Esempio n. 1
def test_fetch_software_from_github_archive():
    # we "fetch" a local ZIP file to simulate a Zenodo record created from a
    # GitHub repository via the Zenodo-GitHub integration
    with zenodo_archive() as zen_path:
        mock_response = BytesIO(
                    "files": [
                            "filename": "some_dir/",
                            "links": {"download": "file://{}".format(zen_path)},
                    "metadata": {"upload_type": "software"},

        def mock_urlopen(self, req):
            if isinstance(req, Request):
                return mock_response
                return urlopen(req)

        with patch.object(Zenodo, "_urlopen", new=mock_urlopen):
            zen = Zenodo()

            with TemporaryDirectory() as d:
                output = []
                for l in zen.fetch({"record": "1234"}, d):

                unpacked_files = set(os.listdir(d))
                expected = set(["some-other-file.txt", "some-file.txt"])
                assert expected == unpacked_files
Esempio n. 2
def test_content_id():
    with patch.object(Zenodo, "_urlopen") as fake_urlopen:
        fake_urlopen.return_value.url = ""
        zen = Zenodo()

        assert zen.content_id == "3232985"
def test_fetch_software(requests_mock):
    # we "fetch" a local ZIP file to simulate a Zenodo software record with a
    # ZIP file in it
    with zenodo_archive() as zen_path:
        mock_response = {
            "files": [{
                # this is the difference to the GitHub generated one,
                # the ZIP file isn't in a directory
                "filename": "",
                "links": {
                    "download": "file://{}".format(zen_path)
            "metadata": {
                "upload_type": "software"
                          content=open(zen_path, "rb").read())

        with TemporaryDirectory() as d:
            zen = Zenodo()
            spec = spec = {"host": test_zen.hosts[0], "record": "1234"}
            output = []
            for l in zen.fetch(spec, d):

            unpacked_files = set(os.listdir(d))
            expected = set(["some-other-file.txt", "some-file.txt"])
            assert expected == unpacked_files
def test_fetch_software_from_github_archive(requests_mock):
    # we "fetch" a local ZIP file to simulate a Zenodo record created from a
    # GitHub repository via the Zenodo-GitHub integration
    with zenodo_archive() as zen_path:
        mock_response = {
            "files": [{
                "filename": "some_dir/",
                "links": {
                    "download": "file://{}".format(zen_path)
            "metadata": {
                "upload_type": "other"
                          content=open(zen_path, "rb").read())

        zen = Zenodo()
        spec = {"host": test_zen.hosts[0], "record": "1234"}

        with TemporaryDirectory() as d:
            output = []
            for l in zen.fetch(spec, d):

            unpacked_files = set(os.listdir(d))
            expected = set(["some-other-file.txt", "some-file.txt"])
            assert expected == unpacked_files
Esempio n. 5
def test_fetch_software():
    # we "fetch" a local ZIP file to simulate a Zenodo software record with a
    # ZIP file in it
    with zenodo_archive() as zen_path:
        mock_response = BytesIO(
                "files": [{
                    # this is the difference to the GitHub generated one,
                    # the ZIP file isn't in a directory
                    "filename": "",
                    "links": {
                        "download": "file://{}".format(zen_path)
                "metadata": {
                    "upload_type": "software"

        def mock_urlopen(self, req):
            if isinstance(req, Request):
                return mock_response
                return urlopen(req)

        with patch.object(Zenodo, "_urlopen", new=mock_urlopen):
            with TemporaryDirectory() as d:
                zen = Zenodo()
                spec = spec = {
                    "host": {
                        "hostname": [
                    "record": "1234",
                output = []
                for l in zen.fetch(spec, d):

                unpacked_files = set(os.listdir(d))
                expected = set(["some-other-file.txt", "some-file.txt"])
                assert expected == unpacked_files
def test_fetch_data():
    # we "fetch" a local ZIP file to simulate a Zenodo data record
    with zenodo_archive() as a_zen_path:
        with zenodo_archive() as b_zen_path:
            mock_response = BytesIO(
                    "files": [
                            "filename": "",
                            "links": {
                                "download": "file://{}".format(a_zen_path)
                            "filename": "",
                            "links": {
                                "download": "file://{}".format(b_zen_path)
                    "metadata": {
                        "upload_type": "data"

            def mock_urlopen(self, req):
                if isinstance(req, Request):
                    return mock_response
                    return urlopen(req)

            with patch.object(Zenodo, "urlopen", new=mock_urlopen):
                with TemporaryDirectory() as d:
                    zen = Zenodo()
                    spec = {"host": test_zen.hosts[0], "record": "1234"}
                    output = []
                    for l in zen.fetch(spec, d):

                    unpacked_files = set(os.listdir(d))
                    # ZIP files shouldn't have been unpacked
                    expected = {"", ""}
                    assert expected == unpacked_files
def test_fetch_data(requests_mock):
    # we "fetch" a local ZIP file to simulate a Zenodo data record
    with zenodo_archive() as a_zen_path:
        with zenodo_archive() as b_zen_path:
            mock_response = {
                "files": [
                        "filename": "",
                        "links": {
                            "download": "file://{}".format(a_zen_path)
                        "filename": "",
                        "links": {
                            "download": "file://{}".format(b_zen_path)
                "metadata": {
                    "upload_type": "data"
                              content=open(a_zen_path, "rb").read())
                              content=open(b_zen_path, "rb").read())

            with TemporaryDirectory() as d:
                zen = Zenodo()
                spec = {"host": test_zen.hosts[0], "record": "1234"}
                output = []
                for l in zen.fetch(spec, d):

                unpacked_files = set(os.listdir(d))
                # ZIP files shouldn't have been unpacked
                expected = {"", ""}
                assert expected == unpacked_files
Esempio n. 8
def test_detect():
    with patch.object(Zenodo, "_urlopen") as fake_urlopen:
        fake_urlopen.return_value.url = ""
        # valid Zenodo DOIs trigger this content provider
        assert Zenodo().detect("10.5281/zenodo.3232985") == {"record": "3232985"}
        assert Zenodo().detect("") == {
            "record": "3232985"
        assert Zenodo().detect("") == {
            "record": "3232985"

        # only two of the three calls above have to resolve a DOI
        assert fake_urlopen.call_count == 2

    with patch.object(Zenodo, "_urlopen") as fake_urlopen:
        # Don't trigger the Zenodo content provider
        assert Zenodo().detect("/some/path/here") is None
        assert Zenodo().detect("") is None
        # donn't handle DOIs that aren't from Zenodo
        assert Zenodo().detect("") is None

        # none of the examples are Zenodo like, so we should not attempt to
        # resolve a DOI either
        assert not fake_urlopen.called
def test_detect_zenodo(test_input, expected, requests_mock):
    requests_mock.get(re.compile("https://"), json=doi_resolver)
    # valid Zenodo DOIs trigger this content provider
    assert Zenodo().detect(test_input[0]) == expected
    assert Zenodo().detect(test_input[1]) == expected
    assert Zenodo().detect(test_input[2]) == expected
    # only two of the three calls above have to resolve a DOI (2 req per doi resolution)
    assert requests_mock.call_count == 4

    # Don't trigger the Zenodo content provider
    assert Zenodo().detect("/some/path/here") is None
    assert Zenodo().detect("") is None

    # don't handle DOIs that aren't from Zenodo
    assert Zenodo().detect("") is None
Esempio n. 10
def test_detect_zenodo(test_input, expected):
    with patch.object(Zenodo, "_urlopen") as fake_urlopen:
        fake_urlopen.return_value.url = test_input[0]
        # valid Zenodo DOIs trigger this content provider
        assert Zenodo().detect(test_input[0]) == expected
        assert Zenodo().detect(test_input[1]) == expected
        assert Zenodo().detect(test_input[2]) == expected
        # only two of the three calls above have to resolve a DOI
        assert fake_urlopen.call_count == 2

    with patch.object(Zenodo, "_urlopen") as fake_urlopen:
        # Don't trigger the Zenodo content provider
        assert Zenodo().detect("/some/path/here") is None
        assert Zenodo().detect("") is None
        # don't handle DOIs that aren't from Zenodo
        fake_urlopen.return_value.url = (
        assert Zenodo().detect("") is None
def test_content_id(requests_mock):
    requests_mock.get(re.compile("https://"), json=doi_resolver)

    zen = Zenodo()
    assert zen.content_id == "3232985"
    # doi responses are redirects
    if resp is not None:
        context.status_code = 302
        context.headers["Location"] = resp
    return resp

def test_content_id(requests_mock):
    requests_mock.get(re.compile("https://"), json=doi_resolver)

    zen = Zenodo()
    assert zen.content_id == "3232985"

test_zen = Zenodo()
test_hosts = [
            "host": test_zen.hosts[0],
            "record": "3232985"