Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(
     super(TMDb, self).__init__(
     self.language = language
     self.iso_language = language[:2]
     self.iso_country = language[-2:]
     self.req_language = '{0}-{1}&include_image_language={0},null'.format(self.iso_language, self.iso_country)
     self.mpaa_prefix = mpaa_prefix
     self.append_to_response = APPEND_TO_RESPONSE
     self.mapper = ItemMapper(self.language, self.mpaa_prefix)
    def __init__(self, language=None, mpaa_prefix=None):
        self.language = language or get_language()
        self.mpaa_prefix = mpaa_prefix or get_mpaa_prefix()
        self.iso_language = language[:2]
        self.iso_country = language[-2:]
        self.blacklist = []
        """ Mapping dictionary
        keys:       list of tuples containing parent and child key to add value. [('parent', 'child')]
                    parent keys: art, unique_ids, infolabels, infoproperties, params
                    use UPDATE_BASEKEY for child key to update parent with a dict
        func:       function to call to manipulate values (omit to skip and pass value directly)
        (kw)args:   list/dict of args/kwargs to pass to func.
                    func is also always passed v as first argument
        type:       int, float, str - convert v to type using try_type(v, type)
        extend:     set True to add to existing list - leave blank to overwrite exiting list
        subkeys:    list of sub keys to get for v - i.e. v.get(subkeys[0], {}).get(subkeys[1]) etc.
                    note that getting subkeys sticks for entire loop so do other ops on base first if needed

        use standard_map for direct one-to-one mapping of v onto single property tuple
        self.advanced_map = {
            'poster_path': [{
                'keys': [('art', 'poster')],
                'func': get_imagepath_poster
            'profile_path': [{
                'keys': [('art', 'poster')],
                'func': get_imagepath_poster
            'file_path': [{
                'keys': [('art', 'poster')],
                'func': get_imagepath_fanart
            'still_path': [{
                'keys': [('art', 'thumb')],
                'func': get_imagepath_fanart
            'backdrop_path': [{
                'keys': [('art', 'fanart')],
                'func': get_imagepath_fanart
            'content_ratings': [{
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'mpaa')],
                'subkeys': ['results'],
                'args': [self.mpaa_prefix, self.iso_country, False]
            'release_dates': [{
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'mpaa')],
                'subkeys': ['results'],
                'args': [self.mpaa_prefix, self.iso_country, True]
            'release_date': [{
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'premiered')]
            }, {
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'year')],
                'func': lambda v: v[0:4]
            'first_air_date': [{
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'premiered')]
            }, {
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'year')],
                'func': lambda v: v[0:4]
            'air_date': [{
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'premiered')]
            }, {
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'year')],
                'func': lambda v: v[0:4]
            'genre_ids': [{
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'genre')],
                'func': get_genres_by_id
            'videos': [{
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'trailer')],
                'func': get_trailer
            'popularity': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', 'popularity')],
                'type': str
            'vote_count': [{
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'votes'),
                         ('infoproperties', 'tmdb_votes')],
                lambda v: u'{:0,.0f}'.format(v)
            'vote_average': [{
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'rating'),
                         ('infoproperties', 'tmdb_rating')],
                lambda v: u'{:.1f}'.format(v)
            'budget': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', 'budget')],
                'type': float,
                'func': lambda v: u'${:0,.0f}'.format(v)
            'revenue': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', 'revenue')],
                'type': float,
                'func': lambda v: u'${:0,.0f}'.format(v)
            'spoken_languages': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                'func': iter_props,
                'args': ['language'],
                'kwargs': {
                    'name': 'name',
                    'iso': 'iso_639_1'
            'keywords': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                'subkeys': ['keywords'],
                'func': iter_props,
                'args': ['keyword'],
                'kwargs': {
                    'name': 'name',
                    'tmdb_id': 'id'
            'reviews': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                'subkeys': ['results'],
                'func': iter_props,
                'args': ['review'],
                'kwargs': {
                    'content': 'content',
                    'author': 'author',
                    'tmdb_id': 'id'
            'created_by': [
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                    'func': get_iter_props,
                    'args': ['creator'],
                    'kwargs': {
                        'basic_keys': {
                            'name': 'name',
                            'tmdb_id': 'id'
                        'image_keys': {
                            'thumb': 'profile_path'
                    # ---
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', 'creator')],
                    lambda v: ' / '.join(
                        [x['name'] for x in v or [] if x.get('name')])
            'also_known_as': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', 'aliases')],
                lambda v: ' / '.join([x for x in v or [] if x])
            'known_for': [
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                    'func': iter_props,
                    'args': ['known_for'],
                    'kwargs': {
                        'title': 'title',
                        'tmdb_id': 'id',
                        'rating': 'vote_average',
                        'tmdb_type': 'media_type'
                    # ---
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', 'known_for')],
                    lambda v: ' / '.join(
                        [x['title'] for x in v or [] if x.get('title')])
            'external_ids': [{
                'keys': [('unique_ids', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                'func': get_external_ids
            'credits': [
                    'keys': [('infolabels', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                    'func': get_credits
                    # ---
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                    'subkeys': ['crew'],
                    'func': get_crew_properties
            'parts': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                'func': get_collection_properties
            'movie_credits': [
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', 'numitems.tmdb.movies.cast')],
                    'func': lambda v: len(v.get('cast') or [])
                    # ---
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', 'numitems.tmdb.movies.crew')],
                    'func': lambda v: len(v.get('crew') or [])
                    # ---
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', '')],
                    lambda v: len(v.get('cast') or []) + len(
                        v.get('crew') or [])
            'tv_credits': [
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', 'numitems.tmdb.tvshows.cast')],
                    'func': lambda v: len(v.get('cast') or [])
                    # ---
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', 'numitems.tmdb.tvshows.crew')],
                    'func': lambda v: len(v.get('crew') or [])
                    # ---
                    [('infoproperties', '')],
                    lambda v: len(v.get('cast') or []) + len(
                        v.get('crew') or [])
            'belongs_to_collection': [
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                    'func': get_collection
                    # ---
                    'keys': [('infolabels', 'set')],
                    'subkeys': ['name']
            'episode_run_time': [{
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'duration')],
                'func': get_runtime
            'runtime': [{
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'duration')],
                'func': get_runtime
            'genres': [
                    'keys': [('infolabels', 'genre')],
                    'func': dict_to_list,
                    'args': ['name']
                    # ---
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                    'func': iter_props,
                    'args': ['genre'],
                    'kwargs': {
                        'name': 'name',
                        'tmdb_id': 'id'
            'production_countries': [
                    'keys': [('infolabels', 'country')],
                    'extend': True,
                    'func': dict_to_list,
                    'args': ['name']
                    # ---
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                    'func': iter_props,
                    'args': ['country'],
                    'kwargs': {
                        'name': 'name',
                        'tmdb_id': 'id'
            'networks': [
                    'keys': [('infolabels', 'studio')],
                    'extend': True,
                    'func': dict_to_list,
                    'args': ['name']
                    # ---
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                    'func': get_iter_props,
                    'args': ['studio'],
                    'kwargs': {
                        'basic_keys': {
                            'name': 'name',
                            'tmdb_id': 'id'
                        'image_keys': {
                            'icon': 'logo_path'
            'production_companies': [
                    'keys': [('infolabels', 'studio')],
                    'extend': True,
                    'func': dict_to_list,
                    'args': ['name']
                    # ---
                    'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                    'func': get_iter_props,
                    'args': ['studio'],
                    'kwargs': {
                        'basic_keys': {
                            'name': 'name',
                            'tmdb_id': 'id'
                        'image_keys': {
                            'icon': 'logo_path'
            'watch/providers': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                'subkeys': ['results', self.iso_country],
                'func': get_providers
            'last_episode_to_air': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                'args': ['last_aired']
            'next_episode_to_air': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', UPDATE_BASEKEY)],
                'args': ['next_aired']
            'imdb_id': [{
                'keys': [('infolabels', 'imdbnumber'), ('unique_ids', 'imdb')]
            'character': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', 'role'),
                         ('infoproperties', 'character'), ('label2', None)]
            'job': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', 'role'), ('infoproperties', 'job'),
                         ('label2', None)]
            'biography': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', 'biography'),
                         ('infolabels', 'plot')]
            'gender': [{
                'keys': [('infoproperties', 'gender')],
                lambda v, d: d.get(v),
                'args': [{
                    1: ADDON.getLocalizedString(32071),
                    2: ADDON.getLocalizedString(32070)
        self.standard_map = {
            'overview': ('infolabels', 'plot'),
            'content': ('infolabels', 'plot'),
            'tagline': ('infolabels', 'tagline'),
            'id': ('unique_ids', 'tmdb'),
            'original_title': ('infolabels', 'originaltitle'),
            'original_name': ('infolabels', 'originaltitle'),
            'title': ('infolabels', 'title'),
            'name': ('infolabels', 'title'),
            'author': ('infolabels', 'title'),
            'origin_country': ('infolabels', 'country'),
            'status': ('infolabels', 'status'),
            'season_number': ('infolabels', 'season'),
            'episode_number': ('infolabels', 'episode'),
            'season_count': ('infolabels', 'season'),
            'episode_count': ('infolabels', 'episode'),
            'department': ('infoproperties', 'department'),
            'place_of_birth': ('infoproperties', 'born'),
            'birthday': ('infoproperties', 'birthday'),
            'deathday': ('infoproperties', 'deathday'),
            'width': ('infoproperties', 'width'),
            'height': ('infoproperties', 'height'),
            'aspect_ratio': ('infoproperties', 'aspect_ratio')