def read_define_bounds_netcdf(file, band_conversion, extent): """ Using the NetCDF file: Read with ncdf4 to extract information about the data extent Regrid to rectangular projection using remap ATTENTION: If the files are from the Operational Mode (starting December 2017), should be altered! (line 15) """ print('Reading NetCDF file ' + file) nc = Dataset(file) # Visualization extent for Full Disk # geo_extent = nc.variables['geospatial_lat_lon_extent'] # min_lon = float(geo_extent.geospatial_westbound_longitude) # max_lon = float(geo_extent.geospatial_eastbound_longitude) # min_lat = float(geo_extent.geospatial_southbound_latitude) # max_lat = float(geo_extent.geospatial_northbound_latitude) # extent = [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat] resolution = 2 # Image extent required for the reprojection H = nc.variables['goes_imager_projection'].perspective_point_height x1 = nc.variables['x_image_bounds'][0] * H # x1 = -5434894.885056 x2 = nc.variables['x_image_bounds'][1] * H # x2 = 5434894.885056 y1 = nc.variables['y_image_bounds'][1] * H # y1 = -5434894.885056 y2 = nc.variables['y_image_bounds'][0] * H # y2 = 5434894.885056 grid = remap(file, extent, resolution, x1, y1, x2, y2) data = grid.ReadAsArray() + band_conversion return data, extent
def read_and_save_image(file_name): # Parameters extent = [-90.0, -70.0, -20, 10.0] resolution = 2.0 # Call the reprojection funcion grid = remap(file_name, extent, resolution, 'HDF5') data = grid.ReadAsArray() min_data = np.min(data) max_data = np.max(data) # Plot the Data bmap = Basemap(llcrnrlon=extent[0], llcrnrlat=extent[1], urcrnrlon=extent[2], urcrnrlat=extent[3], epsg=4326) bmap.imshow(data, origin='upper', cmap='gist_ncar', vmin=min_data, vmax=max_data) # Save png DPI = 300 png_file_name = file_name[:-2] + 'png' plt.savefig(png_file_name, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) return png_file_name
def create_tiff(filename, output, bbox): # config GDAL_DATA_TYPE = gdal.GDT_Float64 GEOTIFF_DRIVER_NAME = 'GTiff' SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_WKID = 4326 BBOX = bbox FILE = filename data = remap(FILE, BBOX, 2, 'NETCDF').ReadAsArray() xres = abs(BBOX[0] - BBOX[2]) / data.shape[1] yres = abs(BBOX[1] - BBOX[3]) / data.shape[0] geotransform = (BBOX[0], xres, 0, BBOX[3], 0, -yres) # create the 3-band raster file dst_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName(GEOTIFF_DRIVER_NAME)\ .Create(output, data.shape[1], data.shape[0], 1, GDAL_DATA_TYPE) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(geotransform) # specify coords srs = osr.SpatialReference() # establish encoding srs.ImportFromEPSG(SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_WKID) dst_ds.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) # export coords to file dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(data) # write a-band to the raster dst_ds.FlushCache() # write to disk dst_ds = None print(output, 'created')
def test_remap(): image = cv2.imread(sys.argv[1]) cv2.imshow('source',image) source_image = torch.Tensor(image).transpose(0,2).transpose(1,2) intrinsics_s = torch.Tensor([[718.8560,0,607.1928],[0,718.8960,185.2152],[0,0,1]]) intrinsics_t = torch.Tensor([[800,0,320],[0,800,240],[0,0,1]]) target_image_shape = (640,480) target_image =remap(source_image.unsqueeze(0),intrinsics_s.unsqueeze(0),intrinsics_t.unsqueeze(0),target_image_shape) target_image_show = target_image[0].squeeze().transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1) cv2.imshow('target',np.array(target_image_show)/255) cv2.waitKey()
def compute_angles(arm, target_frame): from remap import remap import math # compute the inverse Kinematics and store the angles for each joint # angles = arm.inverse_kinematics(target_frame) # convert the angle from radian to degrees # for (i, _) in enumerate(angles): angles[i] = math.degrees(angles[i]) # remap the coordinates for each servo using Brandon's lOgIc # remap each angle using Brandon's LoGic # print each angle in degrees and position for debugging # for i in range(4, -1, -1): angles[i] = remap(angles=angles, id=i) print("angle({}) = {} deg, {} pos".format(i, angles[i], int(angles[i]/0.24))) return angles
dst_dir = './' print('Build IC file from the following file:') print(file) print(' ') src_grd = pycnal_toolbox.CGrid_GLORYS.get_nc_CGrid_GLORYS( '/archive/u1/uaf/kate/GLORYS/', name='GLORYS', area='npolar', ystart=690) dst_grd = pycnal.grid.get_ROMS_grid('ARCTIC2') # remap zeta = remap(file, 'sossheig', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap(file, 'iicethic', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap(file, 'ileadfra', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap(file, 'iicetemp', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) dst_grd = pycnal.grid.get_ROMS_grid('ARCTIC2', zeta=zeta) remap(file, 'votemper', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap(file, 'vosaline', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) #remap_uv(file, src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) # merge file ic_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit('/')[-1][:-4] + '_ic_' + + '.nc' out_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit( '/')[-1][:-4] + '_sossheig_ic_' + + '.nc' command = ('ncks', '-a', '-O', out_file, ic_file)
from remap import remap from remap_uv import remap_uv file = '/archive/u1/uaf/kate/SODA/1985/SODA_2.1.6_19841230-19850104.cdf' dst_dir='./' print 'Build IC file from the following file:' print file print ' ' src_grd = pyroms_toolbox.BGrid_SODA.get_nc_BGrid_SODA('/archive/u1/uaf/kate/SODA/SODA_grid.cdf', name='SODA_2.1.6_ARC', area='global') dst_grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid('ARCTIC') # remap zeta = remap(file, 'ssh', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) dst_grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid('ARCTIC', zeta=zeta) remap(file, 'temp', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap(file, 'salt', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap_uv(file, src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) # merge file ic_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit('/')[-1][:-4] + '_ic_' + + '.nc' out_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit('/')[-1][:-4] + '_ssh_ic_' + + '.nc' command = ('ncks', '-a', '-O', out_file, ic_file) #subprocess.check_call(command) os.remove(out_file) out_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit('/')[-1][:-4] + '_temp_ic_' + + '.nc' command = ('ncks', '-a', '-A', out_file, ic_file)
num_maps = 1 map_method = 'bilinear' pyroms.remapping.compute_remap_weights(grid1_file, grid2_file, \ interp_file1, interp_file2, map1_name, \ map2_name, num_maps, map_method) # load the grid src_grd = get_nc_Grid_HYCOM(src_grd_file) dst_grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid(grid_name) # Triggering of variables remapping zero=731;l_time=732 #2006-01-01 - 731; 2009-01-01 - 1827 zeta = remap(zero,l_time, file, 'ssh', src_grd, dst_grd, grid_name) remap(zero,l_time, file, 'votemper', src_grd, dst_grd, grid_name) remap(zero,l_time, file, 'vosaline', src_grd, dst_grd, grid_name) remap_uv(zero,l_time, file, src_grd, dst_grd, grid_name) # merge file ic_file = '/home/eivanov/coawst_data_prrocessing/Temporal/Input_files_to_ROMS/' try: os.remove(ic_file) except: pass out_file = '' %(grid_name) command = ('ncks', '-a', '-A', out_file, ic_file) subprocess.check_call(command)
def plot(sistemas_convectivos_nc, glm_nc, local, extent, resolution=2): if (local == 'Brasil'): degrees = 10 label_fontsize = 50 elif (local == 'Sudeste'): degrees = 5 label_fontsize = 8 else: degrees = 2 resolution = 0.8 label_fontsize = 8 g16glm = Dataset(glm_nc, 'r') nc = Dataset(sistemas_convectivos_nc) # Get the latitude and longitude image bounds geo_extent = nc.variables['geospatial_lat_lon_extent'] min_lon = float(geo_extent.geospatial_westbound_longitude) max_lon = float(geo_extent.geospatial_eastbound_longitude) min_lat = float(geo_extent.geospatial_southbound_latitude) max_lat = float(geo_extent.geospatial_northbound_latitude) # Choose the visualization extent (min lon, min lat, max lon, max lat) #extent = [-45.0, -24.5, -39.0, -20.7] # Choose the image resolution (the higher the number the faster the processing is) #resolution = 0.8 #2 # Calculate the image extent required for the reprojection H = nc.variables['goes_imager_projection'].perspective_point_height x1 = nc.variables['x_image_bounds'][0] * H x2 = nc.variables['x_image_bounds'][1] * H y1 = nc.variables['y_image_bounds'][1] * H y2 = nc.variables['y_image_bounds'][0] * H # Call the reprojection funcion grid = remap(sistemas_convectivos_nc, extent, resolution, x1, y1, x2, y2) tipos = ["todos", "event", "group", "flash"] for formato in range(4): glm_variables = [False, False, False, False] glm_variables[formato] = True #print(glm_variables) # Read the data returned by the function ============================================================== # If it is an IR channel subtract 273.15 to convert to ° Celsius data = grid.ReadAsArray() - 273.15 # Make pixels outside the footprint invisible data[data <= -180] = np.nan # Define the size of the saved picture ================================================================= DPI = 150 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(data.shape[1] / float(DPI), data.shape[0] / float(DPI)), frameon=False, dpi=DPI) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) ax = plt.axis('off') # Plot the Data ======================================================================================= # Create the basemap reference for the Rectangular Projection bmap = Basemap(llcrnrlon=extent[0], llcrnrlat=extent[1], urcrnrlon=extent[2], urcrnrlat=extent[3], epsg=4326) # Draw the countries and Brazilian states shapefiles bmap.readshapefile('/home/cendas/GOES16_WS_Rodrigo/GLM/src/BRA_adm1', 'BRA_adm1', linewidth=0.50, color='#000000') if (local == 'Brasil'): bmap.readshapefile( '/home/cendas/GOES16_WS_Rodrigo/GLM/src/ne_10m_coastline', 'ne_10m_coastline', linewidth=0.50, color='#000000') #ne_10m_coastline # Draw parallels and meridians if (not (local == 'Brasil')): bmap.drawparallels(np.arange(-90.0, 90.0, degrees), linewidth=0.3, dashes=[4, 4], color='white', labels=[True, False, False, True], fmt='%g', labelstyle="+/-", size=8) bmap.drawmeridians(np.arange(0.0, 360.0, degrees), linewidth=0.3, dashes=[4, 4], color='white', labels=[True, False, False, True], fmt='%g', labelstyle="+/-", size=8) else: bmap.drawparallels(np.arange(-90.0, 90.0, degrees), linewidth=0.3, dashes=[4, 4], color='white', labels=[True, False, False, True], fmt='%g', labelstyle="+/-", size=30) bmap.drawmeridians(np.arange(0.0, 360.0, degrees), linewidth=0.3, dashes=[4, 4], color='white', labels=[True, False, False, True], fmt='%g', labelstyle="+/-", size=30) #Split the dataset with temperatures above and below -20°C temp = -80 tempAbove = masked_array(data, data < temp) tempBelow = masked_array(data, data >= temp) # Converts a CPT file to be used in Python cptSquareRoot = loadCPT( '/home/cendas/GOES16_WS_Rodrigo/GLM/src/Square Root Visible Enhancement.cpt' ) # Makes a linear interpolation cpt_convert_SquareRoot = LinearSegmentedColormap('cpt', cptSquareRoot) # Plot the GOES-16 channel with the converted CPT colors (you may alter the min and max to match your preference) plot_SquareRoot = bmap.imshow(tempAbove, origin='upper', cmap=cpt_convert_SquareRoot, vmin=-80, vmax=100) # ===================== LEGENDA ========================== # Get the unit based on the channel. If channels 1 trough 6 is Albedo. If channels 7 to 16 is BT. Unit = "Cloud Top Temperature [°C]" # Choose a title for the plot Title = " Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) - GOES Satellite" Latitude = "Latitude" Longitude = "Longitude" # Add a black rectangle in the bottom to insert the image description lon_difference = (extent[2] - extent[0]) # Max Lon - Min Lon # Add the image description inside the black rectangle lat_difference = (extent[3] - extent[1]) # Max lat - Min lat if (not (local == 'Brasil')): #Labels and its positions # plt.text(extent[0] + lon_difference * 0.5, extent[3] + lat_difference * 0.035, Title, horizontalalignment='center', color='black', size=9) plt.text(extent[0] + lon_difference * 0.5, extent[3] + lat_difference * 0.065, " ", horizontalalignment='center', color='black', size=10) plt.text(extent[0] + lon_difference * 0.5, extent[1] - lat_difference * 0.11, Longitude, horizontalalignment='center', color='black', size=10) plt.text(extent[0] + lon_difference * 0.5, extent[1] - lat_difference * 0.15, " ", horizontalalignment='center', color='black', size=18) plt.text(extent[0] - lon_difference * 0.15, extent[1] + lat_difference * 0.5, Latitude, verticalalignment='center', rotation="vertical", color='black', size=10) else: plt.text(extent[0] + lon_difference * 0.5, extent[3] + lat_difference * 0.035, Title, horizontalalignment='center', color='black', size=40) plt.text(extent[0] + lon_difference * 0.5, extent[3] + lat_difference * 0.065, " ", horizontalalignment='center', color='black', size=10) plt.text(extent[0] + lon_difference * 0.5, extent[1] - lat_difference * 0.11, Longitude, horizontalalignment='center', color='black', size=40) plt.text(extent[0] + lon_difference * 0.5, extent[1] - lat_difference * 0.15, " ", horizontalalignment='center', color='black', size=18) plt.text(extent[0] - lon_difference * 0.15, extent[1] + lat_difference * 0.5, Latitude, verticalalignment='center', rotation="vertical", color='black', size=40) # ======================================== if (glm_variables[0]): #Todos # Get Events, Group and flash from Glm file event_lat = g16glm.variables['event_lat'][:] event_lon = g16glm.variables['event_lon'][:] group_lat = g16glm.variables['group_lat'][:] group_lon = g16glm.variables['group_lon'][:] flash_lat = g16glm.variables['flash_lat'][:] flash_lon = g16glm.variables['flash_lon'][:] # Plot events as large blue dots event_x, event_y = bmap(event_lon, event_lat) bmap.plot(event_x, event_y, 'bo', markersize=7, label='Events') # Plot groups as medium green dots group_x, group_y = bmap(group_lon, group_lat) bmap.plot(group_x, group_y, 'go', markersize=3, label='Group') # Plot flashes as small red dots flash_x, flash_y = bmap(flash_lon, flash_lat) bmap.plot(flash_x, flash_y, 'ro', markersize=1, label='Flash') plt.legend(fontsize=label_fontsize, loc=4) else: if (glm_variables[1]): # Get Events from Glm file event_lat = g16glm.variables['event_lat'][:] event_lon = g16glm.variables['event_lon'][:] # Plot events as large blue dots event_x, event_y = bmap(event_lon, event_lat) bmap.plot(event_x, event_y, 'bo', markersize=7, label='Events') if (glm_variables[2]): # Get Group from Glm file group_lat = g16glm.variables['group_lat'][:] group_lon = g16glm.variables['group_lon'][:] # Plot groups as medium green dots group_x, group_y = bmap(group_lon, group_lat) bmap.plot(group_x, group_y, 'go', markersize=3, label='Group') if (glm_variables[3]): # Get Flash from Glm file flash_lat = g16glm.variables['flash_lat'][:] flash_lon = g16glm.variables['flash_lon'][:] # Plot flashes as small red dots flash_x, flash_y = bmap(flash_lon, flash_lat) bmap.plot(flash_x, flash_y, 'ro', markersize=1, label='Flash') plt.legend(fontsize=label_fontsize, loc=4) Start = glm_nc[glm_nc.find('_s') + 1:glm_nc.find("_e") - 3] year = int(Start[1:5]) dayjulian = int( Start[5:8]) - 1 # Subtract 1 because the year starts at "0" dayconventional = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta( dayjulian) # Convert from julian to conventional month = dayconventional.strftime('%m') day = dayconventional.strftime('%d') hour = int(Start[8:12]) plt.savefig('/home/cendas/GOES16_WS_Rodrigo/GLM/Output/' + local + '/glm_' + str(year) + str(month) + str(day) + '_' + str(hour) + '_' + tipos[formato] + '.png', dpi=DPI, pad_inches=0, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
file = '/nfs/P1/Data/SODA/SODA_2.1.6/SODA_2.1.6_20031231-20040105.cdf' dst_dir = './' print('Build IC file from the following file:') print(file) print(' ') src_grd = pycnal_toolbox.BGrid_SODA.get_nc_BGrid_SODA( '/nfs/P1/Data/SODA/SODA_2.1.6/SODA_grid.cdf', name='SODA_2.1.6', area='npolar', ystart=240) dst_grd = pycnal.grid.get_ROMS_grid('ARCTIC2') # remap zeta = remap(file, 'ssh', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) dst_grd = pycnal.grid.get_ROMS_grid('ARCTIC2', zeta=zeta) remap(file, 'temp', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap(file, 'salt', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap_uv(file, src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) # merge file ic_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit('/')[-1][:-4] + '_ic_' + + '.nc' out_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit( '/')[-1][:-4] + '_ssh_ic_' + + '.nc' command = ('ncks', '-a', '-O', out_file, ic_file) #subprocess.check_call(command) os.remove(out_file) out_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit(
from remap import remap from remap_uv import remap_uv file = '/archive/u1/uaf/kate/GLORYS/' dst_dir='./' print 'Build IC file from the following file:' print file print ' ' src_grd = pyroms_toolbox.CGrid_GLORYS.get_nc_CGrid_GLORYS('/archive/u1/uaf/kate/GLORYS/', name='GLORYS', area='npolar', ystart=690) dst_grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid('ARCTIC2') # remap zeta = remap(file, 'sossheig', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap(file, 'iicethic', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap(file, 'ileadfra', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap(file, 'iicetemp', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) dst_grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid('ARCTIC2', zeta=zeta) remap(file, 'votemper', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap(file, 'vosaline', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) #remap_uv(file, src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) # merge file ic_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit('/')[-1][:-4] + '_ic_' + + '.nc' out_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit('/')[-1][:-4] + '_sossheig_ic_' + + '.nc' command = ('ncks', '-a', '-O', out_file, ic_file) os.remove(out_file)
import pyroms; from Get_grid import Get_grid_Mercator_Nest; from Get_grid import Get_grid_Mercator_Parent; from make_remap_grid_file import make_remap_grid_file; from remap import remap src_grd_file = '/media/sf_Swap-between-windows-linux/New_Grid/' dst_grd_file = '' srcgrd = Get_grid_Mercator_Parent(src_grd_file) dstgrd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid('COARSEST') make_remap_grid_file(srcgrd) pyroms.remapping.make_remap_grid_file(dstgrd, Cpos='rho'); pyroms.remapping.make_remap_grid_file(dstgrd, Cpos='u'); pyroms.remapping.make_remap_grid_file(dstgrd, Cpos='v') # compute remap weights input namelist variables for bilinear remapping at rho points grid1_file = '' grid2_file = '' interp_file1 = '' interp_file2 = '' map1_name = 'MERCATOR_PARENT to COARSEST Bilinear Mapping' map2_name = 'COARSEST to MERCATOR_PARENT Bilinear Mapping' num_maps = 1 map_method = 'bilinear' pyroms.remapping.compute_remap_weights(grid2_file, grid1_file, interp_file2, interp_file1, map2_name, map1_name, num_maps, map_method) tart=0; tend=1095*24 wts='' remap(tart, tend, dst_grd_file, 'temp', wts, dstgrd, srcgrd, src_grd_file, dst_dir='./')
def create_dataframe_abi2(path_abi, time): files = [os.path.join(path_abi, file) for file in os.listdir(path_abi)] df = gpd.read_file(os.path.join(HERE, 'shapefiles/estadosl_2007.shp')) print(files[0]) data = dict() data['start_scan'] = [] data['end_scan'] = [] data['year'] = [] data['julian_day'] = [] data['hour'] = [] data['minute'] = [] data['state'] = [] data['min'] = [] data['mean'] = [] data['std'] = [] data['max'] = [] data['timestamp'] = [] timestamp = time['t'] for file in files: if not file.endswith('.nc'): continue filename = file.split('/')[-1] start_scan = filename[27:41] end_scan = filename[43:57] y = start_scan[:4] jd = start_scan[4:7] h = start_scan[7:9] m = start_scan[9:11] for _, state in df.iterrows(): print('Geting values from %s...' % state['NOMEUF2']) bbox = state['geometry'].bounds grid = remap(file, bbox, 1, 'NETCDF').ReadAsArray() data['min'].append(np.min(grid)) data['mean'].append(np.mean(grid)) data['max'].append(np.max(grid)) data['std'].append(np.std(grid)) data['state'].append(state['NOMEUF2']) data['start_scan'].append(start_scan) data['end_scan'].append(end_scan) data['year'].append(y) data['julian_day'].append(jd) data['hour'].append(h) data['minute'].append(m) data['timestamp'].append(timestamp) output_csv = '/home/adriano/earth-observation/.data/csv/abi' #path_abi.replace('nc', 'csv') csv_filename = '%s__' % time['t'] csv_filename += '%s_s%s%s%s%s' % ('ABI-L2-CMIPF', time['y'], time['d'], time['h'], time['m'][0]) csv_filename += '_e%s%s%s%s.csv' % (time['y'], time['d'], time['h'], time['m'][-1]) if not os.path.exists(output_csv): os.makedirs(output_csv) df = pd.DataFrame(data) filename = os.path.join(output_csv, csv_filename) df.to_csv(filename, index=False) print('CSV ABI file saved in ', filename)
def create_dataframe_abi(path_abi, time): print('Creating ABI dataframe...') files = [os.path.join(path_abi, file) for file in os.listdir(path_abi)] df = load_states() print(files[0]) data = dict() data['start_scan'] = [] data['end_scan'] = [] data['year'] = [] data['julian_day'] = [] data['hour'] = [] data['minute'] = [] data['lon'] = [] data['lat'] = [] data['state'] = [] data['value'] = [] data['ind_x'] = [] data['ind_y'] = [] data['rows'] = [] data['cols'] = [] data['timestamp'] = [] timestamp = time['t'] for file in files: filename = file.split('/')[-1] start_scan = filename[27:41] end_scan = filename[43:57] y = start_scan[:4] jd = start_scan[4:7] h = start_scan[7:9] m = start_scan[9:11] for _, state in df.iterrows(): print('Geting values from %s...' % state['NOMEUF2']) bbox = state['geometry'].bounds grid = remap(file, bbox, 1, 'NETCDF').ReadAsArray() lons = np.linspace(bbox[0], bbox[2], grid.shape[1]) lats = np.linspace(bbox[1], bbox[3], grid.shape[0]) rows = grid.shape[0] cols = grid.shape[1] for x in range(rows): for y in range(cols): data['rows'].append(rows) data['cols'].append(cols) data['ind_x'].append(x) data['ind_y'].append(y) data['lon'].append(lons[y]) data['lat'].append(lats[x]) data['value'].append(grid[x][y]) data['state'].append(state['NOMEUF2']) data['start_scan'].append(start_scan) data['end_scan'].append(end_scan) data['year'].append(y) data['julian_day'].append(jd) data['hour'].append(h) data['minute'].append(m) data['timestamp'].append(timestamp) output_csv = path_abi.replace('nc', 'csv') csv_filename = '%s__' % time['t'] csv_filename += '%s_s%s%s%s%s' % ('ABI-L2-CMIPF', time['y'], time['d'], time['h'], time['m'][0]) csv_filename += '_e%s%s%s%s.csv' % (time['y'], time['d'], time['h'], time['m'][-1]) if not os.path.exists(output_csv): os.makedirs(output_csv) df = pd.DataFrame(data) filename = os.path.join(output_csv, csv_filename) df.to_csv(filename, index=False)
def func(dst_grd_file,order): if order=='PARENT': srcgrd1 = Get_grid_ODYSSEA_Parent(src_grd_file1) srcgrd2 = Get_grid_Mercator_Parent(src_grd_file2) grid='COARSEST' dstgrd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid(grid) pyroms.remapping.make_remap_grid_file(dstgrd, Cpos='rho') elif order=='NEST': srcgrd1 = Get_grid_ODYSSEA_Nest(src_grd_file1) srcgrd2 = Get_grid_Mercator_Nest(src_grd_file2) grid='FINER' dstgrd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid(grid) pyroms.remapping.make_remap_grid_file_2(dstgrd, Cpos='rho') #### Uncomment if you want to compute weights between two grid #### make_remap_grid_file(srcgrd1) make_remap_grid_file(srcgrd2) # compute remap weights input namelist variables for bilinear remapping at rho points grid1_file = '' %(order) grid2_file = '' %(grid) interp_file1 = '' %(order,grid) interp_file2 = '' %(grid,order) map1_name = 'ODYSSEA_%s to %s Bilinear Mapping' %(order,grid) map2_name = '%s to ODYSSEA_%s Bilinear Mapping' %(grid,order) num_maps = 1 map_method = 'bilinear' pyroms.remapping.compute_remap_weights(grid2_file, grid1_file, interp_file2, interp_file1, map2_name, map1_name, num_maps, map_method) grid1_file = '' %(order) grid2_file = '' %(grid) interp_file1 = '' %(order,grid) interp_file2 = '' %(grid,order) map1_name = 'MERCATOR_%s to %s Bilinear Mapping' %(order,grid) map2_name = '%s to MERCATOR_%s Bilinear Mapping' %(grid,order) num_maps = 1 map_method = 'bilinear' pyroms.remapping.compute_remap_weights(grid2_file, grid1_file, interp_file2, interp_file1, map2_name, map1_name, num_maps, map_method) tt=365*3 dst_grd_file = '/home/eivanov/coawst_data_prrocessing/Temporal/Former/' + dst_grd_file wts = '' %(grid,order) remap(tt, dst_grd_file, 'sst', wts, dstgrd, srcgrd1, src_grd_file1,order,grid) wts = '' %(grid,order) remap(tt, dst_grd_file, 'sbt', wts, dstgrd, srcgrd2, src_grd_file2,order,grid) remap(tt, dst_grd_file, 'sss', wts, dstgrd, srcgrd2, src_grd_file2,order,grid) remap(tt, dst_grd_file, 'sbs', wts, dstgrd, srcgrd2, src_grd_file2,order,grid) remap(tt, dst_grd_file, 'ssu', wts, dstgrd, srcgrd2, src_grd_file2,order,grid) remap(tt, dst_grd_file, 'ssv', wts, dstgrd, srcgrd2, src_grd_file2,order,grid) remap(tt, dst_grd_file, 'sbu', wts, dstgrd, srcgrd2, src_grd_file2,order,grid) remap(tt, dst_grd_file, 'sbv', wts, dstgrd, srcgrd2, src_grd_file2,order,grid) a='' %(order) b='' %(dst_grd_file[:-3],order) os.rename(a,b) ic_file = dst_grd_file[:-3]+'' %(order) cycle=['sbt','sss','sbs','ssu','ssv','sbu','sbv'] for i in range(len(cycle)): out_file = '' %(cycle[i],order) command = ('ncks', '-a', '-A', out_file, ic_file) subprocess.check_call(command) os.remove(out_file)
random.seed(42) # Load stock data eod_data = load_stock_data() # Loop through all stocks returned for key, data in eod_data.items(): # Process data processed_data = process_data(data) X, Y = [], [] for idx in range(0, len(processed_data)-WINDOW-FORECAST, STEP): # Get data from window hl = remap(np.array(processed_data['H-L'][idx:idx+WINDOW]), -1, 1) co = remap(np.array(processed_data['C-O'][idx:idx+WINDOW]), -1, 1) sma_3 = remap(np.array(processed_data['3day SMA'][idx:idx+WINDOW]), -1, 1) sma_10 = remap(np.array(processed_data['10day SMA'][idx:idx+WINDOW]), -1, 1) sma_30 = remap(np.array(processed_data['30day SMA'][idx:idx+WINDOW]), -1, 1) std_dev = remap(np.array(processed_data['Std_dev'][idx:idx+WINDOW]), -1, 1) rsi = remap(np.array(processed_data['RSI'][idx:idx+WINDOW]), -1, 1) # Stack in array x_i = np.column_stack((hl, co, sma_3, sma_10, sma_30, std_dev, rsi)) # Get forecast value last_close = processed_data['C'][idx + WINDOW] next_close = processed_data['C'][idx + WINDOW + FORECAST] if last_close < next_close:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap from netCDF4 import Dataset from remap import remap import geopandas as gpd file = "data/2017/10/2/" #bbox = [-53.08059692, -25.25489044, -44.20065689, -19.78015137] shapefile = 'shapes/Brazilian_States_Shape/BRA_adm1.shp' shp = gpd.read_file(shapefile) state = shp[shp['ADM1'] == 'SAO PAULO'] bbox = state.bounds.values[0] grid = remap(file, bbox, 2, 'NETCDF') data = grid.ReadAsArray() #DPI = 150 #ax = plt.figure(figsize=(2000/float(DPI), 2000/float(DPI)), frameon=True, dpi=DPI) bmap = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlon=bbox[0], llcrnrlat=bbox[1], urcrnrlon=bbox[2], urcrnrlat=bbox[3] + 0.5, epsg=4326, resolution='i') bmap.bluemarble() bmap.imshow(data, cmap='jet', alpha=.8)
# Bocaina as a Center of the projection degrees = 5 # Choose the visualization extent (min lon, min lat, max lon, max lat) extent = [-45 - degrees, -23.7 - degrees, -43.4 + degrees, -22.5 + degrees] # Choose the image resolution (the higher the number the faster the processing is) resolution = 2 # Calculate the image extent required for the reprojection H = nc.variables['goes_imager_projection'].perspective_point_height x1 = nc.variables['x_image_bounds'][0] * H x2 = nc.variables['x_image_bounds'][1] * H y1 = nc.variables['y_image_bounds'][1] * H y2 = nc.variables['y_image_bounds'][0] * H # Call the reprojection funcion gridCH1 = remap(pathCH1, extent, resolution, x1, y1, x2, y2) gridCH2 = remap(pathCH2, extent, resolution, x1, y1, x2, y2) gridCH3 = remap(pathCH3, extent, resolution, x1, y1, x2, y2) # Read the data returned by the function R = gridCH2.ReadAsArray() G = gridCH3.ReadAsArray() B = gridCH1.ReadAsArray() # Apply range limits for each channel. RGB values must be between 0 and 1 R = np.clip(R, 0, 1) G = np.clip(G, 0, 1) B = np.clip(B, 0, 1) # Apply the gamma correction gamma = 2.2
for filein in filelst: tag = filein.replace(data_dir + '/' + my_year + '/', '').replace('soda3.3.1_5dy_ocean_reg_', '').replace('.nc', '') print '\nBuild OBC file for time %s' % tag zeta_dst_file = dst_dir + + '_IC_zeta_' + tag + '_' + + '.nc' temp_dst_file = dst_dir + + '_IC_temp_' + tag + '_' + + '.nc' salt_dst_file = dst_dir + + '_IC_salt_' + tag + '_' + + '.nc' u_dst_file = dst_dir + + '_IC_u_' + tag + '_' + + '.nc' v_dst_file = dst_dir + + '_IC_v_' + tag + '_' + + '.nc' # remap ssh zeta = remap('ssh', filein, src_grd, dst_grd, zeta_dst_file, dst_dir=dst_dir) # reload grid with zeta (more accurate) dst_grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid('ARCTIC4', zeta=zeta) # regrid temp, salt and velocities remap('temp', filein, src_grd, dst_grd, temp_dst_file, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap('salt', filein, src_grd, dst_grd, salt_dst_file, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap_uv(filein, src_grd, dst_grd, u_dst_file, v_dst_file, dst_dir=dst_dir) # merge file IC_file = dst_dir + + '_IC_' + tag + '_' + + '.nc' command1 = 'mv ' + zeta_dst_file + ' ' + IC_file
filein=data_dir + 'soda3.3.1_5dy_ocean_reg_' + tag + '.nc' # load grids src_grd = pyroms_toolbox.BGrid_GFDL.get_nc_BGrid_GFDL(data_dir + 'grid/', name='SODA3.3.1', xrange=(400, 500), yrange=(180, 280)) dst_grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid('CCS') print '\nBuild IC file from %s' %filein zeta_dst_file = dst_dir + + '_ic_zeta_' + tag + '_' + + '.nc' temp_dst_file = dst_dir + + '_ic_temp_' + tag + '_' + + '.nc' salt_dst_file = dst_dir + + '_ic_salt_' + tag + '_' + + '.nc' u_dst_file = dst_dir + + '_ic_u_' + tag + '_' + + '.nc' v_dst_file = dst_dir + + '_ic_v_' + tag + '_' + + '.nc' # remap ssh zeta = remap('ssh', filein, src_grd, dst_grd, zeta_dst_file, dst_dir=dst_dir) # reload grid with zeta (more accurate) dst_grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid('CCS', zeta=zeta) # regrid temp, salt and velocities remap('temp',filein, src_grd, dst_grd, temp_dst_file, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap('salt',filein, src_grd, dst_grd, salt_dst_file, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap_uv(filein, src_grd, dst_grd, u_dst_file, v_dst_file, dst_dir=dst_dir) # merge file ic_file = dst_dir + + '_ic_' + tag + '_' + + '.nc' command1 = 'mv ' + zeta_dst_file + ' ' + ic_file command2 = 'ncks -A ' + temp_dst_file + ' -o ' + ic_file command3 = 'ncks -A ' + salt_dst_file + ' -o ' + ic_file
degrees = 0 # Choose the visualization extent (min lon, min lat, max lon, max lat) extent = [-46 - degrees, -26 - degrees, -40 + degrees, -19 + degrees] #Regiao MetroSerra # Choose the image resolution (the higher the number the faster the processing is) resolution = 0.8 #Standard max resolution without lose information = 2 # Calculate the image extent required for the reprojection H = nc.variables['goes_imager_projection'].perspective_point_height x1 = nc.variables['x_image_bounds'][0] * H x2 = nc.variables['x_image_bounds'][1] * H y1 = nc.variables['y_image_bounds'][1] * H y2 = nc.variables['y_image_bounds'][0] * H # Call the reprojection funcion grid = remap(path, extent, resolution, x1, y1, x2, y2) # Search for the GOES-16 channel in the file name bandSetted = False bands = ['M6C', 'M3C'] bandLenghts = [ '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16' ] mode = 0 while not bandSetted: Band = (path[path.find(bands[mode]) + 3:path.find("_G16")]) #if (len(Band) != 2) and (Band not in bandBounds): if (Band not in bandLenghts): mode += 1
file = "/archive/u1/uaf/kate/HYCOM/SCS/data/" data_dir = "/archive/u1/uaf/kate/HYCOM/SCS/data/" dst_dir = "./" print "Build IC file from the following file:" print file print " " src_grd_file = data_dir + "../" src_grd = pyroms_toolbox.Grid_HYCOM.get_nc_Grid_HYCOM(src_grd_file) dst_grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid("PALAU1") # remap zeta = remap(file, "ssh", src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) dst_grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid("PALAU1", zeta=zeta) remap(file, "temp", src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap(file, "salt", src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) remap_uv(file, src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir) # merge file ic_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit("/")[-1][:-3] + "_ic_" + + ".nc" out_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit("/")[-1][:-3] + "_ssh_ic_" + + ".nc" command = ("ncks", "-a", "-O", out_file, ic_file) print command subprocess.check_call(command) os.remove(out_file) out_file = dst_dir + file.rsplit("/")[-1][:-3] + "_temp_ic_" + + ".nc" command = ("ncks", "-a", "-A", out_file, ic_file)