Esempio n. 1
def test_errs():
    """ Ensure that we can call custom methods without error """

    domain = PST(NUM_UAV=2)
    dummyState = domain.s0()

    # state2Struct
    rlpy_state = [1,2,9,3,1,0,1,1]
    internState = domain.state2Struct(rlpy_state)
    assert np.all(internState.locations == [1,2])
    assert np.all(internState.fuel == [9,3])
    assert np.all(internState.actuator == [1,0])
    assert np.all(internState.sensor == [1,1])

    # struct2State
    locs = np.array([1,2])
    fuel = np.array([9,3])
    act = np.array([1,0])
    sens = np.array([1,1])
    sStruct = StateStruct(locs, fuel, act, sens)
    assert np.all(domain.struct2State(sStruct) == [1,2,9,3,1,0,1,1])

    # properties2StateVec
    locs = np.array([1,2])
    fuel = np.array([9,3])
    act = np.array([1,0])
    sens = np.array([1,1])
    assert np.all(domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel, act, sens) == [1,2,9,3,1,0,1,1])
Esempio n. 2
def test_errs():
    """ Ensure that we can call custom methods without error """

    domain = PST(NUM_UAV=2)
    dummyState = domain.s0()

    # state2Struct
    rlpy_state = [1, 2, 9, 3, 1, 0, 1, 1]
    internState = domain.state2Struct(rlpy_state)
    assert np.all(internState.locations == [1, 2])
    assert np.all(internState.fuel == [9, 3])
    assert np.all(internState.actuator == [1, 0])
    assert np.all(internState.sensor == [1, 1])

    # struct2State
    locs = np.array([1, 2])
    fuel = np.array([9, 3])
    act = np.array([1, 0])
    sens = np.array([1, 1])
    sStruct = StateStruct(locs, fuel, act, sens)
    assert np.all(domain.struct2State(sStruct) == [1, 2, 9, 3, 1, 0, 1, 1])

    # properties2StateVec
    locs = np.array([1, 2])
    fuel = np.array([9, 3])
    act = np.array([1, 0])
    sens = np.array([1, 1])
    assert np.all(
        domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel, act, sens) ==
        [1, 2, 9, 3, 1, 0, 1, 1])
Esempio n. 3
def test_transitions():
    Ensure that actions result in expected state transition behavior.
        1) Actuator and sensor failure, associated lack of reward
        2) Refuel
        3) Repair
        4) Presence of reward iff a UAV is in COMMS *and* SURVEIL
        5) UAV Crash because of lack of fuel

    NUM_UAV = 2
    nPosActions = 3 # = UAVAction.SIZE
    actionLimits = nPosActions * np.ones(NUM_UAV, dtype='int')

    # Test p=1 actuator failure when not at base
    domain = PST(NUM_UAV=NUM_UAV)
    dummyS = domain.s0()

    domain.P_ACT_FAIL = 0.0
    domain.P_SENSOR_FAIL = 1.0

    locs = np.array([UAVLocation.COMMS, UAVLocation.COMMS])
    fuel = np.array([10,10])
    act = np.array([ActuatorState.RUNNING, ActuatorState.RUNNING])
    sens = np.array([SensorState.RUNNING, SensorState.RUNNING])
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.LOITER, UAVAction.LOITER])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    domain.state = domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel, act, sens)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    # Assert that only change was reduction in fuel and failure of sensor
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel-1, \
                                                   act, np.array([0,0])))

    # Test location change movement
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.ADVANCE, UAVAction.ADVANCE])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs+1, fuel-2, \
                                                   act, np.array([0,0])))

    # Test p=1 sensor failure when not at base
    domain.FUEL_BURN_REWARD_COEFF = 0.0
    domain.MOVE_REWARD_COEFF = 0.0
    domain.P_ACT_FAIL = 1.0
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.RETREAT, UAVAction.LOITER])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs + [0,1], fuel-3, \
                                                   np.array([0,0]), np.array([0,0])))

    # Test that no reward was received since the sensor is broken
    assert r == 0

    # Test Refuel
    # After action below will be in locs + [-1,1], or REFUEL and SURVEIL
    # respectively, with 4 fuel units consumed.  Must LOITER to refill fuel though
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.RETREAT, UAVAction.RETREAT])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    locs = np.array([UAVLocation.REFUEL, UAVLocation.COMMS])
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel-4, \
                                                   np.array([0,0]), np.array([0,0])))
    # Refuel occurs after loitering
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.LOITER, UAVAction.RETREAT])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    fuel = np.array([10,5])
    locs = np.array([UAVLocation.REFUEL, UAVLocation.REFUEL])
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel, \
                                                   np.array([0,0]), np.array([0,0])))

    # Test repair [note uav2 was never refueled since never loitered]
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.RETREAT, UAVAction.RETREAT])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs-1, fuel-1, \
                                                   np.array([0,0]), np.array([0,0])))

    # Repair only occurs after loiter [no fuel burned for BASE/REFUEL loiter
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.LOITER, UAVAction.LOITER])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs-1, fuel-1, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))

    # Test comms but no surveillance
    domain.P_ACT_FAIL = 0.0
    domain.P_SENSOR_FAIL = 0.0
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.ADVANCE, UAVAction.ADVANCE])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel-2, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.ADVANCE, UAVAction.ADVANCE])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs+1, fuel-3, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))
    assert r == 0 # no reward because only have comms, no surveil

    # add 2 units of extra fuel to each and move
    domain.state = domain.properties2StateVec(locs+1, fuel-1, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1]))

    # Test surveillance but no comms
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.ADVANCE, UAVAction.ADVANCE])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs+2, fuel-2, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))
    assert r == 0 # no reward because have only surveil, no comms

    # Test comms and surveillance
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.RETREAT, UAVAction.LOITER])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    locs = np.array([UAVLocation.COMMS, UAVLocation.SURVEIL])
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel-3, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))
    assert r == 0
    # reward based on "s", not "ns", pickup reward here
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.LOITER, UAVAction.LOITER])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    locs = np.array([UAVLocation.COMMS, UAVLocation.SURVEIL])
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel-4, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))
    assert r == domain.SURVEIL_REWARD

    # Test crash
    # Since reward based on "s" not "ns", also pickup reward from prev step
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.RETREAT, UAVAction.RETREAT])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs-1, fuel-5, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))
    assert t == True
    assert r == domain.CRASH_REWARD + domain.SURVEIL_REWARD
Esempio n. 4
def test_transitions():
    Ensure that actions result in expected state transition behavior.
        1) Actuator and sensor failure, associated lack of reward
        2) Refuel
        3) Repair
        4) Presence of reward iff a UAV is in COMMS *and* SURVEIL
        5) UAV Crash because of lack of fuel

    NUM_UAV = 2
    nPosActions = 3  # = UAVAction.SIZE
    actionLimits = nPosActions * np.ones(NUM_UAV, dtype='int')

    # Test p=1 actuator failure when not at base
    domain = PST(NUM_UAV=NUM_UAV)
    dummyS = domain.s0()

    domain.P_ACT_FAIL = 0.0
    domain.P_SENSOR_FAIL = 1.0

    locs = np.array([UAVLocation.COMMS, UAVLocation.COMMS])
    fuel = np.array([10, 10])
    act = np.array([ActuatorState.RUNNING, ActuatorState.RUNNING])
    sens = np.array([SensorState.RUNNING, SensorState.RUNNING])
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.LOITER, UAVAction.LOITER])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    domain.state = domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel, act, sens)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    # Assert that only change was reduction in fuel and failure of sensor
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel-1, \
                                                   act, np.array([0,0])))

    # Test location change movement
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.ADVANCE, UAVAction.ADVANCE])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs+1, fuel-2, \
                                                   act, np.array([0,0])))

    # Test p=1 sensor failure when not at base
    domain.FUEL_BURN_REWARD_COEFF = 0.0
    domain.MOVE_REWARD_COEFF = 0.0
    domain.P_ACT_FAIL = 1.0
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.RETREAT, UAVAction.LOITER])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs + [0,1], fuel-3, \
                                                   np.array([0,0]), np.array([0,0])))

    # Test that no reward was received since the sensor is broken
    assert r == 0

    # Test Refuel
    # After action below will be in locs + [-1,1], or REFUEL and SURVEIL
    # respectively, with 4 fuel units consumed.  Must LOITER to refill fuel though
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.RETREAT, UAVAction.RETREAT])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    locs = np.array([UAVLocation.REFUEL, UAVLocation.COMMS])
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel-4, \
                                                   np.array([0,0]), np.array([0,0])))
    # Refuel occurs after loitering
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.LOITER, UAVAction.RETREAT])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    fuel = np.array([10, 5])
    locs = np.array([UAVLocation.REFUEL, UAVLocation.REFUEL])
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel, \
                                                   np.array([0,0]), np.array([0,0])))

    # Test repair [note uav2 was never refueled since never loitered]
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.RETREAT, UAVAction.RETREAT])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs-1, fuel-1, \
                                                   np.array([0,0]), np.array([0,0])))

    # Repair only occurs after loiter [no fuel burned for BASE/REFUEL loiter
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.LOITER, UAVAction.LOITER])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs-1, fuel-1, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))

    # Test comms but no surveillance
    domain.P_ACT_FAIL = 0.0
    domain.P_SENSOR_FAIL = 0.0
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.ADVANCE, UAVAction.ADVANCE])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel-2, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.ADVANCE, UAVAction.ADVANCE])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs+1, fuel-3, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))
    assert r == 0  # no reward because only have comms, no surveil

    # add 2 units of extra fuel to each and move
    domain.state = domain.properties2StateVec(locs+1, fuel-1, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1]))

    # Test surveillance but no comms
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.ADVANCE, UAVAction.ADVANCE])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs+2, fuel-2, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))
    assert r == 0  # no reward because have only surveil, no comms

    # Test comms and surveillance
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.RETREAT, UAVAction.LOITER])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    locs = np.array([UAVLocation.COMMS, UAVLocation.SURVEIL])
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel-3, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))
    assert r == 0
    # reward based on "s", not "ns", pickup reward here
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.LOITER, UAVAction.LOITER])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    locs = np.array([UAVLocation.COMMS, UAVLocation.SURVEIL])
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs, fuel-4, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))
    assert r == domain.SURVEIL_REWARD

    # Test crash
    # Since reward based on "s" not "ns", also pickup reward from prev step
    actionVec = np.array([UAVAction.RETREAT, UAVAction.RETREAT])
    a = vec2id(actionVec, actionLimits)
    r, ns, t, possA = domain.step(a)
    assert np.array_equiv(ns, domain.properties2StateVec(locs-1, fuel-5, \
                                                   np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,1])))
    assert t == True
    assert r == domain.CRASH_REWARD + domain.SURVEIL_REWARD