Esempio n. 1
def bellmanFord(G, s):
    init(G, s)
    for _ in range(len(G.V) - 1):
        for u, v, _ in G.E:
            relax(G, u, v)
    for u, v, _ in G.E:
        if G.V[v].d > G.V[u].d + G.W[u, v]:
            return False
    return True
Esempio n. 2
def dijkstra(G, s):
    init(G, s)
    for v in G.V:
        G.V[v].key = float("inf")
    S = []
    heap = MinHeap(list(G.V.values()))
    while not heap.isEmpty():
        u = heap.extractMin()
        for v in G.Adj[u.value]:
            relax(G, u.value, v)
Esempio n. 3
def dijkstrap(G, s):

    D, P, Q, S = {s: 0}, {}, [(0, s)], set()

    while Q:
        _, u = heappop(Q)

        if u in S: continue


        for v in G[u]:
            relax(G, u, v, D, P)
            heappush(Q, (D[v], v))

    return D, P
Esempio n. 4
File: Progetto: hetaov/study
def bell(G, s):

    D = {s: 0}
    P = {}

    for rnd in G:

        changed = False

        for u in G:
            for v in G[u]:
                if relax(G, u, v, D, P):
                    changed = True

        if not changed:

        print 'nagitive '

    return D
Esempio n. 5
File: Progetto: TCheruy/BE6-7
        h = 1. / (N - 1)  # Pas d'espace dx, dy
        x = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
        y = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
        # La solution exacte
        Te = np.zeros([N, N])
        for i in range(0, N):
            for j in range(0, N):
                Te[i, j] = (1 / np.sinh(np.pi)) * (
                    np.sinh(np.pi * x[i]) * np.sin(np.pi * y[j]) +
                    np.sin(np.pi * x[i]) * np.sinh(np.pi * y[j]))

        debtime = time.time()
        if ksolve < 4:  # méthodes itératives
            niter, errtab, restab, T = relax.relax(ksolve, ksch, N, Te)
            err = errtab[niter - 1]
            #print ksch,'\t',ksolve,'\t',N,'\t',np.log10(h),'\t', errtab[niter-1],'\t',niter,'\t',time.time()-debtime
        elif ksolve < 6:
            err, T =, ksch, N, Te)
            niter = 1
            err = np.log10(err)
            #print ksch,'\t',ksolve,'\t',N,'\t',np.log10(h),'\t', np.log10(err),'\t',niter,'\t',time.time()-debtime
        else:  # dernière question uniquement
            import jacobiOptimise as jo
            if ksolve <= 7:
                niter, errtab, restab, T = jo.relaxMatrice(ksolve, ksch, N, Te)
            if ksolve == 8:
                niter, errtab, restab, T = jo.relaxTableau(ksolve, ksch, N, Te)
            err = errtab[niter - 1]
Esempio n. 6
    def findPath(self, k, ontObjList):
        print("Finding path in AGV ", self.ownNo)
        it = initialWeights(self.mObj, self.source)
        u = self.source
        itrforOnt = 0
        if (self.pathNo == 1):
            itrforOnt = 0
        elif (self.pathNo > 1):
            itrforOnt = self.lastitrforOnt
        #print("Outside while:itrforfindNextX", itrforfindNextX)
        while len(it.Q) != 0:
            self.findLenPredecessor(it, u)
            adj_u = find_adj(self.mObj, u)
            seqNeigh = 0
            lenPrednodes = self.findLenPredecessor(it, u)
            #print("lenPrednodes", lenPrednodes)
            if (lenPrednodes):  #cal_len_pred_nodes(it,self.source, u)
                timeKF = lenPrednodes + k + 1
                timeKF = k + 1
            predecessor_u = it.pi_v[u]
            # fid1 = open(self.f1,'a')
            # wrtxt1="AGvNo-"+str(self.ownNo)+" "+"U-"+str(u)+" "+"Pred-"+str(predecessor_u)+" "+"TimeKF-"+str(timeKF)+'\n' #' '+str(X_teqd)+
            # fid1.write(wrtxt1)
            # fid1.close()
            #print("ownNo, u,timeKF, pred of u",self.ownNo, u, timeKF,predecessor_u)
            if (predecessor_u == 0):
                if (self.pathNo > 1):
                    self.inPCurr = self.lastP
                #end if
            elif (predecessor_u != 0):
                if (timeKF > (self.regNo + 1)):  # and self.pathNo >=1):
                    self.inPCurr = self.fObj.P[predecessor_u][u]
                #end if
            #end if

            if (timeKF >= self.regNo):
                self.bModObj.createModel(self.fObj, self.phi, lenPrednodes,
                                         self.lastState, self.pathNo,
                                         self.regNo, timeKF, u, it)
            for h in adj_u:  #(vphi,len_pred_nodes,state_inp,path_no,n,time_KF,curr_node,it):
                seqNeigh += 1
                if h == 1:
                    if (seqNeigh in self.mObj.neighbor_node_no[u]):
                        currNeighbor = self.mObj.neighbor_node_no[u][seqNeigh]
                    #end if
                    if (currNeighbor != self.source):
                        itrforOnt = itrforOnt + 1
                        #print("inside for and while:itrforfindNextX", itrforfindNextX)
                        self.estCount, self.growPerDiff, edgecost_to_neighbor = self.fObj.findNextX(
                            ontObjList, itrforOnt, self.mObj, it, self.pathNo,
                            self.ownNo, self.regNo, self.inPCurr, seqNeigh,
                            currNeighbor, u, timeKF, self.source, self.bModObj)
                        relax(u, currNeighbor, it, edgecost_to_neighbor)
                    #end if
                #end if
            #end for
            #calculating min_d
            min_d = float("inf")
            for l in it.Q:
                #print("l", l)
                if (it.d_v[l] < min_d):
                    min_d = it.d_v[l]
                #end if
            #end for
            for v, e in it.d_v.items():
                if e == min_d:
                    if (v in it.Q):
                        nextU = v
                    #end if
                # end if
            # end for
            u = nextU

        #end of while loop
        self.pathCost(it)  #set path cost here
        self.formEndVars(it, self.bModObj, itrforOnt, ontObjList)
        return self.acRYallP  # call end var here ??
Esempio n. 7
def noCircle(G, s):
    init(G, s)
    for u in L:
        for v in G.Adj[u]:
            relax(G, u, v)