Esempio n. 1
def distributed_rlgc_from_sdb(length_m,
                              z0_probe=complex(50, 0)):
    # length_m:	(m)	Length of structure being measured
    # s2p_filename: (str)	s2p filename
    # z0_probe:	(Ohms)	Impedance of network analyzer/probes. 50 Ohm default.

    Sri = rfs.sdb2sri(Sdb, Sdeg)
    abcd = rfs.s2abcd(Sri, z0_probe, z0_probe)

    d_vec = np.zeros((len(abcd)), dtype=complex)
    c_vec = np.zeros((len(abcd)), dtype=complex)

    for idx, T in enumerate(abcd):
        d_vec[idx] = T[1][1]
        c_vec[idx] = T[1][
            0]  # C vector (what I think needs to be used for Zc extraction)

    gamma = 1 / length_m * np.arccosh(d_vec)
    Zc = 1 / c_vec * np.sinh(gamma * length_m)

    R = (gamma * Zc).real
    L = 1 / 2 / math.pi / freq * ((gamma * Zc).imag)
    G = (gamma / Zc).real
    C = 1 / 2 / math.pi / freq * (gamma / Zc).imag
    losstan = (gamma / Zc).real / (gamma / Zc).imag

    attenuation = 20 * np.log10(abs(np.exp(-gamma * length_m)))

    return (freq, R, L, G, C, gamma, attenuation, losstan, Zc)
Esempio n. 2
def get_pad_abcd(pad_L_s2p_filename,
                 z0_probe=complex(50, 0)):

    (freq_L, Sdb_L, Sdeg_L) = rfs.get_sdb_from_vna_csv(pad_L_s2p_filename)
    (freq_2L, Sdb_2L, Sdeg_2L) = rfs.get_sdb_from_vna_csv(pad_2L_s2p_filename)

    # ABCD matrices
    S_L = rfs.sdb2sri(Sdb_L, Sdeg_L)
    S_2L = rfs.sdb2sri(Sdb_2L, Sdeg_2L)

    abcd_L = rfs.s2abcd(S_L, z0_probe)
    abcd_2L = rfs.s2abcd(S_2L, z0_probe)

    abcd_pad = np.zeros(np.shape(abcd_L),
                        dtype=complex)  # ABCD matrix structure for pad
    abcd_pad_inv = np.zeros(
        dtype=complex)  # inverse abcd matrix structure for pad

    # iterating across each frequency point
    for idx, abcd_L_mat in enumerate(abcd_L):
        abcd_2L_mat = abcd_2L[idx]

        abcd_L_inv = la.inv(abcd_L_mat)
        abcd_P_squared = la.inv(
                          abcd_L_inv)))  # PP = ( ML^-1 * M2L * ML^-1 )^-1
        abcd_P = la.sqrtm(
        )  # ABCD matrix of the pad (single pad) for this frequency
        abcd_P_inv = la.inv(abcd_P)

        abcd_pad[idx] = abcd_P
        abcd_pad_inv[idx] = abcd_P_inv

    Sri_pad = rfs.abcd2s(abcd_pad, z0_probe, z0_probe)
    (Sdb_pad, Sdeg_pad) = rfs.sri2sdb(Sri_pad)

    return (freq_L, abcd_pad, abcd_pad_inv, Sri_pad, Sdb_pad, Sdeg_pad)