def predict(self, test_dir: str, dataset_name: str = "", save: bool = True): """Evaluates a new set of images using the trained CNN. Args: test_dir: Relative path to the validation directory (e.g., 'dataset/test'). dataset_name: Dataset descriptive name. save: Save results to an Excel file. """ # Configure loading and pre-processing functions print('Reading test data...') test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(preprocessing_function=self._preprocessing_function) test_generator = test_datagen.flow_from_directory( test_dir, target_size=self._target_size, batch_size=1, # A batch size of 1 ensures that all test images are processed class_mode='categorical', shuffle=False ) # Predict categories predictions = self._model.predict_generator(test_generator, steps=test_generator.samples) predicted_labels = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1).ravel().tolist() # Format results and compute classification statistics results = Results(test_generator.class_indices, dataset_name=dataset_name) accuracy, confusion_matrix, classification = results.compute(test_generator.filenames, test_generator.classes, predicted_labels) # Display and save results results.print(accuracy, confusion_matrix) if save:, classification)
def predict(self, dataset: List[str], dataset_name: str = "", save: bool = True) -> \ Tuple[float, np.ndarray, List[Tuple[str, str, str]]]: """Evaluates a new set of images using the trained classifier. Args: dataset: Paths to the test images. dataset_name: Dataset descriptive name. save: Save results to an Excel file. Returns: Classification accuracy. Confusion matrix. Detailed per image classification results. """ # Extract features test_desc = [] test_labels = [] for path in dataset: test_desc.extend(self._extract_bow_features(path)) test_labels.append(self._labels.get(Dataset.get_label(path))) # Predict categories predicted_labels = (self._classifier.predict(np.array(test_desc, np.float32))[1]).ravel().tolist() predicted_labels = [int(label) for label in predicted_labels] # Format results and compute classification statistics results = Results(self._labels, dataset_name=dataset_name) accuracy, confusion_matrix, classification = results.compute(dataset, test_labels, predicted_labels) results.print(accuracy, confusion_matrix) if save:, classification) return accuracy, confusion_matrix, classification