.debug( 'MCP: Master Control Program Polling' )
        # Cache the monitor queue depth checks
        cache_lookup = {}
        # default total counts
        total_processed = 0
        total_throttled = 0
        # Get our delay since last poll
        if self.last_poll:
            duration_since_last_poll = time.time() - self.last_poll
            duration_since_last_poll = mcp_poll_delay
        # If we're shutting down, no need to do this, can make it take longer
        if self.shutdown_pending:

        # Loop through each binding to ensure all our threads are running
        offset = 0
        for binding in self.bindings:
            # Go through the threads to check the queue depths for each server
            dead_threads = []
            for x in xrange(0, len(binding['threads'])):
                # Make sure the thread is still alive, otherwise remove it and move on
                if not binding['threads'][x].isAlive():
                    logging.error( 'MCP: Encountered a dead thread, removing.' )
            # Remove dead threads
            for list_offset in dead_threads:
                logging.error( 'MCP: Removing the dead thread from the stack' )

            # If we don't have any consumer threads, remove the binding
            if not len(binding['threads']):
                logging.error( 'MCP: We have no working consumers, removing down this binding.' )
                del self.bindings[offset]
            # Increment our list offset
            offset += 1
        # If we have removed all of our bindings because they had no working threads, shutdown         
        if not len(self.bindings):
            logging.error( 'MCP: We have no working bindings, shutting down.' )
        # If we're monitoring, then run through here
        if self.alice:
            # Loop through each binding
            offset = 0
            for binding in self.bindings:
                # Go through the threads to check the queue depths for each server
                for thread in binding['threads']:
                    # Get our thread data such as the connection and queue it's using
                    info = thread.get_information()
                    # Stats are keyed on thread name
                    thread_name = thread.getName()

                    # Check our stats info
                    if thread_name in self.thread_stats:
                        # Calculate our processed & throttled amount                    
                        processed = info['processed'] - self.thread_stats[thread_name]['processed']  
                        throttled = info['throttle_count'] - self.thread_stats[thread_name]['throttle_count']  
                        # Totals for MCP Stats
                        total_processed += processed
                        total_throttled += throttled
                        logging.debug( '%s processed %i messages and throttled %i messages in %.2f seconds at a rate of %.2f mps.' % 
                            ( thread_name, 
                              ( float(processed) / duration_since_last_poll ) ) )
                        # Initialize our thread stats dictionary
                        self.thread_stats[thread_name] = {}
                        # Totals for MCP Stats
                        total_processed += info['processed']
                        total_throttled += info['throttle_count']

                    # Set our thread processed # count for next time
                    self.thread_stats[thread_name]['processed'] = info['processed']   
                    self.thread_stats[thread_name]['throttle_count'] = info['throttle_count']   
                    # Check the queue depth for the connection and queue
                    cache_name = '%s-%s' % ( info['connection'], info['queue'] )
                    if cache_name in cache_lookup:
                        data = cache_lookup[cache_name]
                        # Get the value from Alice
                        data = self.alice.get_queue_depth(info['connection'], info['monitor_port'], info['queue'])
                        cache_lookup[cache_name] = data

                    # Easier to work with variables
                    queue_depth = int(data['depth'])
                    min_threads = self.config['Bindings'][info['binding']]['consumers']['min']
                    max_threads = self.config['Bindings'][info['binding']]['consumers']['max']
                    threshold = self.config['Bindings'][info['binding']]['consumers']['threshold']

                    # If our queue depth exceeds the threshold and we haven't maxed out make a new worker
                    if queue_depth > threshold and len(binding['threads']) < max_threads:
               'MCP: Spawning worker thread for connection "%s" binding "%s": %i messages pending, %i threshold, %i min, %i max, %i consumers active.' % 
                                        ( info['connection'], 
                                          len(binding['threads']) ) )

                        # Create the new thread making it use self.consume
                        new_thread = ConsumerThread( self.config,
                                                     info['connection'] )

                        # Add to our dictionary of active threads

                        # Start the thread
                        # We only want 1 new thread per poll as to not overwhelm the consumer system

                # Check if our queue depth is below our threshold and we have more than the min amount
                if queue_depth < threshold and len(binding['threads']) > min_threads:

           'MCP: Removing worker thread for connection "%s" binding "%s": %i messages pending, %i threshold, %i min, %i max, %i threads active.' % 
                                    ( info['connection'], 
                                      len(binding['threads']) ) )

                    # Remove a thread
                    thread =  binding['threads'].pop() 
                    while thread.is_locked():
                        logging.debug( 'MCP: Waiting on %s to unlock so we can shut it down' % thread.getName() )
                    # Shutdown the thread gracefully          
                    # We only want to remove one thread per poll
      'MCP: Binding #%i processed %i total messages in %.2f seconds at a rate of %.2f mps.' %
                               ( offset, 
                                 ( float(total_processed) / duration_since_last_poll ) ) )
                if len(binding['threads']) > 1:
          'MCP: Binding #%i has %i threads which throttled themselves %i times.' % 
                              ( offset,
                                total_throttled ) )
          'MCP: Binding #%i has 1 thread which throttled itself %i times.' % 
                              ( offset, total_throttled ) )

                offset += 1
            # Get our last poll time
            self.last_poll = time.time()
    def shutdown(self):
        """ Graceful shutdown of the MCP means shutting down threads too """
        logging.debug( 'MCP: Master Control Program Shutting Down' )
        # Get the thread count
        threads = self.threadCount()
        # Keep track of the fact we're shutting down
        self.shutdown_pending = True
        # Loop as long as we have running threads
        while threads:
            # Loop through all of the bindings and try and shutdown their threads
            for binding in self.bindings:
                # Loop through all the threads in this binding
                for x in xrange(0, len(binding['threads'])):

                    # Let the thread know we want to shutdown
                    thread = binding['threads'].pop()
                    while not thread.shutdown():
                        logging.debug('MCP: Waiting on %s to shutdown properly' % thread.getName())

            # Get our updated thread count and only sleep then loop if it's > 0, 
            threads = self.threadCount()
            # If we have any threads left, sleep for a second before trying again
            if threads:
                logging.debug( 'MCP: Waiting on %i threads to cleanly shutdown.' % threads )
    def start(self):
        """ Initialize all of the consumer threads when the MCP comes to life """
        logging.debug( 'MCP: Master Control Program Starting Up' )

        # Loop through all of the bindings
        for binding_name in self.config['Bindings']:
            # Create the dictionary values for this binding
            binding = { 'name': binding_name }
            binding['queue'] = self.config['Bindings'][binding_name]['queue']
            binding['threads'] = []

            # For each connection, kick off the min consumers and start consuming
            for connect_name in self.config['Bindings'][binding_name]['connections']:
                for i in xrange( 0, self.config['Bindings'][binding_name]['consumers']['min'] ):
                    logging.debug( 'MCP: Creating worker thread #%i for connection "%s" binding "%s"' % ( i, connect_name, binding_name ) )

                    # Create the new thread making it use self.consume
                    thread = ConsumerThread( self.config,
                                             connect_name );

                    # Start the thread

                    # Check to see if the thread is alive before adding it to our stack
                    if thread.isAlive():

                        # Add to our dictionary of active threads

            # Append this binding to our binding stack
    def threadCount(self):
        """ Return the total number of working threads managed by the MCP """
        count = 0
        for binding in self.bindings:
            count += len(binding['threads'])
        return count