def simulate(self, robots, locs1, next_locs1, locs2, next_locs2, turns=1): players = [game.Player(robot=robot()) for robot in robots] map['start1'], map['start2'] = locs1, locs2 game.init_settings(map) self._game = game.Game(*players, unit_testing=True, record_turns=True) for i in range(turns): self._game.run_turn() pprint.pprint(self._game._robots) return [[self._game.robot_at_loc(loc) for loc in locs] for locs in (next_locs1, next_locs2)]
def play(self, match_seed): if self.options.play_in_thread: g = game.ThreadedGame(self._players, print_info=self.options.print_info, record_actions=self.options.print_info, record_history=True, seed=match_seed, quiet=self.options.quiet, delta_callback=self._delta_callback, symmetric=self.options.symmetric) else: g = game.Game(self._players, print_info=self.options.print_info, record_actions=self.options.print_info, record_history=True, seed=match_seed, quiet=self.options.quiet, delta_callback=self._delta_callback, symmetric=self.options.symmetric) if self.options.print_info and not self.options.curses: # only import render if we need to render the game; # this way, people who don't have tkinter can still # run headless from rgkit.render import render g.run_all_turns() if self.options.print_info and not self.options.curses: # print "rendering %s animations" % ("with" # if animate_render # else "without") render.Render(g, self.options.animate_render, names=self._names) # TODO: Displaying multiple games using curses is still a little bit # buggy but at least it doesn't completely screw up the state of the # terminal anymore. The plan is to show each game sequentially. # Concurrency in needs some more work before the bugs can be # fixed. Need to make sure nothing is printing when curses is running. if self.options.print_info and self.options.curses: from rgkit import rgcurses rgc = rgcurses.RGCurses(g, self._names) if self._rgcurses_lock: self._rgcurses_lock.acquire() if self._rgcurses_lock: self._rgcurses_lock.release() return g.get_scores()
def comparison_worker(identity, input, output): logfile = open( os.getcwd() + "/" + "rgcompare" + "." + str(identity) + ".log", 'w') if log else open(os.devnull, 'w') print "Starting worker {0} (logging to {1})".format(identity, try: with RedirectStdStreams(stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile): for match_id, player_fnames, map_fname, turns in iter( input.get, 'STOP'): map_data = ast.literal_eval(open(map_fname).read()) settings.init_map(map_data) players = [game.Player(x) for x in player_fnames] g = game.Game(players) t_start = time.clock() for i in range(turns): print(' running turn %d ' % g._state.turn).center(70, '-') g.run_turn() t_end = time.clock() output.put([g.get_scores(), t_end - t_start]) finally: print "Terminating worker {0}...".format(identity)
def game(self, record_turns=False, unit_testing=False): return game.Game(self._players, record_turns=record_turns, unit_testing=unit_testing)
def run_game(db, match, output_file): global settings proxy_process1, proxy_process2 = None, None try: load_map('rgkit/maps/') output_file.write('---Starting Robot 1---\n') proxy_process1 = ProxyProcess(match['r1_code']) p1 = make_player(proxy_process1, output_file) if p1 is None: db.update('robots', passed=False, where='id=$id', vars={'id': match['r1_id']}) raise Exception('Robot 1 not able to be instantiated.') output_file.write('---Starting Robot 2---\n') proxy_process2 = ProxyProcess(match['r2_code']) p2 = make_player(proxy_process2, output_file) if p2 is None: db.update('robots', passed=False, where='id=$id', vars={'id': match['r2_id']}) raise Exception('Robot 2 not able to be instantiated.') if not (proxy_process1 is not None and proxy_process2 is not None and proxy_process1.alive() and proxy_process2.alive()): raise ProxyDeadError('the process is dead') g = game.Game([p1, p2], record_actions=False, record_history=True, print_info=True, seed=match['seed'], symmetric=SYMMETRIC) g.run_all_turns() if not (proxy_process1 is not None and proxy_process2 is not None and proxy_process1.alive() and proxy_process2.alive()): raise ProxyDeadError('the process is dead') game_scores = g.get_scores() r1_score, r2_score = game_scores score = calc_score(game_scores) history = g.history match_data = shorten.dumps({'history': history, 'score': game_scores}) winner = {1: match['r1_id'], 0: match['r2_id'], 0.5: 0}[score] output_file.write('---Time Taken---\n') r1_time = None r2_time = None try: r1_time = get_cpu_time( r2_time = get_cpu_time( output_file.write('R1: {0}\nR2: {1}\n'.format(r1_time, r2_time)) except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=output_file) # turn off printing here because the output for data is huge old_print = db.printing db.printing = False db.insert('history', match_id=match['id'], data=match_data, timestamp=int(time.time())) db.update('matches', where='id=$id', vars={'id': match['id']}, winner=winner, state=ms.DONE, r1_score=r1_score, r2_score=r2_score, r1_time=r1_time, r2_time=r2_time, timestamp=int(time.time())) db.printing = old_print return score, r1_time, r2_time finally: if proxy_process1 is not None: proxy_process1.cleanup() if proxy_process2 is not None: proxy_process2.cleanup()