def get_sensors(): """Description goes here""" # Setup FogPi fog = Fogpi() lcd_queue.put("Showing humidity\nWater sensor ", True) lcd_queue.join() # Loop to get data from the HIH-6130 sensor keep_looping = True i = 0 while keep_looping: i += 1 # if i % 20 == 0: water = fog.get_H2O() sta, hum, tempout = hih613.hih6130() # Put the sensor data into a dictionary dict = {"field1": hum, "field2": tempout, "field3": water} output = "H:{}% T:{}{}C\nH2O: {} ".format(dict["field1"], dict["field2"], chr(223), dict["field3"]) lcd_queue.put(output, True) lcd_queue.join() i = 0 # Every 100 milliseconds, read the switches press = read_buttons() # Take action on switch press # SELECT button = exit if press == SELECT: keep_looping = False lcd_queue.put("Press SELECT to \n view menu ", True) lcd_queue.join() delay_milliseconds(99)
def housekeeper(): try: # try to take a picture with the camera camera.capture("/var/www/image.jpg") except: err = 1 + 1 # doesn't do anything, just needed some code inside except block global solenoidstate global lastopened global lastclosed global collectorstate logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) sta, hum, tempout = hih613.hih6130() fog = Fogpi() data_to_mySQL(hum=hum, tempout=tempout, water=rainsensor.rain, status=False) if ( rainsensor.isRaining and hum >= 85 and solenoidstate == 0 ): # if rain detected in polling period and humidity above 75%, try and turn on collector "Humidity and rain threshold for big fan has been reached! Big fan firing (Hum= " + str(hum) + " rain frequency= " + str(rainsensor.rain) + ")" ) lastopened = collectorstate = True fog.solenoid1() fog.solenoid2() solenoidstate = 1 time.sleep(1) door1, door2 = fog.get_doors() if (door1 == 0) or (door2 == 0): # if either door still closed, try and open them again"One of the doors is still closed: Door1: " + str(door1) + " Door2: " + str(door2)) fog.solenoid1() fog.solenoid2() time.sleep(1) door1, door2 = fog.get_doors() if door1 and door2: # if both doors open, start fan"Both doors are open and big fan is on") fog.big_fan_on() elif hum < 85: # if humidity is less than 75 if collectorstate == True: # if collector on turn off print ("humidity has dropped below threshold, turning off") collectorstate = False lastclosed = # set time that collector was last deactivated fog.big_fan_off() solenoidstate = 0 print ( "Temp: " + str(tempout) + " Humidity: " + str(hum) + " Rain Count now: " + str(rainsensor.rain) + " this hour: " + str(rainsensor.hourrain) ) # calls function which writes index.html to var/www when given the displayed variables generate_page( str(, str(hum), str(tempout), str(rainsensor.hourrain), str(lastopened), str(lastclosed), collectorstate, str(rainsensor.rain), ) threading.Timer(5, housekeeper).start() # recalls housekeeping in 5 seconds
def get_fog(): """Description goes here""" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Setup FogPi fog = Fogpi() housekeeper() # humidity cutoff for turing big fan on cutoff_bigfan = 75 # solenoid state will increment to 1 if there is water solenoid_state = 0 lcd_queue.put("Starting fog \ncollector... ", True) lcd_queue.join() # Loop to get data from the HIH-6130 sensor keep_looping = True # keep looping counter, first pass of loop will take a reading i = 19 # Fog detection logic found_fog = "N" previous = "N" # LCD message logic exit_message = False little_fan_on = False exit_message_counter = 0 exit_message_limit = 3 # 20 * .100 = 2 seconds, 3 loops = 6 seconds till timeout water_detected = False # mySQL control logic, first pass of loop will take record to the database j = 599 while keep_looping: i += 1 j += 1 # 2 second delay (or 200 msec) if i % 20 == 0: # Get value from the water sensor water = fog.get_H2O() # If there's water there must be fog! sta, hum, tempout = hih613.hih6130() # send the data to the mySQL database called collectfog # the table is called sensors if j % 600 == 0: # puts data into the mySQL database... use phpmyadmin to get the data # Set status to True if you want to see the sensor data printed out to the screen # data_to_mySQL(hum=hum, tempout=tempout, water=water, status=False) j = 0 """ First checks if exit message is on, if it is ensures that timeout hasn't happened yet. If it has, unflag exit_message """ if exit_message: exit_message_counter += 1 if exit_message_counter > exit_message_limit: exit_message = False exit_message_counter = 0 """ If exit message is not printed, update output. Otherwise, ignore. """ if not exit_message: # Put the sensor data into a dictionary dict = {"field1": hum, "field2": tempout, "field3": water} output = "H:%s%% T: %s%sC\nH2O: %s Fog: %s(%s)" % ( dict["field1"], dict["field2"], chr(223), dict["field3"], found_fog, previous, ) lcd_queue.put(output, True) lcd_queue.join() # Every 100 milliseconds, read the switches press = read_buttons() # Take action on switch press # SELECT button = exit if press == SELECT: exit_message = True lcd_queue.put("Press RIGHT to \n stop collector ", True) lcd_queue.join() if (press == RIGHT) and (exit_message): lcd_queue.put("Press SELECT to \n view menu ", True) lcd_queue.join() # reset the GPIO's GPIO.cleanup() # end the loop and exit out to main menu keep_looping = False exit_message = False little_fan_on = False delay_milliseconds(99)