def internal_run_test(test_name): testcases = get_tests() rd.InitGlobalEnv(rd.GlobalEnvironment(), []) log.add_output(util.get_artifact_path("output.log.html")) for testclass in testcases: if testclass.__name__ == test_name: log.begin_test(test_name, print_header=False) util.set_current_test(test_name) try: instance = testclass() instance.invoketest() suceeded = True except Exception as ex: log.failure(ex) suceeded = False log.end_test(test_name, print_footer=False) if suceeded: sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1) log.error( "INTERNAL ERROR: Couldn't find '{}' test to run".format(test_name))
def renderdoc_dump_images(filename, eventIds, outputDir): rd.InitGlobalEnv(rd.GlobalEnvironment(), []) cap,controller = loadCapture(filename); tracefile = Path(filename).name if len(eventIds) == 0: eventIds.append(controller.GetDrawcalls()[-1].eventId) for eventId in eventIds: dumpImage(controller, eventId, outputDir, tracefile) controller.Shutdown() cap.Shutdown()
def run_tests(test_include: str, test_exclude: str, in_process: bool, slow_tests: bool, debugger: bool): start_time = time.time() rd.InitGlobalEnv(rd.GlobalEnvironment(), []) # On windows, disable error reporting if 'windll' in dir(ctypes): ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode( 1 | 2) # SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS | SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX # clean up artifacts and temp folder if os.path.exists(util.get_artifact_dir()): shutil.rmtree(util.get_artifact_dir(), ignore_errors=True) if os.path.exists(util.get_tmp_dir()): shutil.rmtree(util.get_tmp_dir(), ignore_errors=True) log.add_output(util.get_artifact_path("output.log.html")) for file in ['testresults.css', 'testresults.js']: shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), file), util.get_artifact_path(file)) log.rawprint( '<meta charset="utf-8"><!-- header to prevent output from being processed as html -->' + '<body><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="testresults.css">' + '<script src="testresults.js"></script>' + '<script id="logoutput" type="preformatted">\n\n\n', with_stdout=False) plat = if plat == 'nt' or 'Windows' in platform.platform(): plat = 'win32' log.header("Tests running for RenderDoc Version {} ({})".format( rd.GetVersionString(), rd.GetCommitHash())) log.header("On {}".format(platform.platform())) log.comment("plat={} git={}".format(platform.platform(), rd.GetCommitHash())) driver = "" for api in rd.GraphicsAPI: v = rd.GetDriverInformation(api) log.print("{} driver: {} {}".format(str(api), str(v.vendor), v.version)) # Take the first version number we get, but prefer GL as it's universally available and # Produces a nice version number & device combination if (api == rd.GraphicsAPI.OpenGL or driver == "") and v.vendor != rd.GPUVendor.Unknown: driver = v.version log.comment("driver={}".format(driver)) layerInfo = rd.VulkanLayerRegistrationInfo() if rd.NeedVulkanLayerRegistration(layerInfo): log.print("Vulkan layer needs to be registered: {}".format( str(layerInfo.flags))) log.print("My JSONs: {}, Other JSONs: {}".format( layerInfo.myJSONs, layerInfo.otherJSONs)) # Update the layer registration without doing anything special first - if running automated we might have # granted user-writable permissions to the system files needed to update. If possible we register at user # level. if layerInfo.flags & rd.VulkanLayerFlags.NeedElevation: rd.UpdateVulkanLayerRegistration(True) else: rd.UpdateVulkanLayerRegistration(False) # Check if it succeeded reg_needed = rd.NeedVulkanLayerRegistration(layerInfo) if reg_needed: if plat == 'win32': # On windows, try to elevate. This will mean a UAC prompt args = sys.argv.copy() args.append("--internal_vulkan_register") ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, "runas", sys.executable, ' '.join(args), None, 1) time.sleep(10) else: log.print( "Couldn't register vulkan layer properly, might need admin rights" ) sys.exit(1) reg_needed = rd.NeedVulkanLayerRegistration(layerInfo) if reg_needed: log.print( "Couldn't register vulkan layer properly, might need admin rights" ) sys.exit(1) os.environ['RENDERDOC_DEMOS_DATA'] = util.get_data_path('demos') testcases = get_tests() include_regexp = re.compile(test_include, re.IGNORECASE) exclude_regexp = None if test_exclude != '': exclude_regexp = re.compile(test_exclude, re.IGNORECASE) log.print("Running tests matching '{}' and not matching '{}'".format( test_include, test_exclude)) else: log.print("Running tests matching '{}'".format(test_include)) failedcases = [] skippedcases = [] ver = 0 if plat == 'win32': try: ver = sys.getwindowsversion().major if ver == 6: ver = 7 # Windows 7 is 6.1 except AttributeError: pass for testclass in testcases: name = testclass.__name__ if ((testclass.platform != '' and testclass.platform != plat) or (testclass.platform_version != 0 and testclass.platform_version > ver)): log.print( "Skipping {} as it's not supported on this platform '{} version {}'" .format(name, plat, ver)) skippedcases.append(testclass) continue if not log.print("Skipping {} as it doesn't match '{}'".format( name, test_include)) skippedcases.append(testclass) continue if exclude_regexp is not None and log.print("Skipping {} as it matches '{}'".format( name, test_exclude)) skippedcases.append(testclass) continue if not slow_tests and testclass.slow_test: log.print( "Skipping {} as it is a slow test, which are not enabled". format(name)) skippedcases.append(testclass) continue # Print header (and footer) outside the exec so we know they will always be printed successfully log.begin_test(name) util.set_current_test(name) def do(): if in_process: instance = testclass() instance.invoketest() else: _run_test(testclass, failedcases) if debugger: do() else: try: do() except Exception as ex: log.failure(ex) failedcases.append(testclass) log.end_test(name) duration = time.time() - start_time hours = int(duration / 3600) minutes = int(duration / 60) % 60 seconds = round(duration % 60) log.comment("total={} fail={} skip={} time={}".format( len(testcases), len(failedcases), len(skippedcases), duration)) log.header( "Tests complete summary: {} passed out of {} run from {} total in {}:{:02}:{:02}" .format( len(testcases) - len(skippedcases) - len(failedcases), len(testcases) - len(skippedcases), len(testcases), hours, minutes, seconds)) if len(failedcases) > 0: log.print("Failed tests:") for testclass in failedcases: log.print(" - {}".format(testclass.__name__)) # Print a proper footer if we got here log.rawprint('\n\n\n</script>', with_stdout=False) if len(failedcases) > 0: sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)