def __init__(self, value_network, config, writer=None): self.config = config # Load configs self.betas_for_duplication = parse(self.config["betas_for_duplication"]) self.betas_for_discretisation = parse(self.config["betas_for_discretisation"]) self.loss_function = loss_function_factory(self.config["loss_function"]) self.loss_function_c = loss_function_factory(self.config["loss_function_c"]) self.device = choose_device(self.config["device"]) # Load network self._value_network = value_network self._value_network = self.n_actions = self._value_network.predict.out_features // 2 self.writer = writer if writer: self.writer.add_graph(self._value_network, input_to_model=torch.tensor(np.zeros((1, 1, self._value_network.size_state + 1), dtype=np.float32)).to(self.device)) self.memory = ReplayMemory(transition_type=TransitionBFTQ, config=self.config) self.optimizer = None self.batch = 0 self.epoch = 0 self.reset()
def __init__(self, env, config=None): super(AbstractDQNAgent, self).__init__(config) self.env = env assert isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Discrete) or isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Tuple), \ "Only compatible with Discrete action spaces." self.memory = ReplayMemory(self.config) self.exploration_policy = exploration_factory(self.config["exploration"], self.env.action_space) = True self.previous_state = None
def __init__(self, env, config=None): super(AbstractDQNAgent, self).__init__(config) self.env = env self.config["num_states"] = env.observation_space.shape[0] self.config["num_actions"] = env.action_space.n self.config["model"]["all_layers"] = \ [self.config["num_states"]] + self.config["model"]["layers"] + [self.config["num_actions"]] self.memory = ReplayMemory(self.config) self.exploration_policy = exploration_factory(self.config["exploration"], self.env.action_space) = True self.previous_state = None
def __init__(self, env, config=None): super(AbstractDQNAgent, self).__init__(config) self.env = env assert isinstance( env.action_space, spaces.Discrete), "Only compatible with Discrete action spaces." self.config["model"]["in"] = int( self.config["model"]["out"] = env.action_space.n self.memory = ReplayMemory(self.config) self.exploration_policy = exploration_factory( self.config["exploration"], self.env.action_space) = True self.previous_state = None
class BudgetedFittedQ(object): def __init__(self, value_network, config, writer=None): self.config = config # Load configs self.betas_for_duplication = parse(self.config["betas_for_duplication"]) self.betas_for_discretisation = parse(self.config["betas_for_discretisation"]) self.loss_function = loss_function_factory(self.config["loss_function"]) self.loss_function_c = loss_function_factory(self.config["loss_function_c"]) self.device = choose_device(self.config["device"]) # Load network self._value_network = value_network self._value_network = self.n_actions = self._value_network.predict.out_features // 2 self.writer = writer if writer: self.writer.add_graph(self._value_network, input_to_model=torch.tensor(np.zeros((1, 1, self._value_network.size_state + 1), dtype=np.float32)).to(self.device)) self.memory = ReplayMemory(transition_type=TransitionBFTQ, config=self.config) self.optimizer = None self.batch = 0 self.epoch = 0 self.reset() def push(self, state, action, reward, next_state, terminal, cost, beta=None): """ Push a transition into the replay memory. """ action = torch.tensor([[action]], dtype=torch.long) reward = torch.tensor([reward], dtype=torch.float) terminal = torch.tensor([terminal], dtype=torch.bool) cost = torch.tensor([cost], dtype=torch.float) state = torch.tensor([[state]], dtype=torch.float) next_state = torch.tensor([[next_state]], dtype=torch.float) # Data augmentation for (potentially missing) budget values if np.size(self.betas_for_duplication): for beta_d in self.betas_for_duplication: if beta: # If the transition already has a beta, augment data by altering it. beta_d = torch.tensor([[[beta_d * beta]]], dtype=torch.float) else: # Otherwise, simply set new betas beta_d = torch.tensor([[[beta_d]]], dtype=torch.float) self.memory.push(state, action, reward, next_state, terminal, cost, beta_d) else: beta = torch.tensor([[[beta]]], dtype=torch.float) self.memory.push(state, action, reward, next_state, terminal, cost, beta) def run(self): """ Run BFTQ on the batch of transitions in memory. We fit a model for the optimal reward-cost state-budget-action values Qr and Qc. The BFTQ epoch is repeated until convergence or timeout. :return: the obtained value network Qr*, Qc* """"Run") self.batch += 1 for self.epoch in range(self.config["epochs"]): self._epoch() return self._value_network def _epoch(self): """ Run a single epoch of BFTQ. This is similar to a fitted value iteration: 1. Bootstrap the targets for Qr, Qc using the Budgeted Bellman Optimality operator 2. Fit the Qr, Qc model to the targets """ logger.debug("Epoch {}/{}".format(self.epoch + 1, self.config["epochs"])) states_betas, actions, rewards, costs, next_states, betas, terminals = self._zip_batch() target_r, target_c = self.compute_targets(rewards, costs, next_states, betas, terminals) self._fit(states_betas, actions, target_r, target_c) plot_values_histograms(self._value_network, (target_r, target_c), states_betas, actions, self.writer, self.epoch, self.batch) def _zip_batch(self): """ Convert the batch of transitions to several tensors of states, actions, rewards, etc. :return: state-beta, state, action, reward, constraint, next_state, beta, terminal batches """ batch = self.memory.memory self.size_batch = len(batch) zipped = TransitionBFTQ(*zip(*batch)) actions = rewards = terminals = costs = betas = states = next_states = states_betas =, betas), dim=2).to(self.device) # Batch normalization mean = torch.mean(states_betas, 0).to(self.device) std = torch.std(states_betas, 0).to(self.device) self._value_network.set_normalization_params(mean, std) return states_betas, actions, rewards, costs, next_states, betas, terminals def compute_targets(self, rewards, costs, next_states, betas, terminals): """ Compute target values by applying the Budgeted Bellman Optimality operator :param rewards: batch of rewards :param costs: batch of costs :param next_states: batch of next states :param betas: batch of budgets :param terminals: batch of terminations :return: target values """ logger.debug("Compute targets") with torch.no_grad(): next_rewards, next_costs = self.boostrap_next_values(next_states, betas, terminals) target_r = rewards + self.config["gamma"] * next_rewards target_c = costs + self.config["gamma_c"] * next_costs if self.config["clamp_qc"] is not None: target_c = torch.clamp(target_c, min=self.config["clamp_qc"][0], max=self.config["clamp_qc"][1]) torch.cuda.empty_cache() return target_r, target_c def boostrap_next_values(self, next_states, betas, terminals): """ Boostrap the (Vr, Vc) values at next states by following the greedy policy. The model is evaluated for optimal one-step mixtures of actions & budgets that fulfill the cost constraints. :param next_states: batch of next states :param betas: batch of budgets :param terminals: batch of terminations :return: Vr and Vc at the next states, following optimal mixtures """ # Initialisation next_rewards = torch.zeros(len(next_states), device=self.device) next_costs = torch.zeros(len(next_states), device=self.device) if self.epoch == 0: return next_rewards, next_costs # Greedy policy computation pi(a'|s') # 1. Select non-final next states next_states_nf = next_states[~terminals] betas_nf = betas[~terminals] # 2. Forward pass of the model Qr, Qc q_values = self.compute_next_values(next_states_nf) # 3. Compute Pareto-optimal frontiers F of {(Qc, Qr)}_AB at all states hulls = self.compute_all_frontiers(q_values, len(next_states_nf)) # 4. Compute optimal mixture policies satisfying budget constraint: max E[Qr] s.t. E[Qc] < beta mixtures = self.compute_all_optimal_mixtures(hulls, betas_nf) # Expected value Vr,Vc of the greedy policy at s' next_rewards_nf = torch.zeros(len(next_states_nf), device=self.device) next_costs_nf = torch.zeros(len(next_states_nf), device=self.device) for i, mix in enumerate(mixtures): next_rewards_nf[i] = (1 - mix.probability_sup) * mix.inf.qr + mix.probability_sup * mix.sup.qr next_costs_nf[i] = (1 - mix.probability_sup) * mix.inf.qc + mix.probability_sup * mix.sup.qc next_rewards[~terminals] = next_rewards_nf next_costs[~terminals] = next_costs_nf torch.cuda.empty_cache() return next_rewards, next_costs def compute_next_values(self, next_states): """ Compute Q(S, B) with a single forward pass. S: set of states B: set of budgets (discretised) :param next_states: batch of next state :return: Q values at next states """ logger.debug("-Forward pass") # Compute the cartesian product sb of all next states s with all budgets b ss = next_states.squeeze().repeat((1, len(self.betas_for_discretisation))) \ .view((len(next_states) * len(self.betas_for_discretisation), self._value_network.size_state)) bb = torch.from_numpy(self.betas_for_discretisation).float().unsqueeze(1).to(device=self.device) bb = bb.repeat((len(next_states), 1)) sb =, bb), dim=1).unsqueeze(1) # To avoid spikes in memory, we actually split the batch in several minibatches batch_sizes = near_split(x=len(sb), num_bins=self.config["split_batches"]) q_values = [] for minibatch in range(self.config["split_batches"]): mini_batch = sb[sum(batch_sizes[:minibatch]):sum(batch_sizes[:minibatch + 1])] q_values.append(self._value_network(mini_batch)) torch.cuda.empty_cache() return def compute_all_frontiers(self, q_values, states_count): """ Parallel computing of pareto-optimal frontiers F """ logger.debug("-Compute frontiers") n_beta = len(self.betas_for_discretisation) hull_params = [(q_values[state * n_beta: (state + 1) * n_beta], self.betas_for_discretisation, self.config["hull_options"], self.config["clamp_qc"]) for state in range(states_count)] if self.config["processes"] == 1: results = [pareto_frontier(*param) for param in hull_params] else: with Pool(self.config["processes"]) as p: results = p.starmap(pareto_frontier, hull_params) frontiers, all_points = zip(*results) torch.cuda.empty_cache() for s in [0, -1]: plot_frontier(frontiers[s], all_points[s], self.writer, self.epoch, title="agent/Hull {} batch {}".format(s, self.batch)) return frontiers def compute_all_optimal_mixtures(self, frontiers, betas): """ Parallel computing of optimal mixtures """ logger.debug("-Compute optimal mixtures") params = [(frontiers[i], beta.detach().item()) for i, beta in enumerate(betas)] if self.config["processes"] == 1: optimal_policies = [optimal_mixture(*param) for param in params] else: with Pool(self.config["processes"]) as p: optimal_policies = p.starmap(optimal_mixture, params) return optimal_policies def _fit(self, states_betas, actions, target_r, target_c): """ Fit a network Q(state, action, beta) = (Qr, Qc) to target values :param states_betas: batch of states and betas :param actions: batch of actions :param target_r: batch of target reward-values :param target_c: batch of target cost-values :return: the Bellman residual delta between the model and target values """ logger.debug("Fit model") # Initial Bellman residual with torch.no_grad(): delta = self._compute_loss(states_betas, actions, target_r, target_c).detach().item() torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Reset network if self.config["reset_network_each_epoch"]: self.reset_network() # Gradient descent losses = [] for nn_epoch in range(self.config["regression_epochs"]): loss = self._gradient_step(states_betas, actions, target_r, target_c) losses.append(loss) torch.cuda.empty_cache() return delta def _compute_loss(self, states_betas, actions, target_r, target_c): """ Compute the loss between the model values and target values :param states_betas: input state-beta batch :param actions: input actions batch :param target_r: target qr :param target_c: target qc :return: the weighted loss for expected rewards and costs """ values = self._value_network(states_betas) qr = values.gather(1, actions) qc = values.gather(1, actions + self.n_actions) loss_qc = self.loss_function_c(qc, target_c.unsqueeze(1)) loss_qr = self.loss_function(qr, target_r.unsqueeze(1)) w_r, w_c = self.config["weights_losses"] loss = w_c * loss_qc + w_r * loss_qr return loss def _gradient_step(self, states_betas, actions, target_r, target_c): loss = self._compute_loss(states_betas, actions, target_r, target_c) self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() for param in self._value_network.parameters():, 1) self.optimizer.step() return loss.detach().item() def save_network(self, path=None): path = Path(path) if path else Path(""), path) return path def load_network(self, path=None): path = Path(path) if path else Path("") self._value_network = torch.load(path, map_location=self.device) return self._value_network def reset_network(self): self._value_network.reset() def reset(self, reset_weight=True): torch.cuda.empty_cache() if reset_weight: self.reset_network() self.optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.config["optimizer"]["type"], self._value_network.parameters(), self.config["optimizer"]["learning_rate"], self.config["optimizer"]["weight_decay"]) self.epoch = 0
class AbstractDQNAgent(AbstractStochasticAgent, ABC): def __init__(self, env, config=None): super(AbstractDQNAgent, self).__init__(config) self.env = env assert isinstance( env.action_space, spaces.Discrete), "Only compatible with Discrete action spaces." self.config["model"]["in"] = int( self.config["model"]["out"] = env.action_space.n self.memory = ReplayMemory(self.config) self.exploration_policy = exploration_factory( self.config["exploration"], self.env.action_space) = True self.previous_state = None @classmethod def default_config(cls): return dict(model=dict(type="DuelingNetwork", layers=[100, 100]), optimizer=dict(type="ADAM", lr=5e-4, weight_decay=0, k=5), loss_function="smooth_l1", memory_capacity=50000, batch_size=100, gamma=0.99, device="cuda:best", exploration=dict(method="EpsilonGreedy"), target_update=1) def record(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done, info): """ Record a transition by performing a Deep Q-Network iteration - push the transition into memory - sample a minibatch - compute the bellman residual loss over the minibatch - perform one gradient descent step - slowly track the policy network with the target network :param state: a state :param action: an action :param reward: a reward :param next_state: a next state :param done: whether state is terminal """ if not return self.memory.push(state, action, reward, next_state, done, info) batch = self.sample_minibatch() if batch: loss, _, _ = self.compute_bellman_residual(batch) self.step_optimizer(loss) self.update_target_network() def act(self, state): """ Act according to the state-action value model and an exploration policy :param state: current state :return: an action """ self.previous_state = state values = self.get_state_action_values(state) self.exploration_policy.update(values, step_time=True) return self.exploration_policy.sample() def sample_minibatch(self): if len(self.memory) < self.config["batch_size"]: return None transitions = self.memory.sample(self.config["batch_size"]) return Transition(*zip(*transitions)) def update_target_network(self): self.steps += 1 if self.steps % self.config["target_update"] == 0: self.target_net.load_state_dict(self.value_net.state_dict()) @abstractmethod def compute_bellman_residual(self, batch, target_state_action_value=None): """ Compute the Bellman Residual Loss over a batch :param batch: batch of transitions :param target_state_action_value: if provided, acts as a target (s,a)-value if not, it will be computed from batch and model (Double DQN target) :return: the loss over the batch, and the computed target """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def get_batch_state_values(self, states): """ Get the state values of several states :param states: [s1; ...; sN] an array of states :return: values, actions: - [V1; ...; VN] the array of the state values for each state - [a1*; ...; aN*] the array of corresponding optimal action indexes for each state """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def get_batch_state_action_values(self, states): """ Get the state-action values of several states :param states: [s1; ...; sN] an array of states :return: values:[[Q11, ..., Q1n]; ...] the array of all action values for each state """ raise NotImplementedError def get_state_value(self, state): """ :param state: s, an environment state :return: V, its state-value """ values, actions = self.get_batch_state_values([state]) return values[0], actions[0] def get_state_action_values(self, state): """ :param state: s, an environment state :return: [Q(a1,s), ..., Q(an,s)] the array of its action-values for each actions """ return self.get_batch_state_action_values([state])[0] def step_optimizer(self, loss): raise NotImplementedError def seed(self, seed=None): return self.exploration_policy.seed(seed) def reset(self): pass def set_writer(self, writer): super().set_writer(writer) try: self.exploration_policy.set_writer(writer) except AttributeError: pass def action_distribution(self, state): self.previous_state = state values = self.get_state_action_values(state) self.exploration_policy.update(values, step_time=False) return self.exploration_policy.get_distribution() def set_time(self, time): self.exploration_policy.set_time(time) def eval(self): = False self.config['exploration']['method'] = "Greedy" self.exploration_policy = exploration_factory( self.config["exploration"], self.env.action_space)