Esempio n. 1
async def test_subscribers(core_client: ApiClient) -> None:
    # provide a clean slate
    for subscriber in core_client.subscribers():

    sub_id = rnd_str()

    # add subscription
    subscriber = core_client.add_subscription(sub_id, rc.Subscription("test"))
    assert == sub_id
    assert len(subscriber.subscriptions) == 1
    assert subscriber.subscriptions["test"] is not None

    # delete subscription
    subscriber = core_client.delete_subscription(sub_id, rc.Subscription("test"))
    assert == sub_id
    assert len(subscriber.subscriptions) == 0

    # update subscriber
    updated = core_client.update_subscriber(sub_id, [rc.Subscription("test"), rc.Subscription("rest")])
    assert updated is not None
    assert == sub_id
    assert len(updated.subscriptions) == 2

    # subscriber for message type
    assert core_client.subscribers_for_event("test") == [updated]
    assert core_client.subscribers_for_event("rest") == [updated]
    assert core_client.subscribers_for_event("does_not_exist") == []

    # get subscriber
    sub = core_client.subscriber(sub_id)
    assert sub is not None
Esempio n. 2
async def test_config(core_client: ApiClient, foo_kinds: List[Kind]) -> None:
    # make sure we have a clean slate
    for config in await core_client.configs():
        await core_client.delete_config(config)

    # define a config model
    model = await core_client.update_configs_model(foo_kinds)
    assert "foo" in model
    assert "bla" in model
    # get the config model again
    get_model = await core_client.get_configs_model()
    assert len(model) == len(get_model)

    # define config validation
    validation = ConfigValidation("external.validated.config",
    assert await core_client.put_config_validation(validation) == validation

    # get the config validation
    assert await core_client.get_config_validation( == validation

    # put config
    cfg_id = rnd_str()

    # put a config with schema that is violated
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as ex:
        await core_client.put_config(cfg_id, {"foo": {"some_int": "abc"}})
    assert "Expected number but got abc" in str(ex.value)

    # put a config with schema that is violated, but turn validation off
    await core_client.put_config(cfg_id, {"foo": {
        "some_int": "abc"

    # set a simple state
    assert await core_client.put_config(cfg_id, {"a": 1}) == {"a": 1}

    # patch config
    assert await core_client.patch_config(cfg_id, {"a": 1}) == {"a": 1}
    assert await core_client.patch_config(cfg_id, {"b": 2}) == {"a": 1, "b": 2}
    assert await core_client.patch_config(cfg_id, {"c": 3}) == {
        "a": 1,
        "b": 2,
        "c": 3

    # get config
    assert await core_client.config(cfg_id) == {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}

    # list configs
    assert await core_client.configs() == [cfg_id]

    # delete config
    await core_client.delete_config(cfg_id)
    assert await core_client.configs() == []
Esempio n. 3
    async def execute(self, request: Request) -> StreamResponse:
        temp_dir: Optional[str] = None
            ctx = self.cli_context_from_request(request)
            if request.content_type.startswith("text"):
                command = (await request.text()).strip()
            elif request.content_type.startswith("multipart"):
                command = request.headers["Resoto-Shell-Command"].strip()
                temp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
                temp_dir = temp
                files = {}
                # for now we assume that all multi-parts are file uploads
                async for part in MultipartReader(request.headers,
                    name =
                    if not name:
                        raise AttributeError(
                            "Multipart request: content disposition name is required!"
                    path = os.path.join(
                        rnd_str())  # use random local path to avoid clashes
                    files[name] = path
                    with open(path, "wb") as writer:
                        while not part.at_eof():
                            writer.write(await part.read_chunk())
                ctx = replace(ctx, uploaded_files=files)
                raise AttributeError(
                    f"Not able to handle: {request.content_type}")

            # we want to eagerly evaluate the command, so that parse exceptions will throw directly here
            parsed = await self.cli.evaluate_cli_command(command, ctx)
            return await self.execute_parsed(request, command, parsed)
            if temp_dir:
Esempio n. 4
async def test_graph_api(core_client: ApiClient) -> None:
    # make sure we have a clean slate
    with suppress(Exception):

    # create a new graph
    graph = AccessJson(core_client.create_graph(g))
    assert == "root"
    assert graph.reported.kind == "graph_root"

    # list all graphs
    graphs = core_client.list_graphs()
    assert g in graphs

    # get one specific graph
    graph: AccessJson = AccessJson(core_client.get_graph(g))  # type: ignore
    assert == "root"
    assert graph.reported.kind == "graph_root"

    # wipe the data in the graph
    assert core_client.delete_graph(g, truncate=True) == "Graph truncated."
    assert g in core_client.list_graphs()

    # create a node in the graph
    uid = rnd_str()
    node = AccessJson(core_client.create_node("root", uid, {"identifier": uid, "kind": "child", "name": "max"}, g))
    assert == uid
    assert == "max"

    # update a node in the graph
    node = AccessJson(core_client.patch_node(uid, {"name": "moritz"}, "reported", g))
    assert == uid
    assert == "moritz"

    # get the node
    node = AccessJson(core_client.get_node(uid, g))
    assert == uid
    assert == "moritz"

    # delete the node
    core_client.delete_node(uid, g)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        # node can not be found
        core_client.get_node(uid, g)

    # merge a complete graph
    merged = core_client.merge_graph(graph_to_json(create_graph("test")), g)
    assert merged == rc.GraphUpdate(112, 1, 0, 212, 0, 0)

    # batch graph update and commit
    batch1_id, batch1_info = core_client.add_to_batch(graph_to_json(create_graph("hello")), "batch1", g)
    assert batch1_info == rc.GraphUpdate(0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    assert batch1_id == "batch1"
    batch_infos = AccessJson.wrap_list(core_client.list_batches(g))
    assert len(batch_infos) == 1
    # assert batch_infos[0].id == batch1_id
    assert batch_infos[0].affected_nodes == ["collector"]  # replace node
    assert batch_infos[0].is_batch is True
    core_client.commit_batch(batch1_id, g)

    # batch graph update and abort
    batch2_id, batch2_info = core_client.add_to_batch(graph_to_json(create_graph("bonjour")), "batch2", g)
    assert batch2_info == rc.GraphUpdate(0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    assert batch2_id == "batch2"
    core_client.abort_batch(batch2_id, g)

    # update nodes
    update = [{"id": node["id"], "reported": {"name": "bruce"}} for _, node in create_graph("foo").nodes(data=True)]
    updated_nodes = core_client.patch_nodes(update, g)
    assert len(updated_nodes) == 113
    for n in updated_nodes:
        assert n.get("reported", {}).get("name") == "bruce"

    # create the raw search
    raw = core_client.search_graph_raw('id("3")', g)
    assert raw == {
        "query": "LET filter0 = (FOR m0 in graphtest FILTER m0._key == @b0  RETURN m0) "
        'FOR result in filter0 RETURN UNSET(result, ["flat"])',
        "bind_vars": {"b0": "3"},

    # estimate the search
    cost = core_client.search_graph_explain('id("3")', g)
    assert cost.full_collection_scan is False
    assert cost.rating == rc.EstimatedQueryCostRating.simple

    # search list
    result_list = list(core_client.search_list('id("3") -[0:]->', graph=g))
    assert len(result_list) == 11  # one parent node and 10 child nodes
    assert result_list[0].get("id") == "3"  # first node is the parent node

    # search graph
    result_graph = list(core_client.search_graph('id("3") -[0:]->', graph=g))
    assert len(result_graph) == 21  # 11 nodes + 10 edges
    assert result_list[0].get("id") == "3"  # first node is the parent node

    # aggregate
    result_aggregate = core_client.search_aggregate("aggregate(reported.kind as kind: sum(1) as count): all", g)
    assert {r["group"]["kind"]: r["count"] for r in result_aggregate} == {
        "bla": 100,
        "cloud": 1,
        "foo": 11,
        "graph_root": 1,

    # delete the graph
    assert core_client.delete_graph(g) == "Graph deleted."
    assert g not in core_client.list_graphs()
Esempio n. 5
def test_random_str() -> None:
    assert rnd_str() != rnd_str()