def comparison_simulations_passAnyDeltaAndPayoffMatrix_simulationsMatchCalculations():
    """This tests that the results returned by the simulations match the results of the calculations."""
    # Construct the payoff matrix
    payoff_matrix = PrisonersDilemmaPayoff()
    for combo in strategy_combinations:
        # Pull out each strategy
        strategy_one = combo[0]
        strategy_two = combo[1]
        # Get the result from the calcs
        calculation_result, _ = calculate_payoff(strategy_one, strategy_two, payoff_matrix, DELTA, EPSILON)
        # Get the result from the sims
        simulation_result, _ = simulate_payoff(strategy_one, strategy_two, payoff_matrix, DELTA, trials = 1000)
        # Compare them
        if abs(simulation_result) > TOLERANCE:
            diff = abs(simulation_result - calculation_result) / abs(calculation_result)
            if diff <= TOLERANCE:
                report_failure(combo, payoff_matrix, DELTA, diff)
            diff = abs(simulation_result - calculation_result)
            if diff <= TOLERANCE:
                report_failure(combo, payoff_matrix, DELTA, diff)
    def calculate_normalised_payoff(self, payoff_matrix, continuation_probability, epsilon):
        Compute the normalised payoff of each strategy using an iterated sum that stops at some epsilon

            As per calculations.calculate_normalised_payoff

            As per calculations.calculate_normalised_payoff
        return calculate_payoff(self.strategy_one, self.strategy_two, payoff_matrix,
                                           continuation_probability, epsilon)
def test_calculations_singleResultCombosGiven_ExpectedResultReturned(payoff_values, delta, combo):
    """Test that the normalised payoff for combinations of strategies with memory <= 1 matches the expected result."""
    # Construct the payoff matrix
    payoff_matrix = PrisonersDilemmaPayoff(P=payoff_values[0], R=payoff_values[1],
                                           S=payoff_values[2], T=payoff_values[3])
    strategy_combo = combo[0]
    first_strategy = strategy_combo[0]
    second_strategy = strategy_combo[1]
    # Get the expected result
    expected_result = combo[1](payoff_matrix, delta)
    # Compute the result (throw away the result for the other strategy)
    actual_result, _ = calculate_payoff(first_strategy, second_strategy, payoff_matrix, delta, EPSILON)
    # See if they match, within a percentage of tolerance. If the expected result is very small just use the
    # difference itself
    if abs(expected_result) > TOLERANCE:
        assert abs(expected_result - actual_result) / abs(expected_result) <= TOLERANCE
        assert abs(expected_result - actual_result) <= TOLERANCE