async def __retry_tasks(self, tasks: List[WorkerTaskInProgress]) -> None:
     for task in tasks:
         if task.retry_counter > 0:
             # todo: maybe it still in the queue of the worker?
             # reschedule
             await self.__add_task(task.task, task.retry_counter - 1)
             log.warning(f"Too many retried executing task {}. Give up.")
             self.outstanding_tasks.pop(, None)
             self.work_count[task.worker.worker_id] = self.work_count[task.worker.worker_id] - 1
             set_future_result(task.task.callback, TimeoutError("Could not finish the task."))
 async def __acknowledge_task(self, worker_id: WorkerId, task_id: TaskId, result: Optional[Json]) -> None:
     # remove task from internal list
     in_progress = self.outstanding_tasks.get(task_id, None)
     if in_progress:
         if in_progress.worker.worker_id == worker_id:
             self.outstanding_tasks.pop(task_id, None)
             self.work_count[worker_id] = self.work_count[worker_id] - 1
             set_future_result(in_progress.task.callback, result)
             # todo: remove task from database
   "Got result for task {task_id} from wrong worker {worker_id}. outdated?")
 async def __error_task(self, worker_id: WorkerId, task_id: TaskId, message: str) -> None:
     log.warning(f"Task {task_id} yielded an error: {message}")
     in_progress = self.outstanding_tasks.get(task_id, None)
     if in_progress:
         if in_progress.worker.worker_id == worker_id:
             self.outstanding_tasks.pop(task_id, None)
             self.work_count[worker_id] = self.work_count[worker_id] - 1
             set_future_result(in_progress.task.callback, AttributeError(f"Error executing task: {message}"))
             # todo: remove task from database
   "Got error for task {task_id} from wrong worker {worker_id}. outdated?")
 async def check_outdated_unassigned_tasks(self) -> None:
     now = utc()
     outstanding = [ip for ip in self.outstanding_tasks.values() if ip.deadline < now]
     not_started_outdated = [ns for ns in self.unassigned_tasks.values() if ns.deadline < now]
     async with self.lock:
         await self.__retry_tasks(outstanding)
         for ns in not_started_outdated:
   "No worker for task: {}. Give up.")
             set_future_result(ns.task.callback, Exception(f"No worker for task: {}"))
             self.unassigned_tasks.pop(, None)
         # unassigned_task now only holds valid tasks
         for ns in list(self.unassigned_tasks.values()):
             if await self.__add_task(ns.task, ns.retry_counter):
                 self.unassigned_tasks.pop(, None)