def generateGraph(): # add nodes and centroids as "nodes" for networkX nodes = np.array(list(api.get_node_indices(0))) #reactionsInd = np.array(list(api.get_reaction_indices(0))) cStr = np.empty_like(reactionsInd, dtype=str) cStr[:,] = "c" centroidId = np.char.add(cStr, reactionsInd.astype(str)) G.add_nodes_from(centroidId) nStr = np.empty_like(nodes, dtype=str) nStr[:,] = "n" nodesId = np.array(list(np.char.add(nStr, nodesInd.astype(str)))) G.add_nodes_from(nodesId) ''' for n in nodes: centroidsTo = np.array(list(api.get_reactions_as_product(0, n))) # Gets the reactions in which it is a product -> TO cStr = np.empty_like(centroidsTo, dtype=str) cStr[:,] = "c" centroidsToIn = np.char.add(cStr, centroidsTo.astype(str)) # centroids from which the node is product centroidsFrom = np.array(list(api.get_reactions_as_reactant(0, n))) # reactions in which it is a reactanr -> FROM cStr = np.empty_like(centroidsFrom, dtype=str) cStr[:,] = "c" centroidsFromIn = np.char.add(cStr, centroidsFrom.astype(str)) # centroids to which the node is reactant nS = np.empty_like(centroidsToIn, dtype = str) nS[:,] = "n" numS = np.empty_like(centroidsToIn, dtype = int) numS[:,] = n nodeIndArrayTo = np.char.add(nS, numS.astype(str)) nS = np.empty_like(centroidsFromIn, dtype = str) nS[:,] = "n" numS = np.empty_like(centroidsFromIn, dtype = int) numS[:,] = n nodeIndArrayFrom = np.char.add(nS, numS.astype(str)) edgesTo = np.array(list(zip(centroidsToIn, nodeIndArrayTo))) edgesFrom = np.array(list(zip(nodeIndArrayFrom, centroidsFromIn))) G.add_edges_from(edgesTo) G.add_edges_from(edgesFrom) ''' # Add edges from reactant to centroid and centroid to product (undirected) edges = list() for reaction in api.get_reactions(0): for s in reaction.sources: edges.append(('n' + str(s), 'c' + str(reaction.index))) for t in reaction.targets: edges.append(('c' + str(reaction.index), 'n' + str(t))) G.add_edges_from(edges) cn = 0 for rea in api.get_reactions(0): cent = api.compute_centroid(0, rea.sources, rea.targets) #originalPos[centroidId[cn]] = list([cent.x, cent.y]) originalPos['c' + str(rea)] = list([random.randint(0,600), random.randint(0,600)]) cn = cn + 1 for nod in api.get_nodes(0): #originalPos[nodesId[cn]] = list([nod.position.x, nod.position.y]) # random.randint(0,500), nod.position.y+random.randint (0,500)]) originalPos['n' + str(nod)] = list([random.randint(0,600), random.randint (0,600)]) cn = cn + 1
def test_delete_items(self): api.add_reaction(self.neti, 'AB', [0], [1]) with self.assertRaises(NodeNotFreeError): api.delete_node(self.neti, 0) with self.assertRaises(NodeNotFreeError): api.delete_node(self.neti, 1) api.delete_reaction(self.neti, 0) api.delete_node(self.neti, 0) api.delete_node(self.neti, 1) api.delete_node(self.neti, 2) self.assertEqual(list(), api.get_reactions(self.neti)) self.assertEqual(list(), api.get_nodes(self.neti))
def Export(self, evt): """ Handler for the "Export" button. Get the network on canvas and change it to an Antimony string. """ isReversible = True netIn = 0 numNodes = api.node_count(netIn) if numNodes == 0: wx.MessageBox("Please import a network on canvas", "Message", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: allNodes = api.get_nodes(netIn) id = allNodes[0].id[0:-2] numReactions = api.reaction_count(netIn) antStr = '' allReactions = api.get_reactions(netIn) for i in range(numReactions): antStr = antStr + 'J' + str(i) + ': ' rct_num = len(allReactions[i].sources) prd_num = len(allReactions[i].targets) for j in range(rct_num - 1): antStr = antStr + id + '_' + str( allReactions[i].sources[j]) antStr = antStr + ' + ' antStr = antStr + id + '_' + str( allReactions[i].sources[rct_num - 1]) antStr = antStr + ' -> ' for j in range(prd_num - 1): antStr = antStr + id + '_' + str( allReactions[i].targets[j]) antStr = antStr + ' + ' antStr = antStr + id + '_' + str( allReactions[i].targets[prd_num - 1]) antStr = antStr + '; E' + str(i) + '*(k' + str(i) for j in range(rct_num): antStr = antStr + '*' + id + '_' + str( allReactions[i].sources[j]) if isReversible: antStr = antStr + ' - k' + str(i) + 'r' for j in range(prd_num): antStr = antStr + '*' + id + '_' + str( allReactions[i].targets[j]) antStr = antStr + ')' antStr = antStr + ';\n' self.antimonyText.SetValue(antStr)
def test_add_alias(self): size = Vec2(60, 60) nodei = api.add_node(self.neti, id='Hookie', size=size) api.add_alias(self.neti, nodei, size=size) nodes = api.get_nodes(self.neti) self.assertEqual(2, len(nodes)) original = NodeData(net_index=self.neti, id='Hookie', index=0, original_index=-1, size=size) alias = NodeData(net_index=self.neti, id='Hookie', index=1, original_index=0, size=size) self.assertEqual(original, nodes[0]) self.assertEqual(alias, nodes[1])
def test_add_basic(self): node = Node('Charles', self.neti, pos=Vec2(50, 50), size=Vec2(50, 30)) api.add_node( self.neti,, position=node.position, size=node.size, fill_color=api._to_color(wx.RED), # HACK using API private methods border_color=api._to_color(wx.BLUE), border_width=2, ) nodes = api.get_nodes(self.neti) self.assertEqual(len(nodes), 1) self.assertEqual(0, nodes[0].index) expected = NodeData(id='Charles', net_index=self.neti, position=Vec2(50, 50), size=Vec2(50, 30), index=0) self.assertEqual(expected, nodes[0])
def Visualize(self, evt): """ Handler for the "Visualize" button. Visualize the SBML string to a network shown on the canvas. """ def hex_to_rgb(value): value = value.lstrip('#') return tuple(int(value[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) if len(self.sbmlStr) == 0: wx.MessageBox("Please import an SBML file.", "Message", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: net_index = 0 api.clear_network(net_index) comp_id_list = [] comp_dimension_list = [] comp_position_list = [] spec_id_list =[] spec_dimension_list =[] spec_position_list = [] #set the default values without render info: comp_fill_color = (158, 169, 255) comp_border_color = (0, 29, 255) comp_border_width = 2.0 spec_fill_color = (255, 204, 153) spec_border_color = (255, 108, 9) spec_border_width = 2.0 reaction_line_color = (129, 123, 255) reaction_line_width = 3.0 ### from here for layout ### document = readSBMLFromString(self.sbmlStr) model_layout = document.getModel() mplugin = (model_layout.getPlugin("layout")) if mplugin is None: wx.MessageBox("There is no layout information, so positions are randomly assigned.", "Message", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) # # Get the first Layout object via LayoutModelPlugin object. # else: layout = mplugin.getLayout(0) if layout is None: wx.MessageBox("There is no layout information, so positions are randomly assigned.", "Message", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: numCompGlyphs = layout.getNumCompartmentGlyphs() numSpecGlyphs = layout.getNumSpeciesGlyphs() for i in range(numCompGlyphs): compGlyph = layout.getCompartmentGlyph(i) temp_id = compGlyph.getCompartmentId() comp_id_list.append(temp_id) boundingbox = compGlyph.getBoundingBox() height = boundingbox.getHeight() width = boundingbox.getWidth() pos_x = boundingbox.getX() pos_y = boundingbox.getY() comp_dimension_list.append([width,height]) comp_position_list.append([pos_x,pos_y]) for i in range(numSpecGlyphs): specGlyph = layout.getSpeciesGlyph(i) spec_id = specGlyph.getSpeciesId() spec_id_list.append(spec_id) boundingbox = specGlyph.getBoundingBox() height = boundingbox.getHeight() width = boundingbox.getWidth() pos_x = boundingbox.getX() pos_y = boundingbox.getY() spec_dimension_list.append([width,height]) spec_position_list.append([pos_x,pos_y]) rPlugin = layout.getPlugin("render") if (rPlugin != None and rPlugin.getNumLocalRenderInformationObjects() > 0): info = rPlugin.getRenderInformation(0) color_list = [] for j in range ( 0, info.getNumColorDefinitions()): color = info.getColorDefinition(j) color_list.append([color.getId(),color.createValueString()]) for j in range (0, info.getNumStyles()): style = info.getStyle(j) group = style.getGroup() typeList = style.createTypeString() if 'COMPARTMENTGLYPH' in typeList: for k in range(len(color_list)): if color_list[k][0] == group.getFill(): comp_fill_color = hex_to_rgb(color_list[k][1]) if color_list[k][0] == group.getStroke(): comp_border_color = hex_to_rgb(color_list[k][1]) comp_border_width = group.getStrokeWidth() elif 'SPECIESGLYPH' in typeList: for k in range(len(color_list)): if color_list[k][0] == group.getFill(): spec_fill_color = hex_to_rgb(color_list[k][1]) if color_list[k][0] == group.getStroke(): spec_border_color = hex_to_rgb(color_list[k][1]) spec_border_width = group.getStrokeWidth() elif 'REACTIONGLYPH' in typeList: for k in range(len(color_list)): if color_list[k][0] == group.getStroke(): reaction_line_color = hex_to_rgb(color_list[k][1]) reaction_line_width = group.getStrokeWidth() model = simplesbml.loadSBMLStr(self.sbmlStr) numFloatingNodes = model.getNumFloatingSpecies() FloatingNodes_ids = model.getListOfFloatingSpecies() numBoundaryNodes = model.getNumBoundarySpecies() BoundaryNodes_ids = model.getListOfBoundarySpecies() numRxns = model.getNumReactions() Rxns_ids = model.getListOfReactionIds() numComps = model.getNumCompartments() Comps_ids = model.getListOfCompartmentIds() numNodes = numFloatingNodes + numBoundaryNodes for i in range(numComps): temp_id = Comps_ids[i] vol= model.getCompartmentVolume(i) if len(comp_id_list) != 0: #if mplugin is not None: for j in range(numComps): if comp_id_list[j] == temp_id: dimension = comp_dimension_list[j] position = comp_position_list[j] else:# no layout info about compartment, # then the whole size of the canvas is the compartment size dimension = [4000,2500] position = [0,0] api.add_compartment(net_index, id=temp_id, volume = vol, size=Vec2(dimension[0],dimension[1]),position=Vec2(position[0],position[1]), fill_color = api.Color(comp_fill_color[0],comp_fill_color[1],comp_fill_color[2]), border_color = api.Color(comp_border_color[0],comp_border_color[1],comp_border_color[2]), border_width = comp_border_width) comp_node_list = [0]*numComps for i in range(numComps): comp_node_list[i] = [] if len(comp_id_list) != 0: #if mplugin is not None: for i in range (numFloatingNodes): temp_id = FloatingNodes_ids[i] comp_id = model.getCompartmentIdSpeciesIsIn(temp_id) for j in range(numNodes): if temp_id == spec_id_list[j]: dimension = spec_dimension_list[j] position = spec_position_list[j] nodeIdx_temp = api.add_node(net_index, id=temp_id, floatingNode = True, size=Vec2(dimension[0],dimension[1]), position=Vec2(position[0],position[1]), fill_color=api.Color(spec_fill_color[0],spec_fill_color[1],spec_fill_color[2]), border_color=api.Color(spec_border_color[0],spec_border_color[1],spec_border_color[2]), border_width=spec_border_width) for j in range(numComps): if comp_id == comp_id_list[j]: comp_node_list[j].append(nodeIdx_temp) for i in range (numBoundaryNodes): temp_id = BoundaryNodes_ids[i] comp_id = model.getCompartmentIdSpeciesIsIn(temp_id) for j in range(numNodes): if temp_id == spec_id_list[j]: dimension = spec_dimension_list[j] position = spec_position_list[j] nodeIdx_temp = api.add_node(net_index, id=temp_id, floatingNode = False, size=Vec2(dimension[0],dimension[1]), position=Vec2(position[0],position[1]), fill_color=api.Color(spec_fill_color[0],spec_fill_color[1],spec_fill_color[2]), border_color=api.Color(spec_border_color[0],spec_border_color[1],spec_border_color[2]), border_width=spec_border_width) for j in range(numComps): if comp_id == comp_id_list[j]: comp_node_list[j].append(nodeIdx_temp) else: # there is no layout information, assign position randomly and size as default comp_id_list = Comps_ids for i in range (numFloatingNodes): temp_id = FloatingNodes_ids[i] comp_id = model.getCompartmentIdSpeciesIsIn(temp_id) nodeIdx_temp = api.add_node(net_index, id=temp_id, size=Vec2(60,40), floatingNode = True, position=Vec2(40 + math.trunc (_random.random()*800), 40 + math.trunc (_random.random()*800)), fill_color=api.Color(spec_fill_color[0],spec_fill_color[1],spec_fill_color[2]), border_color=api.Color(spec_border_color[0],spec_border_color[1],spec_border_color[2]), border_width=spec_border_width) for j in range(numComps): if comp_id == comp_id_list[j]: comp_node_list[j].append(nodeIdx_temp) for i in range (numBoundaryNodes): temp_id = BoundaryNodes_ids[i] comp_id = model.getCompartmentIdSpeciesIsIn(temp_id) nodeIdx_temp = api.add_node(net_index, id=temp_id, size=Vec2(60,40), floatingNode = False, position=Vec2(40 + math.trunc (_random.random()*800), 40 + math.trunc (_random.random()*800)), fill_color=api.Color(spec_fill_color[0],spec_fill_color[1],spec_fill_color[2]), border_color=api.Color(spec_border_color[0],spec_border_color[1],spec_border_color[2]), border_width=spec_border_width) for j in range(numComps): if comp_id == comp_id_list[j]: comp_node_list[j].append(nodeIdx_temp) for i in range(numComps): temp_id = Comps_ids[i] for j in range(numComps): if comp_id_list[j] == temp_id: node_list_temp = comp_node_list[j] for j in range(len(node_list_temp)): api.set_compartment_of_node(net_index=net_index, node_index=node_list_temp[j], comp_index=i) #handle_positions, center_pos was set as the default numNodes = api.node_count(net_index) allNodes = api.get_nodes(net_index) for i in range (numRxns): src = [] dst = [] temp_id = Rxns_ids[i] kinetics = model.getRateLaw(i) rct_num = model.getNumReactants(i) prd_num = model.getNumProducts(i) for j in range(rct_num): rct_id = model.getReactant(temp_id,j) for k in range(numNodes): if allNodes[k].id == rct_id: src.append(allNodes[k].index) for j in range(prd_num): prd_id = model.getProduct(temp_id,j) for k in range(numNodes): if allNodes[k].id == prd_id: dst.append(allNodes[k].index) api.add_reaction(net_index, id=temp_id, reactants=src, products=dst, rate_law = kinetics, fill_color=api.Color(reaction_line_color[0],reaction_line_color[1],reaction_line_color[2]), line_thickness=reaction_line_width)
def Compute(self, evt): """ Handler for the "Compute" button. Get the network on canvas. Calculate the Stoichiometry Matrix and Conservation Matrix for the randon network. """ #self.index_list=[] def nullspace(A, atol=1e-13, rtol=0): A = _np.atleast_2d(A) u, s, vh = _np.linalg.svd(A) tol = max(atol, rtol * s[0]) nnz = (s >= tol).sum() ns = vh[nnz:].conj().T return ns def rref(B, tol=1e-8, debug=False): A = B.copy() rows, cols = A.shape r = 0 pivots_pos = [] row_exchanges = _np.arange(rows) for c in range(cols): if debug: print("Now at row", r, "and col", c, "with matrix:") print(A) ## Find the pivot row: pivot = _np.argmax(_np.abs(A[r:rows, c])) + r m = _np.abs(A[pivot, c]) if debug: print("Found pivot", m, "in row", pivot) if m <= tol: ## Skip column c, making sure the approximately zero terms are ## actually zero. A[r:rows, c] = _np.zeros(rows - r) if debug: print("All elements at and below (", r, ",", c, ") are zero.. moving on..") else: ## keep track of bound variables pivots_pos.append((r, c)) if pivot != r: ## Swap current row and pivot row A[[pivot, r], c:cols] = A[[r, pivot], c:cols] row_exchanges[[pivot, r]] = row_exchanges[[r, pivot]] if debug: print("Swap row", r, "with row", pivot, "Now:") print(A) ## Normalize pivot row A[r, c:cols] = A[r, c:cols] / A[r, c] ## Eliminate the current column v = A[r, c:cols] ## Above (before row r): if r > 0: ridx_above = _np.arange(r) A[ridx_above, c:cols] = A[ridx_above, c:cols] - _np.outer( v, A[ridx_above, c]).T if debug: print("Elimination above performed:") print(A) ## Below (after row r): if r < rows - 1: ridx_below = _np.arange(r + 1, rows) A[ridx_below, c:cols] = A[ridx_below, c:cols] - _np.outer( v, A[ridx_below, c]).T if debug: print("Elimination below performed:") print(A) r += 1 ## Check if done if r == rows: break return (A, pivots_pos, row_exchanges) netIn = 0 numNodes = api.node_count(netIn) if numNodes == 0: wx.MessageBox("Please import a network on canvas", "Message", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: allNodes = api.get_nodes(netIn) id = allNodes[0].id[0:-2] self.default_color = allNodes[0].fill_color largest_node_index = 0 for i in range(numNodes): if allNodes[i].index > largest_node_index: largest_node_index = allNodes[i].index row = largest_node_index + 1 numReactions = api.reaction_count(netIn) #print("numReactions:", numReactions) col = numReactions = _np.zeros((row, col)) allReactions = api.get_reactions(netIn) for i in range(numReactions): for j in range(len(allReactions[i].sources)): #print(allReactions[i].sources[j]) for m in range(row): if allReactions[i].sources[j] == m:, i), -1) for j in range(len(allReactions[i].targets)): #print(allReactions[i].targets[j]) for m in range(row): if allReactions[i].targets[j] == m:, i), 1) stt = _np.transpose( m = _np.transpose(nullspace(stt)) moi_mat = rref(m)[0] # set all the values of non-existing nodes to zero for i in range(moi_mat.shape[0]): for j in range(moi_mat.shape[1]): if _np.array_equal([j, :], _np.zeros([1])): moi_mat.itemset((i, j), 0.) for i in range([1]): self.tab1.grid_st.SetColLabelValue(i, "J" + str(i)) for i in range([0]): self.tab1.grid_st.SetRowLabelValue(i, id + "_" + str(i)) for row in range([0]): for col in range([1]): self.tab1.grid_st.SetCellValue( row, col, "%d" %, col)) for i in range(moi_mat.shape[1]): self.tab2.grid_moi.SetColLabelValue(i, id + "_" + str(i)) CSUM_id = 0 for i in range(moi_mat.shape[0]): a = moi_mat[i, :] a = [0 if a_ < 0.005 else a_ for a_ in a] # some elements are very small if _np.array_equal( a, _np.zeros(moi_mat.shape[1]) ): # delete the row if all the elements are zero CSUM_id = CSUM_id else: self.tab2.grid_moi.SetRowLabelValue( CSUM_id, "CSUM" + str(CSUM_id)) for j in range(moi_mat.shape[1]): self.tab2.grid_moi.SetCellValue( CSUM_id, j, format(moi_mat[i][j], ".2f")) # CSUM_id += 1
def Export(self, evt): """ Handler for the "Export" button. Get the network on canvas and change it to an SBML string. """ isReversible = True netIn = 0 numNodes = api.node_count(netIn) numReactions = api.reaction_count(netIn) if numNodes == 0: #or numReactions == 0 : wx.MessageBox("Please import a network on canvas", "Message", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: allNodes = api.get_nodes(netIn) allReactions = api.get_reactions(netIn) allcompartments = api.get_compartments(netIn) numCompartments = len(allcompartments) ####################################### # Creates an SBMLNamespaces object with the given SBML level, version # package name, package version. # # (NOTE) By default, the name of package (i.e. "layout") will be used # if the argument for the prefix is missing or empty. Thus the argument # for the prefix can be added as follows: # # SBMLNamespaces sbmlns(3,1,"layout",1,"LAYOUT") # sbmlns = SBMLNamespaces(3, 1, "layout", 1) # create the document document = SBMLDocument(sbmlns) # set the "required" attribute of layout package to "true" document.setPkgRequired("layout", False) # create the Model model = document.createModel() model.setId("Model_layout") document.setModel(model) # create the Compartment and species if numCompartments != 0: for i in range(numCompartments): compartment = model.createCompartment() comp_id = allcompartments[i].id compartment.setId(comp_id) compartment.setConstant(True) for j in range(len(allcompartments[i].nodes)): spec_id = allNodes[allcompartments[i].nodes[j]].id species = model.createSpecies() species.setId(spec_id) species.setCompartment(comp_id) species.setInitialConcentration(1.0) species.setHasOnlySubstanceUnits(False) species.setBoundaryCondition(False) species.setConstant(False) if allNodes[allcompartments[i]. nodes[j]].floatingNode == False: species.setBoundaryCondition(True) else: #set default compartment compartment = model.createCompartment() comp_id = "c_0" compartment.setId(comp_id) compartment.setConstant(True) for i in range(numNodes): spec_id = allNodes[i].id species = model.createSpecies() species.setId(spec_id) species.setCompartment(comp_id) species.setInitialConcentration(1.0) species.setHasOnlySubstanceUnits(False) species.setBoundaryCondition(False) species.setConstant(False) if allNodes[i].floatingNode == False: species.setBoundaryCondition(True) species.setConstant(True) # create reactions: for i in range(numReactions): reaction_id = allReactions[i].id rct = [] # id list of the rcts prd = [] rct_num = len(allReactions[i].sources) prd_num = len(allReactions[i].targets) for j in range(rct_num): rct.append(allNodes[allReactions[i].sources[j]].id) for j in range(prd_num): prd.append(allNodes[allReactions[i].targets[j]].id) kinetic_law = '' parameter_list = [] kinetic_law = kinetic_law + 'E' + str(i) + '*(k' + str(i) parameter_list.append('E' + str(i)) parameter_list.append('k' + str(i)) for j in range(rct_num): kinetic_law = kinetic_law + '*' + rct[j] reaction = model.createReaction() reaction.setId(allReactions[i].id) reaction.setReversible(False) reaction.setFast(False) if isReversible: reaction.setReversible(True) kinetic_law = kinetic_law + ' - k' + str(i) + 'r' parameter_list.append('k' + str(i) + 'r') for j in range(prd_num): kinetic_law = kinetic_law + '*' + prd[j] kinetic_law = kinetic_law + ')' for j in range(len(parameter_list)): parameters = model.createParameter() parameters.setId(parameter_list[j]) parameters.setValue(0.1) parameters.setConstant(True) kinetics = reaction.createKineticLaw() kinetics.setFormula(kinetic_law) for j in range(rct_num): reference = reaction.createReactant() reference.setSpecies(rct[j]) ref_id = "SpecRef_" + reaction_id + "_rct" + str(j) reference.setId(ref_id) reference.setStoichiometry(1.) reference.setConstant(False) for j in range(prd_num): reference = reaction.createProduct() reference.setSpecies(prd[j]) ref_id = "SpecRef_" + reaction_id + "_prd" + str(j) reference.setId(ref_id) reference.setStoichiometry(1.) reference.setConstant(False) # create the Layout # # set the LayoutPkgNamespaces for Level 3 Version1 Layout Version 1 # layoutns = LayoutPkgNamespaces(3, 1, 1) renderns = RenderPkgNamespaces(3, 1, 1) # # Get a LayoutModelPlugin object plugged in the model object. # # The type of the returned value of SBase::getPlugin() function is SBasePlugin, and # thus the value needs to be casted for the corresponding derived class. # mplugin = model.getPlugin("layout") # rPlugin = model.getPlugin("render") # if rPlugin is None: # print("there is no render outside layout.") # lolPlugin = mplugin.getListOfLayouts().getPlugin("render") # if lolPlugin is None: # print("there is no render info inside layout.") if mplugin is None: # print( # "[Fatal Error] Layout Extension Level " + layoutns.getLevel() + " Version " + layoutns.getVersion() + " package version " + layoutns.getPackageVersion() + " is not registered.") # sys.exit(1) wx.MessageBox("There is no layout information.", "Message", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) # # Creates a Layout object via LayoutModelPlugin object. # layout = mplugin.createLayout() layout.setId("Layout_1") layout.setDimensions(Dimensions(layoutns, 800.0, 800.0)) # random network (40+800x, 40+800y) #create the CompartmentGlyph and SpeciesGlyphs if numCompartments != 0: for i in range(numCompartments): comp_id = allcompartments[i].id compartmentGlyph = layout.createCompartmentGlyph() compG_id = "CompG_" + comp_id compartmentGlyph.setId(compG_id) compartmentGlyph.setCompartmentId(comp_id) bb_id = "bb_" + comp_id pos_x = allcompartments[i].position.x pos_y = allcompartments[i].position.y width = allcompartments[i].size.x height = allcompartments[i].size.y compartmentGlyph.setBoundingBox( BoundingBox(layoutns, bb_id, pos_x, pos_y, width, height)) for j in range(len(allcompartments[i].nodes)): spec_id = allNodes[allcompartments[i].nodes[j]].id speciesGlyph = layout.createSpeciesGlyph() specG_id = "SpecG_" + spec_id speciesGlyph.setId(specG_id) speciesGlyph.setSpeciesId(spec_id) bb_id = "bb_" + spec_id pos_x = allNodes[ allcompartments[i].nodes[j]].position.x pos_y = allNodes[ allcompartments[i].nodes[j]].position.y width = allNodes[allcompartments[i].nodes[j]].size.x height = allNodes[allcompartments[i].nodes[j]].size.y speciesGlyph.setBoundingBox( BoundingBox(layoutns, bb_id, pos_x, pos_y, width, height)) textGlyph = layout.createTextGlyph() textG_id = "TextG_" + spec_id textGlyph.setId(textG_id) bb_id = "bb_spec_text_" + spec_id textGlyph.setBoundingBox( BoundingBox(layoutns, bb_id, pos_x, pos_y, width, height)) textGlyph.setOriginOfTextId(specG_id) textGlyph.setGraphicalObjectId(specG_id) else: #there is no compartment for i in range(numNodes): spec_id = allNodes[i].id speciesGlyph = layout.createSpeciesGlyph() specG_id = "SpecG_" + spec_id speciesGlyph.setId(specG_id) speciesGlyph.setSpeciesId(spec_id) bb_id = "bb_" + spec_id pos_x = allNodes[i].position.x pos_y = allNodes[i].position.y width = allNodes[i].size.x height = allNodes[i].size.y speciesGlyph.setBoundingBox( BoundingBox(layoutns, bb_id, pos_x, pos_y, width, height)) textGlyph = layout.createTextGlyph() textG_id = "TextG_" + spec_id textGlyph.setId(textG_id) bb_id = "bb_spec_text_" + spec_id textGlyph.setBoundingBox( BoundingBox(layoutns, bb_id, pos_x, pos_y, width, height)) textGlyph.setOriginOfTextId(specG_id) textGlyph.setGraphicalObjectId(specG_id) # create the ReactionGlyphs and SpeciesReferenceGlyphs for i in range(numReactions): reaction_id = allReactions[i].id reactionGlyph = layout.createReactionGlyph() reactionG_id = "RectionG_" + reaction_id reactionGlyph.setId(reactionG_id) reactionGlyph.setReactionId(reaction_id) reactionCurve = reactionGlyph.getCurve() ls = reactionCurve.createLineSegment() centroid = api.compute_centroid(0, allReactions[i].sources, allReactions[i].targets) ls.setStart(Point(layoutns, centroid.x, centroid.y)) ls.setEnd(Point(layoutns, centroid.x, centroid.y)) rct = [] # id list of the rcts prd = [] rct_num = len(allReactions[i].sources) prd_num = len(allReactions[i].targets) for j in range(rct_num): rct.append(allNodes[allReactions[i].sources[j]].id) for j in range(prd_num): prd.append(allNodes[allReactions[i].targets[j]].id) for j in range(rct_num): ref_id = "SpecRef_" + reaction_id + "_rct" + str(j) speciesReferenceGlyph = reactionGlyph.createSpeciesReferenceGlyph( ) specsRefG_id = "SpecRefG_" + reaction_id + "_rct" + str(j) specG_id = "SpecG_" + rct[j] speciesReferenceGlyph.setId(specsRefG_id) speciesReferenceGlyph.setSpeciesGlyphId(specG_id) speciesReferenceGlyph.setSpeciesReferenceId(ref_id) speciesReferenceGlyph.setRole(SPECIES_ROLE_UNDEFINED) speciesReferenceCurve = speciesReferenceGlyph.getCurve() cb = speciesReferenceCurve.createCubicBezier() #cb = speciesReferenceCurve.createLineSegment() cb.setStart(Point(layoutns, centroid.x, centroid.y)) handles = api.default_handle_positions( netIn, allReactions[i].index) pos_x = handles[1 + j].x pos_y = handles[1 + j].y cb.setBasePoint1(Point(layoutns, pos_x, pos_y)) cb.setBasePoint2(Point(layoutns, pos_x, pos_y)) pos_x = allNodes[allReactions[i].sources[j]].position.x pos_y = allNodes[allReactions[i].sources[j]].position.y width = allNodes[allReactions[i].sources[j]].size.x height = allNodes[allReactions[i].sources[j]].size.y cb.setEnd( Point(layoutns, pos_x + 0.5 * width, pos_y - 0.5 * height)) for j in range(prd_num): ref_id = "SpecRef_" + reaction_id + "_prd" + str(j) speciesReferenceGlyph = reactionGlyph.createSpeciesReferenceGlyph( ) specsRefG_id = "SpecRefG_" + reaction_id + "_prd" + str(j) specG_id = "SpecG_" + prd[j] speciesReferenceGlyph.setId(specsRefG_id) speciesReferenceGlyph.setSpeciesGlyphId(specG_id) speciesReferenceGlyph.setSpeciesReferenceId(ref_id) speciesReferenceGlyph.setRole(SPECIES_ROLE_UNDEFINED) speciesReferenceCurve = speciesReferenceGlyph.getCurve() cb = speciesReferenceCurve.createCubicBezier() #cb = speciesReferenceCurve.createLineSegment() cb.setStart(Point(layoutns, centroid.x, centroid.y)) handles = api.default_handle_positions( netIn, allReactions[i].index) pos_x = handles[1 + j].x pos_y = handles[1 + j].y cb.setBasePoint1(Point(layoutns, pos_x, pos_y)) cb.setBasePoint2(Point(layoutns, pos_x, pos_y)) pos_x = allNodes[allReactions[i].targets[j]].position.x pos_y = allNodes[allReactions[i].targets[j]].position.y width = allNodes[allReactions[i].targets[j]].size.x height = allNodes[allReactions[i].targets[j]].size.y cb.setEnd( Point(layoutns, pos_x + 0.5 * width, pos_y - 0.5 * height)) sbmlStr_layout = writeSBMLToString( document) #sbmlStr is w/o layout info #self.SBMLText.SetValue(sbmlStr_layout) doc = readSBMLFromString(sbmlStr_layout) model_layout = doc.getModel() mplugin = model_layout.getPlugin("layout") # add render information to the first layout layout = mplugin.getLayout(0) rPlugin = layout.getPlugin("render") uri = RenderExtension.getXmlnsL2() if doc.getLevel( ) == 2 else RenderExtension.getXmlnsL3V1V1() # enable render package doc.enablePackage(uri, "render", True) doc.setPackageRequired("render", False) rPlugin = layout.getPlugin("render") rInfo = rPlugin.createLocalRenderInformation() rInfo.setId("info") rInfo.setName("Render Information") rInfo.setProgramName("RenderInformation") rInfo.setProgramVersion("1.0") # add some colors if numCompartments != 0: fill_color = allcompartments[0].fill_color border_color = allcompartments[0].border_color comp_border_width = allcompartments[0].border_width fill_color_str = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (fill_color.r, fill_color.g, fill_color.b) border_color_str = '#%02x%02x%02x' % ( border_color.r, border_color.g, border_color.b) else: comp_border_width = 2. fill_color_str = '#9ea9ff' border_color_str = '#001dff' #nodeData does not have fill_color,border_color,border_width node = allNodes[0] # spec_fill_color = node.fill_color # spec_border_color = node.border_color # spec_border_width = node.border_width # spec_fill_color_str = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (spec_fill_color.r,spec_fill_color.g,spec_fill_color.b) # spec_border_color_str = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (spec_border_color.r,spec_border_color.g,spec_border_color.b) spec_fill_color_str = '#ffcc99' spec_border_color_str = '#ff6c09' spec_border_width = 2. if numReactions != 0: reaction_fill_color = allReactions[0].fill_color reaction_fill_color_str = '#%02x%02x%02x' % ( reaction_fill_color.r, reaction_fill_color.g, reaction_fill_color.b) reaction_line_thickness = allReactions[i].line_thickness #add some colors color = rInfo.createColorDefinition() color.setId("black") color.setColorValue("#000000") color = rInfo.createColorDefinition() color.setId("comp_fill_color") color.setColorValue(fill_color_str) color = rInfo.createColorDefinition() color.setId("comp_border_color") color.setColorValue(border_color_str) color = rInfo.createColorDefinition() color.setId("spec_fill_color") color.setColorValue(spec_fill_color_str) color = rInfo.createColorDefinition() color.setId("spec_border_color") color.setColorValue(spec_border_color_str) if numReactions != 0: color = rInfo.createColorDefinition() color.setId("reaction_fill_color") color.setColorValue(reaction_fill_color_str) # add a list of styles style = rInfo.createStyle("compStyle") style.getGroup().setFillColor("comp_fill_color") style.getGroup().setStroke("comp_border_color") style.getGroup().setStrokeWidth(comp_border_width) style.addType("COMPARTMENTGLYPH") rectangle = style.getGroup().createRectangle() rectangle.setCoordinatesAndSize(RelAbsVector(0, 0), RelAbsVector(0, 0), RelAbsVector(0, 0), RelAbsVector(0, 100), RelAbsVector(0, 100)) style = rInfo.createStyle("specStyle") style.getGroup().setFillColor("spec_fill_color") style.getGroup().setStroke("spec_border_color") style.getGroup().setStrokeWidth(spec_border_width) style.addType("SPECIESGLYPH") rectangle = style.getGroup().createRectangle() rectangle.setCoordinatesAndSize(RelAbsVector(0, 0), RelAbsVector(0, 0), RelAbsVector(0, 0), RelAbsVector(0, 100), RelAbsVector(0, 100)) style = rInfo.createStyle("textStyle") style.getGroup().setStroke("black") style.getGroup().setStrokeWidth(1.) style.addType("TEXTGLYPH") if numReactions != 0: style = rInfo.createStyle("reactionStyle") style.getGroup().setStroke("reaction_fill_color") style.getGroup().setStrokeWidth(reaction_line_thickness) style.addType("REACTIONGLYPH SPECIESREFERENCEGLYPH") sbmlStr_layout_render = writeSBMLToString(doc) self.SBMLText.SetValue(sbmlStr_layout_render)
def test_update_basic(self): api.add_node(self.neti, id="Eric") api.update_node(self.neti, 0, 'James') nodes = api.get_nodes(self.neti) self.assertEqual(len(nodes), 1) self.assertEqual(nodes[0].id, 'James')