Esempio n. 1
def computeU(encryptionkey,
    revision = checkRevision(revision)
    from reportlab.lib.arciv import ArcIV
    if revision == 2:
        result = ArcIV(encryptionkey).encode(encodestring)
    elif revision == 3:
        assert documentId is not None, "Revision 3 algorithm needs the document ID!"
        h = md5(PadString)
        tmp = h.digest()
        tmp = ArcIV(encryptionkey).encode(tmp)
        for n in range(1, 20):
            thisKey = xorKey(n, encryptionkey)
            tmp = ArcIV(thisKey).encode(tmp)
        while len(tmp) < 32:
            tmp += b'\0'
        result = tmp
    if DEBUG:
        print('computeU(%s,%s,%s,%s)==>%s' % tuple([
            hexText(str(x)) for x in (encryptionkey, encodestring, revision,
                                      documentId, result)
    return result
Esempio n. 2
def computeO(userPassword, ownerPassword, revision):
    from reportlab.lib.arciv import ArcIV
    #print 'digest of hello is %s' % md5('hello').digest()
    assert revision in (2, 3), 'Unknown algorithm revision %s' % revision
    if ownerPassword in (None, ''):
        ownerPassword = userPassword

    ownerPad = ownerPassword + PadString
    ownerPad = ownerPad[0:32]

    password = userPassword + PadString
    userPad = password[:32]

    digest = md5(ownerPad).digest()
    if revision == 2:
        O = ArcIV(digest[:5]).encode(userPad)
    elif revision == 3:
        for i in range(50):
            digest = md5(digest).digest()
        digest = digest[:16]
        O = userPad
        for i in range(20):
            thisKey = xorKey(i, digest)
            O = ArcIV(thisKey).encode(O)
    if DEBUG:
        print 'computeO(%s,%s,%s)==>%s' % tuple(
            map(lambda x: hexText(str(x)),
                (userPassword, ownerPassword, revision, O)))
    return O
Esempio n. 3
def computeO(userPassword, ownerPassword, revision):
    from reportlab.lib.arciv import ArcIV
    #print 'digest of hello is %s' % md5('hello').digest()
    assert revision in (2, 3), 'Unknown algorithm revision %s' % revision
    if not ownerPassword:
        ownerPassword = userPassword

    ownerPad = asBytes(ownerPassword) + PadString
    ownerPad = ownerPad[0:32]

    password = asBytes(userPassword) + PadString
    userPad = password[:32]

    digest = md5(ownerPad).digest()
    if DEBUG:
            % (ascii(PadString), ascii(ownerPad), ascii(password),
               ascii(userPad), ascii(digest), revision))
    if revision == 2:
        O = ArcIV(digest[:5]).encode(userPad)
    elif revision == 3:
        for i in range(50):
            digest = md5(digest).digest()
        digest = digest[:16]
        O = userPad
        for i in range(20):
            thisKey = xorKey(i, digest)
            O = ArcIV(thisKey).encode(O)
    if DEBUG:
        print('computeO(%s,%s,%s)==>%s' % tuple([
            hexText(str(x)) for x in (userPassword, ownerPassword, revision, O)
    return O
Esempio n. 4
def computeU(encryptionkey,
    from reportlab.lib.arciv import ArcIV
    if revision == 2:
        result = ArcIV(encryptionkey).encode(encodestring)
    elif revision == 3:
        assert documentId is not None, "Revision 3 algorithm needs the document ID!"
        h = hashlib.md5(PadString)
        if isUnicodeType(documentId):
        tmp = h.digest()
        tmp = ArcIV(encryptionkey).encode(tmp)
        for n in range(1, 20):
            thisKey = xorKey(n, encryptionkey)
            tmp = ArcIV(thisKey).encode(tmp)
        while len(tmp) < 32:
            tmp = tmp + b'\000'
        result = tmp
    if DEBUG:
        print('computeU(%s,%s,%s,%s)==>%s' % tuple(
            map(lambda x: hexText(str(x)),
                (encryptionkey, encodestring, revision, documentId, result))))
    return result
Esempio n. 5
def encodePDF(key, objectNumber, generationNumber, string, revision=2):
    "Encodes a string or stream"
    #print 'encodePDF (%s, %d, %d, %s)' % (hexText(key), objectNumber, generationNumber, string)
    # extend 3 bytes of the object Number, low byte first
    newkey = key
    n = objectNumber
    for i in range(3):
        newkey = newkey + chr(n & 0xff)
        n = n >> 8
    # extend 2 bytes of the generationNumber
    n = generationNumber
    for i in range(2):
        newkey = newkey + chr(n & 0xff)
        n = n >> 8
    md5output = md5(newkey).digest()
    if revision == 2:
        key = md5output[:10]
    elif revision == 3:
        key = md5output  #all 16 bytes
    from reportlab.lib.arciv import ArcIV
    encrypted = ArcIV(key).encode(string)
    #print 'encrypted=', hexText(encrypted)
    if DEBUG:
        print 'encodePDF(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)==>%s' % tuple(
            map(lambda x: hexText(str(x)),
                (key, objectNumber, generationNumber, string, revision,
    return encrypted
Esempio n. 6
def encodePDF(key, objectNumber, generationNumber, string, revision=2):
    "Encodes a string or stream"
    newkey = key
    if isUnicodeType(newkey):
        newkey = newkey.encode('utf-8')
    n = objectNumber
    for i in range(3):
        c = chr(n & 0xff)
        if isUnicodeType(c):
            c = c.encode('utf-8')
        newkey += c
        n = n >> 8
    # extend 2 bytes of the generationNumber
    n = generationNumber
    for i in range(2):
        c = chr(n & 0xff)
        if isUnicodeType(c):
            c = c.encode('utf-8')
        newkey += c
        n = n >> 8
    md5output = hashlib.md5(newkey).digest()
    if revision == 2:
        key = md5output[:10]
    elif revision == 3:
        key = md5output  #all 16 bytes
    from reportlab.lib.arciv import ArcIV
    encrypted = ArcIV(key).encode(string)
    #print 'encrypted=', hexText(encrypted)
    if DEBUG:
        print('encodePDF(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)==>%s' % tuple(
            map(lambda x: hexText(str(x)),
                (key, objectNumber, generationNumber, string, revision,
    return encrypted
Esempio n. 7
def computeU(encryptionkey,
    from reportlab.lib.arciv import ArcIV
    if revision == 2:
        result = ArcIV(encryptionkey).encode(encodestring)
    elif revision == 3:
        assert documentId is not None, "Revision 3 algorithm needs the document ID!"
        h = md5(PadString)
        tmp = h.digest()
        tmp = ArcIV(encryptionkey).encode(tmp)
        for n in range(1, 20):
            thisKey = xorKey(n, encryptionkey)
            tmp = ArcIV(thisKey).encode(tmp)
        while len(tmp) < 32:
            tmp = tmp + '\000'
        result = tmp
    return result
Esempio n. 8
def encodePDF(key, objectNumber, generationNumber, string, revision=None):
    "Encodes a string or stream"
    revision = checkRevision(revision)
    #print 'encodePDF (%s, %d, %d, %s)' % (hexText(key), objectNumber, generationNumber, string)
    # extend 3 bytes of the object Number, low byte first
    if revision in (2, 3):
        newkey = key
        n = objectNumber
        for i in range(3):
            newkey += int2Byte(n & 0xff)
            n = n >> 8
        # extend 2 bytes of the generationNumber
        n = generationNumber
        for i in range(2):
            newkey += int2Byte(n & 0xff)
            n = n >> 8
        md5output = md5(newkey).digest()
        if revision == 2:
            key = md5output[:10]
        elif revision == 3:
            key = md5output  #all 16 bytes
        from reportlab.lib.arciv import ArcIV
        encrypted = ArcIV(key).encode(string)
        #print 'encrypted=', hexText(encrypted)
    elif revision == 5:
        iv = os_urandom(16)
        encrypter = pyaes.Encrypter(pyaes.AESModeOfOperationCBC(key, iv=iv))

        # pkcs7 style padding so that the size of the encrypted block is multiple of 16
        string_len = len(string)
        padding = ""
        padding_len = (16 -
                       (string_len % 16)) if string_len > 16 else (16 -
        if padding_len > 0:
            padding = chr(padding_len) * padding_len

        if isinstance(string, str):
            string = (string + padding).encode("utf-8")
            string += asBytes(padding)

        encrypted = iv + encrypter.feed(string)
        encrypted += encrypter.feed()

    if DEBUG:
        print('encodePDF(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)==>%s' % tuple([
            hexText(str(x)) for x in (key, objectNumber, generationNumber,
                                      string, revision, encrypted)
    return encrypted
Esempio n. 9
def encodePDF(key, objectNumber, generationNumber, string, revision=5):
    "Encodes a string or stream"
    #print 'encodePDF (%s, %d, %d, %s)' % (hexText(key), objectNumber, generationNumber, string)
    # extend 3 bytes of the object Number, low byte first

    if revision in (2, 3):
        newkey = key
        n = objectNumber
        for i in range(3):
            newkey = newkey + chr(n & 0xff)
            n = n >> 8
        # extend 2 bytes of the generationNumber
        n = generationNumber
        for i in range(2):
            newkey = newkey + chr(n & 0xff)
            n = n >> 8
        md5output = md5(newkey).digest()
        if revision == 2:
            key = md5output[:10]
        elif revision == 3:
            key = md5output  #all 16 bytes
        from reportlab.lib.arciv import ArcIV
        encrypted = ArcIV(key).encode(string)
        #print 'encrypted=', hexText(encrypted)
    elif revision == 5:

        # pkcs7 style padding so that the size of the encrypted block is multiple of 16
        padding_len = 16 - (len(string) % 16)
        padding = ""
        if padding_len > 0:
            padding = chr(padding_len) * padding_len

        if isinstance(string, str):
            string = (string + padding).encode("utf-8")
            string += bytes(padding, "ascii")

        iv =
        aes_cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
        encrypted = iv + aes_cipher.encrypt(string)

    return encrypted