class SyncAccount(object): ''' The SyncAccount is a class that executes the synchronization of a account. The DropboxSynchronizer tells the SyncAccount when a synchronisation needs to be done on user request or when settings of an account is changed. ''' def __init__( self, account_name ): super(SyncAccount, self).__init__() self.account_name = account_name self._access_token = '' self._enabled = False self._syncPath = u'' self._syncFreq = 0 #minutes self._newSyncTime = 0 self._client = None self._clientCursor = None self.root = None self._remoteSyncPath = u'' #DROPBOX_SEP self.syncSemaphore = threading.Semaphore() self._storageFile = None self._sync_requests = [] self._syncThread = None def init(self): # get sync settings self._get_settings() def stop_sync(self): if self._syncThread: self._syncThread.stop() def sync_stopped(self): stopped = True if self._syncThread: stopped = False if not self._syncThread.isAlive(): #Done syncing, destroy the thread del self._syncThread self._syncThread = None stopped = True return stopped def check_sync(self): ''' Check if it is time to sync according to the interval time. And do so when it is time to sync. ''' #check if syncing is in progress if self._enabled and self.sync_stopped(): now = time.time() #Did we get sync requests or is it time to sync? if len(self._sync_requests) > 0 or self._newSyncTime < now: self._sync_requests = [] if self._newSyncTime < now: #update new sync time self._updateSyncTime() if self._getClient(reconnect=True): self._start_sync() else: #No Client, try again after 5 secs? pass def notify_sync_request(self, path): if self._enabled: self._sync_requests.append(path) def notify_changed_settings(self): self._get_settings() def remove_sync_data(self): # remove all sync data self.clearSyncData() if xbmcvfs.exists( self._syncPath.encode("utf-8") ): shutil.rmtree(self._syncPath) def _start_sync(self): #use a separate thread to do the syncing, so that the DropboxSynchronizer # can still handle other stuff (like changing settings) during syncing self._syncThread = SynchronizeThread(self) self._syncThread.start() def _get_settings( self ): account = AccountSettings(self.account_name) self._storageFile = os.path.normpath(account.account_dir + u'/sync_data.pik') gotSemaphore = True enable = account.synchronisation tempPath = account.syncpath tempRemotePath = account.remotepath tempFreq = float(account.syncfreq) #The following settings can't be changed while syncing! if not self.syncSemaphore.acquire(False): gotSemaphore = False settingsChanged = False if (enable != self._enabled) or (tempPath != self._syncPath) or (tempRemotePath != self._remoteSyncPath): log('Can\'t change settings while synchronizing for %s!' % (self.account_name) ) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() stopSync = dialog.yesno(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE_STRING(30110), LANGUAGE_STRING(30113)) if stopSync: self.stop_sync() # stop the Synchronization log('Synchronizing stopped for %s!' % (self.account_name) ) #wait for the semaphore to be released self.syncSemaphore.acquire() gotSemaphore = True else: #revert the changes account.synchronisation = self._enabled account.syncpath = self._syncPath account.remotepath = self._remoteSyncPath return #Enable? if enable and (tempPath == '' or tempRemotePath == ''): enable = False account.synchronisation = False log_error('Can\'t enable synchronization: syncpath or remotepath not set!') dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE_STRING(30111)) self._enabled = enable if self._syncPath == u'': #get initial location self._syncPath = tempPath #Sync path changed? if self._syncPath != tempPath: if len(os.listdir(tempPath)) == 0: if xbmcvfs.exists(self._syncPath.encode("utf-8")): #move the old sync path to the new one log('Moving sync location for %s from %s to %s'%(self.account_name, self._syncPath, tempPath)) names = os.listdir(self._syncPath) for name in names: srcname = os.path.join(self._syncPath, name) shutil.move(srcname, tempPath) self._syncPath = tempPath if self.root: self.root.updateLocalRootPath(self._syncPath) log('SyncPath updated for %s' % (self.account_name) ) xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s,%s,%d,%s)' % (LANGUAGE_STRING(30103), tempPath, 7000, ICON)) else: log_error('New sync location is not empty: %s'%(tempPath)) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE_STRING(30104), tempPath) #restore the old location account.syncpath = self._syncPath if self._remoteSyncPath == '': #get initial location self._remoteSyncPath = tempRemotePath #remote path changed? if tempRemotePath != self._remoteSyncPath: self._remoteSyncPath = tempRemotePath log('Changed remote path for %s to %s'%(self.account_name, self._remoteSyncPath)) if self.root: #restart the synchronization #remove all the files in current syncPath if xbmcvfs.exists(self._syncPath.encode("utf-8")) and len(os.listdir(self._syncPath)) > 0: shutil.rmtree(self._syncPath) #reset the complete data on client side self.clearSyncData() del self.root self.root = None #Start sync immediately self._newSyncTime = time.time() #Time interval changed? self._updateSyncTime(tempFreq) #reconnect to Dropbox (in case the token has changed) self._access_token = account.access_token self._getClient(reconnect=True) if self._enabled and not self.root: log('Enabled synchronization for %s' % (self.account_name) ) self._setupSyncRoot() elif not self._enabled and self.root: log('Disabled synchronization for %s' % (self.account_name) ) self._syncFreq = 0 # trigger a sync next time it is enabled again self.stop_sync() del self.root self.root = None if gotSemaphore: self.syncSemaphore.release() def _getClient(self, reconnect=False): if reconnect and self._client: self._client.disconnect() self._client = None if not self._client: self._client = XBMCDropBoxClient(autoConnect=False, access_token=self._access_token) succes, msg = self._client.connect() if not succes: log_error('DropboxSynchronizer could not connect to dropbox: %s'%(msg)) self._client = None #update changed client to the root syncfolder if self.root: self.root.setClient(self._client) return self._client def _updateSyncTime(self, newFreq = None): if newFreq and self._syncFreq == 0: #trigger initial sync after startup self._newSyncTime = time.time() self._syncFreq = newFreq else: update = False if newFreq == None: update = True elif self._syncFreq != newFreq: self._syncFreq = newFreq update = True if update: freqSecs = self._syncFreq * 60 now = time.time() self._newSyncTime = float(freqSecs * round(float(now)/freqSecs)) if self._newSyncTime < now: self._newSyncTime += freqSecs log_debug('New sync time: %s'%( time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.localtime(self._newSyncTime) ) ) ) def _setupSyncRoot(self): self.createSyncRoot() #Update items which are in the cache clientCursor = self.getClientCursor() if clientCursor: log_debug('Setup SyncRoot with stored remote data') cursor, remoteData = self.getSyncData() if remoteData: for path, meta in remoteData.iteritems(): if isinstance(path, str): #perviously stored as str iso. unicode... So make it unicode now. path = path.decode("utf-8") if path.find(self.root.path) == 0: self.root.setItemInfo(path, meta) self.root.updateLocalRootPath(self._syncPath) else: log_error('Remote cursor present, but no remote data!') def createSyncRoot(self): #Root path is _remoteSyncPath but then with lower case! self.root = SyncFolder(self._remoteSyncPath.lower(), self._client) def getClientCursor(self): if self._clientCursor == None: #try to get the cursor from storage cursor, data = self.getSyncData() if cursor != None: log_debug('Using stored remote cursor') self._clientCursor = cursor return self._clientCursor def storeSyncData(self, cursor=None): data = None if self.root: data = self.root.getItemsInfo() if cursor != None: self._clientCursor = cursor log_debug('Storing sync data') try: with open(self._storageFile, 'w') as f: pickle.dump([self._clientCursor, data], f, -1) except EnvironmentError as e: log_error("Storing storageFile EXCEPTION : %s" %(repr(e)) ) def getSyncData(self): data = None cursor = None try: with open(self._storageFile, 'r') as f: cursor, data = pickle.load(f) except EnvironmentError as e: log("Opening storageFile EXCEPTION : %s" %(repr(e)) ) return cursor, data def clearSyncData(self): self._clientCursor = None try: os.remove(self._storageFile) except OSError as e: log("Removing storageFile EXCEPTION : %s" %(repr(e)) )
class SyncAccount(object): ''' The SyncAccount is a class that executes the synchronization of a account. The DropboxSynchronizer tells the SyncAccount when a synchronisation needs to be done on user request or when settings of an account is changed. ''' def __init__(self, account_name): super(SyncAccount, self).__init__() self.account_name = account_name self._access_token = '' self._enabled = False self._syncPath = u'' self._syncFreq = 0 #minutes self._newSyncTime = 0 self._client = None self._clientCursor = None self.root = None self._remoteSyncPath = u'' #DROPBOX_SEP self.syncSemaphore = threading.Semaphore() self._storageFile = None self._sync_requests = [] self._syncThread = None def init(self): # get sync settings self._get_settings() def stop_sync(self): if self._syncThread: self._syncThread.stop() def sync_stopped(self): stopped = True if self._syncThread: stopped = False if not self._syncThread.isAlive(): #Done syncing, destroy the thread del self._syncThread self._syncThread = None stopped = True return stopped def check_sync(self): ''' Check if it is time to sync according to the interval time. And do so when it is time to sync. ''' #check if syncing is in progress if self._enabled and self.sync_stopped(): now = time.time() #Did we get sync requests or is it time to sync? if len(self._sync_requests) > 0 or self._newSyncTime < now: self._sync_requests = [] if self._newSyncTime < now: #update new sync time self._updateSyncTime() if self._getClient(reconnect=True): self._start_sync() else: #No Client, try again after 5 secs? pass def notify_sync_request(self, path): if self._enabled: self._sync_requests.append(path) def notify_changed_settings(self): self._get_settings() def remove_sync_data(self): # remove all sync data self.clearSyncData() if xbmcvfs.exists(self._syncPath.encode("utf-8")): shutil.rmtree(self._syncPath) def _start_sync(self): #use a separate thread to do the syncing, so that the DropboxSynchronizer # can still handle other stuff (like changing settings) during syncing self._syncThread = SynchronizeThread(self) self._syncThread.start() def _get_settings(self): account = AccountSettings(self.account_name) self._storageFile = os.path.normpath(account.account_dir + u'/sync_data.pik') gotSemaphore = True enable = account.synchronisation tempPath = account.syncpath tempRemotePath = account.remotepath tempFreq = float(account.syncfreq) #The following settings can't be changed while syncing! if not self.syncSemaphore.acquire(False): gotSemaphore = False settingsChanged = False if (enable != self._enabled) or (tempPath != self._syncPath) or ( tempRemotePath != self._remoteSyncPath): log('Can\'t change settings while synchronizing for %s!' % (self.account_name)) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() stopSync = dialog.yesno(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE_STRING(30110), LANGUAGE_STRING(30113)) if stopSync: self.stop_sync() # stop the Synchronization log('Synchronizing stopped for %s!' % (self.account_name)) #wait for the semaphore to be released self.syncSemaphore.acquire() gotSemaphore = True else: #revert the changes account.synchronisation = self._enabled account.syncpath = self._syncPath account.remotepath = self._remoteSyncPath return #Enable? if enable and (tempPath == '' or tempRemotePath == ''): enable = False account.synchronisation = False log_error( 'Can\'t enable synchronization: syncpath or remotepath not set!' ) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE_STRING(30111)) self._enabled = enable if self._syncPath == u'': #get initial location self._syncPath = tempPath #Sync path changed? if self._syncPath != tempPath: if len(os.listdir(tempPath)) == 0: if xbmcvfs.exists(self._syncPath.encode("utf-8")): #move the old sync path to the new one log('Moving sync location for %s from %s to %s' % (self.account_name, self._syncPath, tempPath)) names = os.listdir(self._syncPath) for name in names: srcname = os.path.join(self._syncPath, name) shutil.move(srcname, tempPath) self._syncPath = tempPath if self.root: self.root.updateLocalRootPath(self._syncPath) log('SyncPath updated for %s' % (self.account_name)) xbmc.executebuiltin( 'Notification(%s,%s,%d,%s)' % (LANGUAGE_STRING(30103), tempPath, 7000, ICON)) else: log_error('New sync location is not empty: %s' % (tempPath)) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok(ADDON_NAME, LANGUAGE_STRING(30104), tempPath) #restore the old location account.syncpath = self._syncPath if self._remoteSyncPath == '': #get initial location self._remoteSyncPath = tempRemotePath #remote path changed? if tempRemotePath != self._remoteSyncPath: self._remoteSyncPath = tempRemotePath log('Changed remote path for %s to %s' % (self.account_name, self._remoteSyncPath)) if self.root: #restart the synchronization #remove all the files in current syncPath if xbmcvfs.exists(self._syncPath.encode("utf-8")) and len( os.listdir(self._syncPath)) > 0: shutil.rmtree(self._syncPath) #reset the complete data on client side self.clearSyncData() del self.root self.root = None #Start sync immediately self._newSyncTime = time.time() #Time interval changed? self._updateSyncTime(tempFreq) #reconnect to Dropbox (in case the token has changed) self._access_token = account.access_token self._getClient(reconnect=True) if self._enabled and not self.root: log('Enabled synchronization for %s' % (self.account_name)) self._setupSyncRoot() elif not self._enabled and self.root: log('Disabled synchronization for %s' % (self.account_name)) self._syncFreq = 0 # trigger a sync next time it is enabled again self.stop_sync() del self.root self.root = None if gotSemaphore: self.syncSemaphore.release() def _getClient(self, reconnect=False): if reconnect and self._client: self._client.disconnect() self._client = None if not self._client: self._client = XBMCDropBoxClient(autoConnect=False, access_token=self._access_token) succes, msg = self._client.connect() if not succes: log_error( 'DropboxSynchronizer could not connect to dropbox: %s' % (msg)) self._client = None #update changed client to the root syncfolder if self.root: self.root.setClient(self._client) return self._client def _updateSyncTime(self, newFreq=None): if newFreq and self._syncFreq == 0: #trigger initial sync after startup self._newSyncTime = time.time() self._syncFreq = newFreq else: update = False if newFreq == None: update = True elif self._syncFreq != newFreq: self._syncFreq = newFreq update = True if update: freqSecs = self._syncFreq * 60 now = time.time() self._newSyncTime = float(freqSecs * round(float(now) / freqSecs)) if self._newSyncTime < now: self._newSyncTime += freqSecs log_debug('New sync time: %s' % (time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.localtime(self._newSyncTime)))) def _setupSyncRoot(self): self.createSyncRoot() #Update items which are in the cache clientCursor = self.getClientCursor() if clientCursor: log_debug('Setup SyncRoot with stored remote data') cursor, remoteData = self.getSyncData() if remoteData: for path, meta in remoteData.iteritems(): if isinstance(path, str): #perviously stored as str iso. unicode... So make it unicode now. path = path.decode("utf-8") if path.find(self.root.path) == 0: self.root.setItemInfo(path, meta) self.root.updateLocalRootPath(self._syncPath) else: log_error('Remote cursor present, but no remote data!') def createSyncRoot(self): #Root path is _remoteSyncPath but then with lower case! self.root = SyncFolder(self._remoteSyncPath.lower(), self._client) def getClientCursor(self): if self._clientCursor == None: #try to get the cursor from storage cursor, data = self.getSyncData() if cursor != None: log_debug('Using stored remote cursor') self._clientCursor = cursor return self._clientCursor def storeSyncData(self, cursor=None): data = None if self.root: data = self.root.getItemsInfo() if cursor != None: self._clientCursor = cursor log_debug('Storing sync data') try: with open(self._storageFile, 'w') as f: pickle.dump([self._clientCursor, data], f, -1) except EnvironmentError as e: log_error("Storing storageFile EXCEPTION : %s" % (repr(e))) def getSyncData(self): data = None cursor = None try: with open(self._storageFile, 'r') as f: cursor, data = pickle.load(f) except EnvironmentError as e: log("Opening storageFile EXCEPTION : %s" % (repr(e))) return cursor, data def clearSyncData(self): self._clientCursor = None try: os.remove(self._storageFile) except OSError as e: log("Removing storageFile EXCEPTION : %s" % (repr(e)))
def createSyncRoot(self): #Root path is _remoteSyncPath but then with lower case! self.root = SyncFolder(self._remoteSyncPath.lower(), self._client)