def test_overall(self): print("Testing Multiple Restaurants") requiredMeals = 50 requiredInfo = Object() requiredInfo.vegetarian = 5 requiredInfo.glutenFree = 7 requiredInfo.nutFree = 0 requiredInfo.fishFree = 0 restaurants = [] restaurants.append(Restaurant("A", 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 36)) restaurants.append(Restaurant("B", 3, 20, 20, 0, 0, 60)) # sorted by rating order = calculateRestaurants(requiredMeals, requiredInfo, restaurants) self.assertEqual(order[0].vegetarian, 4) self.assertEqual(order[0].glutenFree, 0) self.assertEqual(order[0].nutFree, 0) self.assertEqual(order[0].fishFree, 0) self.assertEqual(order[0].regular, 36) self.assertEqual(order[1].vegetarian, 1) self.assertEqual(order[1].glutenFree, 7) self.assertEqual(order[1].nutFree, 0) self.assertEqual(order[1].fishFree, 0) self.assertEqual(order[1].regular, 2)
def main(): restaurant = Restaurant("ROLL", 'chinese') restaurant.describe_restaurant() restaurant.open_restaurant() restaurant_two = Restaurant('HU FAMILY', 'Chinese') restaurant_three = Restaurant('FISH AND RICE', 'CHINESE') restaurant_two.describe_restaurant() restaurant_three.describe_restaurant() restaurant.number_served = 13 # 对类里的属性进行直接修改 print(restaurant.number_served) restaurant.set_number_served(37) print(restaurant.number_served) restaurant.increment_number_served(39) restaurant.increment_number_served(39) print(restaurant.number_served) user1 = User('Lily', 'Albert', 23) user2 = User('Moris', 'Hamilton', 24) user3 = User('Jeff', 'Churchill', 27) user1.describe_user() user1.greet_user() user2.describe_user() user2.greet_user() user3.describe_user() user3.greet_user() user1.increment_login_attempts() user1.increment_login_attempts() print(user1.login_attempts) user1.reset_login_attempts() print(user1.login_attempts) pass
def seed_restaurants(): """Seed restaurants with test data.""" r1 = Restaurant(name="Chef Zhao's") r2 = Restaurant(name="Fu Lam Mum") r3 = Restaurant(name="Chef Chu's") r4 = Restaurant(name="Queen House") r5 = Restaurant(name="Cafe Macs") db_session.add(r1) db_session.add(r2) db_session.add(r3) db_session.add(r4) db_session.commit()
def parseRestaurantItems(): rest_info = json.load(open('data/test_restaurants.json')) rest_reviews = json.load(open('data/test_reviews.json')) restaurant_list = [] for i in range(len(rest_info)): # Creates list of item NAMES to be stored in the restaurant object item_names = [] items_list = rest_info[i]['items'] for item in items_list: item_names.append(item['name']) review_list = rest_reviews[i]['reviews'] #Creates a list of item REVIEWS to be stored in the restaurant object review_comments = [] for review in review_list: review_comments.append(review['comment']) #Creates a list of item REVIEWS to be stored in the restaurant object review_ratings = [] for review in review_list: review_ratings.append(review['rating']) # Adds Restaurant object to a list of all restaurants restaurant_list.append( Restaurant(rest_info[i]['id'], rest_info[i]['name'], item_names, review_comments, review_ratings)) return restaurant_list
def calculateRestaurants(requiredMeals, requiredInfo, restaurants): order = [] for i in range(0, len(restaurants)): if requiredMeals > 0: # only process until all required meals are ordered tempRestaurant = Object() # empty object for type in ['vegetarian', 'glutenFree', 'nutFree', 'fishFree' ]: # iterate through the types of required food retVal, tempRequired, requiredMeals = calculator( getattr(requiredInfo, type), type, requiredMeals, restaurants[i]) setattr( tempRestaurant, type, retVal ) # set the temp restaurant's values ie: number of type of meal setattr(requiredInfo, type, tempRequired) # update the required number of meals if requiredMeals != 0: # once all special meals are satisfied, calculate number of regular meals required # follows same algorithm as in calculator function regular = restaurants[i].regular requiredMeals -= regular if requiredMeals < 0: regular += requiredMeals requiredMeals = 0 else: regular = 0 order.append( Restaurant(restaurants[i].name, 0, vegetarian=tempRestaurant.vegetarian, glutenFree=tempRestaurant.glutenFree, nutFree=tempRestaurant.nutFree, fishFree=tempRestaurant.fishFree, regular=regular)) return order
def __init__(self): self.item_costs_A = data.items_price_restaurant_A self.power_A = data.power_A self.restaurant_A = Restaurant(self.power_A, self.item_costs_A) self.item_costs_B = data.items_price_restaurant_B self.power_B = data.power_B self.restaurant_B = Restaurant(self.power_B, self.item_costs_B) self.item_costs_C = data.items_price_restaurant_C self.power_C = data.power_C self.restaurant_C = Restaurant(self.power_C, self.item_costs_C) self.restaurants = { "A": self.restaurant_A, "B": self.restaurant_B, "C": self.restaurant_C }
def main(): food_one = MenuItem("Pasta", "Delicious", 15) food_two = MenuItem("Lasanga", "Fat", 20) og = Restaurant() og.add(food_one) og.add(food_two) print(og)
def main(): start = timeit.default_timer() ### Editable software part ### rest = Restaurant() rest.solve() ############################## stop = timeit.default_timer() print('Time: ', stop - start)
def test_calc(self): print("Testing Calculator") required = 5 type = 'vegetarian' mealsRequired = 10 restaurant = Restaurant("TestRestaurant", 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 30) meals, outRequired, outMealsRequired = calculator(required, type, mealsRequired, restaurant) self.assertEqual(meals, 5) self.assertEqual(outRequired, 0) self.assertEqual(outMealsRequired, 5)
def restaurant_endpoint(table_id=''): """ Handles creation and queries for restaurant data. :param table_id: hub device ID. :return: JSON or CSV response body and status code. """ if request.method == 'GET': hub_id = request.args.get('table_id', table_id) hub = Hub('') hub.get_restaurant_id(hub_id=hub_id) # if Mime Type is CSV, respond with simple restaurant ID string. if request.content_type == 'text/csv': print hub.restaurant_id if hub.restaurant_id: return hub.restaurant_id, OK else: return 'error', BAD_REQUEST # Otherwise, respond in JSON format. else: if hub.restaurant_id: return jsonify({ 'table_id': hub_id, 'restaurant_id': hub.restaurant_id }), OK else: return jsonify({ 'table_id': hub_id, 'error': 'Specified table ID is not affiliated with a restaurant.' }), BAD_REQUEST elif request.method == 'POST': request_body = flask.request.get_json() # Restaurant name must be supplied in request body. if 'name' in request_body: restaurant_name = request_body['name'] else: request_body.update({'error': 'Restaurant name not specified.'}) return jsonify(request_body), BAD_REQUEST # Create new restaurant, and return result to user. restaurant = Restaurant(restaurant_id='') restaurant_info = restaurant.create(name=restaurant_name) if 'error' in restaurant_info: return jsonify(restaurant_info), SERVER_ERROR else: return jsonify(restaurant_info), OK
def update_db(db_file): with DBHelper(db_file) as db: for item in restaurants: res = Restaurant(item) db.setup(, "ID INT UNIQUE, YEAR INT, WEEK INT, WEEKDAY TEXT, MENUFI TEXT, MENUSE TEXT, MENUEN TEXT") for link in res.links: if res.type == 'unica': unica_parser(res.query(link.items()[0][1]), link.items()[0][0], res, db) if res.type == 'studentlunch': studentlunch_parser(res.query(link.items()[0][1]), link.items()[0][0], res, db) print "Database for {r} setup succesfully".format(r=res.title)
def format_response(response): restaurants = response.json()['response']['venues'] if len(restaurants) == 0: return None restaurant = restaurants[0] name = format_name(restaurant) address = format_address(restaurant) image_url = format_image(restaurant) return Restaurant(name, address, image_url)
def main(): # to try a different algorithm, just replace seater with another # class - the class will only be called by seater.find_seats seaters = { #'seat_wherever' : SeatWherever(), #'round_robin' : RoundRobin(TABLES), #'smallest_available' : SmallestAvailable(), #'tight_seating' : TightSeating(), #'only_small' : SmallParties(), #'fewest_people' : FewestPeople(TABLES), 'combining': SmallestCombining(TABLES, 6), } restaurant = Restaurant(TABLES) for name, seater in seaters.items(): print('\n{}\n'.format(name)) restaurant = Restaurant(TABLES) pprint( monte_carlo(restaurant, seater, var_arrival, sample_seated_time, renege_time, OPEN_TIME))
def loadYelpToDB(): output = yelp_data().json()['businesses'] for res in output: if 'price' not in res: continue resDB_data = Restaurant(resName=res['name'], city=res['location']['city'], category1=res['categories'][0]['alias'], category2=res['categories'][0]['title'], rating=res['rating'], image_url=res['image_url'], priceRange=res['price'], address=res['location']['address1'])
def completelynew( self, user ): # suggests a cuisine they have never tried before (returns a restaurant name) # go through list of all the cuisines that user has tried # look at total cuisine list # look at cuisines a user hasnt tried # pick a random cuisine data = user.getData() rest_ids = list(data.keys()) API = Api() cuisine_list = [] for rest_id in rest_ids: rest_name = API.getRestaurant( rest_id) # gets the name of the restaurant from the id rest = Restaurant(rest_name, user.getCity()) cuisine_list.append(rest.getRestaurantCuisines()) cus_list = [] for str in cuisine_list: # parses cuisine data and stores all cuisines that user has been to x = str.split(", ") for ele in x: if ele in cus_list: pass else: cus_list.append(ele) all_cuisines = API.getAllCuisines(user.getCity()) for c in all_cuisines: # parses cuisine data and finds all cuisines that user has not visited if c in cus_list: all_cuisines.remove(c) choice = random.choice(all_cuisines) BIGD = API.fillCuisine(choice, user.getCity( )) # given the cuisine name, finds the cuisine id to use with api chosen_cuisine = None for ele in BIGD: temp = ele["cuisine"] if temp["cuisine_name"] == choice: #print(temp) cuisine_id = temp["cuisine_id"] chosen_cuisine = Cuisine(choice, cuisine_id) rest_data = API.getRestaurantsgivenCuisine( user.getCity(), chosen_cuisine) # list of possible restaurants in json form #print(rest_data["results_found"]) rest_list = [] for rest in rest_data['restaurants']: rest_list.append(rest["restaurant"]["name"]) fin = random.choice(rest_list) return fin
def fixture_fooshi_bar(): """Returns a Restaurant instance with a great menu.""" return Restaurant( "Fooshi Bar", location="Buenos Aires", menu=[ "Ebi Nigiri", "Edamame", "Inarizushi", "Kappa Maki", "Miso Soup", "Sake Nigiri", "Tamagoyaki", ], )
def send_restaurant_suggestion(web_client: slack.WebClient, user_id: str, channel: str): # Create a new onboarding tutorial. restaurant = Restaurant(channel) # Get the onboarding message payload message = restaurant.get_message_payload() # Post the onboarding message in Slack response = web_client.chat_postMessage(**message) # Capture the timestamp of the message we've just posted so # we can use it to update the message after a user # has completed an onboarding task. restaurant.timestamp = response["ts"]
def main(): print("Welcome to Restaurant Chooser") numRestaurants = int( input('Enter the number of restaurants to choose from: ')) restaurants = [] for num in range(0, numRestaurants): name = input("\nPlease enter the name of the restaurant: ") rating = getValidInt( "Please enter a rating for " + name + " between 1 and 5 inclusive: ", True) veg = getValidInt("# of vegetarian meals " + name + " can provide: ", False) gf = getValidInt("# of gluten-free meals " + name + " can provide: ", False) nf = getValidInt("# of nut-free meals " + name + " can provide: ", False) ff = getValidInt("# of fish-free meals " + name + " can provide: ", False) reg = getValidInt("# of total meals " + name + " can provide: ", False) reg = reg - veg - gf - nf - ff # regular meals = total meals - special meals restaurants.append(Restaurant(name, rating, veg, gf, nf, ff, reg)) requiredMeals = getValidInt( "\nEnter number of total meals required for your team: ", False) requiredInfo = Object() requiredInfo.vegetarian = getValidInt( "Enter number of vegetarian meals your team requires: ", False) requiredInfo.glutenFree = getValidInt( "Enter number of gluten-free meals your team requires: ", False) requiredInfo.nutFree = getValidInt( "Enter number of nut-free meals your team requires: ", False) requiredInfo.fishFree = getValidInt( "Enter number of fish-free meals your team requires: ", False) # sort the restaurants array by highest rated first. makes processing much faster/easier restaurants = sorted(restaurants, key=lambda restaurant: restaurant.rating, reverse=True) order = calculateRestaurants(requiredMeals, requiredInfo, restaurants) printOrder(order)
def main(): """ Test the restaurant module. """ g1 = Guest("Alice",1) g2 = Guest("John",2) g3 = Guest("Mary",3) guests = [g1, g2, g3] r = Restaurant(2) # As long as there are still guests waiting in front of the # Restaurant while guests: if[-1]): # Try to seat the next guest guests.pop() r.serve() # Serve a guest
def load_restaurant_data(): table = { '업소명': 'name', '업태명': 'kind', '소재지(지번)': 'address', '소재지전화번호': 'phone', '주취급음식': 'food' } # 데이터 출처: with open('restaurant.csv', encoding='euc-kr') as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) for row in reader: if any(not row[x] for x in table.keys()): next data = {table[x]: row[x] for x in table.keys()} restaurant = Restaurant(**data) restaurants.append(restaurant) print(restaurant) print('--- loading complete ---')
def buildResponse(response, counter, location, verbose): name = response['name'] if 'categories' in response: name += ' (' + response['categories'][0][0]+ ')' if 'location' in response: endLocation = response['location']['display_address'][0] + ', ' + response['location']['city'] + ', ' + response['location']['state_code'] + ' ' + response['location']['postal_code'] else: endLocation = 'location unavailable' if 'phone' in response: phone = formatPhone(str(response['phone'])) else: phone = 'phone unavailabe' if 'rating' in response: rating = str(response['rating']) + " stars" else: rating = 'rating unavailable' status = 'open' if (str(response['is_closed']) == 'False') else 'closed' isClosed = status ret = Restaurant(counter, name, endLocation, phone, rating, isClosed) return ret
def get_available_restaurants(): """ Convert json object to Restaurants objects :return: list Restaurant objects """ restaurants = [] restaurants_data = get_data_from_json_file() for restaurant_json in restaurants_data: restaurant = Restaurant(blurhash=restaurant_json[BLURHASH], launch_date=restaurant_json[LAUNCH_DATE], location=restaurant_json[LOCATION], name=restaurant_json[NAME], online=restaurant_json[ONLINE], popularity=restaurant_json[POPULARITY]) restaurant.launched_days = get_launched_days(restaurant.launch_date) restaurants.append(restaurant) return restaurants
def do_POST(self): try: if self.path.endswith("/restaurant/new"): ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header( self.headers.getheader('content-type')) if ctype == 'multipart/form-data': fields = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict) messagecontent = fields.get('restaurant') # Create new Restaurant Object newRestaurant = Restaurant(name=messagecontent[0]) session.add(newRestaurant) session.commit() self.send_response(301) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.send_header('Location', '/restaurant') self.end_headers() except: pass
def main(): print("\n------Restaurant class Testing------") storeR = Restaurant("CumIn Restaurant", "28, State Street", "open", 6.25, 150, 14.99) print("%s is %s" % (storeR.get_s_name(), storeR.get_s_status())) print(storeR.seat_patrons(75)) print("Number of people served: %d " % storeR.serve_patrons(25)) print("Current occupancy: %d" % storeR.checkout_patrons(30)) print("Total sales : $%.2f" % (float(storeR.calculate_total_sales()))) print("Total sales tax: $%.2f" % (float(storeR.calculate_total_sales_tax()))) print( "Total Amount due: $%.2f" % (storeR.calculate_total_sales() + storeR.calculate_total_sales_tax())) print("\n----Checking when input value more than capacity----") print(storeR.seat_patrons(185)) print("Testing Restaurant class is done\n") print("--------------------------------------------") print("GroceryStore class Testing") storeG = GroceryStore("AllInOne Grocery Store", "2801 S king drive", "open", 6.45, "independent") print("Grocery Store %s is %s" % (storeG.get_s_name(), storeG.get_s_status())) print("Total revenue of store after selling 4 rice bags @14.75 = $%.2f " % (storeG.sell_item(4, 14.75))) print("Total revenue of store after selling 6 milk @2.75 = $%.2f" % (storeG.sell_item(6, 2.75))) print("Total revenue of store after selling 2 Bread @1.75 = $%.2f" % (storeG.sell_item(2, 1.75))) print("\nTotal sales tax: $%.2f" % (storeG.calculate_total_sales_tax())) print( "Total cost of sales with tax: $%.2f" % (storeG.calculate_total_sales_tax() + storeG.calculate_total_sales())) print("\n----checking the Status attribute of store ----") storeG.set_s_status("closed") print("Grocery Store %s is %s" % (storeG.get_s_name(), storeG.get_s_status())) print("End of testing GroceryStore class")
from restaurant import Restaurant restaurant = Restaurant('全聚德', '北京烤鸭') restaurant.describe_restaurant()
from restaurant import Restaurant my_restaurant = Restaurant('quan ju de', 'roast_duck') my_restaurant.describe_restaurant()
from restaurant import Restaurant restaurant = Restaurant('malaychan', '東南アジア料理') restaurant.describe_restaurant() restaurant.open_restaurant()
from restaurant import Restaurant Eddies = Restaurant("Eddies", "American") Eddies.describe_restaurant()
from restaurant import Restaurant, IceCreamStand restaurant = Restaurant("Lo de Charly", "parrilla") print(restaurant.restaurant_name) print(restaurant.cuisine_type) restaurant.describe_restaurant() restaurant_luigi = Restaurant("Lugi's Manssion", "Italian cuisine") restaurant_sushi = Restaurant("Itamae sushi", "Oriental food") restaurant_luigi.describe_restaurant() restaurant_sushi.describe_restaurant() griddo = IceCreamStand("Griddo", "heladeria") griddo.describe_restaurant() griddo.show_flavors()
from restaurant import Restaurant restaurant = Restaurant("beagelbar", "bagels") restaurant.describe_restaurant() print("number of customers served: " + str(restaurant.number_served)) restaurant.number_served = 654 print("number of customers served: " + str(restaurant.number_served)) restaurant.set_number_served(784) print("number of customers served: " + str(restaurant.number_served)) restaurant.increment_number_served(76) print("number of customers served: " + str(restaurant.number_served))