def title(inp, db=None, chan=None, bot=None, input=None): ",title <url> - get title of <url>" if '^' in input.paraml[1]: inp = bot.chanseen[input.conn.server][input.chan][0] if not "http://" in str(input.paraml[1]): inp = str(inp).replace("www.","http://www.") re1='((http|https)://.* )' rg = re.compile(re1,re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL) m = rg.findall(inp) if m: m = (''.join(m[0])).split(" ")[0] inp = m if not ("http://" in inp or "https://" in inp): inp = "" if inp == "": return ",title <url> - get title of <url>" try: parts = urlparse.urlsplit(inp) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(parts.hostname, timeout=10) path = parts.path if parts.query: path += "?" + parts.query conn.request('HEAD', path) resp = conn.getresponse() if not (200 <= resp.status < 400): return "Error: HEAD %s %s " % (resp.status, resp.reason) errors = check_response(dict(resp.getheaders())) if errors: return errors except Exception as e: return "Error: " + str(e) try: req = urllib2.urlopen(inp) except Exception as e: return "Error: GET %s " % e errors = check_response(req.headers) if errors: return errors text ='utf8', 'ignore') match = if not match: return "Error: no title " rawtitle = title = repaste.decode_html(rawtitle) title = " ".join(title.split()) return u"%s <=> %s" % (title, inp)
def parse(match): url = urlnorm.normalize(match.encode('utf-8')) if url not in ignored_urls: url = url.decode('utf-8') try: parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(parts.hostname, timeout=10) path = parts.path if parts.query: path += "?" + parts.query conn.request('HEAD', path) resp = conn.getresponse() if not (200 <= resp.status < 400): return "Error: HEAD %s %s " % (resp.status, resp.reason) errors = check_response(dict(resp.getheaders())) if errors: return errors except Exception as e: return "Error: " + str(e) try: req = urllib2.urlopen(url) except Exception as e: return "Error: GET %s " % e errors = check_response(req.headers) if errors: return errors text ='utf8', 'ignore') match = if not match: return "Error: no title " rawtitle = title = repaste.decode_html(rawtitle) title = " ".join(title.split()) return title
def title(inp, db=None, chan=None): ".title <url> - get title of <url>" if inp == '^': urlhistory.db_init(db) rows = db.execute( "select url from urlhistory where chan = ? order by time desc limit 1", (chan, )) if not rows.rowcount: return "No url in history." inp = rows.fetchone()[0] try: parts = urlparse.urlsplit(inp) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(parts.hostname, timeout=10) path = parts.path if parts.query: path += "?" + parts.query conn.request('HEAD', path) resp = conn.getresponse() if not (200 <= resp.status < 400): return "Error: HEAD %s %s" % (resp.status, resp.reason) errors = check_response(dict(resp.getheaders())) if errors: return errors except Exception as e: return "Error: " + str(e) try: req = urllib2.urlopen(inp) except Exception as e: return "Error: GET %s" % e errors = check_response(req.headers) if errors: return errors text ='utf8', 'ignore') match = if not match: return "Error: no title" rawtitle = title = repaste.decode_html(rawtitle) title = " ".join(title.split()) return title
def title(inp, db=None, chan=None): ".title <url> - get title of <url>" if inp == '^': urlhistory.db_init(db) rows = db.execute("select url from urlhistory where chan = ? order by time desc limit 1", (chan,)) if not rows.rowcount: return "No url in history. " + inp = rows.fetchone()[0] try: parts = urlparse.urlsplit(inp) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(parts.hostname, timeout=10) path = parts.path if parts.query: path += "?" + parts.query conn.request('HEAD', path) resp = conn.getresponse() if not (200 <= resp.status < 400): return "Error: HEAD %s %s " + % (resp.status, resp.reason) errors = check_response(dict(resp.getheaders())) if errors: return errors except Exception as e: return "Error: " + str(e) try: req = urllib2.urlopen(inp) except Exception as e: return "Error: GET %s " + % e errors = check_response(req.headers) if errors: return errors text ='utf8', 'ignore') match = if not match: return "Error: no title " + rawtitle = title = repaste.decode_html(rawtitle) title = " ".join(title.split()) return title
def title(inp, db=None, chan=None): ".title <url> - get title of <url>" if inp == '^': urlhistory.db_init(db) rows = db.execute("select url from urlhistory where chan = ? order by time desc limit 1", (chan,)) if not rows.rowcount: return "No url in history." inp = rows.fetchone()[0] match = if not match: return "Error: no title" rawtitle = title = repaste.decode_html(rawtitle) title = " ".join(title.split()) return title
def title(inp, db=None, chan=None): ".title <url> - get title of <url>" if inp == '^': urlhistory.db_init(db) rows = db.execute( "select url from urlhistory where chan = ? order by time desc limit 1", (chan, )) if not rows.rowcount: return "No url in history." inp = rows.fetchone()[0] match = if not match: return "Error: no title" rawtitle = title = repaste.decode_html(rawtitle) title = " ".join(title.split()) return title