Esempio n. 1
    def _get_pkgs_install_date(self, pkg_dicts):
        # Convert package names to dpkg list filenames
        queries = [self._pkg_name_to_dpkg_list_file(p["name"])
                   for p in pkg_dicts]
        # Call stat in batches
        exec_gen = execute_command_batch(
            self._session, ['stat', '-c', '%n: %Y'], queries,
            cmd_err_filter('No such file or directory'))
        # Parse and accumulate stat results in a dict
        results = {}
        for (out, _, exc) in exec_gen:
            if exc:
                out = exc.stdout  # One file not found, so continue
            # Parse the output and store by filename
            for outlines in out.splitlines():
                (fname, ftime) = outlines.split(": ")
                results[fname] = str(

        # Now lookup the packages in the results
        for p in pkg_dicts:
            fname = self._pkg_name_to_dpkg_list_file(p["name"])
            if fname in results:
                p["install_date"] = results[fname]
Esempio n. 2
 def _get_packagefields_for_files(self, files):
     # Call dpkg query in batches
     exec_gen = execute_command_batch(
         self._session, ['dpkg-query', '-S'], files,
         cmd_err_filter('no path found matching pattern'))
     # Parse and accumulate stat results in a dict
     file_to_package_dict = {}
     for (out, _, exc) in exec_gen:
         if exc:
             out = exc.stdout  # One file not found, so continue
         # Now go through the output and assign packages to files
         for outline in out.splitlines():
             # Parse package name (architecture) and path
             # TODO: Handle query of /bin/sh better
             outdict = self._parse_dpkgquery_line(outline)
             if not outdict:
                 lgr.debug("Skipping line %s", outline)
             # Pull the found path from the dictionary
             found_name = outdict.pop('path')
             if not found_name:
                 raise ValueError(
                     "Record %s got no path defined... skipping"
                     % repr(outdict)
             # Associate the file to the package name (and architecture)
             pkg = outdict
             lgr.debug("Identified file %r to belong to package %s",
                       found_name, pkg)
             file_to_package_dict[found_name] = pkg
     return file_to_package_dict