Esempio n. 1
    def set_image(self, image):
      Sets a new image for this _PictureBoxPanel to display.   If this image is
      None, a default logo will be displayed.  Any previous image that was set
      will have its Dispose() method called before it is discarded.

        if not image:
            image = Resources.createComicVineLogo()

        self._ratio = 0
        if image and float(image.Height):
            self._ratio = float(image.Width) / float(image.Height)
        if not self._ratio:
            self._ratio = 1.55

        # dispose the old image, if need be
        if self._picbox.Image:

        self._picbox.Image = image

        # update our mouse cursor
        comicform = self.Parent
        if comicform != None:
            self.Cursor = Cursors.Hand if comicform._can_change_page(True) or \
              comicform._can_change_page(False) else None
 def set_image(self, image):
    Sets a new image for this _PictureBoxPanel to display.   If this image is
    None, a default logo will be displayed.  Any previous image that was set
    will have its Dispose() method called before it is discarded.
    if not image:
       image = Resources.createComicVineLogo()
    self._ratio = 0;
    if image and float(image.Height):
       self._ratio = float(image.Width) / float(image.Height)
    if not self._ratio:
       self._ratio =1.55
    # dispose the old image, if need be
    if self._picbox.Image:
    self._picbox.Image = image
    # update our mouse cursor
    comicform = self.Parent
    if comicform != None:
       self.Cursor = Cursors.Hand if comicform._can_change_page(True) or \
         comicform._can_change_page(False) else None
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self): 
    ''' Defines member variables for new instances of this class. '''
    # the ref of whatever image should currently be displayed, or None
    self.__current_image_ref = None
    # a simple "last-in-and-ignore-everything-else" scheduler
    self.__scheduler = Scheduler()
    # our cache of loaded image objects. {(imageref,issuehint)->Image}
    self.__image_cache = {}
    # the image that gets displayed if we have nothing else to display
    self.__unknown_image = Resources.createComicVineLogo()
    # the image that gets displayed while we are loading another image
    self.__loading_image = self.__copy_transparent(self.__unknown_image)