Esempio n. 1
    def move_movie(self, movie, old_path, new_path):
        ## Update file with new id
        # Create query
        query = "UPDATE files \
                 SET    idPath=? \
                 WHERE  idFile=?"
        # Create values
        value = new_path.meta, movie.meta
        # Create a cursor
        c = self.db.create_cursor()
        # Launch query
        c.execute(query, value)

        ### Move file
        ## Get filename
        # Create query
        query = "SELECT f.strFilename \
                 FROM   files f \
                 WHERE  f.idFile = ?"
        # Create values
        value = (movie.meta,)
        # Launch query
        c.execute(query, value)
        # Build result
        mfile = unicode(c.fetchone()[0])
        # mfile = unicode( c.fetchone()[0] )

        ## Deal with stacked files
        if mfile.startswith("stack://"):
            logging.dbg("Dealing with stacked files")
            # Update db file with new values
            query = "UPDATE files \
                     SET    strFilename=? WHERE idFile=?"
            # Create values
            strfn = mfile.replace(old_path, new_path)
            value = strfn, movie.meta
            # Launch query
            c.execute(query, value)
            # Get fanart cache filename and move it
            srcfn = xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/Video") + "/Fanart/" + xbmc.getCacheThumbName(mfile)
            dstfn = xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/Video") + "/Fanart/" + xbmc.getCacheThumbName(strfn)
                shutil.move(srcfn, dstfn)
                logging.dbg("move %s %s" % (srcfn, dstfn))
            except IOError, e:
                logging.err("Error moving %s %s: %s" % (srcfn, dstfn, e))
            # Create file list with removed whites spaces arround names
            mfiles = map(lambda x: x.strip(), mfile[8:].split(","))
Esempio n. 2
    def move_episode( self, episode, old_path, new_path ):
        logging.dbg( "moving episode '%s' from '%s' to '%s'" % ( episode,
            old_path, new_path ) ) 

	# Create a cursor
        c = self.db.create_cursor()

	## Get filename, path, show and episode id and season number
	# Create query 
        query = "SELECT e.idEpisode, f.strFilename, p.strPath, p.idPath, \
                        tsle.idShow, e.c12 \
                 FROM   episode e, files f, path p, tvshowlinkepisode tsle \
                 WHERE  e.idFile = f.idFile AND f.idPath = p.idPath \
                        AND tsle.idEpisode = e.idEpisode AND f.idFile = ?"
        # Create values 
        value = episode.meta, 
        # Launch query 
	c.execute( query, value )
        # Build result 
        res = c.fetchone()
	eid   = res[0]
	efile = unicode( res[1] )
	epath = unicode( res[2] )
	eidpath = res[3]
        eidshow = res[4]
        season = int( res[5] )
        logging.dbg( "filename: '%s'" % ( epath+efile ) )

        # Compute new path
        new_epath = epath.replace( old_path, new_path )

        ## Check if new path exists on DB 
        # Create query 
        query = "SELECT p.idPath \
                 FROM   path p \
                 WHERE  p.strPath = ?"
        # Create values 
        value = new_epath, 
        # Launch query 
	c.execute( query, value )
        # Build result 
	res = c.fetchone()
        if res:
            new_eidpath = res[0]
            logging.dbg( "Path does not exist on db" )
            ## Insert new path on DB
            # Create query 
            query = "INSERT INTO path \
                            ( strPath, strContent, strScraper) \
                     VALUES ( ?, '', '')"
            # Create values 
            value = new_epath,
            # Launch query 
            c.execute( query, value )
            # Get new id
            new_eidpath = c.lastrowid
            logging.dbg( "New path id: %d" %( new_eidpath ) )

        # Try to Create new path on system
            os.makedirs( new_epath )
            logging.dbg( "Creating directory '%s'" % ( new_epath ) )
        except OSError, e:
            if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
                logging.err( "Error Creating directory '%s': %s" % (
                    new_epath, e.strerror ) )
Esempio n. 3
            # replace braces on filename for [[] and []] to be able to use glob
            root, ext = os.path.splitext(src)
            srcfn = glob.glob(re.sub(r"(\[|])", r"[\1]", root) + ".*")
            dstfn = map(lambda x: x.replace(old_path, new_path), srcfn)

            # Get thumbnail fname
            srcfn.append(xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/Video") + "/" + thsrc[0] + "/" + thsrc)
            dstfn.append(xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/Video") + "/" + thdst[0] + "/" + thdst)

            # Get auto-thumbnail fname
            srcfn.append(xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/Video") + "/" + thsrc[0] + "/auto-" + thsrc)
            dstfn.append(xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/Video") + "/" + thdst[0] + "/auto-" + thdst)

            # get Fanart fname
            srcfn.append(xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/Video") + "/Fanart/" + thsrc)
            dstfn.append(xbmc.translatePath("special://thumbnails/Video") + "/Fanart/" + thdst)

            # Move files
            for i in range(len(srcfn)):
                    shutil.move(srcfn[i], dstfn[i])
                    logging.dbg("move %s %s" % (srcfn[i], dstfn[i]))
                except IOError, e:
                    logging.err("Error moving %s %s: %s" % (srcfn[i], dstfn[i], e))

        # Commit Changes
        # Close cursor
Esempio n. 4
        srcfn.append( xbmc.translatePath( 'special://thumbnails/Video' ) 
                + "/" + thsrc[0] + "/" + thsrc )
        dstfn.append( xbmc.translatePath( 'special://thumbnails/Video' ) 
                + "/" + thdst[0] + "/" + thdst )
        # Get auto-thumbnail fname
        srcfn.append( xbmc.translatePath( 'special://thumbnails/Video' ) 
                + "/" + thsrc[0] + "/auto-" + thsrc )
        dstfn.append( xbmc.translatePath( 'special://thumbnails/Video' ) 
                + "/" + thdst[0] + "/auto-" + thdst )
        # Move files
        for i in range( len( srcfn ) ):
                shutil.move( srcfn[i], dstfn[i] )
                logging.dbg( "move %s %s" % ( srcfn[i], dstfn[i] ) )
            except IOError, e:
                logging.err( "Error moving %s %s: %s" % ( srcfn[i], dstfn[i],
                    e ) )

        # Commit Changes 
        # Close cursor 

    def create_new_tvshow( self, old_idshow, old_path, new_path, c ):
        ## Create new record on tvshow table
        # Create query 
        query = "INSERT INTO tvshow \
                 ( c00, c01, c02, c03, c04, c05, c06, c07, c08, c09, c10, c11,\
                   c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21 ) \
                    SELECT c00, c01, c02, c03, c04, c05, c06, c07, c08, c09, \