Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self):
        Report.__init__(self, 'DQS')

        self.title = Div(text="DESI Nightly Intake - Data QA Scientist",
        inst = """
        The Data Quality Scientist (DQS) is responsible for analyzing all exposures for their quality.
        Submit problems as they arise throughout the night and complete the DQS checklist once an hour. Let the Lead Observer
        know if you encounter any issues. 
        self.instructions = Div(text=inst,
        self.page_logo = Div(text="<img src='DQS_Report/static/logo.png'>",

        self.dqs_checklist = [
            "Are all images being transferred to Night Watch?",
            "Did you check the observing conditions?",
            "Did you check the guiding?"

        self.quality_list = ['Good', 'Not Sure', 'No Data', 'Bad']
        self.quality_btns = RadioButtonGroup(labels=self.quality_list,
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self):
        Report.__init__(self, 'OS')

        self.title = Div(text="DESI Nightly Intake - Operating Scientist", css_classes=['h1-title-style'], width=1000)# width=800, style={'font-size':'24pt','font-style':'bold'})
        desc = """
        The Operating Scientist (OS) is responsible for initializing the Night Log. Connect to an existing Night Log using the date or initialize tonight's log.
        Throughout the night, enter information about the exposures, weather, and problems. Complete the OS Checklist at least once every hour.
        self.instructions = Div(text=desc+self.time_note.text, css_classes=['inst-style'], width=500)
        self.line = Div(text='-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------', width=1000)
        self.line2 = Div(text='-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------', width=1000)
        self.init_bt = Button(label="Initialize Tonight's Log", css_classes=['init_button'])
        self.LO = Select(title='Lead Observer', value='Choose One', options=self.lo_names)
        self.OA = Select(title='Observing Assistant', value='Choose One', options=self.oa_names)
        self.page_logo = Div(text="<img src='OS_Report/static/logo.png'>", width=350, height=300)

        self.contributer_list = TextAreaInput(placeholder='Contributer names (include all)', rows=2, cols=3, title='Names of all Contributers')
        self.contributer_btn = Button(label='Update Contributer List', css_classes=['add_button'], width=300)

        self.connect_hdr = Div(text="Connect to Existing Night Log", css_classes=['subt-style'], width=800)
        self.init_hdr = Div(text="Initialize Tonight's Night Log", css_classes=['subt-style'], width=800)
        self.check_subtitle = Div(text="OS Checklist", css_classes=['subt-style'])
        self.checklist_inst = Div(text="Every hour, the OS is expected to monitor several things. After completing these tasks, record at what time they were completed. Be honest please!", css_classes=['inst-style'], width=1000)
        self.checklist.labels = ["Did you check the weather?", "Did you check the guiding?", "Did you check the positioner temperatures?","Did you check the FXC?", "Did you check the Cryostat?", "Did you do a connectivity aliveness check?","Did you check the Spectrograph Chiller?"]

        self.nl_submit_btn = Button(label='Submit NightLog & Publish Nightsum', width=300, css_classes=['add_button'])
        self.header_options = ['Startup','Calibration (Arcs/Twilight)','Focus','Observation','Other Acquisition','Comment']
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self):
        Report.__init__(self, 'OS')

        self.title = Div(
            text="DESI Nightly Intake - Observing Scientist",
        )  # width=800, style={'font-size':'24pt','font-style':'bold'})
        desc = """
        To begin, connect to the observing night Night Log using the list of Existing Night Logs. Add information about the Observers and press the 
        Update Tonight's Log. 
        Throughout the night, enter information about the exposures, problems that occur, and observing conditions. Complete the 
        OS Checklist at least once every hour. NOTE: If inputs are being made into a DNI for the OS at both KPNO and NERSC, the inputs
        made at KPNO for certain things (meta data, plan, milestones), will be prioritized over those made at NERSC.
        self.instructions = Div(text=desc,

        self.page_logo = Div(text="<img src='OS_Report/static/logo.png'>",

        self.os_checklist = [
            "Did you check the weather?", "Did you check the guiding?",
            "Did you check the positioner temperatures?",
            "Did you check the FXC?",
            "Did you check the Spectrograph Cryostat?",
            "Did you check the FP Chiller?"
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self):
        Report.__init__(self, 'Other')

        self.title = Div(text="DESI Nightly Intake Form - Non Observer",css_classes=['h1-title-style'], width=1000)
        desc = """This Night Log is for Non-Observers. It should mainly be used for observing the ongoing Night Log.
        In special circumstances, if a non-observer has an important comment about an exposure or problem, it can be added here.
        Before doing so, make sure to communicate with the Observing Scientist.
        self.instructions = Div(text=desc+self.time_note.text, css_classes=['inst_style'], width=500)
        self.page_logo = Div(text="<img src='Other_Report/static/logo.png'>", width=350, height=300)
Esempio n. 5
 def __init__(self, template_path, res_folder, city, street):
     street = street.replace("/", "-")
     self.path = os.path.join(res_folder, city, street, street+".xlsx")
     self.street = street = city
     Report.__init__(self, self.path, template_path)