import cgitb; cgitb.enable() #helps with debugging
import relayBox as rb

print "Content-type: text/html"
print "<title>Home Heating System Status</title>"

for z in rb.allZoneStatus():
	print z
import relayBox as rb
import db
import sys

import os
# if 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE' in os.environ:
# 	print ('Running from CGI. Must be called from command line!')
# 	sys.exit(-1)
# else:
#     print ('Not CGI. CLI?')

error = False

# log zone statuses to database
	status = rb.allZoneStatus()
	con = db.DB()
	for z in status:
	print "Unable to read zone statuses"
	error = True

# resolve unfinished actions
	d = db.DB()
	cur = d.findUnfinishedActions() # log in the db a row to move radio buttons back to thermostat

	for row in cur:
		msg = 0 # thermostat mode when upperbits are zero
		msg |= row['zone']