Esempio n. 1
    async def view(self, CommandArgs):
        """view your server settings"""

        guild = CommandArgs.guild
        guild_data = CommandArgs.guild_data
        response = CommandArgs.response
        trello_board = CommandArgs.trello_board
        prefix = CommandArgs.prefix

        embed = Embed(title="Bloxlink Settings")
        text_buffer = []
        options_trello_data = {}

        donator_profile, _ = await get_features(Object(id=guild.owner_id),
        premium = donator_profile.features.get("premium")

        if premium:
                "**This is a [Premium Server](**\n"
            embed.colour = GOLD_COLOR

        if trello_board:
            options_trello_data, _ = await get_options(trello_board)

        for option_name, option_data in OPTIONS.items():
            value = None

            if option_data[0]:
                value = str(option_data[0](guild, guild_data))  # pylint: disable=not-callable
                    value = str(
                                       DEFAULTS.get(option_name, "False")))
                except KeyError:
                    value = str(
                                       DEFAULTS.get(option_name, "False")))

            if option_data[3] and not premium:
                value = str(DEFAULTS.get(option_name, "False"))

            value = value.replace("{prefix}", prefix)
            text_buffer.append(f"**{option_name}** {ARROW} {value}")

        embed.description = "\n".join(text_buffer)
        embed.set_footer(text="Powered by Bloxlink",
                         icon_url=guild.icon.url if guild.icon else "")

        await response.send(embed=embed)
Esempio n. 2
    async def help(self, CommandArgs):
        """provides a description of all changeable settings"""

        guild = CommandArgs.message.guild

        embed = Embed(title="Bloxlink Settings Help")
        embed.set_footer(text="Powered by Bloxlink", icon_url=Bloxlink.user.avatar_url)
        embed.set_author(, icon_url=guild.icon_url)

        for option_name, option_data in OPTIONS.items():
            desc = option_data[4].format(prefix=CommandArgs.prefix, templates=NICKNAME_TEMPLATES)
            embed.add_field(name=option_name, value=desc, inline=False)

        await CommandArgs.response.send(embed=embed)
Esempio n. 3
    async def change(self, CommandArgs):
        """change your Bloxlink settings"""

        if not CommandArgs.has_permission:
            raise PermissionError("You do not have the required permissions to change server settings.")

        prefix = CommandArgs.prefix
        response = CommandArgs.response

        message = CommandArgs.message
        author =

        guild = CommandArgs.message.guild
        guild_data = CommandArgs.guild_data

        parsed_args = await CommandArgs.prompt([{
            "prompt": "What value would you like to change? Note that some settings you can't change "
                      "from this command due to the extra complexity, but I will tell you the "
                      f"appropriate command to use.\n\nOptions: ``{options_strings}``\n\nPremium-only options: ``{premium_options_strings}``",
            "name": "choice",
            "type": "choice",
            "formatting": False,
            "footer": f"Use ``{prefix}settings help`` to view a description of all choices.",
            "choices": options_combined

        choice = parsed_args["choice"]

        if choice == "trelloID":
            raise Message(f"You can link your Trello board from ``{prefix}setup``!", type="success")
        elif choice == "Linked Groups":
            raise Message(f"You can link your group from ``{prefix}bind``!", type="success")
        elif choice == "joinDM":
            message.content = f"{prefix}joindm"
            return await parse_message(message)
        elif choice == "groupShoutChannel":
            message.content = f"{prefix}shoutproxy"
            return await parse_message(message)
        elif choice == "whiteLabel":
            message.content = f"{prefix}whitelabel"
            return await parse_message(message)

        option_find = OPTIONS.get(choice)

        if option_find:
            if option_find[3]:
                profile, _ = await get_features(Object(id=guild.owner_id), guild=guild)

                if not profile.features.get("premium"):
                    raise Error("This option is premium-only! The server owner must have premium for it to be changed.\n"
                                f"Use ``{prefix}donate`` for more instructions on getting premium.")

            option_type = option_find[1]
            trello_board = CommandArgs.trello_board
            card = success_text = parsed_value = None
            desc = option_find[4].format(prefix=CommandArgs.prefix, templates=NICKNAME_TEMPLATES)

            if trello_board:
                options_trello_data, trello_binds_list = await get_options(trello_board, return_cards=True)
                options_trello_find = options_trello_data.get(choice)

                if options_trello_find:
                    card = options_trello_find[1]

            if option_type == "boolean":
                parsed_value = await CommandArgs.prompt([{
                    "prompt": f"Would you like to **enable** or **disable** ``{choice}``?\n\n"
                              f"**Option description:**\n{desc}",
                    "name": "choice",
                    "type": "choice",
                    "footer": "Say **clear** to set as the default value.",
                    "formatting": False,
                    "choices": ("enable", "disable", "clear")

                parsed_bool_choice = parsed_value["choice"]

                if parsed_bool_choice == "clear":
                    parsed_value = DEFAULTS.get(choice)
                    parsed_value = parsed_bool_choice == "enable"

                await self.r.table("guilds").insert({
                    "id": str(,
                    choice: parsed_value
                }, conflict="update").run()

                success_text = f"Successfully **{parsed_bool_choice}d** ``{choice}``!"

            elif option_type == "string":
                parsed_value = (await CommandArgs.prompt([{
                    "prompt": f"Please specify a new value for ``{choice}``.\n\n"
                              f"**Option description:**\n{desc}",
                    "name": "choice",
                    "type": "string",
                    "footer": "Say **clear** to set as the default value.",
                    "formatting": False,
                    "max": option_find[2]

                if parsed_value == "clear":
                    parsed_value = DEFAULTS.get(choice)

                await self.r.table("guilds").insert({
                    "id": str(,
                    choice: parsed_value
                }, conflict="update").run()

                success_text = f"Successfully saved your new {choice}!"

            elif option_type == "role":
                parsed_value = (await CommandArgs.prompt([{
                    "prompt": f"Please specify a role for ``{choice}``.\n\n"
                              f"**Option description:**\n{desc}",
                    "name": "role",
                    "type": "role",
                    "exceptions": ("clear",),
                    "footer": "Say **clear** to set as the default value.",
                    "formatting": False

                if parsed_value == "clear":
                    parsed_value = DEFAULTS.get(choice)
                    parsed_value = str(

                await self.r.table("guilds").insert({
                    "id": str(,
                    choice: parsed_value
                }, conflict="update").run()

                success_text = f"Successfully saved your new ``{choice}``!"

            elif option_type == "number":
                parsed_value = (await CommandArgs.prompt([{
                    "prompt": f"Please specify a new integer for ``{choice}``.\n\n"
                              f"**Option description:**\n{desc}",
                    "name": "choice",
                    "type": "number",
                    "footer": "Say **clear** to set as the default value.",
                    "formatting": False,
                    "exceptions": ("clear",),
                    "max": option_find[2]

                if parsed_value == "clear":
                    parsed_value = DEFAULTS.get(choice)

                await self.r.table("guilds").insert({
                    "id": str(,
                    choice: parsed_value
                }, conflict="update").run()

                success_text = f"Successfully saved your new ``{choice}``!"

            elif option_type == "choice":
                choices = ", ".join(option_find[2])
                parsed_value = (await CommandArgs.prompt([{
                    "prompt": f"Please pick a new value for ``{choice}``: ``{choices}``\n\n"
                              f"**Option description:**\n{desc}",
                    "name": "choice",
                    "type": "choice",
                    "footer": "Say **clear** to set as the default value.",
                    "formatting": False,
                    "exceptions": ["clear"],
                    "choices": option_find[2]

                if parsed_value == "clear":
                    parsed_value = DEFAULTS.get(choice)

                await self.r.table("guilds").insert({
                    "id": str(,
                    choice: parsed_value
                }, conflict="update").run()

                success_text = f"Successfully saved your new ``{choice}``!"
                raise Error("An unknown type was specified.")
            raise Error("An unknown option was specified.")

        if trello_board:
                if card:
                    if == choice:
                        await card.edit(desc=str(parsed_value))
                        await card.edit(name=f"{choice}:{parsed_value}")
                    trello_settings_list = await trello_board.get_list(lambda L: == "Bloxlink Settings") \
                                           or await trello_board.create_list(name="Bloxlink Settings")

                    await trello_settings_list.create_card(name=choice, desc=str(parsed_value))

                if trello_binds_list:
                    await trello_binds_list.sync(card_limit=TRELLO["CARD_LIMIT"])

            except TrelloUnauthorized:
                await response.error("In order for me to edit your Trello settings, please add ``@bloxlink`` to your "
                                     "Trello board.")

            except (TrelloNotFound, TrelloBadRequest):

        await set_guild_value(guild, choice, parsed_value)

        await post_event(guild, guild_data, "configuration", f"{author.mention} ({}) has **changed** the ``{choice}`` option.", BROWN_COLOR)

        raise Message(success_text, type="success")
Esempio n. 4
from os import environ as env
from discord.errors import Forbidden
from aiotrello.exceptions import TrelloUnauthorized, TrelloNotFound, TrelloBadRequest

get_prefix, post_event = Bloxlink.get_module("utils", attrs=["get_prefix", "post_event"])
get_options = Bloxlink.get_module("trello", attrs=["get_options"])
parse_message = Bloxlink.get_module("commands", attrs=["parse_message"])
clear_guild_data, set_guild_value = Bloxlink.get_module("cache", attrs=["clear_guild_data", "set_guild_value"])
get_features = Bloxlink.get_module("premium", attrs=["get_features"])

RESET_CHOICES = ("everything", "binds")

options_keys = [o for o, o_d in OPTIONS.items() if not o_d[3]]
premium_option_keys = [o for o, o_d in OPTIONS.items() if o_d[3]]
options_combined = options_keys + premium_option_keys
options_strings = ", ".join([o for o, o_d in OPTIONS.items() if not o_d[3]])
premium_options_strings = ", ".join([o for o, o_d in OPTIONS.items() if o_d[3]])

class SettingsCommand(Bloxlink.Module):
    """change, view, or reset your Bloxlink settings"""

    def __init__(self):
        permission = Bloxlink.Permissions().build("BLOXLINK_MANAGER")
        permission.allow_bypass = True

        self.permissions = permission
        self.category = "Administration"