Esempio n. 1
    def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
        if self.grabbed and self.grabbed_axis is not None:
            rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
            upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())

            ort = ent.placeable.Orientation
            euler = list((0, 0, 0))

            if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_GREEN:  # rotate z-axis
                # print "green axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amountx * 30
                euler[2] += mov
            elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_BLUE:  # rotate x-axis
                # print "blue axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amountx * 30
                euler[1] += mov
            elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_RED:  # rotate y-axis
                # print "red axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amounty * 30
                euler[0] -= mov

            rotationQuat = list(euler_to_quat(euler))

            ort.__imul__(Quat(rotationQuat[3], rotationQuat[0], rotationQuat[1], rotationQuat[2]))

            ent.placeable.Orientation = ort
   = ort
Esempio n. 2
 def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
     if self.grabbed:
         qscale = ent.placeable.Scale
         scale = list((qscale.x(), qscale.y(), qscale.z()))
         rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
         upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())
         if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_BLUE:
             mov = lengthy
             scale[self.grabbed_axis] -= mov
             mov = lengthx
             div = abs(rightvec[self.grabbed_axis])
             if div == 0:
                 div = 0.01 #not the best of ideas but...
             mov *= rightvec[self.grabbed_axis]/div
             scale[self.grabbed_axis] += mov
         newscale = Vec(scale[0], scale[1], scale[2])
         ent.placeable.Scale = newscale
         qprim = ent.prim
         if qprim is not None:
             children = qprim.GetChildren()
             for child_id in children:
                 child = r.getEntity(int(child_id))
                 child.placeable.Scale = newscale
Esempio n. 3
    def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
        if self.grabbed and self.grabbed_axis is not None:
            rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
            upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())

            ort = ent.placeable.Orientation
            euler = list((0, 0, 0))

            if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_GREEN:  #rotate z-axis
                #print "green axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amountx * 30
                euler[2] += mov
            elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_BLUE:  #rotate x-axis
                #print "blue axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amountx * 30
                euler[1] += mov
            elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_RED:  #rotate y-axis
                #print "red axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amounty * 30
                euler[0] -= mov

            rotationQuat = list(euler_to_quat(euler))

                Quat(rotationQuat[3], rotationQuat[0], rotationQuat[1],

            ent.placeable.Orientation = ort
   = ort
Esempio n. 4
    def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
        if self.grabbed:
            qscale = ent.placeable.Scale
            scale = list((qscale.x(), qscale.y(), qscale.z()))
            rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
            upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())

            if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_BLUE:
                mov = lengthy
                scale[self.grabbed_axis] -= mov
                mov = lengthx
                div = abs(rightvec[self.grabbed_axis])
                if div == 0:
                    div = 0.01  #not the best of ideas but...
                mov *= rightvec[self.grabbed_axis] / div
                scale[self.grabbed_axis] += mov

            newscale = Vec(scale[0], scale[1], scale[2])
            ent.placeable.Scale = newscale
            qprim = ent.prim
            if qprim is not None:
                children = qprim.GetChildren()
                for child_id in children:
                    child = r.getEntity(int(child_id))
                    child.placeable.Scale = newscale
Esempio n. 5
 def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
     rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
     upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())
     changevec = (amountx * rightvec) - (amounty * upvec)
     qpos = ent.placeable.Position
     entpos = Vector3(qpos.x(), qpos.y(), qpos.z())
     newpos = entpos + changevec
     newpos = Vec(newpos.x, newpos.y, newpos.z)
     ent.placeable.Position = newpos = newpos
Esempio n. 6
 def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
     rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
     upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())
     changevec = (amountx * rightvec) - (amounty * upvec)
     qpos = ent.placeable.Position
     entpos = Vector3(qpos.x(), qpos.y(), qpos.z())
     newpos = entpos + changevec
     newpos = Vec(newpos.x, newpos.y, newpos.z)
     ent.placeable.Position = newpos = newpos
Esempio n. 7
    def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
        if self.grabbed:
            rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
            upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())
            qpos = ent.placeable.Position
            if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_BLUE:
                mov = lengthy
                mov = lengthx 
                div = abs(rightvec[self.grabbed_axis])
                if div == 0:
                    div = 0.01 #not the best of ideas but...
                mov *= rightvec[self.grabbed_axis]/div
                if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_GREEN:

            ent.placeable.Position = qpos
   = qpos
Esempio n. 8
    def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
        if self.grabbed:
            rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
            upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())
            qpos = ent.placeable.Position
            if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_BLUE:
                mov = lengthy
                qpos.setZ(qpos.z() - mov)
                mov = lengthx
                div = abs(rightvec[self.grabbed_axis])
                if div == 0:
                    div = 0.01  #not the best of ideas but...
                mov *= rightvec[self.grabbed_axis] / div
                if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_GREEN:
                    qpos.setX(qpos.x() + mov)
                    qpos.setY(qpos.y() + mov)

            ent.placeable.Position = qpos
   = qpos
Esempio n. 9
 def manipulate(self, ents, movedx, movedy):
     if ents is not None:
         lengthx = 0
         lengthy = 0
         fov = r.getCameraFOV()
         width, height = r.getScreenSize()
         campos = Vector3(r.getCameraPosition())
         ent = ents[-1]
         qpos = ent.placeable.Position
         entpos = Vector3(qpos.x(), qpos.y(), qpos.z())
         length = (campos-entpos).length
         worldwidth = (math.tan(fov/2)*length) * 2
         worldheight = (height*worldwidth) / width
         #used in freemoving to get the size of movement right
         amountx = (worldwidth * movedx)
         amounty = (worldheight * movedy)
         if self.usesManipulator and self.grabbed_axis is not None:
             rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
             upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())
             temp = [0,0,0]
             temp[self.grabbed_axis] = 1
             axis_vec = Vector3(temp)
             #print amountx, amounty
             mousey_on_arrow_projection = * axis_vec
             lengthy = mousey_on_arrow_projection.length * amounty
             mousex_on_arrow_projection = * axis_vec
             lengthx = mousex_on_arrow_projection.length * amountx
         for ent in ents:
             self._manipulate(ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy)
         if self.usesManipulator:
Esempio n. 10
    def manipulate(self, ents, movedx, movedy):
        if ents is not None:
            lengthx = 0
            lengthy = 0
            fov = r.getCameraFOV()
            width, height = r.getScreenSize()
            campos = Vector3(r.getCameraPosition())
            ent = ents[-1]
            qpos = ent.placeable.Position
            entpos = Vector3(qpos.x(), qpos.y(), qpos.z())
            length = (campos - entpos).length

            worldwidth = (math.tan(fov / 2) * length) * 2
            worldheight = (height * worldwidth) / width

            #used in freemoving to get the size of movement right
            amountx = (worldwidth * movedx)
            amounty = (worldheight * movedy)

            if self.usesManipulator and self.grabbed_axis is not None:
                rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
                upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())
                temp = [0, 0, 0]
                temp[self.grabbed_axis] = 1
                axis_vec = Vector3(temp)
                #print amountx, amounty
                mousey_on_arrow_projection = * axis_vec
                lengthy = mousey_on_arrow_projection.length * amounty
                mousex_on_arrow_projection = * axis_vec
                lengthx = mousex_on_arrow_projection.length * amountx

            for ent in ents:
                self._manipulate(ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy)

            if self.usesManipulator:
Esempio n. 11
    print e
    start_x = e.pos[0]
    start_y = e.pos[1]
    start_z = e.pos[2]
    worldstream = r.getServerConnection()
    worldstream.SendObjectAddPacket(start_x, start_y, start_z)

if 0: #getUserAvatar 
    ent = naali.getUserAvatar()
    print "User's avatar_id:",
    #print "Avatar's mesh_name:", ent.mesh.GetMeshName(0)
    #ent.mesh = "cruncah1.mesh"
if 0:
    print r.getCameraUp()
    print r.getCameraRight()

if 0: #test changing the mesh asset a prim is using
    ent_id = 2088826433
    #print arkku_id, type(arkku_id)
    ent = naali.getEntity(ent_id)
    print "Test entity:", ent
    print ent.mesh
    #ent.mesh = 1 #should raise an exception
    #ruukku = "681b1680-fab5-4203-83a7-c567571c6acf"
    #penkki = "04d335b6-8f0c-480e-a941-33517bf438d8"
    jack = "6b9cf239-d1ec-4290-8bc7-f5ac51288dea" #on w.r.o:9000
    ent.mesh.SetMesh(jack) #"35da6174-8743-4026-a83e-18b23984120d"
    print "new mesh set:", ent.mesh
Esempio n. 12
    start_z = e.pos[2]
    end_x = e.pos[0]
    end_y = e.pos[1]
    end_z = e.pos[2]

    r.sendObjectAddPacket(start_x, start_y, start_z, end_x, end_y, end_z)

if 0:
    id = r.getUserAvatarId()
    ent = r.getEntity(id)
    print "User's avatar_id:", id
    print "Avatar's mesh_name:", ent.mesh
    ent.mesh = "cruncah1.mesh"

if 0:
    print r.getCameraUp()
    print r.getCameraRight()

if 0:  #test changing the mesh asset a prim is using
    ent_id = 1659586053  #penkki, arkku was: 2461025163
    #print arkku_id, type(arkku_id)
    ent = r.getEntity(ent_id)
    print "Test entity:", ent
    print ent.mesh
    ent.mesh = 1  #should raise an exception
    ruukku = "681b1680-fab5-4203-83a7-c567571c6acf"
    penkki = "04d335b6-8f0c-480e-a941-33517bf438d8"
    ent.mesh = penkki  #"35da6174-8743-4026-a83e-18b23984120d"
    print "new mesh set:", ent.mesh

    print "sending prim data update to server"
Esempio n. 13
    def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
        if self.grabbed and self.grabbed_axis is not None:
            rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
            upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())
            ort = ent.placeable.Orientation
            euler = list((0, 0, 0))
            if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_GREEN: #rotate z-axis
                #print "green axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amountx * 30 
                euler[2] += mov
            elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_BLUE: #rotate x-axis
                #print "blue axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amountx * 30
                euler[1] += mov
            elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_RED: #rotate y-axis
                #print "red axis", self.grabbed_axis
                mov = amounty * 30
                euler[0] -= mov 
            rotationQuat = list(euler_to_quat(euler))

            ort.__imul__(Quat(rotationQuat[3], rotationQuat[0], rotationQuat[1], rotationQuat[2]))
            ent.placeable.Orientation = ort
   = ort

    #~ def _manipulate(self, ent, amountx, amounty, lengthx, lengthy):
        #~ if self.grabbed and self.grabbed_axis is not None:
            #~ #print "rotating...", self.grabbed_axis
            #~ #print "amounts: ", amountx, amounty
            #~ #print "lengths: ", lengthx, lengthy
            #~ rightvec = Vector3(r.getCameraRight())
            #~ upvec = Vector3(r.getCameraUp())
            #~ x, y, z, w = ent.orientation
            #~ ort = Quat(w, x, y, z)
            #~ euler = list((0, 0, 0))
            #~ if self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_GREEN: #rotate z-axis
                #~ #print "green axis", self.grabbed_axis
                #~ mov = amountx * 30 
                #~ euler[2] += mov
            #~ elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_BLUE: #rotate x-axis
                #~ #print "blue axis", self.grabbed_axis
                #~ mov = amountx * 30
                #~ euler[1] += mov
            #~ elif self.grabbed_axis == self.AXIS_RED: #rotate y-axis
                #~ #print "red axis", self.grabbed_axis
                #~ mov = amounty * 30
                #~ euler[0] -= mov 
            #~ rotationQuat = list(euler_to_quat(euler))

            #~ ort.__imul__(Quat(rotationQuat[3], rotationQuat[0], rotationQuat[1], rotationQuat[2]))
            #~ ent.orientation = ort.x(), ort.y(), ort.z(), ort.scalar()