Esempio n. 1
    def request(self, type=None, data=None, additional=None):
        """ Builds and sends request

            type: Paths Enum
            data: Dict of data for request
            additional: Dict of data which takes the key and maps it to the keys value if set in string

            After sending the request it returns one of the following:
                json decoded object: Response from api
                false: Something went wrong with the call

            Json Decode Object Example:
                            "link button not pressed"
                Token isn't being set on Huuey()
        address_set = self.address is not None
        type_set = type is not None
        token_set = self.token is not None

        if not address_set or not type_set:
            return False

        if type is Paths.Api:
            url = "".join([self.address, type.value[1]])
            if not token_set:
                raise ExceptionNoToken('Token missing from api call')

            url = "".join([self.address, "/api/", self.token, type.value[1]])

        if additional:
            for key in additional:
                url = url.replace(key, additional[key])

        request = Requester.request(url=url, method=type.value[0], data=data)

        return request
Esempio n. 2
    def run(self):
        req = Requester()
        proc = Processor()
        pri = Printer()

        commandCrypto = CommandCrypto(proc)
        req.commandCrypto = commandCrypto

        commandQuit = CommandQuit(sys)
        req.commandQuit = commandQuit

        commandError = CommandError(None)
        req.commandError = commandError

        while True:
            command = req.request()
            result = command.execute()

            if result != '':
Esempio n. 3
class Worker():
    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, config: dict, tbb_path):
        Stores the work queue URL and various configuration options
        # Create the work url
        self.work_url = "http://{}:{}".format(host, port)
        # Store number of times work is completed per type
        self.work_type_counts = {'normal': 0, 'tor': 0}
        # Create a requests session
        self.session = requests.Session()
        # Disable keepalive
        self.session.keep_alive = False
        # Get a logger
        self.logger = logging.getLogger()
        # Store given config
        self.config = config
        self.tbb_path = tbb_path
        # Initialize members that will be created later
        self.client_id = None
        self.tcpdump = None
        self.proxy = None
        self.requester = None

    def __enter__(self):
        Ensures server is available
        Requests and stores a client ID from the server
        Gets a connection to the tcpdump daemon
        :throws Exception: if the client ID request fails
        # Send requests to the URLs service until the status
        # page returns a response
        waiting = True
        while waiting:
      "Attempting to contact work queue")
                waiting = False
            except Exception as _:
                    "Attempt to contact work queue failed. Retrying")
        # Request a client ID
        # TODO: look into renaming this "register""Registering client with server")
        # TODO: work types as part of config
        response =
            json={'work_types': ['tor', 'normal']})
        # Parse response as json
        response = response.json()
        # Extract client id from response
        if response['success']:
            self.client_id = response['client_id']
            raise Exception(response['error'])
        # Start up a connection to the tcpdump daemon
        # TODO: parameterize socket path
        self.tcpdump = TcpDump('/tmp/tcpdump.socket')
        # Instantiate proxy object
        self.proxy = Proxy(self.tbb_path, self.config["tor"])
        # Instantiate requester object
        self.requester = Requester(self.config["firefox"],
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        Informs the server that the client has stopped
        :param exc_type:
        :param exc_value:
        :param traceback:
        # If the program completed without error
        if exc_type is None:
  "Worker program finished without error")
            # Log the error
            self.logger.error("%s %s %s", exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
        # Indicate to the server that the client has stopped"Deregistering client from server")
            json={'client_id': self.client_id})
        # Stop the tcpdump daemon

    def request_work(self):
        Requests a piece of work from the server
        # Make a request to the server to get a URL to navigate to
            # Make a request for work
            response =
                json={'client_id': self.client_id})
            # 204 means no more URLs
            if response.status_code == 204:
      "No more URLs")
                return None
            # This will throw an exception if it fails, which is handled below
            work = response.json()
            return work
        except Exception as exc:
            self.logger.error("Failed to request work: %s", exc)
            return None

    def perform_work(self, work: dict):
        Performs a piece of work given by the server
        :param work: work as received from the server
        # Extract required variables from work
        mode = work["work_type"]
        # Once type is extracted, limit the scope of work
        work = work["work"]
        filename = work["filename"]
        url = "https://{}".format(work["url"])
        global_index = work["index"]
        # Set work type counter
        self.work_type_counts[mode] += 1
        # Scoped variables set inside try block
        error = None
        fatal = False
        # Store timestamp
        start_time = int(time.time() * 1e9)
            # Start packet capture
            # Start proxy
            # Start requester

            # Perform request in requester
                "Navigating to %s in %s mode (local: %d) (global: %d)", url,
                mode, self.work_type_counts[mode], global_index)

            # End requester
            # End proxy
            # End packet capture
        except TcpDumpError as err:
            error = err
            fatal = True
        except Exception as err:
            error = err
        # Store ending timestamp
        finish_time = int(time.time() * 1e9)
        # Create report
        report = {
            'success': error is None,
            'work_type': mode,
            'work': work,
            'type_index': self.work_type_counts[mode],
            'start_time': start_time,
            'finish_time': finish_time,
            # This will be stripped
            'fatal': fatal
        # Store the error if given
        if error is not None:
            report['error'] = str(error)
        # Return report
        return report

    def send_report(self, report: dict):
        # Stringify error
        if 'error' in report:
            report['error'] = str(report['error'])
        # Send the report"{}/work/report".format(self.work_url), json=report)
        # FIXME: Make a dummy request to the server. to enforce the shutdown
        # Allow this to fail
Esempio n. 4
class Controller:
    Instanciate the app components and
    control the rep loop
    :seqdiag_note Entry point of the business layer
    def __init__(self, printer, configMgr):
        if == 'posix':
            FILE_PATH = '/sdcard/cryptopricer.ini'
            FILE_PATH = 'c:\\temp\\cryptopricer.ini'

        self.configMgr = configMgr
        self.priceRequester = PriceRequester()
        self.crypCompTranslator = CrypCompExchanges()
        self.processor = Processor(self.configMgr, self.priceRequester, self.crypCompTranslator)
        self.requester = Requester(self.configMgr)

        self.commandPrice = CommandPrice(self.processor, self.configMgr)
        self.commandCrypto = CommandCrypto(self.processor)
        self.requester.commandPrice = self.commandPrice
        self.requester.commandCrypto = self.commandCrypto

        self.commandQuit = CommandQuit(sys)
        self.requester.commandQuit = self.commandQuit

        self.commandError = CommandError(None)
        self.requester.commandError = self.commandError

        self.printer = printer

    def run(self):
        Used essentially by the command line version of CryptoPricer.

        :return: nothing
        while True:
            command = self.requester.request()
            result = command.execute()

            if result != '':
                strToPrint = self.printer.getPrintableData(result)

    def getPrintableResultForInput(self, inputStr):
        Return the printable request result, the full request command without any command option and
        the full request command with any specified save mode option (option which is to be saved in the
        command history list.

        :param inputStr:
        :seqdiag_return printResult, fullCommandStr, fullCommandStrWithOptions, fullCommandStrWithSaveModeOptions
        :return: 1/ printable request result
                 2/ full request command without any command option
                 3/ full request command with any non save command option
                 4/ full request command with any specified save mode option, None if no save mode option
                    is in effect

                 Ex: 1/ 0.1 ETH/36 USD on Bitfinex: 21/11/17 10:00 360
                     2/ eth usd 0 bitfinex
                     3/ None (value command with save mode in effect !)
                     4/ eth usd 0 bitfinex -vs0.1eth

                     1/ 0.1 ETH/36 USD on Bitfinex: 21/11/17 10:00 360
                     2/ eth usd 0 bitfinex
                     3/ eth usd 0 bitfinex -v0.1eth
                     4/ None (no value command save option in effect)

                     1/ ETH/USD on Bitfinex: 21/11/17 10:00 360
                     2/ eth usd 0 bitfinex
                     3/ None (no value command in effect)
                     4/ None (no value command save option in effect)
        command = self.requester.getCommand(inputStr)
        result = command.execute()

        if result != '':
            printResult = self.printer.getPrintableData(result)
            fullCommandStr, fullCommandStrWithOptions, fullCommandStrWithSaveModeOptions = self.printer.getFullCommandString(result)
            return printResult, fullCommandStr, fullCommandStrWithOptions, fullCommandStrWithSaveModeOptions
Esempio n. 5
 def discover(self):
     """ Grabs list of devices from """
     if Requester.verifyconnection():
         self.bridges = Requester.request('',
Esempio n. 6
class LinkFinder():

    error_with_link_flag = False
    error_with_link_detail = None

    def __init__(self, base_url, page_url, proxies, gather_titles, search_text,
                 timeout, delay):
        self.base_url = base_url
        self.page_url = page_url
        self.delay = delay  # Delay in seconds between each HTTP Request
        self.urls = set()
        self.url_with_title = dict()
        self.gather_titles = gather_titles
        self.page_title = None
        self.search_text = search_text
        self.requester = Requester(page_url=page_url,

    def find_urls(self):
        response = self.requester.request()
        if isinstance(response, tuple):
            # Some error occured with the page, we did not get a response content. Returning it to the spider to handle
            LinkFinder.error_with_link_flag = True
            LinkFinder.error_with_link_detail = response
            bs4_object = BeautifulSoup(response, 'html.parser')
            if self.search_text is not None:
                if self.search_text.lower() in bs4_object.find(
                    print("Given search text was found in - ", self.page_url)
            self.page_title = bs4_object.find("title").text
            all_anchor_tags = bs4_object.find_all('a')
            for anchor_tag in all_anchor_tags:
                href = anchor_tag.get('href')
                if href != "" and href is not None:
                    If the href value contains a relative link, create the full link by using the base url. 
                    But if href value conatins a full link, then don't do anything. 
                    This is automatically handled by urljoin method
                    url = parse.urljoin(self.base_url, anchor_tag.get('href'))
                    if not parse.urlparse(
                            self.base_url).netloc in parse.urlparse(
                                url).netloc:  # Don't go out of the given site
                    if "#" in href:

    def get_urls(self):
        if LinkFinder.error_with_link_flag:
            LinkFinder.error_with_link_flag = False
            return LinkFinder.error_with_link_detail
            to_return = dict()
            to_return["page_url"] = self.page_url
            to_return["page_title"] = self.page_title
            to_return["urls_in_page"] = self.urls
            return to_return