Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self,
        if epsilon_var is None:
            self.separated_kl = False
            epsilon_var = 0.0
            self.separated_kl = True

        self.regularization = regularization
        if self.regularization:
            eta_mean = epsilon_mean
            eta_var = epsilon_var
            if not isinstance(eta_mean, ParameterDecay):
                eta_mean = Constant(eta_mean)
            if not isinstance(eta_var, ParameterDecay):
                eta_var = Constant(eta_var)

            self._eta_mean = eta_mean
            self._eta_var = eta_var

            self.epsilon_mean = torch.tensor(0.0)
            self.epsilon_var = torch.tensor(0.0)

        else:  # Trust-Region: || KL(q || \pi_old) || < \epsilon
            self._eta_mean = Learnable(1.0, positive=True)
            self._eta_var = Learnable(1.0, positive=True)

            self.epsilon_mean = torch.tensor(epsilon_mean)
            self.epsilon_var = torch.tensor(epsilon_var)
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self,
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.learn_policy = learn_policy
     if entropy_regularization:
         if not isinstance(eta, ParameterDecay):
             eta = Constant(eta)
         self.eta = eta
         self.epsilon = torch.tensor(0.0)
         self.eta = Learnable(1.0, positive=True)
         self.epsilon = torch.tensor(eta)
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, eta=0.0, target_entropy=0.0, regularization=True):
        # Actor
        self.target_entropy = target_entropy  # -self.policy.dim_action[0]
        self.regularization = regularization

        if regularization:  # Regularization: \eta KL(\pi || Uniform)
            if not isinstance(eta, ParameterDecay):
                eta = Constant(eta)
            self._eta = eta
        else:  # Trust-Region: || KL(\pi || Uniform) - target|| < \epsilon
            if isinstance(eta, ParameterDecay):
                eta = eta()
            self._eta = Learnable(eta, positive=True)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, dual=0.0, inequality_zero=0.0, regularization=False):
        # Actor
        self.inequality_zero = inequality_zero
        self.regularization = regularization

        if regularization:  # Regularization: \dual g(x)
            if not isinstance(dual, ParameterDecay):
                dual = Constant(dual)
            self._dual = dual
        else:  # Constraint: g(x) < epsilon
            if isinstance(dual, ParameterDecay):
                dual = dual()
            self._dual = Learnable(dual, positive=True)
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, epsilon=0.1, relent_regularization=False):

        if relent_regularization:
            eta = epsilon
            if not isinstance(eta, ParameterDecay):
                eta = Constant(eta)

            self._eta = eta

            self.epsilon = torch.tensor(0.0)

        else:  # Trust-Region: || KL(p || q) || < \epsilon
            self._eta = Learnable(1.0, positive=True)
            self.epsilon = torch.tensor(epsilon)
Esempio n. 6
class REPS(AbstractAlgorithm):
    r"""Relative Entropy Policy Search Algorithm.

    REPS optimizes the following regularized LP over the set of distributions \mu(X, A).

    ..math::  \max \mu r - eta R(\mu, d_0)
    ..math::  s.t. \sum_a \mu(x, a) = \sum_{x', a'} = \mu(x', a') P(x|x', a'),

    where R is the relative entropy between \mu and any distribution d.
    This differs from the original formulation in which R(\mu, d) is used to express a
    trust region.

    The dual of the LP is:
    ..math::  G(V) = \eta \log \sum_{x, a} d_0(x, a) \exp^{\delta(x, a) / \eta}
    where \delta(x,a) = r + \sum_{x'} P(x'|x, a) V(x') - V(x) is the TD-error and V(x)
    are the dual variables associated with the stationary constraints in the primal.
    V(x) is usually referred to as the value function.

    Using d(x,a) as the empirical distribution, G(V) can be approximated by samples.

    The optimal policy is given by:
    ..math::  \pi(a|x) \propto d_0(x, a) \exp^{\delta(x, a) / \eta}.

    Instead of setting the policy to \pi(a|x) at sampled (x, a), we can fit the policy
    by minimizing the negative log-likelihood at the sampled elements.

    Calling REPS() returns a sampled based estimate of G(V) and the NLL of the policy.
    Both G(V) and NLL lend are differentiable and lend themselves to gradient based

    Peters, J., Mulling, K., & Altun, Y. (2010, July).
    Relative entropy policy search. AAAI.

    Deisenroth, M. P., Neumann, G., & Peters, J. (2013).
    A survey on policy search for robotics. Foundations and Trends® in Robotics.
    def __init__(self,
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.learn_policy = learn_policy
        if entropy_regularization:
            if not isinstance(eta, ParameterDecay):
                eta = Constant(eta)
            self.eta = eta
            self.epsilon = torch.tensor(0.0)
            self.eta = Learnable(1.0, positive=True)
            self.epsilon = torch.tensor(eta)

    def _policy_weighted_nll(self, state, action, weights):
        """Return weighted policy negative log-likelihood."""
        pi = tensor_to_distribution(self.policy(state),
        _, action_log_p = get_entropy_and_log_p(pi, action,
        weighted_log_p = weights.detach() * action_log_p

        # Clamping is crucial for stability so that it does not converge to a delta.
        log_likelihood = torch.mean(weighted_log_p.clamp_max(1e-3))
        return -log_likelihood

    def get_value_target(self, observation):
        """Get value-function target."""
        next_v = self.critic(observation.next_state) * (1 - observation.done)
        return self.get_reward(observation) + self.gamma * next_v

    def actor_loss(self, observation):
        """Return primal and dual loss terms from REPS."""
        state, action, reward, next_state, done, *r = observation

        # Compute Scaled TD-Errors
        value = self.critic(state)

        # For dual function we need the full gradient, not the semi gradient!
        target = self.get_value_target(observation)
        td = target - value

        weights = td / self.eta()
        normalizer = torch.logsumexp(weights, dim=0)
        dual = self.eta() * (self.epsilon + normalizer) + (1.0 -
                                                           self.gamma) * value

        nll = self._policy_weighted_nll(state, action, weights)

        return Loss(dual_loss=dual.mean(), policy_loss=nll, td_error=td)

    def update(self):
        """Update regularization parameter."""