def get_world_flows(from_year,to_year): cursor = get_db().cursor() from_year_clause = """ AND year>%s"""%from_year if from_year!="" else "" to_year_clause = """ AND year<%s"""%to_year if to_year!="" else "" # print from_year_clause, to_year_clause cursor.execute("""SELECT SUM(flow*Unit/rate), year, COUNT(*), expimp, Source FROM flow_joined WHERE partner_slug = "Worldbestguess" %s GROUP BY year, expimp ORDER BY year ASC """%(from_year_clause+to_year_clause) ) json_response=[] for (flow, year, nb_reporting, type, sources) in cursor: json_response.append({ "year":year, "flows":flow, "nb_reporting": nb_reporting, "type":type, "sources": sources }) return json.dumps(json_response,encoding="UTF8")
def get_mirror_entities(reporting_id): cursor = get_db().cursor() cursor.execute( """SELECT f.reporting_slug,f.reporting,f.reporting_type,f.continent,group_concat(f.year),rpp.years_from_reporting FROM flow_joined f LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT partner_slug,group_concat(year) as years_from_reporting from flow_joined where reporting_slug='%s' group by partner_slug) rpp on rpp.partner_slug=f.reporting_slug WHERE f.partner_slug='%s' and rpp.partner_slug not null group by f.reporting_slug """ % (reporting_id, reporting_id)) json_response = [] for (id, r, t, continent, years_from_partner, years_from_reporting) in cursor: # let's check if the mirror flows partner->reporting match the time span of the reporting->partner flows if len( set(years_from_partner.split(",")) & set(years_from_reporting.split(","))) > 0: json_response.append({ "RICid": id, "RICname": r, "type": t, "continent": continent }) return json.dumps(json_response, encoding="UTF8")
def get_nations_network_by_year(year): cursor = get_db().cursor() cursor.execute( """SELECT reporting, reporting_slug, partner, partner_slug, flow*Unit/ifnull(rate,1) as flow, expimp, reporting_continent, partner_continent,reporting_type,partner_type FROM flow_joined WHERE reporting NOT LIKE "Worl%%" AND partner NOT LIKE "Worl%%" AND partner_slug IS NOT "NA" AND partner_slug IS NOT "Unknown" AND flow is not NULL AND year = %s """ % (year)) table = [list(r) for r in cursor] json_sql_response = [] for row in table: json_sql_response.append({ "reporting": row[0], "reporting_id": row[1], "partner": row[2], "partner_id": row[3], "flow": row[4], "expimp": row[5], "reporting_continent": row[6], "partner_continent": row[7], "reporting_type": row[8], "partner_type": row[9] }) # Create a graph instance G = nx.Graph() nodes = [] for row in table: nodes.append(row[1]) nodes.append(row[3]) # add edge to the graph G.add_edge(row[1], row[3]) nodes = set(nodes) # add nodes to graph G.add_nodes_from(nodes) if len(G.nodes()) > 0: stats = { "average_clustering": nx.average_clustering(G), "center":, "diameter": nx.diameter(G), "eccentricity": nx.eccentricity(G) } else: stats = [] json_response = {} json_response["stats"] = stats json_response["network"] = json_sql_response return json.dumps(json_response, encoding="UTF8")
def get_world_flows(from_year, to_year): cursor = get_db().cursor() from_year_clause = """ AND year>%s""" % from_year if from_year != "" else "" to_year_clause = """ AND year<%s""" % to_year if to_year != "" else "" # print from_year_clause, to_year_clause cursor.execute( """SELECT SUM(flow*Unit/ifnull(rate,1)), partner_slug,year, COUNT(*), expimp, Source FROM flow_joined WHERE ( partner_slug like 'Worldasreported' OR partner_slug like 'Worldbestguess' OR partner_slug like 'Worldsumpartners' OR partner_slug like 'WorldFedericoTena') %s GROUP BY year, expimp,partner_slug ORDER BY year ASC """ % (from_year_clause + to_year_clause)) json_response = [] for (flow, partner, year, nb_reporting, type, sources) in cursor: json_response.append({ "year": year, "partner": partner, "flows": flow, "nb_reporting": nb_reporting, "type": type, "sources": sources }) return json.dumps(json_response, encoding="UTF8")
def get_bilateral_entities(): cursor = get_db().cursor() sql = """select distinct reporting_slug,reporting,reporting_type,reporting_continent from flow_joined WHERE (partner_slug is not 'Worldestimated' and partner_slug is not 'Worldasreported' and partner_slug is not 'Worldasreported2' and partner_slug is not'Worldsumpartners' and partner_slug is not 'WorldFedericoTena' and partner_slug is not 'Worldbestguess') and reporting_type is "country" group by reporting having count(*)>0 """ cursor.execute(sql) json_response = [] for (id, r, t, continent) in cursor: json_response.append({ "RICid": id, "RICname": r, "type": t, "continent": continent }) json_response = sorted(json_response, key=lambda k: k['RICid']) return json.dumps(json_response, encoding="UTF8")
def get_nations_network_by_year(year): cursor = get_db().cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT reporting, reporting_slug, partner, partner_slug, Flow, expimp, reporting_continent, partner_continent,reporting_type,partner_type FROM flow_joined WHERE reporting NOT LIKE "Worl%%" AND partner NOT LIKE "Worl%%" AND Flow != "null" AND year = %s """%(year) ) table = [list(r) for r in cursor] json_sql_response=[] for row in table: json_sql_response.append({ "reporting": row[0], "reporting_id": row[1], "partner": row[2], "partner_id": row[3], "flow": row[4], "expimp": row[5], "reporting_continent": row[6], "partner_continent": row[7], "reporting_type": row[8], "partner_type": row[9] }) # Create a graph instance G=nx.Graph() nodes = [] for row in table: nodes.append(row[1]) nodes.append(row[3]) # add edge to the graph G.add_edge(row[1], row[3]) nodes = set(nodes) # add nodes to graph G.add_nodes_from(nodes) if len(G.nodes())>0: stats = { "average_clustering": nx.average_clustering(G), "center":, "diameter": nx.diameter(G), "eccentricity": nx.eccentricity(G) } else: stats=[] json_response = {} json_response["stats"] = stats json_response["network"] = json_sql_response return json.dumps(json_response,encoding="UTF8")
def get_nb_flows(flow): cursor = get_db().cursor() if flow == "bilateral": cursor.execute(""" SELECT year , count(*), "Bilateral" as partner,expimp FROM flow_joined WHERE partner_slug not like "World%" AND flow is not NULL GROUP BY year,expimp UNION SELECT year , count(*), "Bilateral" as partner,"total" as expimp FROM flow_joined WHERE partner_slug not like "World%" AND flow is not NULL GROUP BY year """) else: cursor.execute("""SELECT year , count(*), "RICardo" as partner,expimp FROM flow_joined WHERE ( partner_slug like 'Worldestimated' OR partner_slug like 'Worldasreported' OR partner_slug like 'Worldasreported2' OR partner_slug like 'Worldsumpartners' OR partner_slug like 'WorldFedericoTena') AND flow is not NULL GROUP BY year,expimp union SELECT year , count(*), "Federico-Tena" as partner,expimp FROM flow_joined WHERE partner_slug like 'WorldFedericoTena' AND flow is not NULL GROUP BY year,expimp union SELECT year , count(*), "RICardo" as partner, "total" as expimp FROM flow_joined WHERE ( partner_slug like 'Worldestimated' OR partner_slug like 'Worldasreported' OR partner_slug like 'Worldasreported2' OR partner_slug like 'Worldsumpartners') AND flow is not NULL GROUP BY year union SELECT year , count(*), "Federico-Tena" as partner,"total" as expimp FROM flow_joined WHERE partner_slug like "WorldFedericoTena" AND flow is not NULL GROUP BY year """) json_response = [] for (year, nb_flows, partner, expimp) in cursor: json_response.append({ "year": year, "nb_flows": nb_flows, "partner": partner, "expimp": expimp }) return json.dumps(json_response, encoding="UTF8")
def get_world_available(): cursor = get_db().cursor() cursor.execute( """SELECT group_concat(tot.flow,"|") as flow, group_concat(tot.expimp,"|") as expimp, partner,year,source from (SELECT sum(t.flow) as flow, partner, year, expimp,source from (SELECT flow*Unit/ifnull(rate,1) as flow, partner, year, expimp,source FROM flow_joined WHERE flow is not NULL AND(partner_slug like 'Worldbestguess' OR partner_slug like 'Worldasreported' OR partner_slug like 'Worldsumpartners' OR partner_slug like 'WorldFedericoTena') GROUP BY reporting_slug, partner,year,expimp) t group by partner,year,expimp) tot group by partner,year """) json_response = [] table = [list(r) for r in cursor] for row in table: expimp = row[1].split("|") if len(expimp) == 2: json_response.append({ expimp[0]: float(row[0].split("|")[0]), expimp[1]: float(row[0].split("|")[1]), "total": float(row[0].split("|")[0]) + float(row[0].split("|")[1]), "partner": row[2], "year": row[3], "source": row[4] }) if len(expimp) == 1 and expimp[0] == "Exp": json_response.append({ expimp[0]: float(row[0].split("|")[0]), "Imp": 0, "total": float(row[0].split("|")[0]), "partner": row[2], "year": row[3], "source": row[4] }) if len(expimp) == 1 and expimp[0] == "Imp": json_response.append({ expimp[0]: float(row[0].split("|")[0]), "Exp": 0, "total": float(row[0].split("|")[0]), "partner": row[2], "year": row[3], "source": row[4] }) return json.dumps(json_response, encoding="UTF8")
def get_reporting_years(): cursor = get_db().cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT distinct year FROM flow_joined Where partner_slug NOT LIKE 'Worl%%'""") json_response = [] for year in cursor: json_response.append(year[0]) return json.dumps(json_response, encoding="UTF8")
def get_reporting_entities(types=[], to_partner_ids=[]): cursor = get_db().cursor() if "continent" in types: types.remove("continent") cursor.execute("""SELECT reporting_continent FROM flow_joined group by reporting_continent ORDER BY count(*) DESC""" ) json_response = [] for (continent) in cursor: json_response.append({ "RICname": continent[0], "type": "continent", }) if len(types) == 0: # nothing to add so return return json.dumps(json_response, encoding="UTF8") else: json_response = [] type_clause = 'reporting_type IN ("%s")' % '","'.join(types) if len( types) > 0 else "" partner_clause = " partner_slug IN ('%s') " % "','".join( to_partner_ids) if len(to_partner_ids) > 0 else "" if type_clause != "" or partner_clause != "": where_clause = " AND ".join(_ for _ in [type_clause, partner_clause] if _ != "") where_clause = "WHERE " + where_clause if where_clause != "" else "" else: where_clause = "" sql = """SELECT distinct reporting_slug,reporting,reporting_type,reporting_continent FROM flow_joined %s""" % (where_clause) # sql="""select reporting_slug,reporting,reporting_type,reporting_continent # from ( # SELECT reporting_slug,reporting,reporting_type,reporting_continent, group_concat(distinct partner_slug) as partner # FROM flow_joined # %s # group by reporting_slug) # where partner is not 'WorldFedericoTena' # """%(where_clause) cursor.execute(sql) for (id, r, t, continent) in cursor: json_response.append({ "RICid": id, "RICname": r, "type": t, "continent": continent }) json_response = sorted(json_response, key=lambda k: k['RICid']) return json.dumps(json_response, encoding="UTF8")
def get_flows_sources(reporting_ids,partner_ids,from_year,to_year): cursor = get_db().cursor() partners_clause =""" AND partner_slug IN ("%s")"""%'","'.join(partner_ids) if len(partner_ids)>0 else "" from_year_clause = """ AND year>%s"""%from_year if from_year!="" else "" to_year_clause = """ AND year<%s"""%to_year if to_year!="" else "" cursor.execute("""SELECT distinct(Source) FROM flow_joined where reporting_slug IN ("%s") %s and rate is not null and Flow is not null """%('","'.join(reporting_ids),partners_clause+from_year_clause+to_year_clause) ) return json.dumps({"sources":[_[0] for _ in cursor]},encoding="UTF8")
def get_reportings_available_by_year(): cursor = get_db().cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT reporting_slug, continent, group_concat(DISTINCT year) as years FROM flow_joined group by reporting_slug""" ) json_response=[] for (reporting_id, continent, years) in cursor: json_response.append({ "reporting_id": reporting_id, "continent": continent, "years":years }) return json.dumps(json_response,encoding="UTF8")
def get_flows_sources(reporting_ids, partner_ids, from_year, to_year): cursor = get_db().cursor() partners_clause = """ AND partner_slug IN ("%s")""" % '","'.join( partner_ids) if len(partner_ids) > 0 else "" from_year_clause = """ AND year>%s""" % from_year if from_year != "" else "" to_year_clause = """ AND year<%s""" % to_year if to_year != "" else "" cursor.execute("""SELECT distinct(Source) FROM flow_joined where reporting_slug IN ("%s") %s and rate is not null and Flow is not null """ % ('","'.join(reporting_ids), partners_clause + from_year_clause + to_year_clause)) return json.dumps({"sources": [_[0] for _ in cursor]}, encoding="UTF8")
def ric_entities_data(ids=[]): cursor = get_db().cursor() where_clause="""WHERE slug in ("%s")"""%("\",\"".join(ids)) if len(ids)>0 else "" cursor.execute("""SELECT slug,RICname,type,continent FROM RICentities %s"""%where_clause) rics=[] for (id,r,t,continent) in cursor: rics.append({ "RICid":id, "RICname":r, "type":t, "continent":continent }) return rics
def get_reporting_entities(types=[],to_world_only=False): cursor = get_db().cursor() if "continent" in types: types.remove("continent") cursor.execute("""SELECT continent FROM flow_joined LEFT OUTER JOIN RICentities ON RICname=reporting group by continent ORDER BY count(*) DESC""") json_response=[] for (continent) in cursor: json_response.append({ "RICname":continent[0], "type":"continent", }) if len(types)==0: # nothing to add so return return json.dumps(json_response,encoding="UTF8",indent=4) else: json_response=[] type_clause='type IN ("%s")'%'","'.join(types) if len(types)>0 else "" partner_clause="partner='World'" if to_world_only else "" if type_clause!="" or partner_clause!="": where_clause = " AND ".join(_ for _ in [type_clause,partner_clause] if _ != "") where_clause = "WHERE "+where_clause if where_clause!="" else "" else: where_clause ="" cursor.execute("""SELECT,reporting,type,central_state,continent FROM flow_joined LEFT OUTER JOIN RICentities ON RICname=reporting %s group by reporting"""%(where_clause)) for (id,r,t,central,continent) in cursor: json_response.append({ "RICid":id, "RICname":r, "type":t, "central_state":central, "continent":continent }) return json.dumps(json_response,encoding="UTF8",indent=4)
def get_reporting_entities(types=[],to_partner_ids=[]): cursor = get_db().cursor() if "continent" in types: types.remove("continent") cursor.execute("""SELECT reporting_continent FROM flow_joined group by reporting_continent ORDER BY count(*) DESC""") json_response=[] for (continent) in cursor: json_response.append({ "RICname":continent[0], "type":"continent", }) if len(types)==0: # nothing to add so return return json.dumps(json_response,encoding="UTF8") else: json_response=[] print types print to_partner_ids type_clause='reporting_type IN ("%s")'%'","'.join(types) if len(types)>0 else "" partner_clause=" partner_slug IN ('%s') "%"','".join(to_partner_ids) if len(to_partner_ids)>0 else "" if type_clause!="" or partner_clause!="": where_clause = " AND ".join(_ for _ in [type_clause,partner_clause] if _ != "") where_clause = "WHERE "+where_clause if where_clause!="" else "" else: where_clause ="" sql="""SELECT distinct reporting_slug,reporting,reporting_type,reporting_continent FROM flow_joined %s"""%(where_clause) cursor.execute(sql) for (id,r,t,continent) in cursor: json_response.append({ "RICid":id, "RICname":r, "type":t, "continent":continent }) print json_response return json.dumps(json_response,encoding="UTF8")
def ric_entities_data(ids=[]): cursor = get_db().cursor() where_clause = """WHERE slug in ("%s")""" % ( "\",\"".join(ids)) if len(ids) > 0 else "" cursor.execute("""SELECT slug,RICname,type,continent FROM RICentities %s""" % where_clause) rics = [] for (id, r, t, continent) in cursor: rics.append({ "RICid": id, "RICname": r, "type": t, "continent": continent }) rics = sorted(rics, key=lambda k: k['RICid']) return rics
def get_continent_nb_partners(from_year, to_year): cursor = get_db().cursor() from_year_clause = """ AND year>%s""" % from_year if from_year != "" else "" to_year_clause = """ AND year<%s""" % to_year if to_year != "" else "" print from_year_clause, to_year_clause cursor.execute("""SELECT reporting_continent, partner_continent, year, COUNT(distinct(partner_slug)) as nb_partners FROM flow_joined %s GROUP BY year, reporting_continent, partner_continent """ % (from_year_clause + to_year_clause)) json_response = [] for (reporting_continent, partner_continent, year, nb_partners) in cursor: json_response.append({ "year": year, "reporting_continent": reporting_continent, "partner_continent": partner_continent, "nb_partners": nb_partners }) return json.dumps(json_response, encoding="UTF8")
def get_continent_nb_partners(from_year, to_year): cursor = get_db().cursor() from_year_clause = """ AND year>%s"""%from_year if from_year!="" else "" to_year_clause = """ AND year<%s"""%to_year if to_year!="" else "" print from_year_clause, to_year_clause cursor.execute("""SELECT reporting_continent, partner_continent, year, COUNT(distinct(partner_slug)) as nb_partners FROM flow_joined %s GROUP BY year, reporting_continent, partner_continent """%(from_year_clause+to_year_clause) ) json_response=[] for (reporting_continent, partner_continent, year, nb_partners) in cursor: json_response.append({ "year":year, "reporting_continent": reporting_continent, "partner_continent": partner_continent, "nb_partners": nb_partners }) return json.dumps(json_response,encoding="UTF8")
def get_mirror_entities(reporting_id): cursor = get_db().cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT f.reporting_slug,f.reporting,f.reporting_type,f.continent,group_concat(f.year),rpp.years_from_reporting FROM flow_joined f LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT partner_slug,group_concat(year) as years_from_reporting from flow_joined where reporting_slug='%s' group by partner_slug) rpp on rpp.partner_slug=f.reporting_slug WHERE f.partner_slug='%s' and rpp.partner_slug not null group by f.reporting_slug """%(reporting_id,reporting_id)) json_response=[] for (id,r,t,continent,years_from_partner,years_from_reporting) in cursor: # let's check if the mirror flows partner->reporting match the time span of the reporting->partner flows if len(set(years_from_partner.split(",")) & set(years_from_reporting.split(",")))>0: json_response.append({ "RICid":id, "RICname":r, "type":t, "continent":continent }) return json.dumps(json_response,encoding="UTF8")
def flows_data(reporting_ids,partner_ids,original_currency,from_year,to_year,with_sources,group_reporting_by="", search_by_reporting=False): cursor = get_db().cursor() partners_clause =""" AND partner_slug IN ("%s")"""%'","'.join(partner_ids) if len(partner_ids)>0 else "" from_year_clause = """ AND year>%s"""%from_year if from_year!="" else "" to_year_clause = """ AND year<%s"""%to_year if to_year!="" else "" flow_field = "Flow*Unit/rate" if not original_currency else "Flow*Unit" source_field = """,group_concat(Source,"|")""" if with_sources else "" if group_reporting_by=="": cursor.execute("""SELECT reporting_slug,partner_slug,year,group_concat(expimp,"|"),group_concat(%s,"|"),currency%s FROM flow_joined where reporting_slug IN ("%s") %s and %s is not null and partner_slug NOT LIKE "Worl%%" and partner_slug is not "NA" GROUP BY reporting,partner,year ORDER BY year ASC """%(flow_field, source_field,'","'.join(reporting_ids),partners_clause+from_year_clause+to_year_clause,flow_field) ) elif group_reporting_by=="continent": # in these 2 usecases, reporting_ids are continents if search_by_reporting: # In this usecase, partner_ids are actually reporting_ids cursor.execute("""SELECT reporting_slug, partner_continent, year, group_concat(expimp,"|"), group_concat(%s,"|"), currency%s FROM flow_joined WHERE reporting_slug IN ("%s") AND partner_continent IN ("%s") %s AND ( %s IS NOT null) and partner_slug NOT LIKE "Worl%%" and partner_slug is not "NA" GROUP BY partner_continent, reporting_slug, year ORDER BY year ASC """%(flow_field,source_field,'","'.join(partner_ids),'","'.join(reporting_ids),from_year_clause+to_year_clause,flow_field) ) else: cursor.execute("""SELECT reporting_continent,partner_slug,year,group_concat(expimp,"|"),group_concat(%s,"|"),currency%s FROM flow_joined where reporting_continent IN ("%s") AND partner_continent NOT IN ("%s") %s AND ( %s IS NOT null) and partner_slug NOT LIKE "Worl%%" and partner_slug is not "NA" GROUP BY reporting_continentt, partner, year ORDER BY year ASC """%(flow_field,source_field,'","'.join(reporting_ids),'","'.join(reporting_ids),partners_clause+from_year_clause+to_year_clause,flow_field) ) flows=[] partners_meta={} last_y={} for fields in cursor: if with_sources: (r_id,p_id,y,expimp_g,flow_g,currency,source_g)=fields else: (r_id,p_id,y,expimp_g,flow_g,currency)=fields imports=[] exports=[] if p_id not in last_y.keys(): last_y[p_id]=y if flow_g: if len(expimp_g.split("|")) != len(flow_g.split("|")) : app.logger.debug("%s %s"%(expimp_g,flow_g)) for i,ei in enumerate(expimp_g.split("|")): if ei == "Imp": imports.append(float(flow_g.split("|")[i])) elif ei == "Exp": exports.append(float(flow_g.split("|")[i])) if group_reporting_by=="": # duplicates are only possible when not grouping dups=[] if len(imports)>1 : dups.append((r_id,"Imp from",p_id,y,imports)) if len(exports)>1: dups.append((r_id,"Exp to",p_id,y,exports)) for dup in dups: app.logger.warning("Warning duplicated flows for %s %s %s in %s with dup flows in pounds : %s"%dup) if group_reporting_by=="": # resolve duplicates and null cases imp=max(imports) if len(imports)>0 else None exp=max(exports) if len(exports)>0 else None else: # when grouping we sum exp imp imp=sum(imports) exp=sum(exports) total = (imp if imp else 0) + (exp if exp else 0) # deal with missing years in flows list for missing_year in (last_y[p_id]+i+1 for i in range(y-(last_y[p_id]+1))): flows.append({ "reporting_id":r_id, "partner_id":p_id, "year":missing_year, "imp": None, "exp": None, "total": None, "currency":currency if original_currency else "sterling pound", }) flows.append({ "reporting_id":r_id, "partner_id":p_id, "year":y, "imp": imp, "exp": exp, "total": total, "currency":currency if original_currency else "sterling pound", }) last_y[p_id]=y if with_sources: sources=set(source_g.split("|") if source_g else []) flows[-1]["sources"]=list(sources)[0] if sources else "" return flows
def get_reportings_available_by_year(flow): cursor = get_db().cursor() if flow == "bilateral": cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM metadata_bilateral""") else: cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM metadata_world""") # cursor.execute("""Select metadata.*, b.flow as best_flow # From metadata # Left outer Join # (SELECT reporting_slug, group_concat(flow*Unit/ifnull(rate,1),"|") as flow, group_concat(expimp,"|") as expimp,year # from flow_joined # where reporting_slug is not null # and partner_slug is "Worldbestguess" # group by reporting_slug,year) b # on metadata.reporting_id=b.reporting_slug and metadata.year=b.year""") json_response = [] table = [list(r) for r in cursor] for row in table: total = 0 if flow == "bilateral": total_partner = [] total_partner_mirror = [] total_source = row[7].split("|")[0] if row[8] == 1 else row[7] total_sourcetypelist = [] for i in range(len(row[3].split("|"))): total += float(row[2].split("|")[i]) total_partner += row[4].split("|")[i].split(",") if row[11] is not None and len(row[11].split("|")) == len( row[3].split("|")): partner_mirror = row[11].split("|")[i].split("+")[0].split( ",") total_partner_mirror += partner_mirror elif row[11] is not None and len( row[11].split("|") ) == 1 and row[11].split("+")[1] != row[3].split("|")[i]: partner_mirror = row[11].split("+")[0].split(",") total_partner_mirror = partner_mirror else: partner_mirror = [] sourcetypelist = row[6].split("|")[i].split(",") if "primary" in sourcetypelist: sourcetype = "primary" elif "secondary" in sourcetypelist: sourcetype = "secondary" else: sourcetype = "estimation" sourceIndex = sourcetypelist.index(sourcetype) total_sourcetypelist.append(sourcetype) # sourcelist=row[7].split("|")[i].split(",") # source=sourcelist[sourceIndex] # total_source.append(source) json_response.append({ "reporting_id": row[0], "reporting": row[1], "flow": float(row[2].split("|")[i]), "expimp": row[3].split("|")[i], "partners": row[4].split("|")[i].split(","), "year": row[5], "sourcetype": sourcetype.capitalize(), "source": row[7].split("|")[i], "continent": row[9], "type": row[10], "partners_mirror": partner_mirror, }) if "primary" in total_sourcetypelist: total_sourcetype = "primary" elif "secondary" in total_sourcetypelist: total_sourcetype = "secondary" else: total_sourcetype = "estimation" json_response.append({ "reporting_id": row[0], "reporting": row[1], "flow": total, "expimp": "total", "partners": list(set(total_partner)), "year": row[5], "sourcetype": total_sourcetype.capitalize(), "source": total_source, "continent": row[9], "type": row[10], "partners_mirror": list(set(total_partner_mirror)), }) else: total_source = row[7].split("|")[0] if row[8] == 1 else row[7] total_partner = [] total_source = [] total_sourcetypelist = [] for i in range(len(row[3].split("|"))): total += float(row[2].split("|")[i]) partnerlist = row[4].split("|")[i].split("+") if "World estimated" in partnerlist: partner = "World estimated" elif "World as reported" in partnerlist: partner = "World as reported" elif "World Federico-Tena" in partnerlist: partner = "World Federico-Tena" else: partner = "World sum partners" total_partner.append(partner) sourcetypelist = row[6].split("|")[i].split("+") if "primary" in sourcetypelist: sourcetype = "primary" elif "secondary" in sourcetypelist: sourcetype = "secondary" elif "estimation" in sourcetypelist: sourcetype = "estimation" else: sourcetype = "Federico-Tena" sourceIndex = sourcetypelist.index(sourcetype) total_sourcetypelist.append(sourcetype) sourcelist = row[7].split("|")[i].split("+") source = sourcelist[sourceIndex] total_source.append(source) # if row[12] is not None and len(row[12].split("|"))==len(row[3].split("|")): # partner_mirror=row[12].split("|")[i].split("+")[0].split(",") # total_partner_mirror+=partner_mirror # elif row[12] is not None and len(row[12].split("|"))==1 and row[12].split("+")[1]!=row[3].split("|")[i]: # partner_mirror=row[12].split("+")[0].split(",") # total_partner_mirror=partner_mirror # else: # partner_mirror=[] json_response.append({ "reporting_id": row[0], "reporting": row[1], "flow": float(row[2].split("|")[i]), "expimp": row[3].split("|")[i], "partner": [], "reference": partner, "year": row[5], "sourcetype": "Federico-Tena" if sourcetype is "Federico-Tena" else sourcetype.capitalize(), "source": source, "continent": row[9], "type": row[10] }) if "primary" in total_sourcetypelist: total_sourcetype = "primary" elif "secondary" in total_sourcetypelist: total_sourcetype = "secondary" elif "estimation" in total_sourcetypelist: total_sourcetype = "estimation" else: total_sourcetype = "Federico-Tena" json_response.append({ "reporting_id": row[0], "reporting": row[1], "flow": total, "expimp": "total", "partner": [], "reference": ("|").join(list(set(total_partner))), "year": row[5], # "sourcetype": ("|").join(list(set(total_sourcetypelist))), "sourcetype": "Federico-Tena" if total_sourcetype is "Federico-Tena" else total_sourcetype.capitalize(), "source": ("|").join(list(set(total_source))), "continent": row[9], "type": row[10] }) return json.dumps(json_response, encoding="UTF8")
def get_reportings_overview(partner_ids): partners_clause = "NOT LIKE 'World%'"if partner_ids=="" else "LIKE '%s'"%partner_ids cursor = get_db().cursor() # cursor.execute("""SELECT t3.*, continent # FROM # (SELECT t1.reporting as reporting, t1.reporting_id as reporting_id, # ifnull(SUM(t1.exports),0) as exports,ifnull(SUM(t2.imports),0) as imports, # ifnull(SUM(t1.exports),0)+ifnull(SUM(t2.imports),0) as total, # group_concat(t1.partner_id) as exp_partners, group_concat(t2.partner_id) as imp_partners, # t1.year as year, group_concat (DISTINCT t1.Source) as exp_sources, # group_concat(DISTINCT t2.Source) as imp_sources # FROM # (SELECT reporting, reporting_id , partner_id, Flow as exports, expimp, year, Source # FROM flow_joined # WHERE expimp = "Exp" # AND partner_id %s # AND Flow is not NULL) t1 # LEFT JOIN # (SELECT reporting_id ,partner_id, Flow as imports, expimp, year, Source # FROM flow_joined # WHERE expimp = "Imp" # AND partner_id %s # AND Flow is not NULL) t2 # ON t1.year = t2.year AND t1.reporting_id = t2.reporting_id AND t1.partner_id = t2.partner_id # GROUP BY t1.reporting_id, t1.year) t3 # LEFT JOIN RICentities ON t3.reporting_id = # WHERE continent is not "World" """%(partners_clause,partners_clause) # ) json_response=[] table = [list(r) for r in cursor] for row in table: exp_partners=row[5].split(",") if row[5] is not None else [] imp_partners=row[6].split(",") if row[6] is not None else [] # exp_sources=list(set(row[8].split("|"))) if row[4] is not None else [] # imp_sources=list(set(row[9].split("|"))) if row[4] is not None else [] # exp_sources_cls=[] # imp_sources_cls=[] # if len(exp_sources)>0: # exp_sources_cls.append(exp_sources[0]) # for i in exp_sources: # s=SequenceMatcher(None,exp_sources[0],i) # if s.ratio()<0.5: # exp_sources_cls.append(i) # if len(imp_sources)>0: # imp_sources_cls.append(imp_sources[0]) # for i in imp_sources: # s=SequenceMatcher(None,imp_sources[0],i) # if s.ratio()<0.5: # imp_sources_cls.append(i) json_response.append({ "reporting": row[0], "reporting_id": row[1], "exp_flow": round(row[2],2), "imp_flow": round(row[3],2), "total_flow":round(row[4],2), "exp_partner": "|".join(exp_partners), "imp_partner": "|".join(imp_partners), "total_partner": "|".join(list(set(exp_partners)|set(imp_partners))), "year": row[7], "exp_sources": row[8].split(",")[0] if row[8] is not None else None, "imp_sources": row[9].split(",")[0] if row[9] is not None else None, "total_sources": row[8].split(",")[0] if row[8] is not None else None, "continent": row[10] }) return json.dumps(json_response,encoding="UTF8")
def flows_data(reporting_ids, partner_ids, original_currency, from_year, to_year, with_sources, group_reporting_by="", search_by_reporting=False): cursor = get_db().cursor() partners_clause = """ AND partner_slug IN ("%s")""" % '","'.join( partner_ids) if len(partner_ids) > 0 else "" # world_partner_clause = "AND partner_slug NOT LIKE 'Worl%%'" if "Worldbestguess" not in partner_ids else "" from_year_clause = """ AND year>%s""" % from_year if from_year != "" else "" to_year_clause = """ AND year<%s""" % to_year if to_year != "" else "" print original_currency flow_field = "Flow*Unit/ifnull(rate,1)" if not original_currency else "Flow*Unit" source_field = """,group_concat(Source,"|")""" if with_sources else "" if group_reporting_by == "": cursor.execute( """SELECT reporting_slug,partner_slug,partner,year,group_concat(expimp,"|"),group_concat(%s,"|"),currency%s FROM flow_joined where reporting_slug IN ("%s") %s and flow is not null and partner_slug is not null GROUP BY reporting,partner,year ORDER BY year ASC """ % (flow_field, source_field, '","'.join(reporting_ids), partners_clause + from_year_clause + to_year_clause)) elif group_reporting_by == "continent": # in these 2 usecases, reporting_ids are continents if search_by_reporting: # In this usecase, partner_ids are actually reporting_ids cursor.execute( """SELECT reporting_slug, partner_continent,partner_continent, year, group_concat(expimp,"|"), group_concat(%s,"|"), currency%s FROM flow_joined WHERE reporting_slug IN ("%s") AND partner_continent IN ("%s") %s AND ( flow IS NOT null) and partner_slug is not null GROUP BY partner_continent, reporting_slug, year ORDER BY year ASC """ % (flow_field, source_field, '","'.join(partner_ids), '","'.join(reporting_ids), from_year_clause + to_year_clause)) else: cursor.execute( """SELECT reporting_continent,partner_slug,partner,year,group_concat(expimp,"|"),group_concat(%s,"|"),currency%s FROM flow_joined where reporting_continent IN ("%s") AND partner_continent NOT IN ("%s") %s AND ( flow IS NOT null) and partner_slug is not null GROUP BY reporting_continentt, partner, year ORDER BY year ASC """ % (flow_field, source_field, '","'.join(reporting_ids), '","'.join(reporting_ids), partners_clause + from_year_clause + to_year_clause)) flows = [] partners_meta = {} last_y = {} for fields in cursor: if with_sources: (r_id, p_id, p_name, y, expimp_g, flow_g, currency, source_g) = fields else: (r_id, p_id, p_name, y, expimp_g, flow_g, currency) = fields imports = [] exports = [] if p_id not in last_y.keys(): last_y[p_id] = y if flow_g: if len(expimp_g.split("|")) != len(flow_g.split("|")): app.logger.debug("%s %s" % (expimp_g, flow_g)) for i, ei in enumerate(expimp_g.split("|")): if ei == "Imp": imports.append(float(flow_g.split("|")[i])) elif ei == "Exp": exports.append(float(flow_g.split("|")[i])) if group_reporting_by == "": # duplicates are only possible when not grouping dups = [] if len(imports) > 1: dups.append((r_id, "Imp from", p_id, y, imports)) if len(exports) > 1: dups.append((r_id, "Exp to", p_id, y, exports)) for dup in dups: app.logger.warning( "Warning duplicated flows for %s %s %s in %s with dup flows in pounds : %s" % dup) if group_reporting_by == "": # resolve duplicates and null cases imp = max(imports) if len(imports) > 0 else None exp = max(exports) if len(exports) > 0 else None else: # when grouping we sum exp imp imp = sum(imports) exp = sum(exports) total = (imp if imp else 0) + (exp if exp else 0) # deal with missing years in flows list for missing_year in (last_y[p_id] + i + 1 for i in range(y - (last_y[p_id] + 1))): flows.append({ "reporting_id": r_id, "partner_id": p_id, "partner_name": p_name, "year": missing_year, "imp": None, "exp": None, "total": None, "currency": currency if original_currency else "sterling pound", }) flows.append({ "reporting_id": r_id, "partner_id": p_id, "partner_name": p_name, "year": y, "imp": imp, "exp": exp, "total": total, "currency": currency if original_currency else "sterling pound", }) last_y[p_id] = y if with_sources: sources = set(source_g.split("|") if source_g else []) flows[-1]["sources"] = list(sources)[0] if sources else "" return flows
def get_reportings_overview(partner_ids): cursor = get_db().cursor() if partner_ids == "actualreported": cursor.execute( """SELECT t1.reporting_slug as reporting_id,t1.reporting as reporting,t1.reporting_continent as continent, t1.reporting_type as type, t1.year as year, ifnull(SUM(t1.exports),0) as exports,ifnull(SUM(t2.imports),0) as imports, group_concat(t1.partner_slug,"|") as exp_partners, group_concat(t1.partner_continent,"|") as exp_continents,group_concat(t1.partner_type,"|") as exp_types, group_concat(t2.partner_slug,"|") as imp_partners, group_concat(t2.partner_continent,"|") as imp_continents,group_concat(t2.partner_type,"|") as imp_types, group_concat(t1.source,"|") as sources, group_concat (DISTINCT t1.type) as sourcetype FROM (SELECT reporting, reporting_slug , partner_slug, partner_continent,partner_type,(flow*Unit/rate) as exports, expimp, year, Source, type, reporting_continent,reporting_type FROM flow_joined WHERE partner_slug NOT LIKE 'World%' AND reporting_continent is not 'World' AND expimp = "Exp" AND Flow is not NULL) t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT reporting_slug,partner_slug, partner_continent,partner_type,(flow*Unit/rate) as imports, expimp, year, source,type FROM flow_joined WHERE partner_slug NOT LIKE 'World%' AND expimp = "Imp" AND Flow is not NULL) t2 ON t1.year = t2.year AND t1.reporting_slug = t2.reporting_slug AND t1.partner_slug = t2.partner_slug GROUP BY t1.reporting_slug, t1.year """) else: cursor.execute( """SELECT t1.reporting_slug as reporting_id,t1.reporting as reporting,t1.reporting_continent as continent, t1.reporting_type as type, t1.year as year, t1.exports as exports, t2.imports as imports, t1.partner as partner,t1.source as source,t1.type as sourcetype FROM (SELECT reporting, reporting_slug , partner,partner_slug, (flow*Unit/rate) as exports, year, Source, type, reporting_continent,reporting_type FROM flow_joined WHERE expimp = "Exp" AND (flow*Unit/rate) is not NULL AND (partner_slug like 'Worldbestguess' OR partner_slug like 'Worldestimated' OR partner_slug like 'Worldasreported' OR partner_slug like 'Worldsumpartners') ) t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT reporting_slug, (flow*Unit/rate) as imports, partner,partner_slug,year,source,type FROM flow_joined WHERE expimp = "Imp" AND (flow*Unit/rate) is not NULL AND( partner_slug like 'Worldbestguess' OR partner_slug like 'Worldestimated' OR partner_slug like 'Worldasreported' OR partner_slug like 'Worldsumpartners') ) t2 ON t1.year = t2.year AND t1.reporting_slug = t2.reporting_slug AND t1.partner_slug = t2.partner_slug """) json_response = [] table = [list(r) for r in cursor] if partner_ids == "actualreported": for row in table: exp_partners = row[7].split("|") if row[7] is not None else [] imp_partners = row[10].split("|") if row[10] is not None else [] sourcetype = row[14].split(",")[0] if row[14] is not None else [] json_response.append({ "reporting_id": row[0], "reporting": row[1], "continent": row[2], "type": row[3], "year": row[4], "exp_flow": round(row[5], 2), "imp_flow": round(row[6], 2), "total_flow": round(row[5] + row[6], 2), "exp_partner": row[7], "exp_continent": row[8], "exp_type": row[9], "imp_partner": row[10], "imp_continent": row[11] if row[11] is not None else [], "imp_type": row[12], "total_partner": ("|").join(list(set(exp_partners) | set(imp_partners))), "source": row[13].split("|")[0] if row[7] is not None else None, "sourcetype": sourcetype }) else: for row in table: json_response.append({ "reporting_id": row[0], "reporting": row[1], "continent": row[2], "type": row[3], "year": row[4], "exp_flow": round(row[5], 2) if row[5] is not None else row[5], "imp_flow": round(row[6], 2) if row[6] is not None else row[6], "total_flow": round(sum(filter(None, [row[5], row[6]])), 2), "partner": row[7], "source": row[8], "sourcetype": row[9] }) json_response = [ dict(t) for t in set([tuple(d.items()) for d in json_response]) ] return json.dumps(json_response, encoding="UTF8")
def flows_data(reporting_ids,partner_ids,original_currency,from_year,to_year,with_sources,group_reporting_by=""): cursor = get_db().cursor() partners_clause =""" AND partner_id IN ("%s")"""%'","'.join(partner_ids) if len(partner_ids)>0 else "" from_year_clause = """ AND Yr>%s"""%from_year if from_year!="" else "" to_year_clause = """ AND Yr<%s"""%to_year if to_year!="" else "" flow_field = "Flow*Unit/rate" if not original_currency else "Flow*Unit" source_field = """,group_concat(Source,"|")""" if with_sources else "" if group_reporting_by=="": cursor.execute("""SELECT reporting_id,partner_id,Yr,group_concat(expimp,"|"),group_concat(%s,"|"),currency%s FROM flow_joined where reporting_id IN ("%s") %s and rate is not null and Flow is not null GROUP BY reporting,partner,Yr """%(flow_field,source_field,'","'.join(reporting_ids),partners_clause+from_year_clause+to_year_clause) ) elif group_reporting_by=="continent": cursor.execute("""SELECT r.continent,partner_id,Yr,group_concat(expimp,"|"),group_concat(%s,"|"),currency%s FROM flow_joined LEFT OUTER JOIN RICentities r on LEFT OUTER JOIN RICentities p on where r.continent IN ("%s") AND p.continent not in ("%s") %s and rate is not null and Flow is not null GROUP BY r.continent,partner,Yr """%(flow_field,source_field,'","'.join(reporting_ids),'","'.join(reporting_ids),partners_clause+from_year_clause+to_year_clause) ) # flows=[] partners_meta={} for fields in cursor: if with_sources: (r_id,p_id,y,expimp_g,flow_g,currency,source_g)=fields else: (r_id,p_id,y,expimp_g,flow_g,currency)=fields imports=[] exports=[] for i,ei in enumerate(expimp_g.split("|")): if ei == "Imp": imports.append(float(flow_g.split("|")[i])) elif ei == "Exp": exports.append(float(flow_g.split("|")[i])) if group_reporting_by=="": # duplicates are only possible when not grouping dups=[] if len(imports)>1 : dups.append((r_id,"Imp from",p_id,y,imports)) if len(exports)>1: dups.append((r_id,"Exp to",p_id,y,exports)) for dup in dups: app.logger.warning("Warning duplicated flows for %s %s %s in %s with dup flows in pounds : %s"%dup) if group_reporting_by=="": # resolve duplicates and null cases imp=max(imports) if len(imports)>0 else None exp=max(exports) if len(exports)>0 else None else: #when grouping we sum exp imp imp=sum(imports) exp=sum(exports) total = (imp if imp else 0) + (exp if exp else 0) flows.append({ "reporting_id":r_id, "partner_id":p_id, "year":y, "imp": imp, "exp": exp, "total": total, "currency":currency if original_currency else "sterling pound", }) if with_sources: sources=set(source_g.split("|")) flows[-1]["sources"]=list(sources)[0] return flows