def reset(self, **kwargs): self.cat_policy = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.cat_policy.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.value_net = self.value_net_fn( self.env, **self.value_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.value_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.value_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.cat_policy_old = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) self.MseLoss = nn.MSELoss() self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0 # useful data self._rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) self._cumul_rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) # default writer log_every = 5 * logger.getEffectiveLevel() self.writer = PeriodicWriter(, log_every=log_every)
def reset(self, **kwargs): self.policy_net = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.policy_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0
def reset(self, **kwargs): self.cat_policy = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.cat_policy.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.value_net = self.value_net_fn( self.env, **self.value_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.value_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.value_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.cat_policy_old = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) self.MseLoss = nn.MSELoss() self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0
def reset(self, **kwargs): self.policy_net = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs, ).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.policy_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0 # useful data self._rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) self._cumul_rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) # default writer log_every = 5 * logger.getEffectiveLevel() self.writer = PeriodicWriter(, log_every=log_every)
def reset(self, **kwargs): self.cat_policy = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.cat_policy.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.value_net = self.value_net_fn( self.env, **self.value_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.value_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.value_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.cat_policy_old = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) self.MseLoss = nn.MSELoss() # TODO: turn into argument self.memory = Memory( ) # TODO: Improve memory to include returns and advantages self.returns = [] # TODO: add to memory self.advantages = [] # TODO: add to memory self.episode = 0
class AVECPPOAgent(AgentWithSimplePolicy): """ AVEC uses a modification of the training objective for the critic in actor-critic algorithms to better approximate the value function (critic). The new state-value function approximation learns the *relative* value of the states rather than their *absolute* value as in conventional actor-critic. This modification is: - well-motivated by recent studies [1,2]; - theoretically sound; - intuitively supported by the need to improve the approximation error of the critic. The application of Actor with Variance Estimated Critic (AVEC) to state-of-the-art policy gradient methods produces considerable gains in performance (on average +26% for SAC and +40% for PPO) over the standard actor-critic training. Parameters ---------- env : Model model with continuous (Box) state space and discrete actions batch_size : int Number of episodes to wait before updating the policy. horizon : int Horizon of the objective function. If None and gamma<1, set to 1/(1-gamma). gamma : double Discount factor in [0, 1]. If gamma is 1.0, the problem is set to be finite-horizon. entr_coef : double Entropy coefficient. vf_coef : double Value function loss coefficient. learning_rate : double Learning rate. optimizer_type: str Type of optimizer. 'ADAM' by defaut. eps_clip : double PPO clipping range (epsilon). k_epochs : int Number of epochs per update. policy_net_fn : function(env, **kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a policy network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. value_net_fn : function(env, **kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a value network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. policy_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for policy_net_fn value_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for value_net_fn use_bonus : bool, default = False If true, compute an 'exploration_bonus' and add it to the reward. See also UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper. uncertainty_estimator_kwargs : dict Arguments for the UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper device : str Device to put the tensors on References ---------- Flet-Berliac, Y., Ouhamma, R., Maillard, O. A., & Preux, P. (2021). "Is Standard Deviation the New Standard? Revisiting the Critic in Deep Policy Gradients." In International Conference on Learning Representations. [1] Ilyas, A., Engstrom, L., Santurkar, S., Tsipras, D., Janoos, F., Rudolph, L. & Madry, A. (2020). "A closer look at deep policy gradients." In International Conference on Learning Representations. [2] Tucker, G., Bhupatiraju, S., Gu, S., Turner, R., Ghahramani, Z. & Levine, S. (2018). "The mirage of action-dependent baselines in reinforcement learning." In International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 5015–5024. """ name = "AVECPPO" def __init__(self, env, batch_size=8, horizon=256, gamma=0.99, entr_coef=0.01, vf_coef=0.0, avec_coef=1.0, learning_rate=0.0003, optimizer_type="ADAM", eps_clip=0.2, k_epochs=10, policy_net_fn=None, value_net_fn=None, policy_net_kwargs=None, value_net_kwargs=None, use_bonus=False, uncertainty_estimator_kwargs=None, device="cuda:best", **kwargs): # For all parameters, define self.param = param _, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe()) values.pop("self") for arg, val in values.items(): setattr(self, arg, val) AgentWithSimplePolicy.__init__(self, env, **kwargs) self.use_bonus = use_bonus if self.use_bonus: self.env = UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper( self.env, **uncertainty_estimator_kwargs) self.device = choose_device(device) self.policy_net_kwargs = policy_net_kwargs or {} self.value_net_kwargs = value_net_kwargs or {} self.state_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape[0] self.action_dim = self.env.action_space.n # self.policy_net_fn = policy_net_fn or default_policy_net_fn self.value_net_fn = value_net_fn or default_value_net_fn self.optimizer_kwargs = { "optimizer_type": optimizer_type, "lr": learning_rate } # check environment assert isinstance(self.env.observation_space, spaces.Box) assert isinstance(self.env.action_space, spaces.Discrete) self.cat_policy = None # categorical policy function # initialize self.reset() def reset(self, **kwargs): self.cat_policy = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.cat_policy.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.value_net = self.value_net_fn( self.env, **self.value_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.value_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.value_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.cat_policy_old = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) self.MseLoss = nn.MSELoss() self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0 def policy(self, observation): state = observation assert self.cat_policy is not None state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample().item() return action def fit(self, budget: int, **kwargs): del kwargs n_episodes_to_run = budget count = 0 while count < n_episodes_to_run: self._run_episode() count += 1 def _select_action(self, state): state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample() action_logprob = action_dist.log_prob(action) self.memory.states.append(state) self.memory.actions.append(action) self.memory.logprobs.append(action_logprob) return action.item() def _run_episode(self): # interact for H steps episode_rewards = 0 state = self.env.reset() for _ in range(self.horizon): # running policy_old action = self._select_action(state) next_state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) # check whether to use bonus bonus = 0.0 if self.use_bonus: if info is not None and "exploration_bonus" in info: bonus = info["exploration_bonus"] # save in batch self.memory.rewards.append(reward + bonus) # add bonus here self.memory.is_terminals.append(done) episode_rewards += reward if done: break # update state state = next_state # update self.episode += 1 # if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("episode_rewards", episode_rewards, self.episode) # if self.episode % self.batch_size == 0: self._update() self.memory.clear_memory() return episode_rewards def _update(self): # monte carlo estimate of rewards rewards = [] discounted_reward = 0 for reward, is_terminal in zip(reversed(self.memory.rewards), reversed(self.memory.is_terminals)): if is_terminal: discounted_reward = 0 discounted_reward = reward + (self.gamma * discounted_reward) rewards.insert(0, discounted_reward) # normalizing the rewards rewards = torch.tensor(rewards).to(self.device).float() rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / (rewards.std() + 1e-5) # convert list to tensor old_states = torch.stack(self.memory.states).to(self.device).detach() old_actions = torch.stack(self.memory.actions).to(self.device).detach() old_logprobs = torch.stack(self.memory.logprobs).to( self.device).detach() # optimize policy for K epochs for _ in range(self.k_epochs): # evaluate old actions and values action_dist = self.cat_policy(old_states) logprobs = action_dist.log_prob(old_actions) state_values = torch.squeeze(self.value_net(old_states)) dist_entropy = action_dist.entropy() # find ratio (pi_theta / pi_theta__old) ratios = torch.exp(logprobs - old_logprobs.detach()) # normalize the advantages advantages = rewards - state_values.detach() advantages = (advantages - advantages.mean()) / (advantages.std() + 1e-8) # find surrogate loss surr1 = ratios * advantages surr2 = ( torch.clamp(ratios, 1 - self.eps_clip, 1 + self.eps_clip) * advantages) loss = (-torch.min(surr1, surr2) + self.avec_coef * self._avec_loss(state_values, rewards) + self.vf_coef * self.MseLoss(state_values, rewards) - self.entr_coef * dist_entropy) # take gradient step self.policy_optimizer.zero_grad() self.value_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.mean().backward() self.policy_optimizer.step() self.value_optimizer.step() # copy new weights into old policy self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) def _avec_loss(self, y_pred, y_true): """ Computes the objective function used in AVEC for the learning of the value function: the residual variance between the state-values and the empirical returns. Returns Var[y-ypred] :param y_pred: (np.ndarray) the prediction :param y_true: (np.ndarray) the expected value :return: (float) residual variance of ypred and y """ assert y_true.ndim == 1 and y_pred.ndim == 1 return torch.var(y_true - y_pred) # # For hyperparameter optimization # @classmethod def sample_parameters(cls, trial): batch_size = trial.suggest_categorical("batch_size", [1, 4, 8, 16, 32]) gamma = trial.suggest_categorical("gamma", [0.9, 0.95, 0.99]) learning_rate = trial.suggest_loguniform("learning_rate", 1e-5, 1) entr_coef = trial.suggest_loguniform("entr_coef", 1e-8, 0.1) eps_clip = trial.suggest_categorical("eps_clip", [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) k_epochs = trial.suggest_categorical("k_epochs", [1, 5, 10, 20]) return { "batch_size": batch_size, "gamma": gamma, "learning_rate": learning_rate, "entr_coef": entr_coef, "eps_clip": eps_clip, "k_epochs": k_epochs, }
class A2CAgent(IncrementalAgent): """ Parameters ---------- env : Model Online model with continuous (Box) state space and discrete actions n_episodes : int Number of episodes batch_size : int Number of episodes to wait before updating the policy. horizon : int Horizon. gamma : double Discount factor in [0, 1]. entr_coef : double Entropy coefficient. learning_rate : double Learning rate. optimizer_type: str Type of optimizer. 'ADAM' by defaut. k_epochs : int Number of epochs per update. policy_net_fn : function(env, **kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a policy network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. value_net_fn : function(env, **kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a value network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. policy_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for policy_net_fn value_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for value_net_fn use_bonus : bool, default = False If true, compute an 'exploration_bonus' and add it to the reward. See also UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper. uncertainty_estimator_kwargs : dict Arguments for the UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper device : str Device to put the tensors on References ---------- Mnih, V., Badia, A.P., Mirza, M., Graves, A., Lillicrap, T., Harley, T., Silver, D. & Kavukcuoglu, K. (2016). "Asynchronous methods for deep reinforcement learning." In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1928-1937). """ name = "A2C" def __init__(self, env, n_episodes=4000, batch_size=8, horizon=256, gamma=0.99, entr_coef=0.01, learning_rate=0.01, optimizer_type='ADAM', k_epochs=5, policy_net_fn=None, value_net_fn=None, policy_net_kwargs=None, value_net_kwargs=None, use_bonus=False, uncertainty_estimator_kwargs=None, device="cuda:best", **kwargs): self.use_bonus = use_bonus if self.use_bonus: env = UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper(env, **uncertainty_estimator_kwargs) IncrementalAgent.__init__(self, env, **kwargs) self.n_episodes = n_episodes self.batch_size = batch_size self.horizon = horizon self.gamma = gamma self.entr_coef = entr_coef self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.k_epochs = k_epochs self.device = choose_device(device) self.policy_net_kwargs = policy_net_kwargs or {} self.value_net_kwargs = value_net_kwargs or {} self.state_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape[0] self.action_dim = self.env.action_space.n # self.policy_net_fn = policy_net_fn or default_policy_net_fn self.value_net_fn = value_net_fn or default_value_net_fn self.optimizer_kwargs = { 'optimizer_type': optimizer_type, 'lr': learning_rate } # check environment assert isinstance(self.env.observation_space, spaces.Box) assert isinstance(self.env.action_space, spaces.Discrete) self.cat_policy = None # categorical policy function # initialize self.reset() def reset(self, **kwargs): self.cat_policy = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.cat_policy.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.value_net = self.value_net_fn( self.env, **self.value_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.value_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.value_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.cat_policy_old = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) self.MseLoss = nn.MSELoss() self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0 # useful data self._rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) self._cumul_rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) # default writer log_every = 5 * logger.getEffectiveLevel() self.writer = PeriodicWriter(, log_every=log_every) def policy(self, state, **kwargs): assert self.cat_policy is not None state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample().item() return action def partial_fit(self, fraction: float, **kwargs): assert 0.0 < fraction <= 1.0 n_episodes_to_run = int(np.ceil(fraction * self.n_episodes)) count = 0 while count < n_episodes_to_run and self.episode < self.n_episodes: self._run_episode() count += 1 info = { "n_episodes": self.episode, "episode_rewards": self._rewards[:self.episode] } return info def _select_action(self, state): state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample() action_logprob = action_dist.log_prob(action) self.memory.states.append(state) self.memory.actions.append(action) self.memory.logprobs.append(action_logprob) return action.item() def _run_episode(self): # interact for H steps episode_rewards = 0 state = self.env.reset() for _ in range(self.horizon): # running policy_old action = self._select_action(state) next_state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) # check whether to use bonus bonus = 0.0 if self.use_bonus: if info is not None and 'exploration_bonus' in info: bonus = info['exploration_bonus'] # save in batch self.memory.rewards.append(reward + bonus) # add bonus here self.memory.is_terminals.append(done) episode_rewards += reward if done: break # update state state = next_state # update ep = self.episode self._rewards[ep] = episode_rewards self._cumul_rewards[ep] = episode_rewards \ + self._cumul_rewards[max(0, ep - 1)] self.episode += 1 # if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("episode", self.episode, None) self.writer.add_scalar("ep reward", episode_rewards) # if self.episode % self.batch_size == 0: self._update() self.memory.clear_memory() return episode_rewards def _update(self): # monte carlo estimate of rewards rewards = [] discounted_reward = 0 for reward, is_terminal in zip(reversed(self.memory.rewards), reversed(self.memory.is_terminals)): if is_terminal: discounted_reward = 0 discounted_reward = reward + (self.gamma * discounted_reward) rewards.insert(0, discounted_reward) # normalize the rewards rewards = torch.tensor(rewards).to(self.device).float() rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / (rewards.std() + 1e-5) # convert list to tensor old_states = torch.stack(self.memory.states).to(self.device).detach() old_actions = torch.stack(self.memory.actions).to(self.device).detach() # optimize policy for K epochs for _ in range(self.k_epochs): # evaluate old actions and values action_dist = self.cat_policy(old_states) logprobs = action_dist.log_prob(old_actions) state_values = torch.squeeze(self.value_net(old_states)) dist_entropy = action_dist.entropy() # normalize the advantages advantages = rewards - state_values.detach() advantages = (advantages - advantages.mean()) \ / (advantages.std() + 1e-8) # find pg loss pg_loss = -logprobs * advantages loss = pg_loss \ + 0.5 * self.MseLoss(state_values, rewards) \ - self.entr_coef * dist_entropy # take gradient step self.policy_optimizer.zero_grad() self.value_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.mean().backward() self.policy_optimizer.step() self.value_optimizer.step() # copy new weights into old policy self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) # # For hyperparameter optimization # @classmethod def sample_parameters(cls, trial): batch_size = trial.suggest_categorical('batch_size', [1, 4, 8, 16, 32]) gamma = trial.suggest_categorical('gamma', [0.9, 0.95, 0.99]) learning_rate = trial.suggest_loguniform('learning_rate', 1e-5, 1) entr_coef = trial.suggest_loguniform('entr_coef', 1e-8, 0.1) k_epochs = trial.suggest_categorical('k_epochs', [1, 5, 10, 20]) return { 'batch_size': batch_size, 'gamma': gamma, 'learning_rate': learning_rate, 'entr_coef': entr_coef, 'k_epochs': k_epochs, }
class PPOAgent(AgentWithSimplePolicy): """ Proximal Policy Optimization Agent. Policy gradient methods for reinforcement learning, which alternate between sampling data through interaction with the environment, and optimizing a “surrogate” objective function using stochastic gradient ascent Parameters ---------- env : Model Online model with continuous (Box) state space and discrete actions batch_size : int Number of *episodes* to wait before updating the policy. horizon : int Horizon. gamma : double Discount factor in [0, 1]. entr_coef : double Entropy coefficient. vf_coef : double Value function loss coefficient. learning_rate : double Learning rate. optimizer_type: str Type of optimizer. 'ADAM' by defaut. eps_clip : double PPO clipping range (epsilon). k_epochs : int Number of epochs per update. policy_net_fn : function(env, **kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a policy network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. value_net_fn : function(env, **kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a value network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. policy_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for policy_net_fn value_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for value_net_fn device: str Device to put the tensors on use_bonus : bool, default = False If true, compute the environment 'exploration_bonus' and add it to the reward. See also UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper. uncertainty_estimator_kwargs : dict kwargs for UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper References ---------- Schulman, J., Wolski, F., Dhariwal, P., Radford, A. & Klimov, O. (2017). "Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms." arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.06347. Schulman, J., Levine, S., Abbeel, P., Jordan, M., & Moritz, P. (2015). "Trust region policy optimization." In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1889-1897). """ name = "PPO" def __init__(self, env, batch_size=64, update_frequency=8, horizon=256, gamma=0.99, entr_coef=0.01, vf_coef=0.5, learning_rate=0.01, optimizer_type="ADAM", eps_clip=0.2, k_epochs=5, use_gae=True, gae_lambda=0.95, policy_net_fn=None, value_net_fn=None, policy_net_kwargs=None, value_net_kwargs=None, device="cuda:best", use_bonus=False, uncertainty_estimator_kwargs=None, **kwargs): # TODO: sort arguments # For all parameters, define self.param = param _, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe()) values.pop("self") for arg, val in values.items(): setattr(self, arg, val) AgentWithSimplePolicy.__init__(self, env, **kwargs) # bonus self.use_bonus = use_bonus if self.use_bonus: self.env = UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper( self.env, **uncertainty_estimator_kwargs) # algorithm parameters # options # TODO: add reward normalization option # add observation normalization option # add orthogonal weight initialization option # add value function clip option # add ... ? self.normalize_advantages = True # TODO: turn into argument self.use_gae = use_gae self.gae_lambda = gae_lambda # function approximators self.policy_net_kwargs = policy_net_kwargs or {} self.value_net_kwargs = value_net_kwargs or {} self.state_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape[0] self.action_dim = self.env.action_space.n # self.policy_net_fn = policy_net_fn or default_policy_net_fn self.value_net_fn = value_net_fn or default_value_net_fn self.device = choose_device(device) self.optimizer_kwargs = { "optimizer_type": optimizer_type, "lr": learning_rate } # check environment assert isinstance(self.env.observation_space, spaces.Box) assert isinstance(self.env.action_space, spaces.Discrete) self.cat_policy = None # categorical policy function # initialize self.reset() @classmethod def from_config(cls, **kwargs): kwargs["policy_net_fn"] = eval(kwargs["policy_net_fn"]) kwargs["value_net_fn"] = eval(kwargs["value_net_fn"]) return cls(**kwargs) def reset(self, **kwargs): self.cat_policy = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.cat_policy.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.value_net = self.value_net_fn( self.env, **self.value_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.value_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.value_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.cat_policy_old = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) self.MseLoss = nn.MSELoss() # TODO: turn into argument self.memory = Memory( ) # TODO: Improve memory to include returns and advantages self.returns = [] # TODO: add to memory self.advantages = [] # TODO: add to memory self.episode = 0 def policy(self, observation): state = observation assert self.cat_policy is not None state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample().item() return action def fit(self, budget: int, **kwargs): del kwargs n_episodes_to_run = budget count = 0 while count < n_episodes_to_run: self._run_episode() count += 1 def _run_episode(self): # to store transitions states = [] actions = [] action_logprobs = [] rewards = [] is_terminals = [] # interact for H steps episode_rewards = 0 state = self.env.reset() for _ in range(self.horizon): # running policy_old state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample() action_logprob = action_dist.log_prob(action) action = action next_state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action.item()) # check whether to use bonus bonus = 0.0 if self.use_bonus: if info is not None and "exploration_bonus" in info: bonus = info["exploration_bonus"] # save transition states.append(state) actions.append(action) action_logprobs.append(action_logprob) rewards.append(reward + bonus) # bonus added here is_terminals.append(done) episode_rewards += reward if done: break # update state state = next_state # compute returns and advantages state_values = self.value_net(torch.stack(states).to( self.device)).detach() state_values = torch.squeeze(state_values).tolist() # TODO: add the option to normalize before computing returns/advantages? returns, advantages = self._compute_returns_avantages( rewards, is_terminals, state_values) # save in batch self.memory.states.extend(states) self.memory.actions.extend(actions) self.memory.logprobs.extend(action_logprobs) self.memory.rewards.extend(rewards) self.memory.is_terminals.extend(is_terminals) self.returns.extend(returns) # TODO: add to memory (cf reset) self.advantages.extend(advantages) # TODO: add to memory (cf reset) # increment ep counter self.episode += 1 # log if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("episode_rewards", episode_rewards, self.episode) # update if (self.episode % self.update_frequency == 0 ): # TODO: maybe change to update in function of n_steps instead self._update() self.memory.clear_memory() del self.returns[:] # TODO: add to memory (cf reset) del self.advantages[:] # TODO: add to memory (cf reset) return episode_rewards def _update(self): # convert list to tensor full_old_states = torch.stack(self.memory.states).to( self.device).detach() full_old_actions = torch.stack(self.memory.actions).to( self.device).detach() full_old_logprobs = torch.stack(self.memory.logprobs).to( self.device).detach() full_old_returns = torch.stack(self.returns).to(self.device).detach() full_old_advantages = torch.stack(self.advantages).to( self.device).detach() # optimize policy for K epochs n_samples = full_old_actions.size(0) n_batches = n_samples // self.batch_size for _ in range(self.k_epochs): # shuffle samples rd_indices = self.rng.choice(n_samples, size=n_samples, replace=False) shuffled_states = full_old_states[rd_indices] shuffled_actions = full_old_actions[rd_indices] shuffled_logprobs = full_old_logprobs[rd_indices] shuffled_returns = full_old_returns[rd_indices] shuffled_advantages = full_old_advantages[rd_indices] for k in range(n_batches): # sample batch batch_idx = np.arange( k * self.batch_size, min((k + 1) * self.batch_size, n_samples)) old_states = shuffled_states[batch_idx] old_actions = shuffled_actions[batch_idx] old_logprobs = shuffled_logprobs[batch_idx] old_returns = shuffled_returns[batch_idx] old_advantages = shuffled_advantages[batch_idx] # evaluate old actions and values action_dist = self.cat_policy(old_states) logprobs = action_dist.log_prob(old_actions) state_values = torch.squeeze(self.value_net(old_states)) dist_entropy = action_dist.entropy() # find ratio (pi_theta / pi_theta__old) ratios = torch.exp(logprobs - old_logprobs) # TODO: add this option # normalizing the rewards # rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / (rewards.std() + 1e-5) # normalize the advantages old_advantages = old_advantages.view(-1, ) if self.normalize_advantages: old_advantages = (old_advantages - old_advantages.mean() ) / (old_advantages.std() + 1e-10) # compute surrogate loss surr1 = ratios * old_advantages surr2 = ( torch.clamp(ratios, 1 - self.eps_clip, 1 + self.eps_clip) * old_advantages) surr_loss = torch.min(surr1, surr2) # compute value function loss loss_vf = self.vf_coef * self.MseLoss(state_values, old_returns) # compute entropy loss loss_entropy = self.entr_coef * dist_entropy # compute total loss loss = -surr_loss + loss_vf - loss_entropy # take gradient step self.policy_optimizer.zero_grad() self.value_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.mean().backward() self.policy_optimizer.step() self.value_optimizer.step() # log if self.writer: self.writer.add_scalar( "fit/surrogate_loss", surr_loss.mean().cpu().detach().numpy(), self.episode, ) self.writer.add_scalar( "fit/entropy_loss", dist_entropy.mean().cpu().detach().numpy(), self.episode, ) # copy new weights into old policy self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) def _compute_returns_avantages(self, rewards, is_terminals, state_values): returns = torch.zeros(self.horizon).to(self.device) advantages = torch.zeros(self.horizon).to(self.device) if not self.use_gae: for t in reversed(range(self.horizon)): if t == self.horizon - 1: returns[t] = (rewards[t] + self.gamma * (1 - is_terminals[t]) * state_values[-1]) else: returns[t] = (rewards[t] + self.gamma * (1 - is_terminals[t]) * returns[t + 1]) advantages[t] = returns[t] - state_values[t] else: last_adv = 0 for t in reversed(range(self.horizon)): if t == self.horizon - 1: returns[t] = (rewards[t] + self.gamma * (1 - is_terminals[t]) * state_values[-1]) td_error = returns[t] - state_values[t] else: returns[t] = (rewards[t] + self.gamma * (1 - is_terminals[t]) * returns[t + 1]) td_error = (rewards[t] + self.gamma * (1 - is_terminals[t]) * state_values[t + 1] - state_values[t]) last_adv = (self.gae_lambda * self.gamma * (1 - is_terminals[t]) * last_adv + td_error) advantages[t] = last_adv return returns, advantages # # For hyperparameter optimization # @classmethod def sample_parameters(cls, trial): batch_size = trial.suggest_categorical("batch_size", [1, 4, 8, 16, 32]) gamma = trial.suggest_categorical("gamma", [0.9, 0.95, 0.99]) learning_rate = trial.suggest_loguniform("learning_rate", 1e-5, 1) entr_coef = trial.suggest_loguniform("entr_coef", 1e-8, 0.1) eps_clip = trial.suggest_categorical("eps_clip", [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) k_epochs = trial.suggest_categorical("k_epochs", [1, 5, 10, 20]) return { "batch_size": batch_size, "gamma": gamma, "learning_rate": learning_rate, "entr_coef": entr_coef, "eps_clip": eps_clip, "k_epochs": k_epochs, }
class REINFORCEAgent(AgentWithSimplePolicy): """ REINFORCE with entropy regularization. Parameters ---------- env : Model Online model with continuous (Box) state space and discrete actions batch_size : int Number of episodes to wait before updating the policy. horizon : int Horizon. gamma : double Discount factor in [0, 1]. entr_coef : double Entropy coefficient. learning_rate : double Learning rate. normalize: bool If True normalize rewards optimizer_type: str Type of optimizer. 'ADAM' by defaut. policy_net_fn : function(env, **kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a policy network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. policy_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for policy_net_fn use_bonus_if_available : bool, default = False If true, check if environment info has entry 'exploration_bonus' and add it to the reward. See also UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper. device: str Device to put the tensors on References ---------- Williams, Ronald J., "Simple statistical gradient-following algorithms for connectionist reinforcement learning." ReinforcementLearning.Springer,Boston,MA,1992.5-3 """ name = "REINFORCE" def __init__(self, env, batch_size=8, horizon=256, gamma=0.99, entr_coef=0.01, learning_rate=0.0001, normalize=True, optimizer_type="ADAM", policy_net_fn=None, policy_net_kwargs=None, use_bonus_if_available=False, device="cuda:best", **kwargs): # For all parameters, define self.param = param _, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe()) values.pop("self") for arg, val in values.items(): setattr(self, arg, val) AgentWithSimplePolicy.__init__(self, env, **kwargs) self.device = choose_device(device) self.state_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape[0] self.action_dim = self.env.action_space.n self.policy_net_kwargs = policy_net_kwargs or {} # self.policy_net_fn = policy_net_fn or default_policy_net_fn self.optimizer_kwargs = { "optimizer_type": optimizer_type, "lr": learning_rate } # check environment assert isinstance(self.env.observation_space, spaces.Box) assert isinstance(self.env.action_space, spaces.Discrete) self.policy_net = None # policy network # initialize self.reset() def reset(self, **kwargs): self.policy_net = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.policy_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0 def policy(self, observation): state = observation assert self.policy_net is not None state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.policy_net(state) action = action_dist.sample().item() return action def fit(self, budget: int, **kwargs): del kwargs n_episodes_to_run = budget count = 0 while count < n_episodes_to_run: self._run_episode() count += 1 def _run_episode(self): # interact for H steps episode_rewards = 0 state = self.env.reset() for _ in range(self.horizon): # running policy action = self.policy(state) next_state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) # check whether to use bonus bonus = 0.0 if self.use_bonus_if_available: if info is not None and "exploration_bonus" in info: bonus = info["exploration_bonus"] # save in batch self.memory.states.append(state) self.memory.actions.append(action) self.memory.rewards.append(reward + bonus) # add bonus here self.memory.is_terminals.append(done) episode_rewards += reward if done: break # update state state = next_state # update self.episode += 1 # if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("episode_rewards", episode_rewards, self.episode) # if self.episode % self.batch_size == 0: self._update() self.memory.clear_memory() return episode_rewards def _normalize(self, x): return (x - x.mean()) / (x.std() + 1e-5) def _update(self): # monte carlo estimate of rewards rewards = [] discounted_reward = 0 for reward, is_terminal in zip(reversed(self.memory.rewards), reversed(self.memory.is_terminals)): if is_terminal: discounted_reward = 0 discounted_reward = reward + (self.gamma * discounted_reward) rewards.insert(0, discounted_reward) # convert list to tensor states = torch.FloatTensor(self.memory.states).to(self.device) actions = torch.LongTensor(self.memory.actions).to(self.device) rewards = torch.FloatTensor(rewards).to(self.device) if self.normalize: rewards = self._normalize(rewards) # evaluate logprobs action_dist = self.policy_net(states) logprobs = action_dist.log_prob(actions) dist_entropy = action_dist.entropy() # compute loss loss = -logprobs * rewards - self.entr_coef * dist_entropy # take gradient step self.policy_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.mean().backward() self.policy_optimizer.step() # # For hyperparameter optimization # @classmethod def sample_parameters(cls, trial): batch_size = trial.suggest_categorical("batch_size", [1, 4, 8, 16, 32]) gamma = trial.suggest_categorical("gamma", [0.9, 0.95, 0.99]) learning_rate = trial.suggest_loguniform("learning_rate", 1e-5, 1) entr_coef = trial.suggest_loguniform("entr_coef", 1e-8, 0.1) return { "batch_size": batch_size, "gamma": gamma, "learning_rate": learning_rate, "entr_coef": entr_coef, }
class A2CAgent(AgentWithSimplePolicy): """ Advantage Actor Critic Agent. A2C, or Advantage Actor Critic, is a synchronous version of the A3C policy gradient method. As an alternative to the asynchronous implementation of A3C, A2C is a synchronous, deterministic implementation that waits for each actor to finish its segment of experience before updating, averaging over all of the actors. This more effectively uses GPUs due to larger batch sizes. Parameters ---------- env : Model Online model with continuous (Box) state space and discrete actions batch_size : int Number of episodes to wait before updating the policy. horizon : int Horizon. gamma : double Discount factor in [0, 1]. entr_coef : double Entropy coefficient. learning_rate : double Learning rate. optimizer_type: str Type of optimizer. 'ADAM' by defaut. k_epochs : int Number of epochs per update. policy_net_fn : function(env, **kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a policy network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. value_net_fn : function(env, **kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a value network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. policy_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for policy_net_fn value_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for value_net_fn use_bonus : bool, default = False If true, compute an 'exploration_bonus' and add it to the reward. See also UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper. uncertainty_estimator_kwargs : dict Arguments for the UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper device : str Device to put the tensors on References ---------- Mnih, V., Badia, A.P., Mirza, M., Graves, A., Lillicrap, T., Harley, T., Silver, D. & Kavukcuoglu, K. (2016). "Asynchronous methods for deep reinforcement learning." In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1928-1937). """ name = "A2C" def __init__(self, env, batch_size=8, horizon=256, gamma=0.99, entr_coef=0.01, learning_rate=0.01, optimizer_type="ADAM", k_epochs=5, policy_net_fn=None, value_net_fn=None, policy_net_kwargs=None, value_net_kwargs=None, use_bonus=False, uncertainty_estimator_kwargs=None, device="cuda:best", **kwargs): AgentWithSimplePolicy.__init__(self, env, **kwargs) self.use_bonus = use_bonus if self.use_bonus: self.env = UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper( self.env, **uncertainty_estimator_kwargs) self.batch_size = batch_size self.horizon = horizon self.gamma = gamma self.entr_coef = entr_coef self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.k_epochs = k_epochs self.device = choose_device(device) self.policy_net_kwargs = policy_net_kwargs or {} self.value_net_kwargs = value_net_kwargs or {} self.state_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape[0] self.action_dim = self.env.action_space.n # self.policy_net_fn = policy_net_fn or default_policy_net_fn self.value_net_fn = value_net_fn or default_value_net_fn self.optimizer_kwargs = { "optimizer_type": optimizer_type, "lr": learning_rate } # check environment assert isinstance(self.env.observation_space, spaces.Box) assert isinstance(self.env.action_space, spaces.Discrete) self.cat_policy = None # categorical policy function # initialize self.reset() def reset(self, **kwargs): self.cat_policy = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.cat_policy.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.value_net = self.value_net_fn( self.env, **self.value_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.value_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.value_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.cat_policy_old = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) self.MseLoss = nn.MSELoss() self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0 def policy(self, observation): state = observation assert self.cat_policy is not None state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample().item() return action def fit(self, budget: int, **kwargs): del kwargs n_episodes_to_run = budget count = 0 while count < n_episodes_to_run: self._run_episode() count += 1 def _select_action(self, state): state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample() action_logprob = action_dist.log_prob(action) self.memory.states.append(state) self.memory.actions.append(action) self.memory.logprobs.append(action_logprob) return action.item() def _run_episode(self): # interact for H steps episode_rewards = 0 state = self.env.reset() for i in range(self.horizon): # running policy_old action = self._select_action(state) next_state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) # check whether to use bonus bonus = 0.0 if self.use_bonus: if info is not None and "exploration_bonus" in info: bonus = info["exploration_bonus"] # save in batch self.memory.rewards.append(reward + bonus) # add bonus here self.memory.is_terminals.append(done) episode_rewards += reward if done: break # update state state = next_state if i == self.horizon - 1: self.memory.is_terminals[-1] = True # update self.episode += 1 # if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("episode_rewards", episode_rewards, self.episode) # if self.episode % self.batch_size == 0: self._update() self.memory.clear_memory() return episode_rewards def _update(self): # monte carlo estimate of rewards rewards = [] discounted_reward = 0 for reward, is_terminal in zip(reversed(self.memory.rewards), reversed(self.memory.is_terminals)): if is_terminal: discounted_reward = 0 discounted_reward = reward + (self.gamma * discounted_reward) rewards.insert(0, discounted_reward) # normalize the rewards rewards = torch.tensor(rewards).to(self.device).float() rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / (rewards.std() + 1e-5) # convert list to tensor old_states = torch.stack(self.memory.states).to(self.device).detach() old_actions = torch.stack(self.memory.actions).to(self.device).detach() # optimize policy for K epochs for _ in range(self.k_epochs): # evaluate old actions and values action_dist = self.cat_policy(old_states) logprobs = action_dist.log_prob(old_actions) state_values = torch.squeeze(self.value_net(old_states)) dist_entropy = action_dist.entropy() # normalize the advantages advantages = rewards - state_values.detach() advantages = (advantages - advantages.mean()) / (advantages.std() + 1e-8) # find pg loss pg_loss = -logprobs * advantages loss = (pg_loss + 0.5 * self.MseLoss(state_values, rewards) - self.entr_coef * dist_entropy) # take gradient step self.policy_optimizer.zero_grad() self.value_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.mean().backward() self.policy_optimizer.step() self.value_optimizer.step() # copy new weights into old policy self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) # # For hyperparameter optimization # @classmethod def sample_parameters(cls, trial): batch_size = trial.suggest_categorical("batch_size", [1, 4, 8, 16, 32]) gamma = trial.suggest_categorical("gamma", [0.9, 0.95, 0.99]) learning_rate = trial.suggest_loguniform("learning_rate", 1e-5, 1) entr_coef = trial.suggest_loguniform("entr_coef", 1e-8, 0.1) k_epochs = trial.suggest_categorical("k_epochs", [1, 5, 10, 20]) return { "batch_size": batch_size, "gamma": gamma, "learning_rate": learning_rate, "entr_coef": entr_coef, "k_epochs": k_epochs, }
class PPOAgent(IncrementalAgent): """ Parameters ---------- env : Model Online model with continuous (Box) state space and discrete actions n_episodes : int Number of episodes batch_size : int Number of *episodes* to wait before updating the policy. horizon : int Horizon. gamma : double Discount factor in [0, 1]. entr_coef : double Entropy coefficient. vf_coef : double Value function loss coefficient. learning_rate : double Learning rate. optimizer_type: str Type of optimizer. 'ADAM' by defaut. eps_clip : double PPO clipping range (epsilon). k_epochs : int Number of epochs per update. policy_net_fn : function(env, \*\*kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a policy network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. value_net_fn : function(env, \*\*kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a value network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. policy_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for policy_net_fn value_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for value_net_fn device: str Device to put the tensors on use_bonus : bool, default = False If true, compute the environment 'exploration_bonus' and add it to the reward. See also UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper. uncertainty_estimator_kwargs : dict kwargs for UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper References ---------- Schulman, J., Wolski, F., Dhariwal, P., Radford, A. & Klimov, O. (2017). "Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms." arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.06347. Schulman, J., Levine, S., Abbeel, P., Jordan, M., & Moritz, P. (2015). "Trust region policy optimization." In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1889-1897). """ name = "PPO" def __init__(self, env, n_episodes=4000, batch_size=8, horizon=256, gamma=0.99, entr_coef=0.01, vf_coef=0.5, learning_rate=0.01, optimizer_type='ADAM', eps_clip=0.2, k_epochs=5, use_gae=True, gae_lambda=0.95, policy_net_fn=None, value_net_fn=None, policy_net_kwargs=None, value_net_kwargs=None, device="cuda:best", use_bonus=False, uncertainty_estimator_kwargs=None, **kwargs): self.use_bonus = use_bonus if self.use_bonus: env = UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper(env, **uncertainty_estimator_kwargs) IncrementalAgent.__init__(self, env, **kwargs) self.n_episodes = n_episodes self.batch_size = batch_size self.horizon = horizon self.gamma = gamma self.entr_coef = entr_coef self.vf_coef = vf_coef self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.eps_clip = eps_clip self.k_epochs = k_epochs self.use_gae = use_gae self.gae_lambda = gae_lambda self.policy_net_kwargs = policy_net_kwargs or {} self.value_net_kwargs = value_net_kwargs or {} self.state_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape[0] self.action_dim = self.env.action_space.n # self.policy_net_fn = policy_net_fn or default_policy_net_fn self.value_net_fn = value_net_fn or default_value_net_fn self.device = choose_device(device) self.optimizer_kwargs = { 'optimizer_type': optimizer_type, 'lr': learning_rate } # check environment assert isinstance(self.env.observation_space, spaces.Box) assert isinstance(self.env.action_space, spaces.Discrete) self.cat_policy = None # categorical policy function # initialize self.reset() @classmethod def from_config(cls, **kwargs): kwargs["policy_net_fn"] = eval(kwargs["policy_net_fn"]) kwargs["value_net_fn"] = eval(kwargs["value_net_fn"]) return cls(**kwargs) def reset(self, **kwargs): self.cat_policy = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.cat_policy.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.value_net = self.value_net_fn( self.env, **self.value_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.value_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.value_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.cat_policy_old = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) self.MseLoss = nn.MSELoss() self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0 # useful data self._rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) self._cumul_rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) # default writer self.writer = PeriodicWriter(, log_every=5 * logger.getEffectiveLevel()) def policy(self, state, **kwargs): assert self.cat_policy is not None state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample().item() return action def partial_fit(self, fraction: float, **kwargs): assert 0.0 < fraction <= 1.0 n_episodes_to_run = int(np.ceil(fraction * self.n_episodes)) count = 0 while count < n_episodes_to_run and self.episode < self.n_episodes: self._run_episode() count += 1 info = { "n_episodes": self.episode, "episode_rewards": self._rewards[:self.episode] } return info def _select_action(self, state): state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample() action_logprob = action_dist.log_prob(action) self.memory.states.append(state) self.memory.actions.append(action) self.memory.logprobs.append(action_logprob) return action.item() def _run_episode(self): # interact for H steps episode_rewards = 0 state = self.env.reset() for _ in range(self.horizon): # running policy_old action = self._select_action(state) next_state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) # check whether to use bonus bonus = 0.0 if self.use_bonus: if info is not None and 'exploration_bonus' in info: bonus = info['exploration_bonus'] # save in batch self.memory.rewards.append(reward + bonus) # bonus added here self.memory.is_terminals.append(done) episode_rewards += reward if done: break # update state state = next_state # update ep = self.episode self._rewards[ep] = episode_rewards self._cumul_rewards[ep] = episode_rewards \ + self._cumul_rewards[max(0, ep - 1)] self.episode += 1 # if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("fit/total_reward", episode_rewards, self.episode) # if self.episode % self.batch_size == 0: self._update() self.memory.clear_memory() return episode_rewards def _update(self): # monte carlo estimate of rewards rewards = [] discounted_reward = 0 for reward, is_terminal in zip(reversed(self.memory.rewards), reversed(self.memory.is_terminals)): if is_terminal: discounted_reward = 0 discounted_reward = reward + (self.gamma * discounted_reward) rewards.insert(0, discounted_reward) # convert list to tensor old_states = torch.stack(self.memory.states).to(self.device).detach() old_actions = torch.stack(self.memory.actions).to(self.device).detach() old_logprobs = torch.stack(self.memory.logprobs).to( self.device).detach() # optimize policy for K epochs for _ in range(self.k_epochs): # evaluate old actions and values action_dist = self.cat_policy(old_states) logprobs = action_dist.log_prob(old_actions) state_values = torch.squeeze(self.value_net(old_states)) dist_entropy = action_dist.entropy() # find ratio (pi_theta / pi_theta__old) ratios = torch.exp(logprobs - old_logprobs.detach()) rewards = torch.tensor(rewards).to(self.device).float() returns = torch.zeros(rewards.shape).to(self.device) advantages = torch.zeros(rewards.shape).to(self.device) if not self.use_gae: for t in reversed(range(self.horizon)): if t == self.horizon - 1: returns[t] = rewards[t] + self.gamma * ( 1 - self.memory.is_terminals[t]) * state_values[-1] else: returns[t] = rewards[t] + self.gamma * ( 1 - self.memory.is_terminals[t]) * returns[t + 1] advantages[t] = returns[t] - state_values[t] else: for t in reversed(range(self.horizon)): if t == self.horizon - 1: returns[t] = rewards[t] + self.gamma * ( 1 - self.memory.is_terminals[t]) * state_values[-1] td_error = returns[t] - state_values[t] else: returns[t] = rewards[t] + self.gamma * ( 1 - self.memory.is_terminals[t]) * returns[t + 1] td_error = rewards[t] + self.gamma * ( 1 - self.memory.is_terminals[t] ) * state_values[t + 1] - state_values[t] advantages[ t] = advantages[t] * self.gae_lambda * self.gamma * ( 1 - self.memory.is_terminals[t]) + td_error # normalizing the rewards # rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / (rewards.std() + 1e-5) # convert to pytorch tensors and move to gpu if available advantages = advantages.view(-1, ) # normalize the advantages advantages = (advantages - advantages.mean()) / (advantages.std() + 1e-10) # find surrogate loss surr1 = ratios * advantages surr2 = torch.clamp(ratios, 1 - self.eps_clip, 1 + self.eps_clip) * advantages surr_loss = torch.min(surr1, surr2) loss = - surr_loss \ + self.vf_coef * self.MseLoss(state_values, rewards) \ - self.entr_coef * dist_entropy # take gradient step self.policy_optimizer.zero_grad() self.value_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.mean().backward() self.policy_optimizer.step() self.value_optimizer.step() self.writer.add_scalar("fit/surrogate_loss", surr_loss.mean().cpu().detach().numpy(), self.episode) self.writer.add_scalar("fit/entropy_loss", dist_entropy.mean().cpu().detach().numpy(), self.episode) # copy new weights into old policy self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) # # For hyperparameter optimization # @classmethod def sample_parameters(cls, trial): batch_size = trial.suggest_categorical('batch_size', [1, 4, 8, 16, 32]) gamma = trial.suggest_categorical('gamma', [0.9, 0.95, 0.99]) learning_rate = trial.suggest_loguniform('learning_rate', 1e-5, 1) entr_coef = trial.suggest_loguniform('entr_coef', 1e-8, 0.1) eps_clip = trial.suggest_categorical('eps_clip', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) k_epochs = trial.suggest_categorical('k_epochs', [1, 5, 10, 20]) return { 'batch_size': batch_size, 'gamma': gamma, 'learning_rate': learning_rate, 'entr_coef': entr_coef, 'eps_clip': eps_clip, 'k_epochs': k_epochs, }
class PPOAgent(IncrementalAgent): """ Parameters ---------- env : Model Online model with continuous (Box) state space and discrete actions n_episodes : int Number of episodes batch_size : int Number of episodes to wait before updating the policy. horizon : int Horizon. gamma : double Discount factor in [0, 1]. entr_coef : double Entropy coefficient. vf_coef : double Value function loss coefficient. learning_rate : double Learning rate. optimizer_type: str Type of optimizer. 'ADAM' by defaut. eps_clip : double PPO clipping range (epsilon). k_epochs : int Number of epochs per update. policy_net_fn : function Function that returns an instance of a policy network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. value_net_fn : function Function that returns an instance of a value network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. References ---------- Schulman, J., Wolski, F., Dhariwal, P., Radford, A. & Klimov, O. (2017). "Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms." arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.06347. Schulman, J., Levine, S., Abbeel, P., Jordan, M., & Moritz, P. (2015). "Trust region policy optimization." In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1889-1897). """ name = "PPO" fit_info = ("n_episodes", "episode_rewards") def __init__(self, env, n_episodes=4000, batch_size=8, horizon=256, gamma=0.99, entr_coef=0.01, vf_coef=0.5, learning_rate=0.01, optimizer_type='ADAM', eps_clip=0.2, k_epochs=5, policy_net_fn=None, value_net_fn=None, **kwargs): IncrementalAgent.__init__(self, env, **kwargs) self.n_episodes = n_episodes self.batch_size = batch_size self.horizon = horizon self.gamma = gamma self.entr_coef = entr_coef self.vf_coef = vf_coef self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.eps_clip = eps_clip self.k_epochs = k_epochs self.state_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape[0] self.action_dim = self.env.action_space.n # self.policy_net_fn = policy_net_fn \ or (lambda: default_policy_net_fn(self.env)) self.value_net_fn = value_net_fn \ or (lambda: default_value_net_fn(self.env)) self.optimizer_kwargs = { 'optimizer_type': optimizer_type, 'lr': learning_rate } # check environment assert isinstance(self.env.observation_space, spaces.Box) assert isinstance(self.env.action_space, spaces.Discrete) self.cat_policy = None # categorical policy function # initialize self.reset() def reset(self, **kwargs): self.cat_policy = self.policy_net_fn().to(device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.cat_policy.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.value_net = self.value_net_fn().to(device) self.value_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.value_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.cat_policy_old = self.policy_net_fn().to(device) self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) self.MseLoss = nn.MSELoss() self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0 # useful data self._rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) self._cumul_rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) # default writer self.writer = PeriodicWriter(, log_every=5 * logger.getEffectiveLevel()) def policy(self, state, **kwargs): assert self.cat_policy is not None state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample().item() return action def fit(self, **kwargs): for _ in range(self.n_episodes): self._run_episode() info = { "n_episodes": self.episode, "episode_rewards": self._rewards[:self.episode] } return info def partial_fit(self, fraction: float, **kwargs): assert 0.0 < fraction <= 1.0 n_episodes_to_run = int(np.ceil(fraction * self.n_episodes)) count = 0 while count < n_episodes_to_run and self.episode < self.n_episodes: self._run_episode() count += 1 info = { "n_episodes": self.episode, "episode_rewards": self._rewards[:self.episode] } return info def _select_action(self, state): state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample() action_logprob = action_dist.log_prob(action) self.memory.states.append(state) self.memory.actions.append(action) self.memory.logprobs.append(action_logprob) return action.item() def _run_episode(self): # interact for H steps episode_rewards = 0 state = self.env.reset() for _ in range(self.horizon): # running policy_old action = self._select_action(state) next_state, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action) # save in batch self.memory.rewards.append(reward) self.memory.is_terminals.append(done) episode_rewards += reward if done: break # update state state = next_state # update ep = self.episode self._rewards[ep] = episode_rewards self._cumul_rewards[ep] = episode_rewards \ + self._cumul_rewards[max(0, ep - 1)] self.episode += 1 # if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("episode", self.episode, None) self.writer.add_scalar("ep reward", episode_rewards) # if self.episode % self.batch_size == 0: self._update() self.memory.clear_memory() return episode_rewards def _update(self): # monte carlo estimate of rewards rewards = [] discounted_reward = 0 for reward, is_terminal in zip(reversed(self.memory.rewards), reversed(self.memory.is_terminals)): if is_terminal: discounted_reward = 0 discounted_reward = reward + (self.gamma * discounted_reward) rewards.insert(0, discounted_reward) # normalizing the rewards rewards = torch.tensor(rewards).to(device).float() rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / (rewards.std() + 1e-5) # convert list to tensor old_states = torch.stack(self.memory.states).to(device).detach() old_actions = torch.stack(self.memory.actions).to(device).detach() old_logprobs = torch.stack(self.memory.logprobs).to(device).detach() # optimize policy for K epochs for _ in range(self.k_epochs): # evaluate old actions and values action_dist = self.cat_policy(old_states) logprobs = action_dist.log_prob(old_actions) state_values = self.value_net(old_states) dist_entropy = action_dist.entropy() # find ratio (pi_theta / pi_theta__old) ratios = torch.exp(logprobs - old_logprobs.detach()) # normalize the advantages advantages = rewards - state_values.detach() advantages = (advantages - advantages.mean()) / \ (advantages.std() + 1e-8) # find surrogate loss surr1 = ratios * advantages surr2 = torch.clamp(ratios, 1 - self.eps_clip, 1 + self.eps_clip) * advantages loss = -torch.min(surr1, surr2) \ + self.vf_coef * self.MseLoss(state_values, rewards) \ - self.entr_coef * dist_entropy # take gradient step self.policy_optimizer.zero_grad() self.value_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.mean().backward() self.policy_optimizer.step() self.value_optimizer.step() # copy new weights into old policy self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) # # For hyperparameter optimization # @classmethod def sample_parameters(cls, trial): batch_size = trial.suggest_categorical('batch_size', [1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]) learning_rate = trial.suggest_loguniform('learning_rate', 1e-5, 1) return { 'batch_size': batch_size, 'learning_rate': learning_rate, }
class TRPOAgent(IncrementalAgent): """ Parameters ---------- env : Model Online model with continuous (Box) state space and discrete actions n_episodes : int Number of episodes batch_size : int Number of *episodes* to wait before updating the policy. horizon : int Horizon. gamma : double Discount factor in [0, 1]. entr_coef : double Entropy coefficient. vf_coef : double Value function loss coefficient. learning_rate : double Learning rate. optimizer_type: str Type of optimizer. 'ADAM' by defaut. eps_clip : double PPO clipping range (epsilon). k_epochs : int Number of epochs per update. policy_net_fn : function(env, **kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a policy network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. value_net_fn : function(env, **kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a value network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. policy_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for policy_net_fn value_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for value_net_fn device: str Device to put the tensors on use_bonus : bool, default = False If true, compute the environment 'exploration_bonus' and add it to the reward. See also UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper. uncertainty_estimator_kwargs : dict kwargs for UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper References ---------- Schulman, J., Levine, S., Abbeel, P., Jordan, M., & Moritz, P. (2015). "Trust region policy optimization." In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1889-1897). """ name = "TRPO" def __init__(self, env, n_episodes=4000, batch_size=8, horizon=256, gamma=0.99, entr_coef=0.01, vf_coef=0.5, learning_rate=0.01, optimizer_type='ADAM', k_epochs=5, use_gae=True, gae_lambda=0.95, policy_net_fn=None, value_net_fn=None, policy_net_kwargs=None, value_net_kwargs=None, device="cuda:best", use_bonus=False, uncertainty_estimator_kwargs=None, **kwargs): self.use_bonus = use_bonus if self.use_bonus: env = UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper(env, **uncertainty_estimator_kwargs) IncrementalAgent.__init__(self, env, **kwargs) self.n_episodes = n_episodes self.batch_size = batch_size self.horizon = horizon self.gamma = gamma self.entr_coef = entr_coef self.vf_coef = vf_coef self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.k_epochs = k_epochs self.use_gae = use_gae self.gae_lambda = gae_lambda self.damping = 0 # TODO: turn into argument self.max_kl = 0.1 # TODO: turn into argument self.use_entropy = False # TODO: test, and eventually turn into argument self.normalize_advantage = True # TODO: turn into argument self.normalize_reward = False # TODO: turn into argument self.policy_net_kwargs = policy_net_kwargs or {} self.value_net_kwargs = value_net_kwargs or {} self.state_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape[0] self.action_dim = self.env.action_space.n # self.policy_net_fn = policy_net_fn or default_policy_net_fn self.value_net_fn = value_net_fn or default_value_net_fn self.device = choose_device(device) self.optimizer_kwargs = { 'optimizer_type': optimizer_type, 'lr': learning_rate } # check environment assert isinstance(self.env.observation_space, spaces.Box) assert isinstance(self.env.action_space, spaces.Discrete) # TODO: check self.cat_policy = None # categorical policy function self.policy_optimizer = None self.value_net = None self.value_optimizer = None self.cat_policy_old = None self.value_loss_fn = None self.memory = None self.episode = 0 self._rewards = None self._cumul_rewards = None # initialize self.reset() @classmethod def from_config(cls, **kwargs): kwargs["policy_net_fn"] = eval(kwargs["policy_net_fn"]) kwargs["value_net_fn"] = eval(kwargs["value_net_fn"]) return cls(**kwargs) def reset(self, **kwargs): self.cat_policy = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.cat_policy.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.value_net = self.value_net_fn( self.env, **self.value_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.value_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.value_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.cat_policy_old = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs).to(self.device) self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) self.value_loss_fn = nn.MSELoss() # TODO: turn into argument self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0 # useful data self._rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) self._cumul_rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) # default writer self.writer = PeriodicWriter(, log_every=5 * logger.getEffectiveLevel()) def policy(self, state, **kwargs): assert self.cat_policy is not None state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample().item() return action def partial_fit(self, fraction: float, **kwargs): assert 0.0 < fraction <= 1.0 n_episodes_to_run = int(np.ceil(fraction * self.n_episodes)) count = 0 while count < n_episodes_to_run and self.episode < self.n_episodes: self._run_episode() count += 1 info = { "n_episodes": self.episode, "episode_rewards": self._rewards[:self.episode] } return info def _select_action(self, state): state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample() action_logprob = action_dist.log_prob(action) return action, action_logprob def _run_episode(self): # interact for H steps episode_rewards = 0 state = self.env.reset() for _ in range(self.horizon): # running policy_old action, log_prob = self._select_action(state) next_state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action.item()) # check whether to use bonus bonus = 0.0 if self.use_bonus: if info is not None and 'exploration_bonus' in info: bonus = info['exploration_bonus'] # save in batch self.memory.states.append( torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device)) self.memory.actions.append(action) self.memory.logprobs.append(log_prob) self.memory.rewards.append(reward + bonus) # bonus added here self.memory.is_terminals.append(done) episode_rewards += reward if done: break # update state state = next_state # update ep = self.episode self._rewards[ep] = episode_rewards self._cumul_rewards[ep] = episode_rewards + self._cumul_rewards[max( 0, ep - 1)] self.episode += 1 # if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("fit/total_reward", episode_rewards, self.episode) # if self.episode % self.batch_size == 0: self._update() self.memory.clear_memory() return episode_rewards def _update(self): # monte carlo estimate of rewards rewards = [] discounted_reward = 0 for reward, is_terminal in zip(reversed(self.memory.rewards), reversed(self.memory.is_terminals)): if is_terminal: discounted_reward = 0 discounted_reward = reward + (self.gamma * discounted_reward) rewards.insert(0, discounted_reward) # convert list to tensor # TODO: shuffle samples for each epoch old_states = torch.stack(self.memory.states).to(self.device).detach() old_actions = torch.stack(self.memory.actions).to(self.device).detach() old_logprobs = torch.stack(self.memory.logprobs).to( self.device).detach() old_action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(old_states) # optimize policy for K epochs for _ in range(self.k_epochs): # evaluate old actions and values action_dist = self.cat_policy(old_states) logprobs = action_dist.log_prob(old_actions) state_values = torch.squeeze(self.value_net(old_states)) dist_entropy = action_dist.entropy() # find ratio (pi_theta / pi_theta__old) ratios = torch.exp(logprobs - old_logprobs.detach()) # compute returns and advantages rewards = torch.tensor(rewards).to(self.device).float() returns = torch.zeros(rewards.shape).to(self.device) advantages = torch.zeros(rewards.shape).to(self.device) if not self.use_gae: for t in reversed(range(self.horizon)): if t == self.horizon - 1: returns[t] = rewards[t] + self.gamma * ( 1 - self.memory.is_terminals[t]) * state_values[-1] else: returns[t] = rewards[t] + self.gamma * ( 1 - self.memory.is_terminals[t]) * returns[t + 1] advantages[t] = returns[t] - state_values[t] else: for t in reversed(range(self.horizon)): if t == self.horizon - 1: returns[t] = rewards[t] + self.gamma * ( 1 - self.memory.is_terminals[t]) * state_values[-1] td_error = returns[t] - state_values[t] else: returns[t] = rewards[t] + self.gamma * ( 1 - self.memory.is_terminals[t]) * returns[t + 1] td_error = rewards[t] + self.gamma * ( 1 - self.memory.is_terminals[t] ) * state_values[t + 1] - state_values[t] advantages[ t] = advantages[t] * self.gae_lambda * self.gamma * ( 1 - self.memory.is_terminals[t]) + td_error # normalizing the rewards if self.normalize_reward: rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / (rewards.std() + 1e-5) # convert to pytorch tensors and move to gpu if available advantages = advantages.view(-1, ) # normalize the advantages if self.normalize_advantage: advantages = (advantages - advantages.mean()) / (advantages.std() + 1e-10) # estimate policy gradient loss = -ratios * advantages if self.use_entropy: loss += -self.entr_coef * dist_entropy # TODO: Check gradient's sign, conjugate_gradients function, fisher_vp function, linesearch function # TODO: Check the gradients and if they flow correctly grads = torch.autograd.grad(loss.mean(), self.cat_policy.parameters(), retain_graph=True) loss_grad =[grad.view(-1) for grad in grads]).data # conjugate gradient algorithm step_dir = self.conjugate_gradients(-loss_grad, old_action_dist, old_states, nsteps=10) # update the policy by backtracking line search shs = 0.5 * (step_dir * self.fisher_vp( step_dir, old_action_dist, old_states)).sum(0, keepdim=True) lagrange_mult = torch.sqrt(shs / self.max_kl).item() full_step = step_dir / lagrange_mult neggdotstepdir = (-loss_grad * step_dir).sum(0, keepdim=True) # print(f'Lagrange multiplier: {lm[0]}, grad norm: {loss_grad.norm()}') prev_params = self.get_flat_params_from(self.cat_policy) success, new_params = self.linesearch( old_states, old_actions, old_logprobs, advantages, prev_params, full_step, neggdotstepdir / lagrange_mult) # fit value function by regression value_loss = self.vf_coef * self.value_loss_fn( state_values, rewards) self.value_optimizer.zero_grad() value_loss.mean().backward() self.value_optimizer.step() # log self.writer.add_scalar("fit/value_loss", value_loss.mean().cpu().detach().numpy(), self.episode) self.writer.add_scalar("fit/entropy_loss", dist_entropy.mean().cpu().detach().numpy(), self.episode) # copy new weights into old policy self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) def conjugate_gradients(self, b, old_action_dist, old_states, nsteps, residual_tol=1e-10): x = torch.zeros(b.size()) r = b.clone() p = b.clone() rdotr =, r) for i in range(nsteps): _Avp = self.fisher_vp(p, old_action_dist, old_states) alpha = rdotr /, _Avp) x += alpha * p r -= alpha * _Avp new_rdotr =, r) betta = new_rdotr / rdotr p = r + betta * p rdotr = new_rdotr if rdotr < residual_tol: break return x def fisher_vp(self, v, old_action_dist, old_states): action_dist = self.cat_policy(old_states) kl = kl_divergence(old_action_dist, action_dist) kl = kl.mean() grads = torch.autograd.grad(kl, self.cat_policy.parameters(), create_graph=True) flat_grad_kl =[grad.view(-1) for grad in grads]) kl_v = (flat_grad_kl * v).sum() grads = torch.autograd.grad(kl_v, self.cat_policy.parameters(), allow_unused=True) flat_grad_grad_kl = [grad.contiguous().view(-1) for grad in grads]).data return flat_grad_grad_kl + v * self.damping def linesearch(self, old_states, old_actions, old_logprobs, advantages, params, fullstep, expected_improve_rate, max_backtracks=10, accept_ratio=.1): with torch.no_grad(): action_dist = self.cat_policy(old_states) logprobs = action_dist.log_prob(old_actions) ratios = torch.exp(logprobs - old_logprobs.detach()) loss = (ratios * advantages).data for stepfrac in .5**np.arange(max_backtracks): new_params = params + stepfrac * fullstep self.set_flat_params_to(self.cat_policy, new_params) with torch.no_grad(): action_dist = self.cat_policy(old_states) logprobs = action_dist.log_prob(old_actions) ratios = torch.exp(logprobs - old_logprobs.detach()) new_loss = (ratios * advantages).data actual_improve = (loss - new_loss).mean() expected_improve = expected_improve_rate * stepfrac ratio = actual_improve / expected_improve # print("a/e/r", actual_improve.item(), expected_improve.item(), ratio.item()) if ratio.item() > accept_ratio and actual_improve.item() > 0: # print("fval after", newfval.item()) return True, new_params return False, params def get_flat_params_from(self, model): params = [] for param in model.parameters(): params.append( flat_params = return flat_params def set_flat_params_to(self, model, flat_params): prev_ind = 0 for param in model.parameters(): flat_size = int([prev_ind:prev_ind + flat_size].view( param.size())) prev_ind += flat_size # # For hyperparameter optimization # @classmethod def sample_parameters(cls, trial): batch_size = trial.suggest_categorical('batch_size', [1, 4, 8, 16, 32]) gamma = trial.suggest_categorical('gamma', [0.9, 0.95, 0.99]) learning_rate = trial.suggest_loguniform('learning_rate', 1e-5, 1) entr_coef = trial.suggest_loguniform('entr_coef', 1e-8, 0.1) eps_clip = trial.suggest_categorical('eps_clip', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) k_epochs = trial.suggest_categorical('k_epochs', [1, 5, 10, 20]) return { 'batch_size': batch_size, 'gamma': gamma, 'learning_rate': learning_rate, 'entr_coef': entr_coef, 'eps_clip': eps_clip, 'k_epochs': k_epochs, }
class REINFORCEAgent(IncrementalAgent): """ REINFORCE with entropy regularization. Parameters ---------- env : Model Online model with continuous (Box) state space and discrete actions n_episodes : int Number of episodes batch_size : int Number of episodes to wait before updating the policy. horizon : int Horizon. gamma : double Discount factor in [0, 1]. entr_coef : double Entropy coefficient. learning_rate : double Learning rate. normalize: bool If True normalize rewards optimizer_type: str Type of optimizer. 'ADAM' by defaut. policy_net_fn : function(env, **kwargs) Function that returns an instance of a policy network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. policy_net_kwargs : dict kwargs for policy_net_fn use_bonus_if_available : bool, default = False If true, check if environment info has entry 'exploration_bonus' and add it to the reward. See also UncertaintyEstimatorWrapper. device: str Device to put the tensors on References ---------- Williams, Ronald J., "Simple statistical gradient-following algorithms for connectionist reinforcement learning." ReinforcementLearning.Springer,Boston,MA,1992.5-3 """ name = "REINFORCE" def __init__(self, env, n_episodes=4000, batch_size=8, horizon=256, gamma=0.99, entr_coef=0.01, learning_rate=0.0001, normalize=True, optimizer_type='ADAM', policy_net_fn=None, policy_net_kwargs=None, use_bonus_if_available=False, device="cuda:best", **kwargs): IncrementalAgent.__init__(self, env, **kwargs) self.n_episodes = n_episodes self.batch_size = batch_size self.horizon = horizon self.gamma = gamma self.entr_coef = entr_coef self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.normalize = normalize self.use_bonus_if_available = use_bonus_if_available self.device = choose_device(device) self.state_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape[0] self.action_dim = self.env.action_space.n self.policy_net_kwargs = policy_net_kwargs or {} # self.policy_net_fn = policy_net_fn or default_policy_net_fn self.optimizer_kwargs = { 'optimizer_type': optimizer_type, 'lr': learning_rate } # check environment assert isinstance(self.env.observation_space, spaces.Box) assert isinstance(self.env.action_space, spaces.Discrete) self.policy_net = None # policy network # initialize self.reset() def reset(self, **kwargs): self.policy_net = self.policy_net_fn( self.env, **self.policy_net_kwargs, ).to(self.device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.policy_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0 # useful data self._rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) self._cumul_rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) # default writer log_every = 5 * logger.getEffectiveLevel() self.writer = PeriodicWriter(, log_every=log_every) def policy(self, state, **kwargs): assert self.policy_net is not None state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) action_dist = self.policy_net(state) action = action_dist.sample().item() return action def partial_fit(self, fraction: float, **kwargs): assert 0.0 < fraction <= 1.0 n_episodes_to_run = int(np.ceil(fraction * self.n_episodes)) count = 0 while count < n_episodes_to_run and self.episode < self.n_episodes: self._run_episode() count += 1 info = { "n_episodes": self.episode, "episode_rewards": self._rewards[:self.episode] } return info def _run_episode(self): # interact for H steps episode_rewards = 0 state = self.env.reset() for _ in range(self.horizon): # running policy action = self.policy(state) next_state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) # check whether to use bonus bonus = 0.0 if self.use_bonus_if_available: if info is not None and 'exploration_bonus' in info: bonus = info['exploration_bonus'] # save in batch self.memory.states.append(state) self.memory.actions.append(action) self.memory.rewards.append(reward + bonus) # add bonus here self.memory.is_terminals.append(done) episode_rewards += reward if done: break # update state state = next_state # update ep = self.episode self._rewards[ep] = episode_rewards self._cumul_rewards[ep] = episode_rewards \ + self._cumul_rewards[max(0, ep - 1)] self.episode += 1 # if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("episode", self.episode, None) self.writer.add_scalar("ep reward", episode_rewards) # if self.episode % self.batch_size == 0: self._update() self.memory.clear_memory() return episode_rewards def _normalize(self, x): return (x - x.mean()) / (x.std() + 1e-5) def _update(self): # monte carlo estimate of rewards rewards = [] discounted_reward = 0 for reward, is_terminal in zip(reversed(self.memory.rewards), reversed(self.memory.is_terminals)): if is_terminal: discounted_reward = 0 discounted_reward = reward + (self.gamma * discounted_reward) rewards.insert(0, discounted_reward) # convert list to tensor states = torch.FloatTensor(self.memory.states).to(self.device) actions = torch.LongTensor(self.memory.actions).to(self.device) rewards = torch.FloatTensor(rewards).to(self.device) if self.normalize: rewards = self._normalize(rewards) # evaluate logprobs action_dist = self.policy_net(states) logprobs = action_dist.log_prob(actions) dist_entropy = action_dist.entropy() # compute loss loss = -logprobs * rewards - self.entr_coef * dist_entropy # take gradient step self.policy_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.mean().backward() self.policy_optimizer.step() # # For hyperparameter optimization # @classmethod def sample_parameters(cls, trial): batch_size = trial.suggest_categorical('batch_size', [1, 4, 8, 16, 32]) gamma = trial.suggest_categorical('gamma', [0.9, 0.95, 0.99]) learning_rate = trial.suggest_loguniform('learning_rate', 1e-5, 1) entr_coef = trial.suggest_loguniform('entr_coef', 1e-8, 0.1) return { 'batch_size': batch_size, 'gamma': gamma, 'learning_rate': learning_rate, 'entr_coef': entr_coef, }
class AVECPPOAgent(IncrementalAgent): """ AVEC uses a modification of the training objective for the critic in actor-critic algorithms to better approximate the value function (critic). The new state-value function approximation learns the *relative* value of the states rather than their *absolute* value as in conventional actor-critic. This modification is: - well-motivated by recent studies [1,2]; - theoretically sound; - intuitively supported by the need to improve the approximation error of the critic. The application of Actor with Variance Estimated Critic (AVEC) to state-of-the-art policy gradient methods produces considerable gains in performance (on average +26% for SAC and +40% for PPO) over the standard actor-critic training. Parameters ---------- env : Model model with continuous (Box) state space and discrete actions n_episodes : int Number of episodes batch_size : int Number of episodes to wait before updating the policy. horizon : int Horizon of the objective function. If None and gamma<1, set to 1/(1-gamma). gamma : double Discount factor in [0, 1]. If gamma is 1.0, the problem is set to be finite-horizon. entr_coef : double Entropy coefficient. vf_coef : double Value function loss coefficient. learning_rate : double Learning rate. optimizer_type: str Type of optimizer. 'ADAM' by defaut. eps_clip : double PPO clipping range (epsilon). k_epochs : int Number of epochs per update. policy_net_fn : function Function that returns an instance of a policy network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. value_net_fn : function Function that returns an instance of a value network (pytorch). If None, a default net is used. References ---------- Flet-Berliac, Y., Ouhamma, R., Maillard, O. A., & Preux, P. (2020). "Is Standard Deviation the New Standard? Revisiting the Critic in Deep Policy Gradients." arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04440. [1] Ilyas, A., Engstrom, L., Santurkar, S., Tsipras, D., Janoos, F., Rudolph, L. & Madry, A. (2020). "A closer look at deep policy gradients." In International Conference on Learning Representations. [2] Tucker, G., Bhupatiraju, S., Gu, S., Turner, R., Ghahramani, Z. & Levine, S. (2018). "The mirage of action-dependent baselines in reinforcement learning." In International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 5015–5024. """ name = "AVECPPO" fit_info = ("n_episodes", "episode_rewards") def __init__(self, env, n_episodes=4000, batch_size=8, horizon=256, gamma=0.99, entr_coef=0.01, vf_coef=0., avec_coef=1., learning_rate=0.0003, optimizer_type='ADAM', eps_clip=0.2, k_epochs=10, policy_net_fn=None, value_net_fn=None, **kwargs): IncrementalAgent.__init__(self, env, **kwargs) self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.gamma = gamma self.entr_coef = entr_coef self.vf_coef = vf_coef self.avec_coef = avec_coef self.eps_clip = eps_clip self.k_epochs = k_epochs self.horizon = horizon self.n_episodes = n_episodes self.batch_size = batch_size self.state_dim = self.env.observation_space.shape[0] self.action_dim = self.env.action_space.n # self.policy_net_fn = policy_net_fn \ or (lambda: default_policy_net_fn(self.env)) self.value_net_fn = value_net_fn \ or (lambda: default_value_net_fn(self.env)) self.optimizer_kwargs = { 'optimizer_type': optimizer_type, 'lr': learning_rate } # check environment assert isinstance(self.env.observation_space, spaces.Box) assert isinstance(self.env.action_space, spaces.Discrete) self.cat_policy = None # categorical policy function # initialize self.reset() def reset(self, **kwargs): self.cat_policy = self.policy_net_fn().to(device) self.policy_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.cat_policy.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.value_net = self.value_net_fn().to(device) self.value_optimizer = optimizer_factory(self.value_net.parameters(), **self.optimizer_kwargs) self.cat_policy_old = self.policy_net_fn().to(device) self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) self.MseLoss = nn.MSELoss() self.memory = Memory() self.episode = 0 # useful data self._rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) self._cumul_rewards = np.zeros(self.n_episodes) # default writer self.writer = PeriodicWriter(, log_every=5 * logger.getEffectiveLevel()) def policy(self, state, **kwargs): assert self.cat_policy is not None state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample().item() return action def fit(self, **kwargs): for _ in range(self.n_episodes): self._run_episode() info = { "n_episodes": self.episode, "episode_rewards": self._rewards[:self.episode] } return info def partial_fit(self, fraction: float, **kwargs): assert 0.0 < fraction <= 1.0 n_episodes_to_run = int(np.ceil(fraction * self.n_episodes)) count = 0 while count < n_episodes_to_run and self.episode < self.n_episodes: self._run_episode() count += 1 info = { "n_episodes": self.episode, "episode_rewards": self._rewards[:self.episode] } return info def _select_action(self, state): state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(device) action_dist = self.cat_policy_old(state) action = action_dist.sample() action_logprob = action_dist.log_prob(action) self.memory.states.append(state) self.memory.actions.append(action) self.memory.logprobs.append(action_logprob) return action.item() def _run_episode(self): # interact for H steps episode_rewards = 0 state = self.env.reset() for _ in range(self.horizon): # running policy_old action = self._select_action(state) next_state, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action) # save in batch self.memory.rewards.append(reward) self.memory.is_terminals.append(done) episode_rewards += reward if done: break # update state state = next_state # update ep = self.episode self._rewards[ep] = episode_rewards self._cumul_rewards[ep] = episode_rewards \ + self._cumul_rewards[max(0, ep - 1)] self.episode += 1 # if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar("episode", self.episode, None) self.writer.add_scalar("ep reward", episode_rewards) # if self.episode % self.batch_size == 0: self._update() self.memory.clear_memory() return episode_rewards def _update(self): # monte carlo estimate of rewards rewards = [] discounted_reward = 0 for reward, is_terminal in zip(reversed(self.memory.rewards), reversed(self.memory.is_terminals)): if is_terminal: discounted_reward = 0 discounted_reward = reward + (self.gamma * discounted_reward) rewards.insert(0, discounted_reward) # normalizing the rewards rewards = torch.tensor(rewards).to(device).float() rewards = (rewards - rewards.mean()) / (rewards.std() + 1e-5) # convert list to tensor old_states = torch.stack(self.memory.states).to(device).detach() old_actions = torch.stack(self.memory.actions).to(device).detach() old_logprobs = torch.stack(self.memory.logprobs).to(device).detach() # optimize policy for K epochs for _ in range(self.k_epochs): # evaluate old actions and values action_dist = self.cat_policy(old_states) logprobs = action_dist.log_prob(old_actions) state_values = self.value_net(old_states) dist_entropy = action_dist.entropy() # find ratio (pi_theta / pi_theta__old) ratios = torch.exp(logprobs - old_logprobs.detach()) # normalize the advantages advantages = rewards - state_values.detach() advantages = (advantages - advantages.mean()) / \ (advantages.std() + 1e-8) # find surrogate loss surr1 = ratios * advantages surr2 = torch.clamp(ratios, 1 - self.eps_clip, 1 + self.eps_clip) * advantages loss = -torch.min(surr1, surr2) \ + self.avec_coef * self._avec_loss(state_values, rewards) \ + self.vf_coef * self.MseLoss(state_values, rewards) \ - self.entr_coef * dist_entropy # take gradient step self.policy_optimizer.zero_grad() self.value_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.mean().backward() self.policy_optimizer.step() self.value_optimizer.step() # copy new weights into old policy self.cat_policy_old.load_state_dict(self.cat_policy.state_dict()) def _avec_loss(self, y_pred, y_true): """ Computes the objective function used in AVEC for the learning of the value function: the residual variance between the state-values and the empirical returns. Returns Var[y-ypred] :param y_pred: (np.ndarray) the prediction :param y_true: (np.ndarray) the expected value :return: (float) residual variance of ypred and y """ assert y_true.ndim == 1 and y_pred.ndim == 1 return torch.var(y_true - y_pred) # # For hyperparameter optimization # @classmethod def sample_parameters(cls, trial): batch_size = trial.suggest_categorical('batch_size', [1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]) learning_rate = trial.suggest_loguniform('learning_rate', 1e-5, 1) return { 'batch_size': batch_size, 'learning_rate': learning_rate, }