class Schema: pk = StringField(pk=True, description="Identifier of the resource") value = IntegerField(min_val=0, max_val=100, description="Lecturer's performance identifier ") creation_time = DateTimeField( description="Time when the rating was added (for sorting purpose)")
class Schema: pk = StringField(pk=True, description="Identifier of the resource") value = StringField(description="Text of the comment") creation_time = DateTimeField(description="Time when the comment was added (for sorting purpose)")
class Schema(Person.Schema): birthday = DateTimeField()
class Schema: datetieme_field = DateTimeField(required=False)
class Schema: pk = IntegerField(pk=True) datetieme_field = DateTimeField(required=False)
class Schema: email = StringField(regex="[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", pk=True, description="Addess to which the notifications shall be sent") first_name = StringField(description="Given name(s)") last_name = StringField(description="Family name(s)") birthday = DateTimeField()
class Sample(Schema): one = IntegerField() two = StringField() three = DateTimeField() has_additional_fields = True
class Sample(Schema): one = IntegerField() two = StringField() three = DateTimeField()