Esempio n. 1
 def post(self):
     acc = authenticated(self.request)
     if not acc or acc.status != "Active":
         return srverr(self, 403, "Your account must be active before you can accept membership.")
     pnm = rev.acc_review_modification_authorized(acc, self)
     if not pnm:  #penid did not match a pen the caller controls
         return   #error already reported
     coop, role = fetch_coop_and_role(self, pnm)
     if not coop:
         return   #error already reported
     ipid = int(self.request.get('inviterpenid'))
     coopid = coop.key().id()
     invite = find_invite_for_coop(coopid, ipid, acc.invites)
     if not invite:
         return srverr(self, 404, "Invitation not found")
     updobjs = []
     action = self.request.get('action')
     if action == "Accept":
         invpen = cached_get(ipid, pen.PenName)
         process_membership_action(coop, "accept", invpen, pnm, "NotFound",
                                   "Membership invitation accepted");
         if not csv_contains(str(coopid), pnm.coops):
             pnm.coops = append_to_csv(str(coopid), pnm.coops)
             pnm = pen.PenName.get_by_id(pnm.key().id())
         updobjs = [ pnm, coop ]
     acc.invites = remove_invites_for_coop(coopid, acc.invites)
     acc = MORAccount.get_by_id(acc.key().id())
     returnJSON(self.response, updobjs)
Esempio n. 2
 def get(self):
     ctype = normalize_mctr_type(self)
     if not ctype:
     parid = intz(self.request.get("parentid"))  # sets to 0 if not found
     acc = None
     if not ctype == "Coop":
         acc = moracct.authenticated(self.request)
         if not acc:
             return srverr(self, "403", "Authentication failed")
     # Anyone following a theme has stats access, but profiles are private
     if ctype == "PenName":
         pnm = rev.acc_review_modification_authorized(acc, self)
         if not pnm or (pnm and pnm.key().id() != parid):
             return srverr(self, "403",
                           "You may only view stats for your own profile")
     elif (ctype == "Site" and 
         (not acc or acc.key().id() != 11005) and 
         (not self.request.host_url.startswith('http://localhost'))):
         return srverr(self, "403", 
                       "Access stats through your profile or theme")
     cqk = ctype + "CtrQuery" + str(parid)
     res = memcache.get(cqk)
     counter = get_mctr(ctype, parid)
     if res:
         res = json.loads(res)
         # if last saved counter is not the current counter, and the 
         # current counter is not temporary, then results are old
         if len(res) and res[-1]["day"] != and counter.modified:
             res = ""
             memcache.set(cqk, "")
     if res:
         counter = db.to_dict(counter)
         if len(res) and res[-1]["day"] == counter["day"]:
             res[-1] = counter
         return moracct.writeJSONResponse(json.dumps(res, True), 
     refp = ctype + "Counter" + str(parid)
     daysback = 70  # max 10 weeks back if not restricted by batch_size
     dtnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
     thresh = dt2ISO(dtnow - datetime.timedelta(daysback))
     vq = None
     if ctype == "Site":
         vq = VizQuery(MembicCounter, "WHERE day > :1", thresh)
         vq = VizQuery(MembicCounter, "WHERE refp = :1 AND day > :2", 
                       refp, thresh)
     ctrs =, batch_size=1000)
     jsondat = moracct.qres2JSON(ctrs)
     memcache.set(cqk, jsondat)
     moracct.writeJSONResponse(jsondat, self.response)
Esempio n. 3
 def post(self):
     acc = moracct.authenticated(self.request)
     if not acc or acc.status != "Active":
         return srverr(self, 403, "Your account must be active to invite others.")
     pnm = rev.acc_review_modification_authorized(acc, self)
     if not pnm:  #penid did not match a pen the caller controls
         return   #error already reported
     coop, role = fetch_coop_and_role(self, pnm)
     if not coop:
         return   #error already reported
     if role != "Founder" and role != "Moderator":
         return srverr(self, 403, "You must be a Founder or Moderator to invite others.")
     email = self.request.get('email')
     if not email:
         return srverr(self, 400, "No email specified")
     email = moracct.normalize_email(email)
     if not moracct.valid_email_address(email):
         return srverr(self, 400, "Invalid email address")
     invacc = None
     vq = VizQuery(moracct.MORAccount, "WHERE email = :1 LIMIT 1", email)
     accounts = vq.fetch(1, read_policy=db.EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY, deadline=10)
     if len(accounts) > 0:
         invacc = accounts[0]
         pwd = moracct.random_alphanumeric(18)
         invacc = moracct.MORAccount(email=email, password=pwd)
         invacc.modified = nowISO()
         invacc.status = "Invited"
         invacc.mailbounce = ""
     invacc.invites = invacc.invites or "[]"
     invacc.invites = remove_invites_for_coop(coop.key().id(), 
     invtoken = moracct.random_alphanumeric(40)
     invacc.invites = add_invite_for_coop(coop, pnm, invtoken, 
     invacc.put();  #nocache
     invacc = moracct.MORAccount.get_by_id(invacc.key().id())
     mail_invite_notice(self, pnm, coop, acc, invacc, invtoken)
     moracct.writeJSONResponse("[{\"email\":\"" + email + "\"}]", 