Esempio n. 1
class CarRentalServices():
    def __init__(self):
        self.__car_rental_service = ReservationRepository()
        self.__customer_repo = CustomerRepository()
        self.__vehicle_repo = VehicleRepository()

    def add_customer(self, employee, customer):
        return self.__customer_repo.add_customer(customer)

    def add_vehicle(self, employee, manager, vehicle):
        '''add vehicle to database?'''
        if manager.is_manager():

    def get_vehicle(self, employee):
        return self.__vehicle_repo.get_vehicle()

    def get_all_vehicles(self, employee):
        return self.__vehicle_repo.get_all_vehicles()

    def get_all_reservations(self, employee):
        return self.__car_rental_service.get_all_reservations()
Esempio n. 2
class CustomerService:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__customer_repo = CustomerRepository()

    def next_list(stop):
        start = stop
        stop = start + 10
        return start, stop, start + 1

    def prev_list(start):
        stop = start
        start = stop - 10
        return start, stop, start + 1

    def print_customers(self, customers):
        Prints all the customers that we have.
        :param customers:
        start = 0
        stop = 10
        count = 1
        while True:
                .format("ID", "Name", "Passport number", "Country", "Address",
                        "E-mail", "Phone number", "Driving license", "Age"))
            print("-" * 150)
            for ix, customer in enumerate(customers[start:stop]):
                      format(ix + count, customer["Name"],
                             customer["Passport number"], customer["Country"],
                             customer["Address"], customer["Mail"],
                             customer["Phone number"], customer["license"],
            y_n = input("Next / Previous / Quit searching (N/P/Q): ").lower()
            if y_n == "n" and count + 10 < len(customers):
                start, stop, count = self.next_list(stop)
            elif y_n == "n" and count + 10 >= len(customers):
                print("\nCant go forwards while on the last page\n")
            elif y_n == "p" and count != 1:
                start, stop, count = self.prev_list(start)
            elif y_n == 'p' and count == 1:
                print("\nCant go back while on the first page\n")
            elif y_n == 'q':
                return y_n
                print("\n\33[;31mWrong input, try again!\33[;0m\n")

    def list_all_customers(self):
        List all the customers by using the get_customer(),
         and returns a message if there is no customers
        customers = self.get_customers()
        if customers:
            print("No customers\n")

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    def print_customer(customer):
        Prints a specific customer.
        :param customer:
        print("\tPPN/Kt: {}".format(customer["Passport number"]))
        print("\tName: {}".format(customer["Name"]))
        print("\tCountry: {}".format(customer["Country"]))
        print("\tAddress: {}".format(customer["Address"]))
        print("\tPhone number: {}".format(customer["Phone number"]))
        print("\tE-mail: {}".format(customer["Mail"]))
        print("\tDriver´s license: {}".format(customer["license"]))
        print("\tAge: {}".format(customer["Age"]))

    def add_customer(self, customer):


    def get_customers(self):
        return self.__customer_repo.get_customer()

    def get_customer_by_kt(self, kt):
        Get a customer by the Passport Number or kt
        :param kt:
        customers = self.get_customers()
        for x in customers:
            if x["Passport number"] == kt:
                return x
        return 0

    def remove_customer(self, customer_id):

        return self.__customer_repo.remove_customer(customer_id)

    def get_customer_by_id(self, c_id):
        return self.__customer_repo.get_customer_id(c_id - 1)