def test_set_prevents_get_with_different_path():
    """Ensure an object stored with set only matches one patch."""
    cache = ModuleCache()
    module = object()
    name = 'test'
    path = '/some/path/to/test'
    cache.set(name=name, path=path, module=module)
    assert cache.get(name=name, path=path + '/notsame') is not module
def test_set_allows_get_with_same_path():
    """Ensure an object stored with set is available via get."""
    cache = ModuleCache()
    module = object()
    name = 'test'
    path = '/some/path/to/test'
    cache.set(name=name, path=path, module=module)
    assert cache.get(name=name, path=path) is module